PSO2 Livestream #19 Recap


Post Broadcast Updates

  • Added a note about [Loser] which may contain obvious spoilers.




Wild Easter Decide

Emergency Quest Challenge

  • Audience members chose the Wild Easter EQ for April 27th @ 23:00 JST. (Added to Calendar)
  • Since Ichitaro succeeded in the Emergency Quest Challenge, this livestream scheduled quest will receive a +200% Rare Drop and EXP boost.



Io Client Orders

May Update

  • Spring Bingo
  • Wedding Lobby
  • Io's Just Attack and Party themed Client Orders
  • Io's Partner Card


Arks Grand Prix CO

May Update

  • Arks Grand Prix Preliminaries Quest
  • This time, the preliminaries quest will have client orders from Klotho.


Celestial Luster

May Update

  • Celestial Luster AC Scratch
  • Mystical themed Costumes
  • Wedding themed Camo and Mag
  • Project CUTE's "Pop Score" costume. (Yes the one Xie wears.)


Apos Drios

May Update

  • New Boss, Apos Drios, who can manipulate fire, ice, and lightning.
  • Lets all work together to identify the coordinates of Dark Falz!


Dark Falz Loser

May Update

  • ダークファルス【敗者】: Dark Falz [Loser], a powerful opponent who has the ability to manipulate time.
  • New 11 and 12 star drops are available like Caduceus, Lavis Blades, Meteor Cudgel and more!
  • Defeat him to perform a victory pose!
  • As for [Loser], the kanji translates to [a person who loses, or lost (a match)]. Alternatively, you can go with a  more fancier name like [The Vanquished] or [Defeated], or something along those lines.
  • (UPD) However it appears that the boss's name itself is spelled "Dark Falz Luther," in the broadcast, yet the quest descriptions, powerpoint slide, and quest title has it listed as [Loser] in kanji. So to work around this, whenever the kanji form is used, we'll put [Loser] in brackets, but if his name is used directly, we'll use Luther instead.


Frog Rappy

Late May Update

  • In the Driving Rain 2
  • Lv 70 Super Hard enemies.



F continent Team Room

Late May Update

  • F. Continent Team Room
  • A beautiful team room where you can enjoy the passage of time.
  • Features catapult jumps.

 Twinkle Splash

Late May Update

  • Twinkle Splash AC Scratch
  • Quarry themed costumes.


Stage 70 Tundra mechs

Late May Update

  • [Extreme Quest: Tundra and Mechs] stage 61 ~ 70!
  • Get 25 Scarlet ores for clearing the final stage.




Future Roadmap

Roadmap: Phantasy Star Festa [Part 1]

  • Limited-time Web Event
  • Limited-time Event Quest
  • New Bingo Card
  • Craft System Expansion
  • New Event System
  • [Mining Base Defense: Despair] (Such a fitting name.)
  • Extreme Quest Expansion
  • New Collab Live Event
  • Event Chronicle
  • New Craft System

Roadmap: Phantasy Star Festa [Part 2] [Summer]

  • Limited-time Web Event
  • Limited-time Event Quest
  • New Bingo Card
  • Collab Lobby
  • Collab Boss
  • Collab Scratch
  • Extreme Quest Expansion




Sega Collaboration June

June Update

  • Sega Collaboration Part 2
  • Sonic the Hedgehog mag
  • Valkyria Chronicles costumes and weapon.
  • Yakuza Ishin costume.
  • Yakuza 5 costume and weapon.
  • Space Channel 5 costume and lobby actions!


 Secret phrase b

Secret Phrase

Say ちょうにこたろう in chat sometime between now through May 7th's maintenance to receive the prizes below:

  • Bouquet Rifle
  • Rose Bouquet (Camo)
  • Lilliparium  (Small) (x9)


The stage is set 10 years into the past.
What are the ARKS?
What is Xion's true wish?
~July 2014~


Phantasy Star Festa 2014 (Held at specific dates across Japan)

  • P-Spec Vol.3 and official T Shirts
  • Falz Arm Balloon and a life sized Racast.
  • Those in attendance can receive an Original Neck Strap, an ARKS Card, a 2014 PSO2 Fan, and item codes.



