PSO2 JP AC Scratch: Sweet Love Passion

Sweet Love Passion
(Until 2.22.2017)



スウィートショコラ[Ou] ║ Sweet Chocolat [Ou]
(6 colors)


スウィートショコラ[Ba] ║ Sweet Chocolat [Ba]
スウィートショコラ空[Ba] ║ Sweet Chocolat Sky Blue [Ba]
スウィートショコラ紅[Ba] ║ Sweet Chocolat Crimson Red [Ba]
スウィートショコラ月[Ba] ║ Sweet Chocolat Yellow Moon [Ba]
スウィートショコラ雪[Ba] ║ Sweet Chocolat White Snow [Ba]
スウィートショコラ雅[Ba] ║ Sweet Chocolat Elegant Purple [Ba]


スウィートショコラ[In] ║ Sweet Chocolat [In]
スウィートショコラ空[In] ║ Sweet Chocolat Sky Blue [In]
スウィートショコラ紅[In] ║ Sweet Chocolat Crimson Red [In]
スウィートショコラ陽[In] ║ Sweet Chocolat Orange Sun [In]
スウィートショコラ雪[In] ║ Sweet Chocolat White Snow [In]
スウィートショコラ影[In] ║ Sweet Chocolat Black Shadow [In]



ツェルハトゥール[Ba] ║ Zell Hatoule [Ba]
ツェルハトゥール雪[Ba] ║ Zell Hatoule White Snow [Ba]
ツェルハトゥール紅[Ba] ║ Zell Hatoule Crimson Red [Ba]
ツェルハトゥール海[Ba] ║ Zell Hatoule Blue Sea [Ba]
ツェルハトゥール鋼[Ba] ║ Zell Hatoule Steel Gray [Ba]
ツェルハトゥール雅[Ba] ║ Zell Hatoule Elegant Purple [Ba]


ツェルハトゥール[In] ║ Zell Hatoule [In]
ツェルハトゥール雪[In] ║ Zell Hatoule White Snow [In]
ツェルハトゥール影[In] ║ Zell Hatoule Black Shadow [In]
ツェルハトゥール海[In] ║ Zell Hatoule Blue Sea [In]
ツェルハトゥール月[In] ║ Zell Hatoule Yellow Moon [In]
ツェルハトゥール雅[In] ║ Zell Hatoule Elegant Purple [In]



リングチャンプM[Ou] ║ Ring Champ M [Ou]
(6 colors)

リングチャンプF[Ou] ║ Ring Champ F [Ou]
(6 colors)


リングチャンプM[Ba] ║ Ring Champ M [Ba]
リングチャンプM紅[Ba] ║ Ring Champ M Crimson Red [Ba]
リングチャンプM空[Ba] ║ Ring Champ M Sky Blue [Ba]
リングチャンプM陽[Ba] ║ Ring Champ M Orange Sun [Ba]
リングチャンプM雪[Ba] ║ Ring Champ M White Snow [Ba]
リングチャンプM影[Ba] ║ Ring Champ M Black Shadow [Ba]


リングチャンプM[In] ║ Ring Champ M [In]
リングチャンプM紅[In] ║ Ring Champ M Crimson Red [In]
リングチャンプM海[In] ║ Ring Champ M Blue Sea [In]
リングチャンプM雅[In] ║ Ring Champ M Elegant Purple [In]
リングチャンプM雪[In] ║ Ring Champ M White Snow [In]
リングチャンプM鋼[In] ║ Ring Champ M Steel Gray [In]


セクシースタイル ║ Sexy Style
セクシースタイル雪 ║ Sexy Style White Snow
セクシースタイル雅 ║ Sexy Style Elegant Purple
セクシースタイル紅 ║ Sexy Style Crimson Red
セクシースタイル桜 ║ Sexy Style Sakura Pink
セクシースタイル月 ║ Sexy Style Yellow Moon



  • ノーヴィカッツェ雅[Ou] ║ Novi Katze Elegant Purple [Ou]
  • ノーヴィカッツェ冬[Ba] ║ Novi Katze Winter White [Ba]
  • ノーヴィカッツェ藤[Ba] ║ Novi Katze Lavender [Ba]
  • ノーヴィカッツェ冬[In] ║ Novi Katze Winter White [In]
  • ノーヴィカッツェ雅[In] ║ Novi Katze Elegant Purple [In]
  • ノーグライアー雅[Ou] ║ Nogue Lyra Elegant Purple [Ou]
  • ノーグライアー雅[Ba] ║ Nogue Lyra Elegant Purple [Ba]
  • ノーグライアー冬[Ba] ║ Nogue Lyra Winter White [Ba]
  • ノーグライアー玄[In] ║ Nogue Lyra Mysterious Black [In]
  • ノーグライアー雪[In] ║ Nogue Lyra White Snow [In]
  • アークスダッフルF冬 ║ ARKS Duffle F Winter White
  • アークスダッフルF玄 ║ ARKS Duffle F Mysterious Black
  • アークスダッフルF夜 ║ ARKS Duffle F Night Blue
  • アークスダッフルM冬 ║ ARKS Duffle M Winter White
  • アークスダッフルM玄 ║ ARKS Duffle M Mysterious Black
  • アークスダッフルM静 ║ ARKS Duffle M Tranquil Blue

