PSO2 JP SG Scratch: Advent of Mother

Advent of Mother
(Until 12.12.2018)



幻創聖母礼装[Ou] ║ Phantom Mother [Ou]
幻創聖母礼装 紅[Ou] ║ Phantom Mother Crimson [Ou]
幻創聖母礼装v2[Ou] ║ Phantom Mother v2 [Ou]


幻創聖母礼装[Ba] ║ Phantom Mother [Ba]
幻創聖母礼装 海[Ba] ║ Phantom Mother Sea [Ba]
幻創聖母礼装 紅[Ba] ║ Phantom Mother Crimson [Ba]
幻創聖母礼装 影[Ba] ║ Phantom Mother Shadow [Ba]
幻創聖母礼装 桜[Ba] ║ Phantom Mother Sakura [Ba]
幻創聖母礼装 雪[Ba] ║ Phantom Mother Snow [Ba]


幻創聖母礼装[In] ║ Phantom Mother [In]



幻創使徒礼装・氷[Ou] ║ Phantom Apostle Ice [Ou]
幻創使徒礼装・氷 紅[Ou] ║ Phantom Apostle Ice Red [Ou]
幻創使徒礼装・氷v2[Ou] ║ Phantom Apostle Ice v2[Ou]


幻創使徒礼装・氷[Ba] ║ Phantom Apostle Ice [Ba]
幻創使徒礼装・氷 影[Ba] ║ Phantom Apostle Ice Black [Ba]
幻創使徒礼装・氷 雪[Ba] ║ Phantom Apostle Ice Snow [Ba]
幻創使徒礼装・氷 玄[Ba] ║ Phantom Apostle Ice Dark [Ba]
幻創使徒礼装・氷 紅[Ba] ║ Phantom Apostle Ice Red [Ba]
幻創使徒礼装・氷 夜[Ba] ║ Phantom Apostle Ice Night [Ba]



幻創使徒礼装・日[Ou] ║ Phantom Apostle Sun [Ou]
幻創使徒礼装・日 紅[Ou] ║ Phantom Apostle Sun Red [Ou]
幻創使徒礼装・日v2[Ou] ║ Phantom Apostle Sun v2 [Ou]


幻創使徒礼装・日[Ba] ║ Phantom Apostle Sun [Ba]
幻創使徒礼装・日 影[Ba] ║ Phantom Apostle Sun Shadow [Ba]
幻創使徒礼装・日 紅[Ba] ║ Phantom Apostle Sun Red [Ba]
幻創使徒礼装・日 玄[Ba] ║ Phantom Apostle Sun Dark [Ba]
幻創使徒礼装・日 夜[Ba] ║ Phantom Apostle Sun Night [Ba]
幻創使徒礼装・日 空[Ba] ║ Phantom Apostle Sun Sky [Ba]


幻創使徒礼装・日[In] ║ Phantom Apostle Sun [In]



幻創使徒礼装・月[Ou] ║ Phantom Apostle Moon [Ou]
幻創使徒礼装・月 紅[Ou] ║ Phantom Apostle Moon Red [Ou]
幻創使徒礼装・月v2[Ou] ║ Phantom Apostle Moon v2 [Ou]



幻創使徒礼装[Ou] ║ Phantom Apostle [Ou]
幻創使徒礼装 紅[Ou] ║ Phantom Apostle Crimson [Ou]
幻創使徒礼装v2[Ou] ║ Phantom Apostle v2 [Ou]


幻創使徒礼装[Ba] ║ Phantom Apostle [Ba]
幻創使徒礼装 影[Ba] ║ Phantom Apostle Shadow [Ba]
幻創使徒礼装 紅[Ba] ║ Phantom Apostle Crimson [Ba]
幻創使徒礼装 玄[Ba] ║ Phantom Apostle Mysterious [Ba]
幻創使徒礼装 夜[Ba] ║ Phantom Apostle Night [Ba]
幻創使徒礼装 静[Ba] ║ Phantom Apostle Tranquil [Ba]