Special perks at the Phantasy Star Festa 2014

  • Item codes to receive an official T-Shirt and a 500 FUN Ticket.


festa2014 perksb

Special perks at the Phantasy Star Festa 2014

  • Item codes for accessories and room items limited to the convention's hosting city.


iOS PSO2es

 PSO2es iOS

  • iOS version is releasing in May!


Illustration contest

Lets create artwork to celebrate the 2nd year anniversary of PSO2. Some artwork suggestions include; a fierce battle, a pleasant exchange with team members, or a typical day on PSO2.

PSO2 Art Contest

  • Entry Period: April 27th ~ June 18th @ 16:00 JST
  • Purpose: A collection of illustrations to commemorate the 2nd anniversary of Phantasy Star Online 2!
  • Publication: July 2014
  • Prize: The selected artworks will be made into items to decorate your room.

Submission Criteria

  • The original creator can submit unpublished artworks. Please refrain from posting the artwork to blogs or social networking sites, etc.
  • One person is allowed to submit several pieces of artwork.
  • The submitted artwork must be a JPEG file up to 1MB in size.
  • Artworks must be created in 1280 x 720 resolution.



  • Please refrain from posting the artwork to the public, even after the winners are selected.
  • The copyright of the works you submit will belong to SEGA.
  • Selected artworks may be slightly modified when converted into an in-game item.
  • The winners will receive their room items separately from the general public.

PSO2 JP: Special Maintenance (4/28/2014)

Game Server Connection Issues

  • They are currently investigating an issue where players were unable to connect to the server.

4/28/2014 Special maintenance

Maintenance Contents

  • Correction of the bug where some of the EXP drops down for characters linked with PSO2es.
  • Maintenance is scheduled to end around 13:00 JST, but it may end earlier or later depending on the situation.
  • They plan to distribute some form of compensation for this issue. Details will be revealed at a later time.
  • They also have plans to reschedule the emergency quests affected by this maintenance, which will be posted at a later time.

Emergency Quest Rescheduling

  • Wild Easter will now occur at 4/29 @ 15:00 JST
  • Mining Base Defense will now occur at 4/30 @ 15:00 JST
  • These will be added to the calendar.

PSO2 Taiwan

  • Sizustar linked to the video showcasing PSO2 Taiwan's exclusive content.

May 7th Dark Falz

  • A new Dark Falz battle will be arriving in the May 7th update.
  • The new Dark Falz has two phases similar to the Falz Arms and Elder battles. The first quest, [The Cunning Ebon-Winged Vanguard] lets you face a new boss known as "アポス・ドリオス" Apos Dorios! Apos Dorios is a wing-type Darker magician who can manipulate three elements; fire, ice, and lightning. It can summon pillars on the field that will eventually lead to a powerful attack. You can intercept this attack by destroying the pillars.
  • The new Dark Falz can drop Red Scorpio, Caduceus, Edel Arrow, Gal Wind, Lavis Blade, Meteor Cudgel, Berdysh, and Judgement Hearts.

Thanks Sizustar.

PSO2 JP: Extended Maintenance (4/23/2014)

Xion Chip Marlu Chip

 (NEW) PSO2es Latest Updates (4/30/2014)

  • Download Link by Synth
  • New Special Quest [Chaotic Power 2] until May 14th.
  • Added a Xion chip to the Rare Chip Scratch
  • Xion's chip rarely reduces CP consumption.
  • Marlu's chip will increase attack power for a limited time after a successful Just Attack
  • Lisa's chip gives medium bonus damage when an attack hits the enemy.
  • Oza's chip decreases defense power and increases attack power.
  • Adding some chips to the PSO2es Guide.
  • Adding Google Play AC purchasing to (How to Purchase Arks Cash) guide.
  • Added a new PSO2es Campaign below!