Color Variations

  • アルナール・ヘッドCV ║ Alnar Head CV
  • アルナール・ボディCV ║ Alnar Body CV
  • アルナール・アームCV ║ Alnar Arms CV
  • アルナール・レッグCV ║ Alnar Legs CV
  • ヴォグルス・ヘッドCV ║ Voglus Head CV
  • ヴォグルス・ボディCV ║ Voglus Body CV
  • ヴォグルス・アームCV ║ Voglus Arms CV
  • ヴォグルス・レッグCV ║ Voglus Legs CV

Female Voice #141 (CV: Risa Taneda)

  • 女性追加ボイス141
  • 女性C追加ボイス141 (Cast ver.)

Male Voice #106 (CV: Takuma Terashima)

  • 男性追加ボイス106
  • 男性C追加ボイス106 (Cast ver.)

Lobby Action

  • 284「ダンス42」 ║ Dance 42 (/la dance42)


  • ノーヴィミディアムヘア ║ Novi Medium Hair


  • うねりマフラー ║ Waving Scarf
  • カジュアルニット帽 黒 ║ Black Casual Knit Cap

Mag Devices

  • フードデバイス/技量 ║ Food Device / DEX
  • 進化デバイス/ラブラッピー ║ Evo. Device / Love Rappy

Support Items

  • 属性変化(炎属性) Attribute Change (Fire)
  • 属性変化(風属性) Attribute Change (Wind)
  • 属性変化(光属性) Attribute Change (Light)
  • 特殊能力追加(射撃&PP) ║ Add Special Ability (R-ATK & PP)


Bonus Scratch

Play this scratch a specific amount of times to receive exclusive bonus items!

(1) Draw the AC Scratch 5 times to receive:

  • Evo. Device / Lovekumami

(2) Draw the AC Scratch 10 times to receive:

  • Peach Heart Earrings (Accessory)

(3) Draw the AC Scratch 15 times to receive:

  • 286「紙飛行機」 ║ Paper Airplane (/la papercraft)

(4) Draw the AC Scratch Gold 2 times to receive:

  • Ragol Memory

(5) Draw the AC Scratch Gold 4 times to receive:

  • Magatsu Bonus Key [Silver]

(6) Draw the AC Scratch Gold 6 times to receive:

  • +150% Tribooster

※Players can receive each item only once. All of these items are untradeable.


FUN Scratch

Lobby Action

  • 285「聞き返す」 ║ Pardon? (/la pardon)

PSU Music Discs

  • Moatoob
  • Alfort Tylor
  • Galenigare Mine


  • 前分けストレートロング ║ Parted Straight Long


  • ふさふさ二重まつげ 黒 ║ Black Lush Double Eyelashes
  • ふさふさ二重まつげ 紺 ║ Blue Lush Double Eyelashes
  • ふさふさ二重まつげ 茶 ║ Brown Lush Double Eyelashes
  • ふさふさ二重まつげ 白 ║ White Lush Double Eyelashes


  • リアスカートB ║ Rear Skirt B
  • ウェストブースター ║ Waist Boosters
  • バケツ 赤 ║ Red Bucket
  • バケツ 銀 ║ Silver Bucket
  • 新光紅鬼面 ║ Pristine Red Devil Mask
  • ピンクメイドキャップ ║ Pink Maid Cap
  • くわえハンカチB ║ Bitten Handkerchief B
  • ハートアイパッチ ║ Heart Eye Patch
  • スイートショコラ ║ Sweet Chocolates
  • バレンタインクッション ║ Valentine's Cushion
  • スイートチェア ║ Sweet Chair
  • スイートテーブル ║ Sweet Table
  • スイートベッド ║ Sweet Bed
  • スイートソファ ║ Sweet Sofa
  • スイートローテーブル ║ Sweet Low Table
  • スイートラグ ║ Sweet Rug
  • スイートシェルフ ║ Sweet Shelf
  • スイートライト ║ Sweet Light
  • スイーツ・テーマ ║ Sweet Theme


AC Scratch Directory



PSO2 JP: Maintenance (1/25/2017)

Upcoming Broadcast

PSO2 Station Schedule

PSO2 Station Topics

  • Details on the February Update
  • Info on a new collaboration and 5th Anniversary Project.
  • The latest news on the Battle Arena and Class Level 80
  • Guest starring Mariya Ise, voice of Ulc and Euclita.

