Surprisingly, the official site updated today. It was pretty brief but they covered the manga artists who will participate in creating unique weapon designs and items for the game. As well as a look into Seabed and all it has to offer.
Seabed Plant
Seabed Plant is a living creature research facility ran by the Inherit Company who does sub space research.
It appears their Protists (that huge squid named "Jelis") and the machinery that is supposed to keep them in check are both running amok.
Reol Badia, the boss of Seabed Plant, wants to play with you!
Challenge Mode
Challenge Mode returns from Phantasy Star Online ver2. Your level and your equipment will be restricted, and you must cooperate with your fellow team mates to complete the mission.
You must all cooperate to complete this mission, because if you die the mission is over!
When you die, a grave site will appear. As you redo the mission, you can click on the grave site and it will randomly receive a recovery item like a monomate.
On the grave site, there will be a last will and testament including the date of death. Parting is such sweet sorrow.
Battle Mode
Battle Mode from Phantasy Star online appears once more. This time you can set various rules to participate in battle. The first battle mission is known as Catapult Jump, you can watch this in the Fun Fan video. There is a slot for a second battle mission but we do not know the details of that one at this time. You appear to gain titles known as "class" each time you win a battle.
Blog Updates
I'm sure this suit will piss off so many PSU players.
- Rappy Says there will be a forest stage based on PSO's Forest
- At the end of the stage will be the P_ _'s D_ _ G _ N boss.
- Use ENGLISH letters to figure this out…