[wptab name='Maintenance']

Post-Maintenance Updates (4/25/2014)

  • Added PSO2es Campaigns
  • Added PSO2es Non-Patched Notes.
  • Currently Researching: Crafting Guide.

Future Plans

  • PSO2 Director Nakamura was quoted hinting at a new crafting system category other than [Weapon Extension] and [Technic Customizations]. This new feature is probably the one datamined a while back. The new crafting System is scheduled to appear around the Phantasy Star Festa Updates.

Extra Things

  • So far the class balance adjustments posted prior to this maintenance only lists the ranger, striking Lv.16 PAs, and techer tree improvements. Any class adjustments besides those three have yet to be announced.  After the April 23rd update, they'll judge which contents are target for a nerf.

 Overseas Developments

  • Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao's PSO2 is planned to launch on April 25th.
  • In a few months, the PSO2 SEA version is scheduled to launch.
  • Sakai states you can't play with them since they're on different servers with their own scheduling of updates.


[wptab name='Explanations']

Quick explanations for navigating the April 23rd update.


Chat Commands

Switch the main palette with these commands.

  • /mainpalette1~/mainpalette6
  • /mpal1 ~ /mpal6

Switch the sub palette with these commands.

  • /subpalette1~/subpalette18
  • /spal1 ~ /spal18

Switch to costumes stored in your item pack

  • /cs itemname
  • /costume itemname
  • For [itemname] enter the name of the costume.

Switch to Camos stored in your item pack

  • /camouflage itemname
  • /cmf itemname
  • For [itemname] enter the name of the camo.


Camera settings

Camera Settings

Open the quick menu and click on カメラ選択 Camera Selection

カメラ選択 Camera Selection Menu

  • 通常カメラ Default Camera
  • 固定カメラ1  Fixed Camera 1
  • 固定カメラ2 Fixed Camera 2
  • 固定カメラ3 Fixed Camera 3
    • 使用する Use
    • アングル変更 Change Angle

While in camera mode, gamepads should use the (B) button and keyboards should use the (E) key to save the camera position.

Gamepads: Hold RT while moving the left stick to move the camera. Use the d-pad to zoom in.




Color Bars

HP Color Bar Settings

ダメージ攻撃属性によるHPバーのカラー設定 HP Bar Colors by Damage Properties

  • ダメージ攻撃属性色を表示しない Hide Damage Colors
  • ダメージ攻撃属性色を表示する Show Damage Colors

Soul Bonus

Today's update added a whole slew of soul bonuses to the game. Soul Bonuses increase the success rates of certain abilities, there's a better explanation of it at Cirnopedia.

Here is a new list of Special Abilities that receive a success rate bonus when a soul exists on an item.

These bonuses apply to II or III through:

  • [II] + [II] + [Soul] = III↑
  • [III] + [III] + [Soul] = III↑ 
  • [III] + [III] + [Soul] = IV↑

Information was gathered from the PSO2Swiki.

Name Success Rates UP
Vol Soul
Burn / Power/ Body / Stamina
Gwana Soul
Poison / Power / Body
Quartz Soul
Spirita / Power / Body / Panic
Ra'nsa Soul
Shoot / Stamina / React
Fang Soul
Shock / Shoot / React
Miizer Soul
Spirita / Shoot / React / Shot Resist
Ragne Soul
Stamina / Technic / Mind / Gloom Resist
Wolga Soul
Technic / Mind
Elder Soul
Technic / Spirita / Mind
Signo Soul
Arm / Stamina
Chrome Soul
Spirita / Arm / Stamina
Rappy Soul
Arm / Spirita
Snow Soul
Power / Body / Stamina / Ice Resist
Rock Bear Soul
Power / Body / Blow Resist
Ex Soul
Power / Body / Blow Resist / Spirita
Malmo Soul
Freeze / Shoot / React / Stamina
Persona Soul
Shoot / React
Varder Soul
Shoot / Spirita / React
Cata Soul
Technic / Mind / Stamina / Flame Resist
Shrayda Soul
Technic / Mind
Goron Soul
Technic / Spirita / Mind / Shot Resist
Org Soul
Power / Stamina / Body
Meduna Soul
Power / Body / Ice Resist
Soma Soul
Power / Spirita / Body / Flame Resist
Ringa Soul
Technic / Stamina / Mind
Maluda Soul
Technic / Spirita / Mind
Bal Soul
Shoot / Stamina / React
Vibrace Soul
Shoot / React / Gloom Resist
Tagamikazuchi Soul
Shoot / Spirita / React
Lilli Soul
Power / Stamina / Body
Cougar Soul

