PSO2 JP AC Scratch: Galaxy Weaponoid

Galaxy Weaponoid
(Available Until 10.10.2018)



— Female —

ニレンカムイF[Ba] ║ Twin Kamui F [Ba]
ニレンカムイF紅[Ba] ║ Twin Kamui F Crimson [Ba]
ニレンカムイF夜[Ba] ║ Twin Kamui F Night [Ba]
ニレンカムイF雪[Ba] ║ Twin Kamui F Snow [Ba]
ニレンカムイF影[Ba] ║ Twin Kamui F Shadow [Ba]
ニレンカムイF月[Ba] ║ Twin Kamui F Moon [Ba]

— Male —

ニレンカムイM[Ba] ║ Twin Kamui M [Ba]
ニレンカムイM紅[Ba] ║ Twin Kamui M Crimson [Ba]
ニレンカムイM夜[Ba] ║ Twin Kamui M Night [Ba]
ニレンカムイM雪[Ba] ║ Twin Kamui M Snow [Ba]
ニレンカムイM影[Ba] ║ Twin Kamui M Shadow [Ba]
ニレンカムイM月[Ba] ║ Twin Kamui M Moon [Ba]


ニレンカムイF[In] ║ Twin Kamui F [In]
ニレンカムイF紅[In] ║ Twin Kamui F Crimson [In]
ニレンカムイF夜[In] ║ Twin Kamui F Night [In]
ニレンカムイF影[In] ║ Twin Kamui F Shadow [In]
ニレンカムイF鋼[In] ║ Twin Kamui F Steel [In]
ニレンカムイF桜[In] ║ Twin Kamui F Sakura [In]



シューティングドライブ[Ba] ║ Shooting Drive [Ba]
シューティングD・雪[Ba] ║ Shooting Drive Snow [Ba]
シューティングD・紅[Ba] ║ Shooting Drive Crimson [Ba]
シューティングD・夜[Ba] ║ Shooting Drive Night [Ba]
シューティングD・雅[Ba] ║ Shooting Drive Elegant [Ba]


シューティングドライブ[In] ║ Shooting Drive [In]
シューティングD・雪[In] ║ Shooting Drive Snow [In]
シューティングD・紅[In] ║ Shooting Drive Crimson [In]
シューティングD・夜[In] ║ Shooting Drive Night [In]
シューティングD・桜[In] ║ Shooting Drive Sakura [In]



ラヴィス=ブレイド[Ba] ║ Lavis Blade [Ba]
ラヴィス=ブレイド影[Ba] ║ Lavis Blade Shadow [Ba]
ラヴィス=ブレイド紅[Ba] ║ Lavis Blade Crimson [Ba]
ラヴィス=ブレイド夜[Ba] ║ Lavis Blade Night [Ba]
ラヴィス=ブレイド桜[Ba] ║ Lavis Blade Sakura [Ba]
ラヴィス=ブレイド雪[Ba] ║ Lavis Blade Snow [Ba]



ノクスカディナ[Ou] ║ Nox Cadina [Ou]


ノクスカディナ[Ba] ║ Nox Cadina [Ba]
ノクスカディナ雪[Ba] ║ Nox Cadina Snow [Ba]
ノクスカディナ紅[Ba] ║ Nox Cadina Crimson [Ba]
ノクスカディナ夜[Ba] ║ Nox Cadina Night [Ba]
ノクスカディナ雅[Ba] ║ Nox Cadina Elegant [Ba]
ノクスカディナ栗[Ba] ║ Nox Cadina Chestnut [Ba]


— Male —

ライトニングE服・M ║ Lightning E Wear M
ライトニングE服・M影 ║ Lightning E Wear M Shadow
ライトニングE服・M紅 ║ Lightning E Wear M Crimson
ライトニングE服・M夜 ║ Lightning E Wear M Night

ライトニングE服2・M ║ Lightning E Wear 2 M
ライトニングE服2・M影 ║ Lightning E Wear 2 M Shadow
ライトニングE服2・M紅 ║ Lightning E Wear 2 M Crimson
ライトニングE服2・M夜 ║ Lightning E Wear 2 M Night

