Our first big update of the new year brings gameplay additions and improvements, as well as a Las Vegas Limited Quest!
January 11th Maintenance
- 1/11/2017 @ 9:00 ~ 17:00 JST
- 1/10/2017 @ 7:00 PM ~ 3:00 AM EST
PSO2es Maintenance
- 1/11/2017 @ 8:00 ~ 17:30 JST
- 1/10/2017 @ 6:00 PM ~ 3:30 AM EST
January 11th Patch
- Launcher: Version 04.00.03
- Client: ver. 4.0701.0
- Patch Size: 1.6 GB (PC) / xx (PS4) / 1298 MB (Vita)
PSO2es Guide
AC Scratch
SG Scratch
Client Orders
Item Listings
Patch Notes
- Added Gathering Spots to Skyscape and Seabed fields.
New Limited Quest
- 混沌もたらす戯神の嘲笑 Chaotic Pranksters' Sneer
- Available until February 8th, 2017
New Client Orders
- Xie (Until 3/8)
- New Daily Orders
New Potentials
- Added new potential abilities
Partial New Item Listing
Sekka Tsubaki
Time Attack Quests
Changed the names of the following Time Attack Quests
Before | After |
走破演習:ナベリウス | 走破演習:ナベリウス上級 |
走破演習:ナベリウスII | 走破演習:ナベリウス初級 |
Naberius 1 has become Naberius Advanced.
Naberius 2 has become Naberius Beginner.
Time Attack Adjustments
- You will now be able to control your character during Operator transmissions in Naberius Beginner and Sanctum Time Attack Quests.
Time Attack Unlocking Conditions
Changed the Unlocking Conditions of the following Time Attack Quests
Time Attack Name | New Conditions |
走破演習:ナベリウス上級 Naberius Advanced |
Clear the Following Client Orders and Quests:
Or Clear Any of the Following Quests
走破演習:ナベリウス初級 Naberius Beginner |
Clear the Following Client Orders and Quests
Or Clear Any of the Following Client Orders
走破演習:リリーパ Marathon Practice Lillipa |
Clear the Following Client Orders and Quests
Or Clear Any of the Following Quests
走破演習:アムドゥスキア Marathon Practice Amduscia |
Clear the Following Client Orders and Quests
Or Clear Any of the Following Quests
突破演習:龍祭壇 Infiltration Practice: Sanctum |
Clear the Following Client Orders and Quests
Or Clear Any of the Following Quests
走破演習:ウォパル Marathon Practice: Wopal |
Clear the Following Client Orders and Quests
Or Clear Any of the Following Quests
連破演習:ハルコタン Successive Practice: Harkotan |
Clear the Following Client Orders and Quests
Or Clear any of the Following Quests
連破演習:闇の痕跡 Successive Practice: Traces of Darkness |
Clear the Following Client Orders and Quests
Or Clear Any of the Following Quests
走破演習:東京 Marathon Practice: Tokyo |
Clear the Following Client Orders and Quests
Or Clear Any of The Following Quests
Weapons Badge Drop Changes
The following Quests will no longer drop [Weapons Badge 2016]
- 混沌に惑う白き都 Shironian Pandemonium
- 混沌まねく未知なる影 Chaotic Beguiler
- 境界を貫く双角の凶鳥 Border Breaking Bird
- 混沌導く闇の化身 Chaotic Darkness
- 混沌産み出す闇の化身 Darkness From the Chaos
- 来襲せし虚なる深遠の躯 Profound Invasion
You may continue to access the [Weapons Badge 2016 Exchange] from the Badge&Memory Exchange Shop].
Advance Quest Update
Added new interrupt events to certain Advance Quests.
Client Order & Daily Order Changes
Changed the names of the following Client Orders from Klotho.