幻創使徒礼装・水[Ou] ║ Phantom Apostle Water [Ou]
幻創使徒礼装・水 紅[Ou] ║ Phantom Apostle Water Red [Ou]
幻創使徒礼装・水v2[Ou] ║ Phantom Apostle Water v2 [Ou]


幻創使徒礼装・水[Ba] ║ Phantom Apostle Water [Ba]
幻創使徒礼装・水 影[Ba] ║ Phantom Apostle Water Black [Ba]
幻創使徒礼装・水 紅[Ba] ║ Phantom Apostle Water Red [Ba]
幻創使徒礼装・水 鋼[Ba] ║ Phantom Apostle Water Steel [Ba]
幻創使徒礼装・水 夜[Ba] ║ Phantom Apostle Water Night [Ba]
幻創使徒礼装・水 空[Ba] ║ Phantom Apostle Water Sky [Ba]



幻創使徒礼装・木[Ou] ║ Phantom Apostle Wood [Ou]
幻創使徒礼装・木 紅[Ou] ║ Phantom Apostle Wood Red [Ou]
幻創使徒礼装・木v2[Ou] ║ Phantom Apostle Wood v2 [Ou]


幻創使徒礼装・木[Ba] ║ Phantom Apostle Wood [Ba]
幻創使徒礼装・木 影[Ba] ║ Phantom Apostle Wood Black [Ba]
幻創使徒礼装・木 紅[Ba] ║ Phantom Apostle Wood Red [Ba]
幻創使徒礼装・木 玄[Ba] ║ Phantom Apostle Wood Dark [Ba]
幻創使徒礼装・木 月[Ba] ║ Phantom Apostle Wood Moon [Ba]
幻創使徒礼装・木 夜[Ba] ║ Phantom Apostle Wood Night [Ba]



幻創使徒礼装・土[Ou] ║ Phantom Apostle Earth [Ou]
幻創使徒礼装・土 紅[Ou] ║ Phantom Apostle Earth Red [Ou]
幻創使徒礼装・土v2[Ou] ║ Phantom Apostle Earth v2 [Ou]



  • 女性共通マザーボイス ║ Female Voice – Mother
  • 女性共通コオリ(MC)ボイス ║ Female Voice – Kohri (MC)
  • 女性共通オークゥボイス ║ Female Voice – Och
  • 女性共通フルボイス ║ Female Voice – Phul
  • 男性共通ハギトボイス ║ Male Voice – Haggith
  • 男性共通オフィエルボイス ║ Male Voice – Ophiel
  • 男性共通ベトールボイス ║ Male Voice – Bethor
  • 男性共通アラトロンボイス ║ Male Voice – Aratron

Lobby Actions

  • 313「マザー・クラスタ1」 ║ Mother Cluster 1
  • 314「マザー・クラスタ2」 ║ Mother Cluster 2
  • 315「マザー・クラスタ3」 ║ Mother Cluster 3
  • 360「マザー・クラスタ4」 ║ Mother Cluster 4
  • 361「マザー・クラスタ5」 ║ Mother Cluster 5

New Music

  • デウス・ヒューナス戦 ║ Deus Hunas Battle
  • デウス・アンジェス戦 ║ Deus Anges Battle
  • デウス・エスカ戦 ║ Deus Esca Battle
  • デウス・エスカ「後半戦」║ Dues Esca [Second Half Battle]

Revived Music

  • 幻創種襲来 ║ Phantom Invasion
  • マザー・クラスタのテーマ ║ Mother Cluster’s Theme
  • マザー・クラスタ戦 ║ Mother Cluster Battle
  • PSO2 イベント「マザー1」 ║ PSO2 Event [Mother 1]
  • PSO2 イベント「マザー2」 ║ PSO2 Event [Mother 2]
  • マザー「後半戦」 ║ Mother [Second Half Battle]
  • コオリ戦 ║ Kohri Battle
  • オフィエル戦 ║ Ophiel Battle

PSO2 JP AC Scratch: Magic Horror Night

Magic Horror Night
(Until 11.7.2018)



