PSO2 JP AC Scratch: Sortir Break

Sortir Break
(Until 6.6.2018)



レンジェルヴェント[Ou] ║ Ranger Vent [Ou]
(6 colors)


レンジェルヴェント[Ba] ║ Ranger Vent [Ba]
レンジェルヴェント紅[Ba] ║ Ranger Vent Crimson [Ba]
レンジェルヴェント影[Ba] ║ Ranger Vent Shadow [Ba]
レンジェルヴェント雪[Ba] ║ Ranger Vent Snow [Ba]
レンジェルヴェント夜[Ba] ║ Ranger Vent Night [Ba]
レンジェルヴェント桜[Ba] ║ Ranger Vent Sakura [Ba]


レンジェルヴェント[In] ║ Ranger Vent [In]
レンジェルヴェント紅[In] ║ Ranger Vent Crimson [In]
レンジェルヴェント影[In] ║ Ranger Vent Shadow [In]
レンジェルヴェント雪[In] ║ Ranger Vent Snow [In]
レンジェルヴェント夜[In] ║ Ranger Vent Night [In]
レンジェルヴェント桜[In] ║ Ranger Vent Sakura [In]



ハリエットの外出着[Ba] ║ Harriet Casuals [Ba]
ハリエットの外出着 紅[Ba] ║ Harriet Casuals Crimson [Ba]
ハリエットの外出着 桜[Ba] ║ Harriet Casuals Sakura [Ba]
ハリエットの外出着 影[Ba] ║ Harriet Casuals Shadow [Ba]
ハリエットの外出着 雪[Ba] ║ Harriet Casuals Snow [Ba]
ハリエットの外出着 玄[Ba] ║ Harriet Casuals Mysterious [Ba]



ショートサロペット[Ba] ║ Short Salopette [Ba]
ショートサロペット影[Ba] ║ Short Salopette Shadow [Ba]
ショートサロペット紅[Ba] ║ Short Salopette Crimson [Ba]
ショートサロペット雪[Ba] ║ Short Salopette Snow [Ba]


ミニタンクトップ[In] ║ Mini Tanktop [In]
ミニタンクトップ紅[In] ║ Mini Tanktop Crimson [In]
ミニタンクトップ海[In] ║ Mini Tanktop Sea [In]
ミニタンクトップ影[In] ║ Mini Tanktop Shadow [In]



ボウタイミニスカート[Ba] ║ Bowtie Miniskirt [Ba]
ボウタイミニスカート桜[Ba] ║ Bowtie Miniskirt Sakura [Ba]
ボウタイミニスカート雪[Ba] ║ Bowtie Miniskirt Snow [Ba]
ボウタイミニスカート影[Ba] ║ Bowtie Miniskirt Shadow [Ba]


ボーダー2[In] ║ Border 2 [In]
ボーダー2雅[In] ║ Border 2 Elegant [In]
ボーダー2影[In] ║ Border 2 Shadow [In]
ボーダー2紅[In] ║ Border 2 Crimson [In]



リーハジャウワール[Ou] ║ Riha Jawwal [Ou]
(6 colors)


リーハジャウワール[Ba] ║ Riha Jawwal [Ba]
リーハジャウワール紅[Ba] ║ Riha Jawwal Crimson [Ba]
リーハジャウワール影[Ba] ║ Riha Jawwal Shadow [Ba]
リーハジャウワール雪[Ba] ║ Riha Jawwal Snow [Ba]
リーハジャウワール夜[Ba] ║ Riha Jawwal Night [Ba]
リーハジャウワール月[Ba] ║ Riha Jawwal Moon [Ba]


リーハジャウワール[In] ║ Riha Jawwal [In]
リーハジャウワール紅[In] ║ Riha Jawwal Crimson [In]
リーハジャウワール影[In] ║ Riha Jawwal Shadow [In]
リーハジャウワール雪[In] ║ Riha Jawwal Snow [In]
リーハジャウワール夜[In] ║ Riha Jawwal Night [In]
リーハジャウワール月[In] ║ Riha Jawwal Moon [In]


少女ハリエットの服 ║ Young Harriet
少女ハリエットの服 影 ║ Young Harriet Shadow
少女ハリエットの服 紅 ║ Young Harriet Crimson

少女ハリエットの服・ミニ ║ Young Harriet Mini
少女ハリエットの服・ミニ影 ║ Young Harriet Mini Shadow
少女ハリエットの服・ミニ紅 ║ Young Harriet Mini Crimson


