PSO2 JP: Extended Maintenance and Patch (4/9/2014)

Servers are now online!


[wptab name='April 9th Update']

Cherry Blossom

Cherry Blossom Lobby (~4/23)


New Photon Arts and Technics

  • カイザーライズ Kaiser Rise [WL]
  • メテオフィスト Meteor Fist [Kn]
  • コスモスブレイカー Cosmos Breaker [La]
  • イル・メギド Il Megid

New Advance Quests

  • Super Hard Advance Quests for Urban, Ruins, Altar added!

Extreme Quest Expansion

  • [Extreme Quest: Forest and Dragons] stages 51 ~ 60 added.
  • [Extreme Quest: Forest and Dragons] stage 60 turns into the final stage.

PSO2es Updated


Store Update

  • New items in the Refine Pyroxene/Spellstone Shop
  • New items in the Refine Large Pyroxene Shop
  • New items in the Photon Drop Shop


[wptab name='Patch Notes']

PSO2 April 9th Patch

  • [Free Message] Status update intervals are set to 10 seconds.
  • Changed block names and added "Screenshot/Video Recording" blocks.
  • Corrected a bug that under certain conditions, other players will see a different photon art than the one presented.
  • Corrected a bug where partner characters would perform some charged technics without charging them.
  • Corrected a bug that made boss enemies appear in inappropriate combinations, which made things look ridiculous, causing other bugs to occur.
  • Corrected a bug that made the Cast Part [Bay Barrel] appear incorrectly.

PSO2es V1.0.2 (April 9th)

  • Download Link by Synth
  • New Special Quest [Chaotic Strength] until April 23rd.
  • Corrected a bug that made Assault Rifle PA [One Point] too over powered.
  • Adjusted the difficulty of (wielding) Swords
  • Made some progress in correcting [Communication Error Code 110]

April 9th Patch

  • Launcher: Version 02.02.00
  • Client: ver. 2.0402.1
  • PSO2es Client: Ver 1.0.2
  • Size: 33MB PC / 24MB Vita






Emergency Quest Schedule

 Boost Event 49

Boost and Emergency Quest Schedule
(4/9 ~ 4/16)


[wptab name='Eastern Daylight Time']

▲▲ Eastern Daylight Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!


[wptab name='Japanese Standard Time']

▲▲ Japanese Standard Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!





Eastern / Central / Mountain / Pacific / Hawaii

São Paulo / London / Berlin / Moscow

Bangkok / Philippines / Sydney / Japan

Please Note:

  • The Emergency Quest schedule will update automatically during maintenance. Please wait until after maintenance has ended to see the current schedule.
  • If you are using a mobile device or an external application, please [sync] the calendar after maintenance has ended.

Boost Event

4/11 +100% Rare enemies for all quests!
4/14 +50% EXP for all quests!
4/15 +50% Rare drop boosts for all quests!

The above scheduled Interrupt Ranking for  [Breakthrough Practice: Dragon Altar] will have a +100% EXP Boost and a 10x Meseta clear reward.


[wptab name='PC/Vita Campaigns']

Create a Character and Level Up Campaign #5

Levelup campaign

Create a new character during the campaign period and level them up to receive several prizes.

Campaign Period

  • April 9th ~ May 14th, 2014 (Maintenance)

Campaign Qualifications

(1) Create a new character and reach level 10 to receive:

  • +50% EXP Boosters (x4)

(2) Have a new character reach level 20 to receive:

  • +50% EXP Booster (x2)
  • +50% Rare Drop Booster (x2)

(3) Have a new character reach level 30 to receive:

  • Halfdoll
  • +100% Tribooster

(4) Have a new character reach level 40 to receive:

  • +250% Rare Drop Booster (x2)

Characters created prior to the campaign period do not qualify for the prizes.

Prize Distribution Date

  • Early June at the Visiphone.


 Client Order Campaign #49

CO Campaign 49

Clear Hans client orders during the campaign period to receive several prizes!

Campaign Period

  • 4.9 ~ 4.16

Qualifying Client Orders

(1) Clear Hans client order 破壊をもたらす黒曜 [The Bearer of Destruction] during the campaign period to receive:

  • +50% EXP Boosters (x2)
  • Grinders (x20)

(2) Clear Hans client order 逆襲する龍族 [Dragonkin Counter Attack] during the campaign period to receive:

  • +50% Rare Drop Booster (x2)
  • Lilliparium (Small)

Prize Distribution Date

  • April 23rd's maintenance at the Visiphone.


[wptab name='Smartphone Campaigns']


PSO2es Campaign

PSO2es Twitter Campaign

Follow the PSO2es Twitter account and Tweet for a chance to win lots of Rappy Medals!

Campaign Qualifications

(1) Follow the PSO2es Twitter Account and you will be entered into a drawing to receive 30 Rappy Medals

  • 100 Winners will be selected to receive the prize.
  • PSO2es Twitter Account must be followed by April 22nd @ 23:59 JST.

(2) Tweet this message, and you will be entered into a drawing to receive 30 Rappy Medals

  • 100 Winners will be selected to receive the prize.
  • The message must be tweeted sometime between April 23rd @ 0:00 JST through May 7th's maintenance.

Prize Distribution Date

The winners shall be notified via Direct Message around:

  • (1) Early May 2014
  • (2) Late May 2014

PSO2es Launch Campaign

PSO2es Open Beta

Log into PSO2es during the campaign period to receive 2 Rappy Medals each day.