— Female —

ライトニングE服・F ║ Lightning E Wear F
ライトニングE服・F影 ║ Lightning E Wear F Shadow
ライトニングE服・F紅 ║ Lightning E Wear F Crimson
ライトニングE服・F夜 ║ Lightning E Wear F Night

ライトニングE服2・F ║ Lightning E Wear 2 F 
ライトニングE服2・F影 ║ Lightning E Wear 2 F Shadow
ライトニングE服2・F紅 ║ Lightning E Wear 2 F Crimson
ライトニングE服2・F夜 ║ Lightning E Wear 2 F Night


Female Voice Tickets

  • 女性共通ニレンカムイVo ║ Female Twin Kamui Voice
  • 女性共通シューティングDVo ║ Female Shooting Drive Voice
  • 女性共通ラヴィス=Bボイス ║ Female Lavis Blade Voice

Male Voice Tickets

  • 男性共通ライトニングEVo ║ Male Lightning Espada Voice
  • 男性共通ノクスカディナVo ║ Male Nox Cadina Voice

Lobby Actions

  • 442「ウェポノイドポーズ1」║ 442 [Weaponoid Pose 1]
  • 443「ウェポノイドポーズ2」 ║ 443 [Weaponoid Pose 2]
  • 444「ウェポノイドポーズ3」 ║ 444 [Weaponoid Pose 3]
  • 445「ウェポノイドポーズ4」 ║ 445 [Weaponoid Pose 4]

Female Recolors

  • ヤミガラス・レプカ紅[Ou] ║ Yamigarasu Repca Scarlet [Ou]
  • ヤミガラス・レプカ燃[Ba] ║ Yamigarasu Repca Burning [Ba]
  • ヤミガラス・レプカ雪[Ba] ║ Yamigarasu Repca Snow [Ba]
  • ブルージーレクイエム服 影 ║ Bluesy Requiem Attire Shadow
  • ブルージーレクイエム服 紅 ║ Bluesy Requiem Attire Crimson

Male Recolors

  • アヴェンジャー影[Ou] ║ Avenger Shadow [Ou]
  • アヴェンジャー玄[Ba] ║ Avenger Mysterious [Ba]
  • アヴェンジャー冬[Ba] ║ Avenger Winter [Ba]


  • ヤミガラス・レプカ[Ou] ║ Yamigarasu Repca [Ou]
  • ヤミガラス・レプカ[Ba] ║ Yamigarasu Repca [Ba]
  • アヴェンジャー[Ou] ║ Avenger [Ou]
  • アヴェンジャー[Ba] ║ Avenger [Ba]
  • ブルージーレクイエム服 ║ Bluesy Requiem Attire


  • ヤミガラスヘアー ║ Yamigarasu Hair
  • ブルージーレクイエムヘアー ║ Bluesy Requiem Hair
  • アヴェンジャーヘアー ║ Avenger Hair

Makeup / Body Paint

  • ヤミガラスペイント ║ Yamigarasu Paint


  • ブルージーレクイエム翼L赤 ║ Red Bluesy R Wing L
  • ヤミガラスの仮面 ║ Yamigarasu Mask

Voice Tickets

  • 女性共通ヤミガラスボイス ║ Yamigarasu Voice
  • 女性共通ブルージーR Vo ║ Female Bluesy-R Voice
  • 男性共通アヴェンジャーesVo ║ Male Avenger-es Voice

Item Enhancers / Mag Devices

  • フードデバイス/射撃 ║ Food Device / R-ATK
  • 進化デバイス/ヤミガラス ║ Evo. Device/Yamigarasu
  • 特殊能力(打撃&PP/2) ║ Special Ability (S-ATK & PP/2)


Scratch Bonus

Play this scratch a specific amount of times for exclusive bonus items!