フィリン・ヘッド ║ Philinne Head
フィリン・ボディ ║ Philinne Body
フィリン・アーム ║ Philinne Arms
フィリン・レッグ ║ Philinne Legs


ハヴィック・ヘッド ║ Havoc Head
ハヴィック・ボディ ║ Havoc Body
ハヴィック・アーム ║ Havoc Arms
ハヴィック・レッグ ║ Havoc Legs


Female Recolors

  • 氷を召す理装 銀[Ou] ║ Frigid Ideal Silver [Ou]
  • 氷を召す理装 玄[Ba] ║ Frigid Ideal Mysterious [Ba]
  • 氷を召す理装 雪[Ba] ║ Frigid Ideal Snow [Ba]
  • 天星初等部制服F影[Ou] ║ Tensei Elem. F Shadow [Ou]
  • 天星初等部制服F玄[Ba] ║ Tensei Elem. F Mysterious [Ba]
  • 天星初等部制服F雪[Ba] ║ Tensei Elem. F Snow [Ba]
  • タイトジャケット鋼[Ou] ║ Tight Jacket Steel [Ou]
  • スーツスカート影[Ba] ║ Skirt Suit Shadow [Ba]
  • スーツスカート2影[Ba] ║ Skirt Suit 2 Shadow [Ba]

Male Recolors

  • ゾディアック・カモM栗[Ou] ║ Zodiac Camo M Chestnut [Ou]
  • ゾディアック・カモ葉[Ba] ║ Zodiac Camo Leaf [Ba]
  • ゾディアック・カモ紅[Ba] ║ Zodiac Camo Crimson [Ba]
  • 天星初等部制服M影[Ou] ║ Tensei Elem. M Shadow [Ou]
  • 天星初等部制服M玄[Ba] ║ Tensei Elem. M Mysterious [Ba]
  • 天星初等部制服M雪[Ba] ║ Tensei Elem. M Snow [Ba]

Female Voice #169 (CV: Shuka Saitō)

  • 女性追加ボイス169
  • 女性C追加ボイス169

Male Voice #136 (CV: Natsuki Hanae)

  • 男性追加ボイス136
  • 男性C追加ボイス136

Lobby Actions

  • 422「傘をさす」║ 422 [Open Umbrella]
  • 423「傘ダンス」║ 423 [Umbrella Dance]

Layered Wear

  • ウールコート[Ou] ║ Wool Coat [Ou]
  • ボアジャケット[Ou] ║ Boa Jacket [Ou]


  • コオリロングヘア ║ Kohri Long Hair
  • グラマラスパーマ ║ Glamorous Perm

Body Paint

  • ハリエットのサイハイ ║ Harriet Thigh Highs

Grind Support

  • フードデバイス/法撃 ║ Food Device / T-ATK
  • 属性変化(闇属性)║ Attribute Change (Dark)
  • 属性変化(氷属性)║ Attribute Change (Ice)
  • 属性変化(雷属性)║ Attribute Change (Lightning)
  • 特殊能力(打撃&PP/2)║ Add Ability (Strike&PP/2)
  • 特殊能力(HP&PP/2)║ Add Ability (HP&PP/2)

Bonus Scratch

Play this scratch a specific amount of times for exclusive bonus items!

(1) Draw the AC Scratch 5 times to receive:

  • Free Salon Pass

(2) Draw the AC Scratch 10 times to receive:

  • Tokyo Bonus Key [Silver]

(3) Draw the AC Scratch 15 times to receive:

  • +150% Tribooster

(4) Draw the AC Scratch 30 times to receive:

  • Sortir Break Ticket

(5) Draw the AC Scratch 60 times to receive:

  • Sortir Break Ticket

(6) Draw the AC Scratch 120 times to receive:

  • Sortir Break Ticket

(7) Draw the AC Scratch Gold 2 times to receive:

  • Ragol Memory

(8) Draw the AC Scratch Gold 4 times to receive:

  • Bonus Key Magatsu [Silver]

(9) Draw the AC Scratch Gold 6 times to receive:

  • Grind Success (100%)

(10) Draw the AC Scratch Gold 12 times to receive:

  • Sortir Break Ticket

※Players can receive each item only once. All of these items are untradeable.
※Sortir Break Ticket allows you to choose 1 item from this AC Scratch.