フロリックポプシー[Ou] ║ Frolic Popsy [Ou]


フロリックポプシー[Ba] ║ Frolic Popsy [Ba]
フロリックポプシー紅[Ba] ║ Frolic Popsy Crimson [Ba]
フロリックポプシー夜[Ba] ║ Frolic Popsy Night [Ba]
フロリックポプシー桜[Ba] ║ Frolic Popsy Sakura [Ba]
フロリックポプシー影[Ba] ║ Frolic Popsy Shadow [Ba]
フロリックポプシー陽[Ba] ║ Frolic Popsy Sun [Ba]


フロリックポプシー[In] ║ Frolic Popsy [In]
フロリックポプシー紅[In] ║ Frolic Popsy Crimson [In]
フロリックポプシー空[In] ║ Frolic Popsy Sky [In]
フロリックポプシー桜[In] ║ Frolic Popsy Sakura [In]
フロリックポプシー影[In] ║ Frolic Popsy Shadow [In]
フロリックポプシー陽[In] ║ Frolic Popsy Sun [In]



アルカナスピリカル[Ou] ║ Arcana Spirical [Ou]


アルカナスピリカル[Ba] ║ Arcana Spirical [Ba]
アルカナスピリカル紅[Ba] ║ Arcana Spirical Crimson [Ba]
アルカナスピリカル夜[Ba] ║ Arcana Spirical Night [Ba]
アルカナスピリカル桜[Ba] ║ Arcana Spirical Sakura [Ba]
アルカナスピリカル雪[Ba] ║ Arcana Spirical Snow [Ba]
アルカナスピリカル影[Ba] ║ Arcana Spirical Shadow [Ba]



ラミュロスシルエット[Ou] ║ Lamyros Silhouette [Ou]


ラミュロスシルエット[Ba] ║ Lamyros Silhouette [Ba]
ラミュロスシルエット紅[Ba] ║ Lamyros Silhouette Scarlet [Ba]
ラミュロスシルエット夜[Ba] ║ Lamyros Silhouette Night [Ba]
ラミュロスシルエット葉[Ba] ║ Lamyros Silhouette Leaf [Ba]
ラミュロスシルエット雪[Ba] ║ Lamyros Silhouette Snow [Ba]
ラミュロスシルエット影[Ba] ║ Lamyros Silhouette Shade [Ba]



