Servers are now online!
[wptab name='April 9th Update']
Cherry Blossom Lobby (~4/23)
New Photon Arts and Technics
- カイザーライズ Kaiser Rise [WL]
- メテオフィスト Meteor Fist [Kn]
- コスモスブレイカー Cosmos Breaker [La]
- イル・メギド Il Megid
New Advance Quests
- Super Hard Advance Quests for Urban, Ruins, Altar added!
Extreme Quest Expansion
- [Extreme Quest: Forest and Dragons] stages 51 ~ 60 added.
- [Extreme Quest: Forest and Dragons] stage 60 turns into the final stage.
PSO2es Updated
- PSO2es updated!
- Download PSO2es V1.0.2! [Uploaded by Synth]
Bio Ladle
Alicia Libris
Store Update
- New items in the Refine Pyroxene/Spellstone Shop
- New items in the Refine Large Pyroxene Shop
- New items in the Photon Drop Shop
[wptab name='Patch Notes']
PSO2 April 9th Patch
- [Free Message] Status update intervals are set to 10 seconds.
- Changed block names and added "Screenshot/Video Recording" blocks.
- Corrected a bug that under certain conditions, other players will see a different photon art than the one presented.
- Corrected a bug where partner characters would perform some charged technics without charging them.
- Corrected a bug that made boss enemies appear in inappropriate combinations, which made things look ridiculous, causing other bugs to occur.
- Corrected a bug that made the Cast Part [Bay Barrel] appear incorrectly.
PSO2es V1.0.2 (April 9th)
- Download Link by Synth
- New Special Quest [Chaotic Strength] until April 23rd.
- Corrected a bug that made Assault Rifle PA [One Point] too over powered.
- Adjusted the difficulty of (wielding) Swords
- Made some progress in correcting [Communication Error Code 110]
April 9th Patch
- Launcher: Version 02.02.00
- Client: ver. 2.0402.1
- PSO2es Client: Ver 1.0.2
- Size: 33MB PC / 24MB Vita
Boost and Emergency Quest Schedule
(4/9 ~ 4/16)
[wptab name='Eastern Daylight Time']
▲▲ Eastern Daylight Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!
[wptab name='Japanese Standard Time']
▲▲ Japanese Standard Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!
Eastern / Central / Mountain / Pacific / Hawaii
São Paulo / London / Berlin / Moscow
Bangkok / Philippines / Sydney / Japan
Please Note:
- The Emergency Quest schedule will update automatically during maintenance. Please wait until after maintenance has ended to see the current schedule.
- If you are using a mobile device or an external application, please [sync] the calendar after maintenance has ended.
Boost Event
4/11 | +100% Rare enemies for all quests! |
4/14 | +50% EXP for all quests! |
4/15 | +50% Rare drop boosts for all quests! |
The above scheduled Interrupt Ranking for [Breakthrough Practice: Dragon Altar] will have a +100% EXP Boost and a 10x Meseta clear reward.
[wptab name='PC/Vita Campaigns']
Create a new character during the campaign period and level them up to receive several prizes.
Campaign Period
- April 9th ~ May 14th, 2014 (Maintenance)
Campaign Qualifications
(1) Create a new character and reach level 10 to receive:
- +50% EXP Boosters (x4)
(2) Have a new character reach level 20 to receive:
- +50% EXP Booster (x2)
- +50% Rare Drop Booster (x2)
(3) Have a new character reach level 30 to receive:
- Halfdoll
- +100% Tribooster
(4) Have a new character reach level 40 to receive:
- +250% Rare Drop Booster (x2)
Characters created prior to the campaign period do not qualify for the prizes.
Prize Distribution Date
- Early June at the Visiphone.
Clear Hans client orders during the campaign period to receive several prizes!
Campaign Period
- 4.9 ~ 4.16
Qualifying Client Orders
(1) Clear Hans client order 破壊をもたらす黒曜 [The Bearer of Destruction] during the campaign period to receive:
- +50% EXP Boosters (x2)
- Grinders (x20)
(2) Clear Hans client order 逆襲する龍族 [Dragonkin Counter Attack] during the campaign period to receive:
- +50% Rare Drop Booster (x2)
- Lilliparium (Small)
Prize Distribution Date
- April 23rd's maintenance at the Visiphone.
[wptab name='Smartphone Campaigns']
Follow the PSO2es Twitter account and Tweet for a chance to win lots of Rappy Medals!
Campaign Qualifications
(1) Follow the PSO2es Twitter Account and you will be entered into a drawing to receive 30 Rappy Medals
- 100 Winners will be selected to receive the prize.
- PSO2es Twitter Account must be followed by April 22nd @ 23:59 JST.
(2) Tweet this message, and you will be entered into a drawing to receive 30 Rappy Medals
- 100 Winners will be selected to receive the prize.
- The message must be tweeted sometime between April 23rd @ 0:00 JST through May 7th's maintenance.
Prize Distribution Date
The winners shall be notified via Direct Message around:
- (1) Early May 2014
- (2) Late May 2014
Log into PSO2es during the campaign period to receive 2 Rappy Medals each day.
Campaign Period
- April 8th @ 0:00 JST ~ April 15th @ 23:59 JST
- Medals instantly sent to your Mailbox.