FUN Scratch

PSO2 The Animation Music Discs

  • Japanesque


  • カジュアルツインテール ║ Casual Twintail

Face Aesthetics

  • お怒りまゆ ║ Angry Eyebrows
  • デフォルメまつげ 黒 ║ Deformed Eyelashes Black
  • デフォルメまつげ 青 ║ Deformed Eyelashes Blue
  • デフォルメまつげ 茶 ║ Deformed Eyelashes Brown
  • デフォルメまつげ 白 ║ Deformed Eyelashes White


  • ジュエリーヘアバンド ║ Jewelry Hairband
  • ジュエリーヘアバンド 黒 ║ Black Jewelry Hairband
  • 懐中時計 金 ║ Pocket Watch Gold
  • 懐中時計 銀 ║ Pocket Watch Silver
  • 手錠 ║ Handcuffs
  • スポーツバッグ ║ Sports Bag
  • スポーツバッグB ║ Sports Bag B
  • ブルーアームスカーフ ║ Blue Arm Scarf
  • ブルーレッグスカーフ ║ Blue Leg Scraf
  • 三連ミサイルポッド ║ Triple Missile Pod
  • トイロケット ║ Toy Rocket
  • 頭乗せ白文鳥 ║ Perched White Java Sparrow
  • ゴールドクレセント ║ Gold Crescent
  • アークスツインスティック ║ ARKS Twin Stick


  • ゾディアックステッカー ║ Zodiac Sticker

Lobby Action

  • 234「嫌がる」║ 234 [Dislike]

Room Items / Theme

  • ファイトリング ║ Fight Ring
  • ナベリウスパパガイ ║ Naberius Papagay

PSO2 JP: Extended Maintenance and Patch (5/9/2018)

Acquire new class skills from this week's update!

PSO2 Maintenance

  • 5/9/2018 @ 10:00 ~ 17:00 JST
  • 5/8/2018 @ 9:00 PM ~ 4:00 AM EDT
  • ※ Click the above link to convert to your timezone.

PSO2es Maintenance

  • 5/9/2018 @ 8:00 ~ 17:30 JST
  • 5/8/2018 @ 7:00 PM ~ 4:30 AM EDT

May 9th Update

  • Launcher: Version 05.00.03
  • Client: Ver.5.0701.0
  • Patch Size: 2 GB (PC) / xx (PS4) / 780 MB (Vita)


Thanks to your feedback, the Conqueror's Crest campaign will no longer use the same template across the entire site. Starting from this maintenance onward, each Conqueror's Crest campaign will list the tasks that were valid for the week it was introduced. This will allow you to cross-reference rewards for campaigns that occurred in the past. This change will only be reflected on the maintenance posts and not the individual guide.



We'd like to thank all of our current patrons for helping to keep the site afloat! If you like the work that we do, please consider donating 1$ or more to continue our Phantasy Star coverage!


Patch Notes

Standard Class Update

  • Added new class skills for [Standard Classes]
  • Increased the Level Cap to Lv.85 for [Standard Classes]
    • ※Any Exp you've gained towards your next Class Excubes, will go towards Lv.81 instead
  • Increased the Level Cap for Support Partners to Lv 85.
    • (This is based on the class you unlock for the Level Cap)


Field Update

Quest Name Difficulty Requirement
Enchanted Forest

Very Hard Lv.55+
Super Hard Lv.70+
Extra Hard Lv.75/75+

ANY of the following conditions must be cleared to unlock [Enchanted Forest Exploration]:

  • Clear Free Field [Tokyo Exploration]
  • Clear any Buster Quest
  • Clear Endless Belligerence EQ


New Enemies


Partial New Item Listing


Battle Arena

  • New Weapon Rotation:
    • Sword
    • Twin Machineguns
    • Rod

Story Update

  • Added Ep5 Chapter 4 Part 1


System Update

Class Counter

  • The Recommended Skill Tree suggestions has changed to reflect the new skills.
  • Adjusted the arrangement of each Skill Tree.

Quest Counter

  • Change the display position of [Riding Quests] in the Quest Counter.