フェスティヴマミーF[Ba] ║ Festive Mummy F [Ba]
フェスティヴマミーF影[Ba] ║ Festive Mummy F Shadow [Ba]
フェスティヴマミーF紅[Ba] ║ Festive mummy F Crimson [Ba]
フェスティヴマミーF夜[Ba] ║ Festive Mummy F Night [Ba]
フェスティヴマミーF雅[Ba] ║ Festive Mummy F Elegance [Ba]
フェスティヴマミーF空[Ba] ║ Festive Mummy F Sky [Ba]

~~~ Male ~~~

フェスティヴマミーM[Ba] ║ Festive Mummy M [Ba]
フェスティヴマミーM影[Ba] ║ Festive Mummy M Shadow [Ba]
フェスティヴマミーM紅[Ba] ║ Festive Mummy M Crimson [Ba]
フェスティヴマミーM夜[Ba] ║ Festive Mummy M Night [Ba]
フェスティヴマミーM雅[Ba] ║ Festive Mummy M Elegant [Ba]
フェスティヴマミーM空[Ba] ║ Festive Mummy M Sky [Ba]



アルカナエレメタル[Ou] ║ Arcana Elemetal [Ou]


アルカナエレメタル[Ba] ║ Arcana Elemetal [Ba]
アルカナエレメタル紅[Ba] ║ Arcana Elemetal Crimson [Ba]
アルカナエレメタル夜[Ba] ║ Arcana Elemetal Night [Ba]
アルカナエレメタル栗[Ba] ║ Arcana Elemetal Chestnut [Ba]
アルカナエレメタル雪[Ba] ║ Arcana Elemetal Snow [Ba]
アルカナエレメタル影[Ba] ║ Arcana Elemetal Shadow [Ba]



イービルテラー[Ou] ║ Evil Terror [Ou]


イービルテラー[Ba] ║ Evil Terror [Ba]
イービルテラー紅[Ba] ║ Evil Terror Crimson [Ba]
イービルテラー夜[Ba] ║ Evil Terror Night [Ba]
イービルテラー葉[Ba] ║ Evil Terror Leaf [Ba]
イービルテラー雪[Ba] ║ Evil Terror Snow [Ba]
イービルテラー影[Ba] ║ Evil Terror Shadow [Ba]


イービルテラー[In] ║ Evil Terror [In]
イービルテラー紅[In] ║ Evil Terror Crimson [In]
イービルテラー夜[In] ║ Evil Terror Night [In]
イービルテラー葉[In] ║ Evil Terror Leaf [In]
イービルテラー雪[In] ║ Evil Terror Snow [In]
イービルテラー影[In] ║ Evil Terror Shadow [In]


Female Voice #178 (CV: Sora Amamiya)

  • 女性追加ボイス178
  • 女性C追加ボイス178

Male Voice #145 (CV: Natsuki Hanae)

  • 男性追加ボイス145
  • 男性C追加ボイス145

Lobby Action

  • 452「チェアダンス」 ║ 452 [Chair Dance]
  • 461「ダンス54」 ║ 461 [Dance 54]

Female Recolors

  • プロウラークラスタ雪[Ou] ║ Prowler Cluster Snow [Ou]
  • プロウラークラスタ影[Ba] ║ Prowler Cluster Shadow [Ba]
  • プロウラークラスタ冬[Ba] ║ Prowler Cluster Winter [Ba]
  • ノクターナルミスティ紅[Ou] ║ Nocturnal Misty Crimson [Ou]
  • ノクターナルミスティ玄[Ba] ║ Nocturnal Misty Mysterious [Ba]
  • ノクターナルミスティ冬[Ba] ║ Nocturnal Misty Winter [Ba]
  • ハーミディオマントF紅[Ou] ║ Hermedio Cloak F Crimson [Ou]

Male Recolors

  • レクイエムバインド雪[Ou] ║ Requiem Bind Snow [Ou]
  • レクイエムバインド玄[Ba] ║ Requiem Bind Mysterious [Ba]
  • レクイエムバインド冬[Ba] ║ Requiem Bind Winter [Ba]
  • ハーミディオマントM紅[Ou] ║ Hermedio Cloak M Crimson [Ou]

CAST Color Variations

  • フェマーレ・ボディCV ║ Femaleigh Body CV
  • フェマーレ・アームCV ║ Femaleigh Arms CV
  • フェマーレ・レッグCV ║ Femaleigh Legs CV
  • ダルモルス・ヘッドCV ║ Dalmors Head CV
  • ダルモルス・ボディCV ║ Dalmors Body CV
  • ダルモルス・アームCV ║ Dalmors Arms CV
  • ダルモルス・レッグCV ║ Dalmors Legs CV

Female Layered Wear

  • プロウラークラスタ[Ou] ║ Prowler Cluster [Ou]
  • プロウラークラスタ[Ba] ║ Prowler Cluster [Ba] 
  • プロウラークラスタ[In] ║ Prowler Cluster [In] 


  • プロウラーヘアー ║ Prowler Hair
  • レクイエムヘアー ║ Requiem Hair
  • ノクターナルヘアー ║ Nocturnal Hair

CAST Parts

  • フェマーレ・ヘッド ║ Femaleigh Head

Face Paint

  • ハーミディオメイク ║ Hermedio Makeup

Grind Support

  • 特殊能力(打撃&PP/2)║ Add Special Ability (S-ATK & PP/2)


Scratch Bonus

Play this scratch a specific amount of times for exclusive bonus items!

(1) Draw the AC Scratch 5 times to receive:

  • Skull Soldier Shield

(2) Draw the AC Scratch 10 times to receive:

  • Tokyo Bonus Key [Silver]

(3) Draw the AC Scratch 15 times to receive:

  • Grind Success (100%)

(4) Draw the AC Scratch 25 times to receive:

  • Skull Suit