Before | After |
勇往邁進の力試し・I | 一路順風の力試し |
勇往邁進の力試し・II | 盤根錯節の力試し |
勇往邁進の力試し・III | 千錯万綜の力試し |
勇往邁進の力試し・IV | 一刻千金の力試し |
勇往邁進の力試し・V | 縦横無尽の力試し |
勇往邁進の力試し・VI | 水滴石穿の力試し |
勇往邁進の力試し・VII | 百錬成鋼の力試し |
Changed the names of the following Daily Orders
Before | After |
周回:ナベリウスII走破・H | 周回:ナベリウス初級走破・H |
周回:ナベリウス走破・NI | 周回:ナベリウス上級走破・N |
周回:ナベリウス走破・HI | 周回:ナベリウス上級走破・H |
周回:ナベリウス走破・VHI | 周回:ナベリウス上級走破・VH |
周回:リリーパ走破・NI | 周回:リリーパ走破・N |
周回:リリーパ走破・HI | 周回:リリーパ走破・H |
周回:リリーパ走破・VHI | 周回:リリーパ走破・VH |
周回:アムドゥスキア走破・NI | 周回:アムドゥスキア走破・N |
周回:アムドゥスキア走破・HI | 周回:アムドゥスキア走破・H |
周回:アムドゥスキア走破・VHI | 周回:アムドゥスキア走破・VH |
Changed the unlocking conditions of Aika and Klotho's Client Orders.
Client Order | New Conditions |
一刻千金の力試し | Obtain & Clear the Following Situations:
Or Clear the following Client Orders:
一路順風の力試し | Obtain & Clear the Following Situations:
Or Clear Any of the Following Quests:
盤根錯節の力試し | Obtain & Clear the Following Situations:
Or Clear Any of the Following Quests:
千錯万綜の力試し | Obtain & Clear the Following Situations
Or Clear Any of the Following Quests
縦横無尽の力試し | Obtain & Clear the Following Situations:
Or Clear the Following Quests:
水滴石穿の力試し | Obtain & Clear the Following Situations:
Or Clear the Following Quests
百錬成鋼の力試し | Obtain & Clear the Following Situations:
Or Clear the Following Quests:
アークス連破能力調査 | Obtain & Clear the Following Situations:
Or Clear the Following Quests and Client Orders
Story Board
Story Board Update
- Added an [Easy] option for Episode 4's Story Board.
- Adjusted the enemy levels on the following [Normal] Story Quests:
- 「目覚めの時」
- 「幻創の現実」
- 「日常への帰還」
- 「幻創の暴走」
- 「世界変革の声」
- 「地球の導き手」
- 「哀しき再会」
Team Room
Team Room Update
- Added new Team Room [Moon's Surface]
- The default cursor position prior to starting the Balloon Collecting minigame will now be set to [Yes] instead of [No].
- Expanded the range in which you can collect a balloon.
Collection File
Collection File Update
- You can now hold up to two additional Collection Files by paying Star Gems.
- The rare drop boosting portion of the Collection File results will now display in yellow.
- Collection File notifications will display upon logging in when the following conditions are met.
- If you do not possess a valid Collection File
- If your Class Level is 60+
- If you do not posses the Title [新世強化の道を歩む者]
Shop Updates
Limited-Time Shop
- Added [New Year Carnival Shop: Part 1] to Xie
- [New Year Carnival Shop: Part 1] runs until February 8th.
Treasure Shop
- Updated the product listing in the Treasure Shop
Casino Prize Counter
- Updated the product listing in the Casino Prize Counter
Skill Ring / Cuisine Shop
- Added Skill Rings and Cuisines
FUN Shop / My Room Shop
- Added products to the FUN Shop and My Room Shop.
Recycle Shop
- Added items to the Recycle Shop
- Reduced the cost of the [Mag Form Changing Pass] to 1 item.
EXCube Shop
- Categorized and added Lv.17 PA Disks to the EXCube Shop.
Preview Window
- Added a Preview Window to the following shops:
- Recycle Shop リサイクルショップ
- Pyroxene Shop 輝石交換ショップ
- Spellstone Shop 魔石交換ショップ
- Emblem Exchange Shop 証交換ショップ
- Pet Goods Shop ペットグッズショップ
- Rest Area Challenge Quest Shops チャレンジクエスト内の交換ショップ
- Treasure Shopトレジャーショップ
Other Adjustments
Other Adjustments
- You can now place Cuisines onto the Player Shop market.
- The My Shop Search menu will now split up Gathering into two categories.