  • Added new drops to the enemy [Imperial Demonic Assault Warrior] and [Imperial Demonic Sorcerer].
  • Added ★13 WPN drops and [Demon Stone Chaos] to certain Demons.
  • Added ★13 Rappy Egg as drop to [Arks Rappy]
  • Adjusted the weather graphics in the Enchanted Forest Field
  • Adjusted Rare Enemy Triggers:
    • Using a [Rare Enemy Trigger] at [Very Hard] will change the spawning enemy level to 60.
    • Using a [Rare Enemy Trigger] at [Super Hard] will change the spawning enemy level to 75.
      ※Item drops will be adjusted accordingly

Client Order

  • Adjusted the following NPC Face Icons
    • Afin
    • Claris Claes
    • Echo
    • Io

Buster Medal B Exchange

  • Extended from May 9th, 2018 to September 26th, 2018


  • Added the following exchange shops to Zieg:
    • [Demonic Series Upgrade]
    • [Jutus Series Upgrade]

Treasure Shop

  • Updated product listing

Recycle Shop

  • Added the following items to the Recycle Shop:
    • [Special Ability Protection (4 Slots or Lower)]

SG Shop

  • The following items will be added to the SG Shop
    • [Material Storage 30 Days S]
    • [Material Storage 90 Days S]
    • [Storage ① Expansion 30 Days S]
    • [Storage ① Expansion 90 Days S]


  • The player can now possess 999 Half Dolls in their Inventory.

Beauty Salon

  • Eyebrow Thickness in [Eyebrow Color Settings] can now be adjusted.


  • Added the following Team Accessories:
    • Team Marker チームマーカー
    • Team Shield チームシールド
    • Team Satellite チームサテライト

Other Changes

  • In the PSVita version, made changes to the spawning of boosted enemies in order to reduce the load.
  • Changed the ability to change [Player ID Name] to unlimited (Must wait 30days each time it's changed).
  • For Campaign Quests, the target enemy name will now be displayed in the [Add Enemy Rules]
  • In My Shop when selling items, after selecting [Check Market], the item price will be set automatically.
  • In the Lobby Action Menu, added a preview screen.
  • During Live Events, made changes so if the [Light Source Effect] option is OFF, it'll change to the live-event light.
  • The Creator Phantom will now show up as a random Emergency Quest.


Balance Adjustments

Force Adjustments

  • Photon Flare
    • Reduced the cooldown time.

Techer Adjustments

  • PP Convert
    • Reduced the cooldown time.
    • Relaxed the decrease in Max HP

※Due to the above changes, an [All Skill Tree Reset Pass] will be distributed.

Quest Adjustments

  • In some Demon Enemies, reduced resistances of certain attacks.

Client Order Adjustments

  • In the following Client Orders, reduced the amount of Class Excubes required:
    • フォースの極致を追求・Ⅰ~Ⅳ (The Perfect Force)
    • テクターの極致を追求・Ⅰ~Ⅳ (The Perfect Techer)
    • バウンサーの極致を追求・Ⅰ~Ⅳ (The Perfect Bouncer)
    • ブレイバーの極致を追求・Ⅰ~Ⅳ (The Perfect Braver)
    • ハンターの極致を追求・Ⅰ~Ⅳ (The Perfect Hunter)
    • ファイターの極致を追求・Ⅰ~Ⅳ (The Perfect Fighter)
    • サモナーの極致を追求・Ⅰ~Ⅳ (The Perfect Summoner)
    • レンジャーの極致を追求・Ⅰ~Ⅳ (The Perfect Ranger)
    • ガンナーの極致を追求・Ⅰ~Ⅳ (The Perfect Gunner)
    • ヒーローの極致を追求・Ⅰ~Ⅳ (The Perfect Hero)

Christmas 2018 Bingo

(December 5th ~ January 9th)

Bingo (Front)
  Objective Note
A-1 Defeat King Yede Lv.1+
A-2 Defeat Gulfur Lv.1+
A-3 Talk to Lachesis Main Gate
A-4 Defeat Ol Micda Lv.1+
A-5 Defeat Cyclonehda Lv.1+
B-1 Defeat Yede Lv.1+
B-2 Talk to Aru (Christmas) Shop Area
B-3 Play Mesetan Shooter Casino
B-4 Talk to Sophia Franka's Cafe
B-5 Defeat Ga Wonda Lv.1+
C-1 Clear Client Order:
A Hitsugi Christmas!
Hitsugi (Christmas)
C-2 Clear Client Order:
Kohri (Christmas)
C-4 Clear Client Order:
Aru's Relationship Plan!
Aru (Christmas)
C-5 Clear Client Order:
Defend the Eve of the Night
Hitsugi (Christmas)
D-1 Defeat Dagacha Lv.1+
D-2 Talk to Hitsugi (Christmas) Shop Area
D-3 Grind a Weapon or Unit Item Lab
D-4 Talk to Kohri (Christmas) Shop Area
D-5 Defeat Gu Wonda Lv.1+
E-1 Defeat Kuklonahda Lv.1+
E-2 Defeat Dahgash Lv.1+
E-3 Talk to Leontina Main Gate
E-4 Defeat Fangulfur Lv.1+
E-5 Defeat Malmoth Lv.1+