(5) Draw the AC Scratch 30 times to receive:

  • Magic Horror Night Ticket

(6) Draw the AC Scratch 60 times to receive:

  • Magic Horror Night Ticket

(7) Draw the AC Scratch 120 times to receive:

  • Magic Horror Night Ticket

(8) Draw the AC Scratch Gold 2 times to receive:

  • Perched Latan Empe

(9) Draw the AC Scratch Gold 4 times to receive:

  • Magatsu Bonus Key [Silver]

(10) Draw the AC Scratch Gold 6 times to receive:

  • +150% Tribooster

(11) Draw the AC Scratch Gold 12 times to receive:

  • Magic Horror Night Ticket

※Players can receive each item only once. All of these items are untradeable.
※Magic Horror Night Ticket allows you to choose 1 item from this AC Scratch.


FUN Scratch


  • シャープセミロング ║ Sharp Semi Long

Face Paint

  • 血のりメイクD ║ Blood Makeup D


  • 熱血まゆ ║ Hot-blooded Eyebrows
  • ふとまゆ ║ Thick Eyebrows


  • 二重まぶた 黒 ║ Double Eyelid Black
  • 二重まぶた 青 ║ Double Eyelid Blue
  • 二重まぶた 茶 ║ Double Eyelid Brown
  • 二重まぶた 白 ║ Double Eyelid White


  • ハロウィンネクタイ 橙 ║ Orange Halloween Tie
  • ハロウィンネクタイ 紫 ║ Purple Halloween Tie
  • ハロウィンネクタイ 白 ║ White Halloween Tie
  • ホワイトガーゼマスク ║ White Gauze Mask
  • ブラックガーゼマスク ║ Black Gauze Mask
  • 小悪魔ヘッド ║ Small Devil Head
  • 悪魔ヘッド ║ Devil Head
  • 飛び出る目L ║ Pop Out Eye L
  • 飛び出る目R ║ Pop Out Eye R
  • ブラックバタフライタイ ║ Black Butterfly Tie
  • レッドバタフライタイ ║ Red Butterfly Tie


  • レクイエムステッカーA ║ Requiem Sticker A
  • レクイエムステッカーB ║ Requiem Sticker B
  • レクイエムステッカーC ║ Requiem Sticker C
  • ノクターナルステッカーA ║ Nocturnal Sticker A
  • ノクターナルステッカーB ║ Nocturnal Sticker B
  • ノクターナルステッカーC ║ Nocturnal Sticker C

Lobby Action

  • 141「お菓子ちょうだい」 ║ 141 [Give Me Candy]

Room Items / Theme

  • ト・ビバコ ║ Jumping Box
  • ガッコ・マット ║ School Mat
  • フィールドライナー ║ Field Liner
  • ガッコ・ベンチ ║ School Bench
  • バスケットゴール ║ Basketball Goal


PSO2 JP: Extended Maintenance and Patch (10/10/2018)


Blast your way through Trick of Treat 2018 in this week's update!

PSO2 Maintenance

PSO2es Maintenance

  • 10/10/2018 @ 8:55 ~ 17:30 JST
  • 10/9/2018 @ 7:55 PM ~ 4:30 AM EDT

October 10th's Update

  • Game Launcher: Version 05.00.04
  • Game Client: Ver.5.1001.0
  • Patch Size: 1.9GB (PC) / xx (PS4) / 495MB (Vita)

Upcoming Broadcasts

PSO2 Station

  • October 30th @ 21:00 JST


PSO2es Guides

PSO2es Menu GuideSide Story Guide | esOrder Guide

Patch Notes

Dark Blast

  • Implemented Dark Blast: Double Form

New Emergency Quest

(October 10th ~ November 7th)

Quest Difficulty Requirements
Trick of Treat 2018!
Normal Lv.1+
Hard Lv.20+
Very Hard Lv.40+
Super Hard Lv.50+
Extra Hard Lv.75/75+


Partial New Item Listing


Limited-Time Client Orders

  • Obtain Client Orders from Xiera (Halloween) (October 10th ~ November 7th)


  • Distributed Halloween 2018 Bingo (October 10th ~ November 7th)

Collect File

  • Implemented [Trick or Treat 2018 Collection] (October 10th ~ November 7th)

Interrupt Event

  • Added a new interrupt event

New Partner Cards

  • Xiera (Halloween)

Battle Arena Weapon Lineup

  • Knuckles
  • Assault Rifle
  • Talis
  • Jet Boots


  • Added potentials to some previously released weapons.


  • Updated recommended Skill Trees


  • In the Challenge Quest [Mission: Decision], changed the skill disc [Snatch JA Combo] to [Step JA Combo].