(1) Draw the AC Scratch 5 times to receive:

  • Free Salon Pass

(2) Draw the AC Scratch 10 times to receive:

  • Yamigarasu Panel

(3) Draw the AC Scratch 15 times to receive:

  • Bonus Key Kazuchi Raid

(4) Draw the AC Scratch 30 times to receive:

  • G Weaponoid Ticket

(5) Draw the AC Scratch 60 times to receive:

  • G Weaponoid Ticket

(6) Draw the AC Scratch 120 times to receive:

  • G Weaponoid Ticket

(7) Draw the AC Scratch Gold 2 times to receive:

  • Ragol Memory

(8) Draw the AC Scratch Gold 4 times to receive:

  • Bonus Key Magatsu [Silver]

(9) Draw the AC Scratch Gold 6 times to receive:

  • Bonus Key Rappy F

(10) Draw the AC Scratch Gold 12 times to receive:

  • G Weaponoid Ticket

※Players can receive each item only once. All of these items are untradeable.
※G Weaponoid Ticket allows you to choose 1 item from this AC Scratch.



Fun Scratch


  • ロング三つ編み ║ Long Braids

Body Paint / Makeup

  • 頬染め ║ Blush
  • 足袋&手袋M 白 ║ White Tabi & Gloves M
  • 足袋&手袋M 黒 ║ Black Tabi & Gloves M
  • 足袋&手袋F 白 ║ White Tabi & Gloves F
  • 足袋&手袋F 黒 ║ Black Tabi & Gloves F


  • ストレートまゆ ║ Straight Eyebrows


  • メセタネックレス ║ Meseta Necklace
  • レアドロネックレス赤 ║ Red Rare Drop Necklace
  • レアドロネックレス虹 ║ Rainbow Rare Drop Necklace
  • エクスキューブネックレス ║ EXCube Necklace
  • ブレストアーマー ║ Breast Armor
  • ブラックレッグスカーフ ║ Black Leg Scarf
  • 茶リスのしっぽ ║ Brown Squirrel Tail
  • レッドパール ║ Red Pearl
  • ホワイトパール ║ White Pearl
  • ループアンクレットP ║ Loop Anklet P
  • ループアンクレットY ║ Loop Anklet Y

Lobby Action

  • 338「手をつなぐ」 ║ 338 [Hold Hands]

Room Items / Theme

  • ツキ・ミー ║ Tsuki Mii
  • ミニガーデン ║ Mini Garden
  • シシオドシ ║ Bamboo Water Pipe
  • プレゼバコウラ ║ Preze Bakoura
  • シティー・ストリートA ║ City Street A
  • シティー・ストリートB ║ City Street B
  • シティー・ビルディング ║ City Building
  • スモッグメーカー ║ Smog Maker
  • コウヨ・ウツリー ║ Autumn Tree
  • マ・ツタケ ║ Matsutake Mushrooms

PSO2 JP: Maintenance and Patch (9/12/2018)


Challenge the new Regiment of the Wicked in this week's update!

PSO2 Maintenance

PSO2es Maintenance

  • 9/11/2018 @ 23:55 ~ 17:30 JST
  • 9/11/2018 @ 10:55 AM ~ 4:30 AM EDT

September 12th's Update

  • Launcher: Version 05.00.03
  • Game Client: Ver.5.0902.0
  • Patch Size: 503MB (PC) | xx (PS4) | 150MB (Vita)

Upcoming Broadcasts

PSO2 x MHF-Z Collaboration Stage (TGS)

  • September 20th @ 14:30 ~ 15:10
  • More information on the MHF-Z collaboration
  • Guest: Teruki Miyashita

PSO2 Stage (TGS)

  • September 22nd @ 12:20 ~ 13:20
  • Update information for October

PSO2 Station TGS 2018 SP (TGS)

  • September 23rd @ 11:00 ~ 12:00
  • Guest: Sumi Shimamoto (Arisa's VA)
  • (Sneak Peak at the End)