Bingo (Reverse)
  Objective Note
A-1 Defeat Deus Anges Lv.41+
A-2 Defeat Org Blan Lv.41+
A-3 Complete [Merry Christmas on Ice] VH+
A-4 Defeat Guar Zigmorde Lv.41+
A-5 Defeat Aratron Phemut Lv.41+
B-1 Defeat Anjhadu-lili Lv.41+
B-2 Defeat Snow Banther Lv.41+
B-3 Find the Lillipan Graffiti Casino
B-4 Defeat Rock Bear Lv.41+
B-5 Defeat Gigur Gunne-gam Lv.41+
C-1 Defeat King Mesetan in Mesetan Shooter Casino
C-2 Send a [Like] in the Fashion Catalog  
C-4 Play Black Nyack Casino
C-5 Grind a Weapon's Element Item Lab
D-1 Defeat Tranzmizer Lv.41+
D-2 Defeat Snow Banshee Lv.41+
D-3 Scratch the FUN Scratch  
D-4 Defeat Caterdra'nsa Lv.41+
D-5 Defeat Drago Deadlion Lv.41+
E-1 Defeat Zeta Guranz Lv.41+
E-2 Defeat De Malmoth Lv.41+
E-3 Clear E-Trial: Storm Gift Mr. Umblla
E-4 Defeat Codotta Idetta Lv.41+
E-5 Defeat Greuzoras Drago Lv.41+


Emergency Quest Schedule

Boost Event 49

▲▲ Eastern Daylight Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!

▲▲ Japanese Standard Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!

Eastern / Central / Mountain / Arizona / Pacific

Hawaii / São Paulo / London / Berlin / Moscow

Bangkok / Philippines / Sydney / Japan

Please Note:

  • The Emergency Quest schedule will update automatically during maintenance. Please wait until after maintenance has ended to see the current schedule.
  • Please resync the calendar periodically to receive the latest updates, as the schedule may change at Sega's discretion.
  • This calendar is unable to show Emergency Quests that occur at random.
  • Boost Events that occur for 24 hours will appear with only their start times.
  • Boost Events that occur for several hours will use the "period" suffix in their titles. Please check the Google Calendar itself to view the event duration.
  • You can see the Emergency Quest schedule on your phone by subscribing to the Google Calendar.



5 Mil ID: Welcome Back Campaign

Returning players who haven’t logged in since March 22nd’s maintenance will find a plethora of items awaiting them at the Visiphone!

Campaign Period

April 25th ~ May 30th

Prize Condition: #1

Players who haven't logged in since 3/22 maintenance will receive:

Prize List

  • Conqueror's Crest (x100)
  • 100 SG Ticket
  • *Rose Saber
  • Trump Chain
  • Beauty Mark B
  • 36 "Pose 6"
  • Room Runner
  • Color Change Pass
  • Bonus Key Rappy F
  • +100% Tribooster (x5)
  • Lambda Grinder (x5)

Prize Distribution Date

  • Sent to Visiphone Upon Logging In

Prize Condition #2

Players who qualify for [Condition 1] and login 8 days during the campaign period receive the following:

  • Leontina's Certificate
  • Ability Protection (4s or lower)

Prize Distribution Date (If Cleared Before May 16th)

  • Early June 2018

Prize Distribution Date (If Cleared Before May 30th)

  • Late June 2018

Prize Condition #3

Players who satisfy [Condition 1] AND [Condition 2] will receive the following items if they clear 3 kinds of Emergency Quests.

  • Conqueror's Crest (x50)
  • EX +150% Tribooster

Qualifying Emergency Quests

  • Wild Easter 2018
  • Incarnation of Knowledge
  • Annihilator's Apparition
  • Crimson Castle Crusher

Trigger and Rematch Quests do not qualify.