Since information was gathered from the wiki, some areas may be incomplete.


[wptab name='Patch Notes']

Class Level

  • Class Level 70 Unlocked

Craft Level

  • Craft Level 40 Unlocked.
  • Along with this update comes new recipes and achievements

Daily Crafts

  • Receive Craft Orders from NPCs each day

New Skills, Photon Arts, and Technics

  • ヴォルグラプター Volg Raptor
  • ミリオンストーム Million Storm
  • イル・ザン Il Zan
  • カザンナデシコ Kazan Nadeshiko
  • New skills for each class.


  • Mags can be fed ★7 ~ ★9 items.
  • A [Mag Changing Pass] can be obtained from the Recycle Shop. You can use this pass to change the appearance of your mag from a list of evolution devices used after this update.
  • If you haven't used an evolution device on your mag, then it will not appear on this list.


Easter Lobby

Easter Lobby

  • April 23rd through May 7th

Mother Ship 2

Field Update

  • New Field: Mother Ship
  • You can enter the Mother Ship by starting a certain story quest.

New Emergency Quest

  • ワイルドイースター Wild Easter

Xie Client Orders and Spring Bingo

  • April 23rd through June 11th.

New Advance Quests

More Extreme Quests

  • Extreme: Ruins and Oceanids Stage 51 ~ 60
  • Ruins and Oceanids stage 60 becomes the final stage.

New Interrupt Events

New Story Quest

  • Day of Resurrection

New Latent Abilities

  • New Latent Abilities added!
  • Added latent abilities for existing weapons.

AC Shop

  • 獲得経験値+100%(3個) +100% EXP (x3) was removed from the listing.

Shop Update

  • New items added to the Crafting Shop, Recycle Shop, Pyroxene, Spellstone,  and Large Pyroxene Shop, and Fun Shop
  • Reduced some prices in FUN shop.
  • My Room Shop lineup updated

Friend Referral System

  • Lvl 50 reward increment added.

One-Time Password

  • New complimentary Storage Box

Camera Function

  • Added [Camera Selection] to the Quick Menu

Character Creation

  • Deformed Face variation added.

Chat Commands

  • /mpal1~/mpal6 : Switch main palettes.
  • /spal1~/spal18 : Switch sub palettes
  • /cs itemname : Switches to costumes stored in the item pack.
  • /cmf itemname : Switches to weapon camos stored in the item pack.
  • New Wink cut-in chat added.

Mining Base Adjustments

  • Adjusted the quest clear containers for Mining Base. Changed the drop priority towards a descending order (H>>L),  low rarity drops will be hard to come by, high rarity drops will be easier to come by.  This change only affects up to ★10 items. The ★11 item drop system will see no changes.
  • Limited the amount of meseta drop icons that appear after the quest is cleared. This doesn't affect the total sum of meseta that can be obtained from the quest, it is merely a counter measure to reduce the burden on everyone's system.