  • In [Enchanted Forest Exploration]:
    • Increased the drop rate of ★13 Jutus Weapons.
    • Added new drops
    • Changed the enemy [Lanz Vareda] to [Bomber Vareda]
    • Added the following enemies:
      • Omega Cockatrice
      • Omega Dourumble
      • Codotta Idetta
      • Bonta Bakuta
      • Orota Biketta
      • Bonta Bearadda
  • Added [Conqueror's Crest] to the following quests:
    • Utterly Profound
    • Paragon of Deceit: Loser
    • Annihilator's Purification
    • Profound Invasion + Trigger
    • Profound Darkness + Trigger
    • Mining Base Defense: Invasion + Trigger
    • Mining Base Defense: Intrusion + Trigger
    • Mining Base Defense: Despair + Trigger
    • Mining Base Defense: Demise + Trigger
    • Mining Base Defense: VR + Trigger
    • Magisterial Onslaught + Trigger
    • Quintessence of Steel
    • Racing the Phantom Mother + Trigger
    • The Creator Phantom + Trigger
    • The Phantom Demiurge
  • Added [Conqueror's Crest] as a possible reward for clearing a Featured Quest
  • Added [Conqueror's Crest] to the following Bonus Quests:
    • Tokyo [Silver]
    • Tokyo [Gold]
    • Magatsu [Silver]
    • Magatsu [Gold]
    • Rappy F
    • Kazuchi Assault

Battle Arena

  • Knuckles PA [Straight Charge] can no longer be cancelled with the Weapon Action in Battle Arena.

Skill Ring Shop

  • Updated the Left Ring product listing

My Shop

  • Customized PAs / Techs are now sellable on the Player Market.


  • In the Skin Color Settings, you can choose from 3 types [Human/Newman], [Deuman], and [CAST].
  • When there's a problem with the Appearance Data within the Fashion Catalog / Fashion Editing, the following will display:
    • An Error Message prompting for a correction will display for the part with the problem in question when opening My Fashion in the Salon
    • When applying the outfit in My Fashion, an error message will display and the process will fail.
    • When Registering the outfit for the Fashion Catalog, an error message will display and the registration will fail.

Material Storage

  • You can now use materials from Material Storage for the following:
    • Equipment Extend
    • PA Customization
    • Technic Customization
    • Timed Ability Install

Live Concerts

  • Adjusted concerts so you can participate even if the participants exceed the limit.

Other Changes

  • In [Cloud], implemented [Easy Login]
  • In [PC], [PS4], and [Cloud], adjust the ranking display position of the victory screen.
  • In [Vita], display all the stats given by Special Abilities for Weapons and Units.
  • In [Vita], updated the Special Ability Dictionary
  • Reduced the glare effect in the charge of the following PAs / Techs:
    • Thrown Talis technic charge effects in general
    • Partizan PA [Sacred Skewer Type-0]
    • Knuckles PA [Slide Uppercut Type-0]
    • Knuckles PA [Meteor Fist]
    • Assault Rifle PA [Satellite Cannon]
    • Katana PA [Kanran-kikyou]
    • Katana PA [Sakura-endo]
    • Katana PA [Sakura-endo Type-0]
    • Katana PA [Hatou-rindou]
    • Katana PA [Shunka-shunran]
    • Bullet Bow PA [Kamikaze Arrow]
    • Technic [Gi Grants Type-0]