Prize Distribution Date (If Cleared Before May 16th)

  • Early June 2018

Prize Distribution Date (If Cleared Before May 30th)

  • Late June 2018


Magatsu Boost

May 9th ~ May 16th

Annihilator's Apparition + Annihilator Purification

  • +150% RDR Boost

Annihilator's Apparition

  • Added Weapon Camos as drops

Annihilator's Apparition (XH Only)

  • +300% Enemy HP
  • +100% Enemy ATK
  • Added ★13 Weapons as drops
  • Added ★14 Weapons as drops
  • Added Conqueror Crest as drops


Conqueror's Crest Campaign (5/9 ~ 5/16)

Complete the following goals to obtain Conqueror's Crests. The crests can be exchanged for ★14 Weapons at Zieg!

Campaign Period

May 9th ~ May 16th

Campaign Tasks

  Goal Reward
1 Clear (1x) Annihilator's Apparition
Conqueror's Crests (x10)
2 Clear (3x) Annihilator's Apparition
Conqueror's Crests (x10)
3 Clear (1x) Enchanted Forest Exploration
Conqueror's Crests (x10)
4 Clear (3x) Enchanted Forest Exploration
Conqueror's Crests (x10)
5 Clear Revelle's Client Order:
(Bloody Scaffold III)
Conqueror's Crests (x5)
6 Login 3 days during the campaign period Conqueror's Crests (x5)

Reward Distribution

  • Goals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 rewards will be distributed instantly.

PSO2 Adds New Skills and Level 85 Cap for Standard Classes

~ May 9th, 2018 ~


Standard Class Level 85

It's finally here! Standard classes will now be allowed to unlock a new level cap by clearing a client order specific to their class. In order to achieve this trial, one must attain the Title [Creator of Solid Defense]. This Title might already be familiar to those with Expert Player Matching, as it requires a ★12 unit in all three slots at +10 grind.

Over the past few months, you may have noticed that we've been using the term [Standard Classes] in relation to this news. For all intents and purposes, [Standard Classes] refer to all current classes excluding Hero.


New Class Skills

Before we rundown the list of skills for each class, Sega has provided us with a new skill known as [Hi-Level Bonus Xx]. This skill become attainable by reaching level 80 in the class that corresponds to its [Xx] abbreviation. Once learned, it will increase the power of your attacks. (Max Power: 5%)

Now, without further ado, are the list of skills appearing alongside the level 85 update. The skills below will activate as long as their corresponding class is set as the main class.


Hunter: War Attract | ウォーアトラクト

Increases the effect of [War Cry] and inflicts a [Jellen] effect on enemies.


Fighter: Limit Break Insurance | リミットブレイクインシュランス

During Limit Break, this skill leaves the player with 1 HP if they receive a fatal blow. However, if this occurs, it will cancel Limit Break and further extend its recast time.


Ranger: EX Trap | EXトラップ

Boosts the power and range of tool-type skills. Poison trap in particular will also have an effect that deals continuous damage.


Gunner: Another S-Roll Arts Mode | アナザーSロールアーツモード

Changes S-Roll Arts into a Wide-Range attack and increases its power.


Force: Photon Flare Rod SC | フォトンフレアロッドSC

Reduces the charging time of Rod Technics during Photon Flare for a limited time.


Techer: Party Assist | パーティーアシスト

Applies Shifta and Deband to party members in the same area, even if they are far apart.


Braver: Braver Combination | ブレイバーコンビネーション

Katana Gear will retain its released state if you switch to Bullet Bow while it's active. The Critical Rate will also rise.


Bouncer: Dodge Auto Field | ドッジオートフィールド

Evading the enemy's attack with Mirage Step will automatically activate your Field skills. Cooldowns won't occur for the skills that were activated.


Summoner: Alter Ego Harmony | アルターエゴハーモニー

During Alter Ego, the player will not be damaged even if they receive an attack. However, Alter Ego rules are still in effect, therefore, damage received by the pet will also apply to the player.


Enchanted Forest Exploration

The Enchanted Forest, hosting an assortment of Darker and Demon enemies, will finally be converted into a Free Field quest. Challenging the quest on Extra Hard will give players the chance to face level 85 enemies in Emergency Trials. Upon defeat, certain enemies have the added bonus of restoring usage of your Dark Blast. This allows for additional opportunities for Dark Blast transformations throughout the quest.