  • Added a rare enemy variant for Talobecko.
  • Took measures to reduce the server load at the quest counter.
  • Changed the image displaying on the monitors during the Mining Base emergency announcement.
  • Raging Dark Arms and Utterly Profound are no longer exclusively pre-scheduled and will also appear at random.
  • Changed the results screen so that if you are unable to receive the clear EXP rewards, the screen will display 0EXP.
  • Changed the design that appears on the ARKS Monitors during an interrupt ranking.
  • You can set boost and food items on the sub-palette.
  • Changed the order the stats display for Special Ability [Stigma]
  • Added a setting in options to change the damage bar's color based on the three attack types.
  • Added a setting in options to display up to three stacked notices at the same time.
  • Modified Zondeel's animation so that it doesn't glare up the screen too much.
  • Bingo objective  [Color Box Destruction] can be achieved even if another player breaks the container nearby.
  • Changed the design of the Matter Board's icons.
  • Some menus in the Crafting system will be grayed out until it's ready.
  • The earned commission fee will be displayed when performing a craft for another player.
  • The Craft Information pane accessed from the character information menu will use the same notation as the class information pane when the craft level reaches the current level cap.
  • You can check the craft license, craft achievements, and craft recipes in the my room terminal.
  • The final confirmation window for Technic Customizations will display the names of the effects for the merit and demerit values.
  • When using a custom disk, the message displayed in the middle of the screen has changed to a notice at the lower part of the screen.
  • Team Accessories will unequip when a person leaves the team.
  • Added an entry in Chat settings that lets you perform a victory animation when certain enemies are defeated.
  • The [Forward/Previous Tab] control setting in options can now sift through messages in the mailbox.
  • Adjusted the footstep sound effects for the Seras Alicia costume.
  • A certain effect is displayed when a step attack is performed while  [Jeweled Sword of Zelretch] is equipped.
  • Latent Ability [Wings of Fortune] will now display an effect when triggered.
  • Changed the icon design to display the values of some food and booster items.
  • A confirmation dialogue displays when overwriting a symbol art with one chosen from the Symbol Art History.
  • Added display functions for the notices.
  • The Order Items tab in the item pack and storage box are sorted by their intended use.

Special Ability Adjustments

  • Success rate bonuses can occur when a special ability corresponds to the abilities of a soul.
  • Special Ability success rate bonuses can also occur to souls that previously did not apply a bonus before.
  • More details in the Explanations tab.

Ranger Adjustments

  • Adjusted the speed between the ranger's stance and shooting for normal attacks and some PAs
  • Reduced the amount of time the player is frozen after a dive roll.
  • Assault Rifles: Made improvements to the bullet spread for normal attacks during movement.
  • One Point: Made improvements to the bullet spread for Assault Rifle PA One Point.
  • Increased the power and reduced the PP consumption of some assault rifle and launcher PAs.

Techer Adjustments

  • Changed the prerequisite skill points for these Techer Skills: Wand Lovers, Dark Mastery 2, Light Mastery 2, Wind Mastery 2, Territory Burst. In accordance with this change, an all skill tree reset pass is distributed as compensation.

Photon Art Adjustments

  • Buffed Over End's power at level 16.
  • Buffed Slide End's power at level 16
  • Buffed Tornado Dance's power at level 16.

Mag Adjustments

  • A mag's photon blast power will rise based on its current level.
  • Improved upon the photon blast's power, homing abilities, range and hit number.

Special Weapon Adjustments

  • Special Weapons can have randomized grind values up to +5
  • Special Weapons will be able to receive high ranking special abilities similar to [Power IV].
  • There are special abilities that can only appear during appraisal.
  • This applies to special weapons retrieved after April 23rd's update.

Interrupt Ranking Adjustments

  • Expanded which placements on the leaderboard are target to receive an Interrupt Ranking or Weekly Ranking reward.
  • Improved Ranking reward contents.

Quest Adjustments

  • In [Specimen Collection: F. Continent], it will be easier to trigger the [Collect the Egg Specimen] emergency trial.

Enemy Adjustments

  • Improved some item drop rates from Dark Falz Elder

Other Balance Changes

  • Latent Ability [Mortality's Ante] has been buffed.
  • Intermediate Class: Arks Basics has been removed from the ARKS Road.