    • Pet PA [Torim Spiral]
    • Pet PA [Aero Spiral]
    • Pet PA [Popple Plode]
    • Pet PA [Rappy End]
    • Pet PA [Redran Burst]
  • For Customized Discs, changed the text color to yellow for a great success value, and changed the text color to orange for a perfect value.
  • The Camera Angle and Lighting Effect selected will display in the top left of the screen.
  • Zieg's [Atra Weapon Type Conversion] will no longer show the same Weapon Type as the weapon you want to exchange for.


Balance Adjustments


Christmas 2018 Bingo

(December 5th ~ January 9th)

Bingo (Front)
  Objective Note
A-1 Defeat King Yede Lv.1+
A-2 Defeat Gulfur Lv.1+
A-3 Talk to Lachesis Main Gate
A-4 Defeat Ol Micda Lv.1+
A-5 Defeat Cyclonehda Lv.1+
B-1 Defeat Yede Lv.1+
B-2 Talk to Aru (Christmas) Shop Area
B-3 Play Mesetan Shooter Casino
B-4 Talk to Sophia Franka's Cafe
B-5 Defeat Ga Wonda Lv.1+
C-1 Clear Client Order:
A Hitsugi Christmas!
Hitsugi (Christmas)
C-2 Clear Client Order:
Kohri (Christmas)
C-4 Clear Client Order:
Aru's Relationship Plan!
Aru (Christmas)
C-5 Clear Client Order:
Defend the Eve of the Night
Hitsugi (Christmas)
D-1 Defeat Dagacha Lv.1+
D-2 Talk to Hitsugi (Christmas) Shop Area
D-3 Grind a Weapon or Unit Item Lab
D-4 Talk to Kohri (Christmas) Shop Area
D-5 Defeat Gu Wonda Lv.1+
E-1 Defeat Kuklonahda Lv.1+
E-2 Defeat Dahgash Lv.1+
E-3 Talk to Leontina Main Gate
E-4 Defeat Fangulfur Lv.1+
E-5 Defeat Malmoth Lv.1+

Bingo (Reverse)
  Objective Note
A-1 Defeat Deus Anges Lv.41+
A-2 Defeat Org Blan Lv.41+
A-3 Complete [Merry Christmas on Ice] VH+
A-4 Defeat Guar Zigmorde Lv.41+
A-5 Defeat Aratron Phemut Lv.41+
B-1 Defeat Anjhadu-lili Lv.41+
B-2 Defeat Snow Banther Lv.41+
B-3 Find the Lillipan Graffiti Casino
B-4 Defeat Rock Bear Lv.41+
B-5 Defeat Gigur Gunne-gam Lv.41+
C-1 Defeat King Mesetan in Mesetan Shooter Casino
C-2 Send a [Like] in the Fashion Catalog  
C-4 Play Black Nyack Casino
C-5 Grind a Weapon's Element Item Lab
D-1 Defeat Tranzmizer Lv.41+
D-2 Defeat Snow Banshee Lv.41+
D-3 Scratch the FUN Scratch  
D-4 Defeat Caterdra'nsa Lv.41+
D-5 Defeat Drago Deadlion Lv.41+
E-1 Defeat Zeta Guranz Lv.41+
E-2 Defeat De Malmoth Lv.41+
E-3 Clear E-Trial: Storm Gift Mr. Umblla
E-4 Defeat Codotta Idetta Lv.41+
E-5 Defeat Greuzoras Drago Lv.41+

Mid-Term Results

Weaponoid Costume Mid-Term Results

The Weaponoid Costume Election mid-term results have been announced.

1st : Space Tuna | 2nd: Yasminkov 8000C | 3rd: Fornis Physis

1st: Eldetross | 2nd: Agito | 3rd: Axeon

Don't like the top 3 placements? Well you still have time to vote! The election period will close on October 24th @ 16:00 JST.

General Rules

  • You may vote once per day in each costume division.
  • The voting period resets once per day at 00:00 JST
  • The General Election will close October 24th @ 16:00 JST
  • The winners will have their costumes appear in a future update.

Voting Links

Click the yellow button to vote
Press はい to Confirm Your Vote

Mini Costume Request Mid-Term Results

The Mini Costume Election mid-term results have been announced!

1st: Pure Maid Dress | 2nd: Kanagi Maihime | 3rd: Airy Summer Dress


1st: Kanagi Seikai |  2nd: Jinvebaori | 3rd: Ceremony Tuxedo