The Valentine's 2017 Event begins in a new update for PSO2!

January 25th Maintenance

PSO2es Maintenance

  • 1/25/2017 @ 10:55 ~ 17:30 JST
  • 1/24/2017 @ 8:55 PM ~ 3:30 AM EST

Help Support PSUBlog By Donating

Valentine's Lobby
January 25th ~ February 22nd


Emergency Quest

  • チョコレートの行方2017 (The Chocolate Way 2017)
  • Available until Feb 22nd

ARKS Bingo Card

  • Valentine 2017 Bingo
  • Available until Feb 22nd

Limited-Time Client Orders

  • RINA, Lilika, and Silva
  • Available until Feb 22nd

New Collection File

  • チョコレート2017コレクション Chocolate 2017 Collection
  • Available until Feb 22nd

New Interrupt Event

  • Added new interrupt event


Partial New Item Listing


New Story Board Events

  • Added new Story Board events

Treasure Shop Listing

  • Updated the contents of the Treasure Shop


Valentine 2017 Bingo
A-1 Speak to Azanami  
A-2 Speak to Whittier Franka's Cafe  2F
A-3 Speak to Nanon  Badge Exchange Shop
A-4 Speak to Marlu  
A-5 Speak to Liber Arkuma Slots Personnel
B-1 Speak to RINA  
B-2 Speak to Patty  
B-3 Speak to Shirona Treasure Shop Attendant
B-4 Speak to Euclita
B-5 Speak to Fourie  
C-1 Speak to Sophia Franca's Cafe
C-2 Speak to Tiea  
C-4 Speak to Risa  
C-5 Speak to Alis  
D-1 Speak to Pudding
D-2 Speak to Cressida
D-3 Speak to Xiera
D-4 Speak to Lilika
D-5 Speak to Mimi  
E-1 Speak to Monica
E-2 Speak  to Katori  
E-3 Speak to Lottie  
E-4 Speak to Naris Casino Area Northern Side
E-5 Speak to Silva

RINA, Lilika, and Silva's Client Orders

Check the Character Catalogue a little while after
maintenance for updated listings of the girls' client orders.


Emergency Quest Schedule

Boost Event 49

▲▲ Eastern Standard Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!

▲▲ Japanese Standard Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!

Eastern / Central / Mountain / Arizona / Pacific

Hawaii / São Paulo / London / Berlin / Moscow

Bangkok / Philippines / Sydney / Japan

Please Note:

  • The Emergency Quest schedule will update automatically during maintenance. Please wait until after maintenance has ended to see the current schedule.
  • Please resync the calendar periodically to receive the latest updates, as the schedule may change at Sega's discretion.
  • This calendar is unable to show Emergency Quests that occur at random.
  • Boost Events that occur for 24 hours will appear in this calendar with only their start times.
  • Boost Events that occur for several hours will use the "period" suffix in their titles. Please check the Google Calendar itself to view the event duration.
  • ARKS Leagues are typically 3 hours long. Check the event itself for details on its duration.


Order Request Campaign

Players can vote for a Client Order they'd like to complete in the future. The Client Order with the most votes will run as part of a Client Order Campaign beginning January 25th.


Client Order Campaign

Clear Hans Client Order 巨龍を呼ぶ龍族 Dragon Summoner:

  • +100% Tribooster (x3)

You have until February 1st's maintenance to complete this task.


Client Order Voting

Voting Procedure

  • Click the black and orange [投票する] button to vote for a Client Order.
  • You may vote for a client order once a day after 0:00 JST.
  • Clear the winning Client Order to receive a prize in your Visiphone.

Voting Period

  • January 25th ~ January 30th @ 11:00 JST.


Client Order 5 Client Order 6
Girard Lottie
Prize Prize
Custom Type 1 +30%
Custom Type 2 +30%

+250% Rare Drop Boost

The winning client order will become a Client Order Campaign starting February 1st.


~ Vote Here ~


New Registration Campaign #38

 Newcomers to PSO2 can receive a pack of beginner items by registering a new Sega ID and playing the game within the campaign period!