[wptab name='PSO2es Patch']

PSO2es V1.1.0 (April 30th)

  • Download Link by Synth
  • Special Quest [Rappy Special Survey] has a chance to appear twice each day during the morning, noon, or night hours.
  • New Special Quest [Chaotic Power 2] until May 14th!
  • New original special ability "Soul Receptor" may appear within item drops. Those with linked PSO2 accounts can use this special ability to improve the success rates of soul-type abilities during affixing.
  • Added a Xion chip to the Rare Chip Scratch
  • Xion's chip rarely reduces CP consumption.
  • Marlu's chip increases attack power for a limited time after a successful Just Attack.
  • Lisa's chip gives bonus medium damage when hitting the enemy.
  • Oza's chip decreases defense power and increases attack power.
  • PSO2es Guide




Xie CO

Xie's Spring Client Orders

イースターの幕開けは / Easter's Opening Day

  • Objective: Defeat Lv.1+ [Lillipa Mech] x30

お祭りで使うタマゴって? / Eggs For the Festival?

  • Objective: Deliver [タマゴ型のパーツ] x3
  • Notes: Drops from Rappy

おじゃま虫をやっつけろ! / Attack the Meddlers!

  • Objective: Defeat Lv.1+ [Decol Malluda] x1

機甲種にも大人気? / Even Mechs Are Popular?

  • Objective: Deliver [シンボル・エッゲ] x1
  • Notes: Drops from Jagd Vargr

みんな揃ってお祭り気分! / Let's Celebrate!

  • Objective: Defeat Lv.1+ [Falz Hunar] x1
  • Reward: *フレッシュキャンディ / Fresh Candy (Wand Camo)

Spring Bingo

Spring Bingo


[wptab name='Bingo Rewards']

1 +50% EXP Booster
2 500 FUN Ticket
3 +50% Rare Drop Booster
4 Photon Sphere x2
5 +50% Tribooster
8 +10% Grind Success
Complete Evo. Device / Eatster

Click Bingo List tab for more details.


[wptab name='Bingo List']

Spring Bingo
A-1 Defeat a Breeahda Lv.20+
A-2 Clear Xie's Client Order:
Easter's Opening Day
A-3 Draw a FUN Scratch  
A-4 Defeat a Signo Beat Lv.20+
A-5 Defeat a Cyclonehda Lv.20+
B-1 Defeat a Gul Solda Lv.20+
B-2 Clear Xie's Client Order:
Eggs For the Festival?
B-3 Give an item to a Mag  
B-4 Defeat a Zeshrayda Lv.20+
B-5 Use any Drink  
C-1 Trigger a [Quest Clear] Autoword  
C-2 Clear Xie's Client Order:
Attack the Meddlers!
C-4 Defeat a Kartargot Lv.20+
C-5 Defeat a Dingell Lv.20+
D-1 Defeat a Guardinane Lv.20+
D-2 Clear Xie's Client Order:
Even Mechs Are Popular?
D-3 Destroy a green container  
D-4 Defeat a Dark Ragne Lv.20+
D-5 Defeat a Vinto Vargr Lv.20+
E-1 Defeat a Custom Kindidd Lv.20+
E-2 Clear Xie's Client Order:
Let's Celebrate!
E-3 Successfully grind any item  
E-4 Defeat a Gilnach Lv.20+
E-5 Defeat Falz Hunar Lv.20+





Emergency and Special Quest Schedule

Boost Event 49

[wptab name='Eastern Daylight Time']

▲▲ Eastern Daylight Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!


[wptab name='Japanese Standard Time']

▲▲ Japanese Standard Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!





Eastern / Central / Mountain / Pacific / Hawaii

São Paulo / London / Berlin / Moscow

Bangkok / Philippines / Sydney / Japan

Please Note:

  • The Emergency Quest schedule will update automatically during maintenance. Please wait until after maintenance has ended to see the current schedule.
  • If you are using a mobile device or an external application, please [sync] the calendar after maintenance has ended.