PSO2es Guides

PSO2es Menu GuideSide Story Guide | esOrder Guide

Patch Notes


  • Implemented Otsukimi Lobby (Sept. 12th ~ Oct. 10th)

New Emergency Quest

(Sept. 12th ~ Oct. 10th)

Quest Difficulty Requirements
Regiment of the Wicked 2018
Normal Lv.1+
Hard Lv.20+
Very Hard Lv.40+
Super Hard Lv.50+
Extra Hard Lv.75/75+

Partial New Item Listing

Client Orders

  • Client Orders have been added to Niren Kamui and Lightning Espada (Sept. 12th ~ Oct. 10th)


  • Distributed [Otsukimi 2018 Bingo] (Sept. 12th ~ Oct. 10th)

New Partner Cards

  • Niren Kamui
  • Lightning Espada
  • Shooting Drive
  • Nox Cadina
  • Lavis Blade

Collection File

  • Implemented [Regiment 2018 Collection] (Sept. 12th ~ Oct. 10th)

Interrupt Event

  • Added a new Interrupt Event

Limited-Time Exchange Shop

  • Added [Niren Kamui Exchange Shop] to Niren Kamui (Sept. 12th ~ Oct. 10th)

Arks Handbook

  • Added the following to the Arks Handbook:
    • I want to unlock the Level Cap
    • Obtaining powerful PAs / Techs
    • Obtaining Skill Rings
    • Customize PAs / Techs
    • Upgrading Skill Rings


  • In Ultimate Lillipa, Lv.85 enemies may randomly appear in certain Emergency Trials.
  • Adjusted the item drops in Ultimate Lillipa.

Treasure Shop

  • Updated the product listing.


  • In the Cloud version, adjusted the game to play at 60 FPS.
  • Adjusted the camera within cut-ins when you perform cut-in chats with specific lobby actions.
  • Due to the head office's relocation, they updated the address stated within the Terms of Service.

Balance Adjustments

  • In the Potential [動静不二] (Phobos Weapons), shortened the time to obtain its strengthened state, and increased the power of its strengthened state.


Christmas 2018 Bingo

(December 5th ~ January 9th)

Bingo (Front)
  Objective Note
A-1 Defeat King Yede Lv.1+
A-2 Defeat Gulfur Lv.1+
A-3 Talk to Lachesis Main Gate
A-4 Defeat Ol Micda Lv.1+
A-5 Defeat Cyclonehda Lv.1+
B-1 Defeat Yede Lv.1+
B-2 Talk to Aru (Christmas) Shop Area
B-3 Play Mesetan Shooter Casino
B-4 Talk to Sophia Franka's Cafe
B-5 Defeat Ga Wonda Lv.1+
C-1 Clear Client Order:
A Hitsugi Christmas!
Hitsugi (Christmas)
C-2 Clear Client Order:
Kohri (Christmas)
C-4 Clear Client Order:
Aru's Relationship Plan!
Aru (Christmas)
C-5 Clear Client Order:
Defend the Eve of the Night
Hitsugi (Christmas)
D-1 Defeat Dagacha Lv.1+
D-2 Talk to Hitsugi (Christmas) Shop Area
D-3 Grind a Weapon or Unit Item Lab
D-4 Talk to Kohri (Christmas) Shop Area
D-5 Defeat Gu Wonda Lv.1+
E-1 Defeat Kuklonahda Lv.1+
E-2 Defeat Dahgash Lv.1+
E-3 Talk to Leontina Main Gate
E-4 Defeat Fangulfur Lv.1+
E-5 Defeat Malmoth Lv.1+