Campaign Period

  • January 25th ~ February 22nd


  • 3000 EXP Ticket (x5)
  • Evo. Device / Red Puyo
  • Rear / Fresh Aura
  • Half Doll

PSO2 accounts created prior to the start of this campaign do not qualify for the prizes. The campaign specifically targets new registrations for PSO2, not PSO2es.

Prize Pickup Expiration

  • Available instantly until March 29th

PSO2 JP: Extended Maintenance and Patch (1/18/2017)

Maintenance will occur several hours earlier this week.

January 18th Maintenance

PSO2es Maintenance

  • 1/18/2017 @ 6:55 ~ 17:30 JST
  • 1/17/2017 @ 4:55 PM ~ 3:30 AM EST

January 18th Patch

  • Launcher: Version 04.00.03
  • Client: ver. 4.0701.1
  • Patch Size: 32 MB (PC) / xx (PS4) / 34 MB (Vita)

Help Support PSUBlog By Donating


Emergency Quest Schedule

Boost Event 49

▲▲ Eastern Standard Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!

▲▲ Japanese Standard Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!

Eastern / Central / Mountain / Arizona / Pacific

Hawaii / São Paulo / London / Berlin / Moscow

Bangkok / Philippines / Sydney / Japan

Please Note:

  • The Emergency Quest schedule will update automatically during maintenance. Please wait until after maintenance has ended to see the current schedule.
  • Please resync the calendar periodically to receive the latest updates, as the schedule may change at Sega's discretion.
  • This calendar is unable to show Emergency Quests that occur at random.
  • Boost Events that occur for 24 hours will appear in this calendar with only their start times.
  • Boost Events that occur for several hours will use the "period" suffix in their titles. Please check the Google Calendar itself to view the event duration.
  • ARKS Leagues are typically 3 hours long. Check the event itself for details on its duration.


Buy Premium Set Campaign #16

Players who purchase premium set tickets will receive Bonus Keys and Casino Coin Passes.

Campaign Period

  • January 18th ~ March 1st  (Maintenance)

Campaign Qualifications

(1) Purchase a 30 Day Premium Set (1,300 AC) during the campaign period to receive:

  • +100% Tribooster
  • Casino Coin Pass (x2)
  • Tokyo Bonus Key (Silver)

(2) Purchase a 60 Day Premium Set (2,300 AC) during the campaign period to receive:

  • +100% Tribooster (x2)
  • Casino Coin Pass (x3)
  • Tokyo Bonus Key (Silver)

(3) Purchase a 90 Day Premium Set (3,300 AC) during the campaign period to receive:

  • +150% Tribooster (x3)
  • Casino Coin Pass (x4)
  • Tokyo Bonus Key (Gold)

Purchasing different premium sets during the campaign period qualifies you for each of the respective prizes.

※Premium Sets must be purchased to qualify. Using previously acquired sets will not count towards the campaign.

Prize Pickup Period

  • Available instantly but expires April 5th 2017 (Maintenance)


AC Shop Bargains

January 18th ~ February 1st

The following bundles will contain AC Shop items at a discounted price!

Item Package Contents Price
550AC Beginner's Set
Item Pack Expansion +10 (x2)
AC Scratch Ticket (x1)
550 AC
Recommended Gathering Set 2
Master Pickaxe (x10)
Master Fishing Rod (x10)
1,500 AC
Useful Item Set 4
+150% EXP Booster (x3)
Scape Doll (x3)
Subpallete Expansion Ticket (x1)
Order Cap Expansion 30 Days (x1)
1,900 AC
5 Chara-Storage Expansion Set
Chara-Storage Expansion +50 (x5) 3,800 AC

※Each package is limited once per account except for the Gathering Set.
※The Gathering Set is limited 5 times per account.



Order Request Campaign

Players can vote for a Client Order they'd like to complete in the future. The Client Order with the most votes will run as part of a Client Order Campaign beginning January 25th.


Client Order Campaign

Clear Revelle's Client Order [デモリション・アンビション・II] Demolition Ambition II:

  • Grind Skip (→5) (x3)

You have until January 25th's maintenance to complete this task.


Client Order Voting

Voting Procedure

  • Click the black and orange [投票する] button to vote for a Client Order.
  • You may vote for a client order once a day after 0:00 JST.
  • Players who clear the winning Client Order will receive prizes in their Visiphone.

Voting Period

  • January 18th ~ January 23rd @ 11:00 JST.


Client Order 3 Client Order 4
Lubert Hans
ギグル・グンネガムの部位破壊を! 巨龍を呼ぶ龍族
Prize Prize
Lambda Grinder (x5)

+100% Tribooster (x3)

The winning client order will become a Client Order Campaign starting January 25th.


~ Vote Here ~