Super Falz +100% Rare Drop Boost for
All [Raging Dark Arms] and [Utterly Profound] Quests
May 5th +50% EXP Boost for all quests!
May 5th
+50% Rare Drops for All Extreme Quests
May 5th
+50% Rare Drops for All Extreme Quests
May 6th +50% EXP and Rare Drop Boosts for Advance Quests
Grind Affix Boost +5% Item Grind and Affixing Success
May 3rd ~ May 6th @ 23:59
(Check Calendar)

Boost event period for Super Falz begins after April 23rd's maintenance all the way until maintenance on May 7th.


Triple Golden Week Campaign!

Login Bonus

Spend Golden Week on PSO2 in three separate campaigns. The third campaign will be revealed at a later time.

Golden Week (Spend AC) Campaign

Spend AC during the campaign period to receive some prizes.

Spend AC Campaign Period

  • April 23rd (Maint) ~ May 21st (Maint)

Qualifying Spending Amounts

  • Spend 100+ AC to receive two +50% Rare Drop Boosters.
  • Spend 2000+ AC to receive six +50% EXP boosters, and two Grind Risk Reduction (+2)

Drag ex helm

  • Spend 5000+ AC to receive one Dragon Ex Helm and five Photon Spheres.

PSO2es players may also qualify for this campaign IF they link their PSO2 account. Any AC used prior to linkage will not qualify for the campaign.

You may qualify for this campaign by spending AC in any of the following ways:

  • Playing AC Scratch (however, playing AC scratch from the ticket bundle does not qualify for the campaign.)
  • Purchasing an AC Scratch ticket bundle.
  • Purchasing AC Shop Items
  • Using AC content from the Makeover Counter
  • Spending AC to add or reset skill trees.
  • Using AC to purchase a new character.
  • Transferring to another ship.

Spend AC Prize Distribution Date

  • Mid June, 2014 at the Visiphone

Login bonus Gw

Golden Week Campaign (Login Bonus)

Login bonuses will increase during the campaign period.

  • +100 FUN and +1 Login Stamp for standard players.
  • +200 FUN and +1 Login Stamp for premium set holders

Login Bonus Campaign Period

  • April 23rd (Maint) ~ May 7th (Maint)
Days 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Standard 200FUN 200FUN 250FUN 200FUN 300FUN
Premium 400FUN 400FUN 500FUN 400FUN 600FUN

 This campaign does not cover login bonuses for PSO2es.


Adv Q Bonus

Golden Week Advance Quest Campaign

 Clear an advance quest during the campaign period to receive some prizes

Campaign Period

  • April 23rd ~ May 7th

Campaign Qualifications

(1) Clear 1 Advance Quest to receive:

  • 1 Tribooster

(2) Clear 3 different kinds of Advance quests to receive:

  • 1 Half Doll
  • 1 Tribooster

Campaign Prize Distribution

  • Late May


Client Order Campaign #51

Client Order Campaign 51

Xie is back for spring with new client orders! Complete them and earn some prizes.

Campaign Period

  • 4.23 ~ 5.7

Qualifying Client Orders

(1) Complete Xie's client order イースターの幕開けは (Easter's Opening Day) to receive:

  • EXP Booster +50% (x2)
  • Grind Risk Reduction +1 (x2)

(2) Complete Xie's client order おじゃま虫をやっつけろ! (Attack the Meddlers!) to receive:

  • Rare Drop Booster +50% (x2)
  • Liliparium S (x1)

Prize Distribution Date

  • May 15th at the Visiphone.

(PSO2es) GW Item Grind Assistance Campaign

GW Campaign es

During Golden Week, you can acquire grinding assistance items in your mailbox!

Campaign Period

  • April 30th @ 0:00 JST ~ May 6th 2014 @ 23:59 JST

Login Bonus Period

Login Days Earned Bonuses
1st Day 1 Rappy Medal
2nd Day 5000 Meseta
3rd Day 10 Grinders
4th Day 1 Rappy Medal
5th Day 5000 Meseta
6th Day 3 Grind Risk Reducers (+1)
7th Day 2 Rappy Medals

If you login everyday, you can achieve the 7th Day login bonus. You can pick up the rewards in the mailbox.