Bingo (Reverse)
  Objective Note
A-1 Defeat Deus Anges Lv.41+
A-2 Defeat Org Blan Lv.41+
A-3 Complete [Merry Christmas on Ice] VH+
A-4 Defeat Guar Zigmorde Lv.41+
A-5 Defeat Aratron Phemut Lv.41+
B-1 Defeat Anjhadu-lili Lv.41+
B-2 Defeat Snow Banther Lv.41+
B-3 Find the Lillipan Graffiti Casino
B-4 Defeat Rock Bear Lv.41+
B-5 Defeat Gigur Gunne-gam Lv.41+
C-1 Defeat King Mesetan in Mesetan Shooter Casino
C-2 Send a [Like] in the Fashion Catalog  
C-4 Play Black Nyack Casino
C-5 Grind a Weapon's Element Item Lab
D-1 Defeat Tranzmizer Lv.41+
D-2 Defeat Snow Banshee Lv.41+
D-3 Scratch the FUN Scratch  
D-4 Defeat Caterdra'nsa Lv.41+
D-5 Defeat Drago Deadlion Lv.41+
E-1 Defeat Zeta Guranz Lv.41+
E-2 Defeat De Malmoth Lv.41+
E-3 Clear E-Trial: Storm Gift Mr. Umblla
E-4 Defeat Codotta Idetta Lv.41+
E-5 Defeat Greuzoras Drago Lv.41+


We'd like to thank all of our current patrons for helping to keep the site afloat! If you like the work that we do, please consider donating 1$ or more to continue our Phantasy Star coverage!



Emergency Quest Schedule

Boost Event 49

▲▲ Eastern Daylight Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!

▲▲ Japanese Standard Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!

Eastern / Central / Mountain / Arizona / Pacific

Hawaii / São Paulo / London / Berlin / Moscow

Bangkok / Philippines / Sydney / Japan

Please Note:

  • The Emergency Quest schedule will update automatically during maintenance. Please wait until after maintenance has ended to see the current schedule.
  • Please resync the calendar periodically to receive the latest updates, as the schedule may change at Sega's discretion.
  • This calendar is unable to show Emergency Quests that occur at random.
  • Boost Events that occur for 24 hours will appear with only their start times.
  • Boost Events that occur for several hours will use the "period" suffix in their titles. Please check the Google Calendar itself to view the event duration.
  • You can see the Emergency Quest schedule on your phone by subscribing to the Google Calendar.


Spend AC, Get Items

Players who spend set amounts of AC during the campaign period will receive several prizes!

Campaign Period

  • Until September 17th @ 23:59 JST

Campaign Qualifications

(1) Spend 2000+ AC during the campaign period to receive:

  • +100% Tribooster (x2)
  • 15,000 EXP Ticket (x5)

(2) Spend 5000+ AC during the campaign period to receive:

  • Otsukimi Lillipa Suit
  • +30% Ability Affixing Success

(3) Spend 10,000 AC during the campaign period to receive:

  • +150% Tribooster (x3)
  • Lambda Grinder (x2)

※AC / iAC spent in PSO2es prior to linking does not qualify for this campaign. However, any AC or iAC spent after linking will qualify for the campaign.

Ways You Can Spend AC

  • Playing Arks Scratch on PSO2 or PSO2es
  • Buying Arks Scratch Ticket Bundles
  • Buying Items in the AC Shop
  • Using a Scape Doll to revive
  • Using AC Content at the Beauty Salon
  • Spending AC to add a Skill Tree
  • Spending AC to reset a Skill Tree
  • Spending AC to buy a character
  • Transferring to another ship

Using [Arks Scratch Tickets] to play the AC Scratch does not fulfill the campaign requirements of spending AC.


Idola Pre-Registration (Updated)

Pre-Register to Sega's newest game, [Idola: Phantasy Star Saga], to obtain Star Gems and Conqueror's Crests in PSO2. After reaching 200,000 pre-registrations, Sega has added King's Crests as another Reward!

Campaign Period

  • July 24th, 2018 ~ Until Idola Pre-Registration ends

Campaign Conditions

  1. Pre-Register for [Idola: Phantasy Star Saga] with a SEGA ID
  2. Play on PSO2 with the same SEGA ID before the pre-registration period ends.