Campaign Period

  • April 8th @ 0:00 JST ~ April 15th @ 23:59 JST
  • Medals instantly sent to your Mailbox.





PSO2 JP: The State of the Balancing Address

On Friday, Sakai wrote a lengthy blog post discussing the current issues over the game's balance. His plan is to enact both short-term and long-term adjustments to change any glaring issues that affects the game enjoyment. Sit back and relax and enjoy the PR embedded within this article.

First, as for their long-term goals, they want to balance the power between classes. All classes, skills, and photon arts, will be targeted for possible buffs and nerfs.

All the work and testing required to perform these long-term adjustments are likely to take about half a year. However, they also feel that it’s necessary to perform some short-term adjustments to make the game more enjoyable for everyone.

As of now, they’re seeing a tendency of advanced players leaning towards Gunner and Braver. Specifically, the team recognizes that the power of [Shunka Shunran] and [SRollJABonus] is standing out ahead of the pack. In order to correct this problem, from early March through late April, they’re implementing balance adjustments for existing elements, and improving some classes through newer elements.

Based on these adjustments, they’ll analyze which contents are target for rebalancing in the near future. Due to these findings, there’s a possibility that some nerfs may arrive in a later update.

Now you see, the development team’s policy isn’t to perform nerfs, rather, they’ll generally buff some areas in response to certain areas that stick out. However, this methodology, while addressing some issues, does impose some limitations.

As for the problem with [SrollJABonus] and [Shunka Shunran], after implementing the balance adjustments though late April, if the team only adds buffs to their adjustments, the game’s overall balance will become worse—narrowing the playstyle and diminishing the lifespan of the game. To extend the game's enjoyability they must correct things, even if those corrections turn out to be nerfs.

This seems to be a problem with the development team, when they were working on strengthening Gunner and Braver, they worked on each part at the same time. When they implemented them on different schedules, each part stood away from their intended balance.

Therefore they decided to change up the structure of the development team. From hereon out, under the supervision of the “Balance Adjustments Team,” while having the final balance and DPS in mind, they plan to adjust each skill, class, and PA. The end goal is to make large enough changes to achieve a balance between classes, but this process will take almost half a year to go through. Hopefully, the upcoming changes can create a more stable environment and help make the game more enjoyable for everyone.

PSO2es (Smartphone) Open Beta Begins

PSO2es Open Beta

Sega released Phantasy Star Online 2es on the Google Play Store. Unfortunately the game requires a VPN and Japanese Google account to bypass the Play Store's region-lock. However Synth has made his .apk file available for all to download.

PSO2es has left open beta and has now officially launched. Read the smartphone version guide to catch up on the latest information.

PSO2es V1.0.2 (April 9th)

PSO2es V1.0.1 (April 7th)

  • 4 Star Quests added
  • AC Services Enabled including AC Scratch! AC Purchases requires a Google Play account.
  • [Premium] Partial support for the Emergency Quest Advance Notice feature.
    (The mail will be sent when you log in, or return to the lobby after finishing a quest, or return to the lobby after a certain amount of time.)
    (You'll receive the notice when you push the mail button from the communication menu.)
  • Corrected the bug that allowed the Mag Photon Blast and Auto Actions to get overwritten.  Compensation will be distributed at a later date.
  • Corrected the bug wherein Cast female breasts were not displaying at the correct size.

Smartphone Guide Updates

  • Optional Patches
  • Character Chips
  • Switching Characters



PSO2es Update 1.0.1
Download link above!

PSO2es Specs [Android Version]

  • OS: Android 4.0.0+
  • Space: 300 MB+
  • Connectivity: 3G / WiFi


Official Service Notices [Last Updated 4/7 4:11 AM EDT]

  • There's currently a bug making accessories not show up properly if the character has Bask Repca outfits equipped.
  • Toro and Kuro's mag icons are currently not displaying.
  • The reindeer suit is currently bugged out making your character appear faceless, in a swimsuit.
  • The application may force quit upon pressing the back button when entering text with certain combinations of the OS keyboard and IME applications.
  • Concerning [Error Code 110], Sega identified the source of this bug and is in the process of correcting it.
  • Sega is currently investigating the [Unable to communicate to the server] error messages.
  • Sega has determined the Assault Rifle PA [One Point] is currently overpowered. They plan to nerf the offending PA in the future.
  • Since swords are prone to missing their targets, Sega will buff Sword chips in the future.



PSO2es Early Playthrough Campaign

Android Open Beta

The PSO2es Open Beta has officially begun! To commemorate the launch of the Open Beta, players will be given a prize if they created a character within PSO2es.

Campaign Period

  • Open Beta Launch ~ April 16th's Maintenance

Campaign Qualifications

(1) Create a character during the campaign period to receive an all class Katana:

  • ハリセン (Harisen)

This also includes PSO2 characters who were imported into PSO2es. If you have several PSO2 characters, they can all qualify for the prize.

(2) Play PSO2 and PSO2es linked, to receive:

  • 1000 FUN Ticket
  • EXCube
  • +100% Tribooster

Prize Distribution Date

Late April

  • (1) will be distributed through your PSO2es in-game mail service.
  • (2) will be sent to the Visiphone in PSO2

Which brings us to our next point… When you win prizes for PSO2es, they'll be sent through your in-game mail with an item bag icon to the side. In fact, if your linked PSO2 character reached level 10 or 20, you will be receiving Rappy Medals after the tutorial. And finally, Rappy Coins have changed into Rappy Medals for the Open Beta.