Idola Phantasy Star Saga Ver 1.5.0

Version 1.5.0

Version 1.5.0 of Idola Phantasy Star Saga will be arriving soon with new content and quality of life changes.


Maintenance Notice

Maintenance Period

After the maintenance period, you must update to version 1.5.0 of the app to play.

※ Please refrain from creating an Idola before maintenance.


Content Updates

Battle Arena

The arena is here! In the arena, you’ll create a party, and pit it against other player’s parties! You win if you either wipe out the other team or have more surviving members after 10 turns.

From the arena, you’ll gain [Battle Coins], which you can use to pull from the [Arena Gacha].

Furthermore, from the [Arena Gacha], you can get a “Lucky Chance” which is a phenomenon that doubles the chance of getting a specific ★5 character from the [Arena Gacha] for a limited time.


Chapter 9: Sigillum (Sealed)

Ver 1.5.0 will introduce Chapter 9 of the main story! 

If you clear Chapter 8 before March 18th’s Maintenance, you’ll receive 900 Star Diamonds (Free)!


Uly’s 2nd Limit Break

Uly gains a [Limit Break] as you reach specific moments in the main story.

The second instance of this will happen in Chapter 9, and more instances will be added later.


System Updates

Quest Rematch Streamlining

In the results screen, If you choose [Rematch Quest (再戦)] button, the screen confirming your selection will not appear. This is to make the process of farming quests more streamlined. 

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