- Added an option to toggle the display of Rare Item notifications for Party Members.
- Made it easier to see the damage numbers of Critical hits.
- Adjusted the conditions of acquiring certain Titles
- Fainted pets will now be grayed out when switching the Weapon Palette.
- Added an option in the Drink Menu to temporarily halt the effects of boost items.
- Certain ARKS League objectives will no longer count if you are in the Campship.
Balance Adjustments
- Extended the duration of drinks to 60 minutes.
- Buffed the power of Turrets in certain Hard or Higher quests.
- Daily Boosts will now cap at +50%.
- Daily Orders will now provide +5% to the Daily Boost.
- You can now obtain [Weapons Badge 2017] from Featured Quests
- Increased the amount of Star Gems you receive from:
- Maxed Attachment Gauges
- Magatsu Bonus Quests [Silver & Gold]
- Buffed the Fishing Animation Speed
- Relaxed qualifying enemy levels for Koffie's Level Cap Trial I & II client order.
Campaign Reward
- Christmas Eve Star Gem Presents have been sent to those who qualify.
Guide Update
- Skill Ring Guide Updated
Xie is coming to the Character Catalogue after maintenance!
▲▲ Eastern Standard Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!
▲▲ Japanese Standard Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!
Eastern / Central / Mountain / Arizona / Pacific
Hawaii / São Paulo / London / Berlin / Moscow
Bangkok / Philippines / Sydney / Japan
Please Note:
- The Emergency Quest schedule will update automatically during maintenance. Please wait until after maintenance has ended to see the current schedule.
- Please resync the calendar periodically to receive the latest updates, as the schedule may change at Sega's discretion.
- This calendar is unable to show Emergency Quests that occur at random.
- Boost Events that occur for 24 hours will appear in this calendar with only their start times.
- Boost Events that occur for several hours will use the "period" suffix in their titles. Please check the Google Calendar itself to view the event duration.
- ARKS Leagues are typically 3 hours long. Check the event itself for details on its duration.
Order Request Campaign
Players can vote for a Client Order they'd like to complete in the future. The Client Order with the most votes will run as part of a Client Order Campaign beginning January 18th!
Voting Procedure
- Click the black and orange [投票する] button to vote for a Client Order.
- You may vote for a client order once a day after 0:00 JST.
- Players who clear the winning Client Order will receive prizes in their Visiphone.
Voting Period
- January 11th ~ January 16 @ 11:00 JST.
Client Order Vote
Client Order 1 | Client Order 2 |
Hans | Revelle |
暴進せし鋼鉄の健脚 | デモリション・アンビション・II |
Prize | Prize |
+30% Ability Affixing Rate (x2) |
Grind Skip (→5) (x3) |
※ The Client Order Campaign will begin after January 18th's Maintenance!
Spend AC, Get Items #30
Players who spend set amounts of AC during the campaign period will receive several prizes!
Campaign Period
- January 11th ~ January 25th
Campaign Qualifications
(1) Spend 500+ AC during the campaign period to receive:
- +50% Tribooster
- 15,000 EXP Ticket (x3)
(2) Spend 2000+ AC during the campaign period to receive:
- +100% Tribooster (x2)
- 15,000 EXP Ticket (x5)
(3) Spend 5000+ AC during the campaign period to receive:
- Rappy Suit
- +30% Ability Affixing Success
(4) Spend 10,000 AC during the campaign period to receive:
- +150% Tribooster (x3)
- Lambda Grinder (x2)
※AC / iAC spent in PSO2es prior to linking does not qualify for this campaign. However, any AC or iAC spent after linking will qualify for the campaign.
Ways You Can Spend AC
- Playing Arks Scratch on PSO2 or PSO2es
- Buying Arks Scratch Ticket Bundles
- Buying Items in the AC Shop
- Using a Scape Doll to revive
- Using AC Content at the Beauty Salon
- Spending AC to add a Skill Tree
- Spending AC to reset a Skill Tree
- Spending AC to buy a character
- Transferring to another ship
Using [Arks Scratch Tickets] to play the AC Scratch does not fulfill the campaign requirements of spending AC.
Prize Pickup Period
- Available instantly but expires March 1st (Maintenance)