Encounter new enemies along the way, such as Wurmritter, Flame Diamos, and Omega Gryphon! Each has their own characteristics to spice up battle.


Lastly, awaiting in the deepest area, is a battle against the Misil Ghasud.


Enchanted Forest Drops

The Enchanted Forest brings a new set of drops, ranging from weapons, units, camos, and even room items. Among the weapon drops is the Demon series, each designed with the motif of a Demon enemy. These weapons can also be upgraded, exhibiting a new color variation.


Jutus & Lumiere Series

The Jutus series can also drop in the Enchanted Forest. These weapons support the [S1] and [S2] slots for S-Class Abilities. They can also be upgraded into the ★14 Lumiere series by acquiring specific materials. Not only will it have enhanced stats and potentials, but it will also support an additional S-Class slot.


Chapter 4 Part 1: The Queen's Respite

Queen Harriet heads to Louisa for respite from her round-the-clock work at Valna’s suggestion. Our heroes approach her, a look of despondence upon her face, and a secret is shared that not even Valna is aware of.


They meet up with a young lad that bares a striking resemblance to Dark Falz Double. It seems this child was placed in an important position in the [Es-Ars Federation], a neighboring country of Cuent.


Battle Arena Rotation

The Battle Arena will receive a new rotation of weapons, this time featuring Swords, Twin Machine Guns, and Rods. Swords will have Rising Edge and Nova Strike available as their Photon Arts, while Twin Machine Guns can utilize Satellite Aim. Rods will have access to the Foie, Zonde, and Megid Technics.


Half Doll Adjustments

You can now carry more than one Half Doll in your inventory! However, after using one, you'll be required to return to the Campship before using another.


Special Ability Protection In the Recycle Shop

Players can obtain [Special Ability Protection (4 Slots or Lower)] in the Recycle Shop at the cost of [10 AC Scratch Items]. This has the ability to return the items to their previous state if you fail the affixing process.


SG Shop Update

The following items will be added to the SG Shop:

  • [Material Storage 30 Days S]
  • [Material Storage 90 Days S]
  • [Storage ① Expansion 30 Days S]
  • [Storage ① Expansion 90 Days S]


My Shop Improvements

My Shop will receive a new feature that lets you list items based on the price selected when browsing the marketplace.


Lobby Action Previews

A preview window will now display when browsing the list of lobby actions from the Quick Menu.


Changing Player ID Name

There will no longer be a limit on the number of times you can change your Player ID Name. Once you perform a change, you'll have to wait 30 days before you can change the name again.


Eyebrow Thickness Setting

Adjust your character's eyebrow thickness with a new setting in the Eyebrow Color Selection.


New Team Accessories

New cosmetics from Dengeki's Team Accessory Contest will be added to the selection of accessories available for your team! As with other team accessories, you can customize their colors.


Balance Adjustments

Skills Adjustments

Photon Flare (Force)

  • Reduced the cooldown time.

PP Convert (Techer)

  • Reduced the cooldown time.
  • Relaxed the decrease in Max HP

※Due to the above changes, an [All Skill Tree Reset Pass] will be distributed.


Rare Enemy Triggers

  • Using a [Rare Enemy Trigger] at [Very Hard] will change the spawning enemy level to 60.
  • Using a [Rare Enemy Trigger] at [Super Hard] will change the spawning enemy level to 75.

※Item drops will be adjusted accordingly


Buster Medal B Exchange

  • Extended from May 9th, 2018 to September 26th, 2018


Sortir Break (AC Scratch)

Track down new prey in the forest with hunting layered wear and CAST parts! A mini version of Harriet's dress from youth will be also be available, transforming your character's body to that of a child when worn.

Additionally, Special Ability Affixers with a (/2) designation will return in this scratch (e.g. Special Ability (HP & PP/2).


少女ハリエットの服 | Young Harriet
少女ハリエットの服・ミニ | Young Harriet Mini
ハリエットの外出着[Ba] | Harriet Casuals
レンジェルヴェント[OuBaIn] | Ranger Vent
フィリン・シリーズ | Philinne Series
ハヴィック・シリーズ | Havoc Series
ボウタイミニスカート[Ba] | Bowtie Miniskirt
ショートサロペット[Ba] | Short Salopette
ミニタンクトップ[In] | Mini Tanktop