Campaign Rewards

  • 100 SG Ticket (x1)
  • Conqueror's Crests (x100)
  • King's Crests (x50) [NEW]

Reward Period

  • 1 month after Idola pre-registration ends


Quest Boosts

Guides of Creation (Sept. 12th ~ Sept. 19th)

  • +100% Rare Drop Rate

Ultimate Lillipa (Sept. 12th ~ Sept. 26th)

  • +100% Rare Drop Rate

King's Crest Campaign

Complete the following goals to obtain King's Crests. The crests can be exchanged for ★14 Weapons at Zieg!

Campaign Period

Sept. 12th ~ Sept. 19th

Campaign Tasks

  Goal Reward
1 Clear (1) Regiment of the Wicked 2018 King’s Crests (x10)
2 Clear (3) Regiment of the Wicked 2018 King’s Crests (x10)
3 Clear (1) Ultimate Lillipa King’s Crests (x10)
4 Clear (2) Ultimate Lillipa King’s Crests (x10)
5 Complete Niren Kamui's CO:
Demands Before the Battle
King’s Crests (x10)


Grab Weaponoid Camos, Outfits, and Partner Cards In PSO2

~~ September 12th, 2018 ~~


Regiment of the Wicked 2018

Autumn's staple Emergency Quest returns for another round of Darker and Kuronite suppression. This year's iteration changes the quest structure and offers new item drops such as the ★14 Knuckles "Powerful Blow" along with the "Black Rappy Suit Mini." Joining the fray are Weaponoid characters from PSO2es who might give out special rewards if you complete their Emergency Trials.


パワフルブロウ | Powerful Blow


Regiment 2018 Collection

Our latest Collection File features weapons inspired by the "Hiei" designs. These "Acht" weapons are golden in color, covering Sword, Double Saber, Assault Rifle and Wand within the collection file. In addition, the collection will also contain ★13 eggs for Synchro, Jinga, and Viola. 


Otsukimi Bingo 2018

This year's bingo focuses on Emergency Quest enemies and Weaponoid client orders. As you progress towards completing the objectives, you'll receive rewards such as [Leontina's Certificate] and [*Hikarimaizuru].


Ultimate Lillipa

Next up in line for the Ultimate Quest renewal is Planet Lillipa! This update adjusts enemy stats and provides the chance for Lv. 85 enemies to appear. Joining the lineup is Dark Empe Rappy, who can refill Dark Blast usage upon defeat.

Weaponoids Event

The winners of the Weaponoid General Election, Twin Kamui, Lightning Espada, Shooting Drive, Nox Cadina, and Lavis Blade, will all make their appearance as NPCs in the Shopping Area. Complete their client orders to not only unlock their partner cards, but to also receive [Lightning Espada-NT] and [Niren Kamui-NT] as actual weapons.


Niren Kamui also has an exchange shop, where one can trade [Rainbow Ribbons] for various items such as the weaponoid posters!


Fight alongside the Weaponoids for a chance to obtain their weapon camos. These Emergency Trials can appear in Regiment 2018, Advance Quest [Kuron], and all the Free Fields excluding [Enchanted Forest].


Weapon Camos



Galaxy Weaponoid (AC Scratch)

The top ranking outfits from last year's Weaponoid Costume General Election will have their outfits, hairstyles, accessories included within the scratch lineup. Players can even make their character pose just like Weaponoids in their chip artwork with four new lobby actions!


ニレンカムイF[Ba][In] | Niren Kamui F [Ba][In]
ライトニングE服・M | Lightning E Wear M
ライトニングE服2・M | Lightning E Wear 2 M
シューティングドライブ[Ba][In] | Shooting Drive [Ba][In]
ノクスカディナ[Ou][Ba] | Nox Cadina [Ou][Ba]
ラヴィス=ブレイド[Ba] | Lavis Blade [Ba]
442「ウェポノイドポーズ1」| Weaponoid Pose 1
442「ウェポノイドポーズ1」| Weaponoid Pose 1
444 「ウェポノイドポーズ3」 | Weaponoid Pose 3


Nintendo Switch

The Nintendo Switch version of Phantasy Star Online 2 is getting 60fps support. This groundbreaking new feature will launch on September 12th.