Don't like the top 3 placements? Well you still have time to vote! The election period will close on October 24th @ 16:00 JST.

General Rules

  • You may vote once per day in each costume division.
  • The voting period resets once per day at 00:00 JST
  • The General Election will close October 24th @ 16:00 JST
  • The winners will have their mini costumes appear in a future update.

Voting Links

Click the yellow button to vote
Press はい to Confirm Your Vote

Double Dark Blast

Dark Blast Double


We'd like to thank all of our current patrons for helping to keep the site afloat! If you like the work that we do, please consider donating 1$ or more to continue our Phantasy Star coverage!



Emergency Quest Schedule

Boost Event 49

▲▲ Eastern Daylight Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!

▲▲ Japanese Standard Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!

Eastern / Central / Mountain / Arizona / Pacific

Hawaii / São Paulo / London / Berlin / Moscow

Bangkok / Philippines / Sydney / Japan

Please Note:

  • The Emergency Quest schedule will update automatically during maintenance. Please wait until after maintenance has ended to see the current schedule.
  • Please resync the calendar periodically to receive the latest updates, as the schedule may change at Sega's discretion.
  • This calendar is unable to show Emergency Quests that occur at random.
  • Boost Events that occur for 24 hours will appear with only their start times.
  • Boost Events that occur for several hours will use the "period" suffix in their titles. Please check the Google Calendar itself to view the event duration.
  • You can see the Emergency Quest schedule on your phone by subscribing to the Google Calendar.


AC Shop Bargains

The following bundles contain AC Shop items at a discounted price!

Period Date: Until October 17th Maintenance

Item Package Contents Price
Bonus Set + Bonus
+150% EXP Booster (x10)
90 Day Order Limit Expansion
Scape Doll (x5)
Bonus Key Tokyo [Silver]
Bonus Key Tokyo [Gold]
Bonus Key Magatsu [Silver]
Bonus Key Magatsu [Gold]
Bonus Key Rappy F
3,400 AC
Beginner's Set + Bonus
Item Pack Expansion +10 (x1)
Mag Ticket (x1)
Scape Doll (x1)
Bonus Key Tokyo [Gold] (x1)
650 AC

※Each bundle is limited once per account.


Purchase Premium Campaign

Purchasing [Premium Set 90 Days] with AC during the campaign period will reward players with various items!

Campaign Period

  • Sept. 26th ~ Oct. 31st Maintenance

Campaign Rewards

  • Lillipan Slippers (Accessory)
  • +150% Triboosters (x3)
  • Conqueror's Crest (x50)
  • Bonus Key Kazuchi Assault (x1)

Cloud Boost Campaign

Form a party with other players on the [Cloud Shared] Blocks to earn an EXP boost.

Campaign Period

  • Until November 28th's Maintenance

Cloud Party Boost

  • +100% EXP Boost


King's Crest Campaign

Complete the following goals to obtain King's Crests. The crests can be exchanged for ★14 Weapons at Zieg!

Campaign Period

Oct. 10th ~ Oct. 17th

Campaign Tasks

  Goal Reward
1 Clear (1x) Trick or Treat 2018 King’s Crests (x10)
2 Clear (3x) Trick or Treat 2018 King’s Crests (x10)
3 Clear (2x) Perpetual Madness King’s Crests (x10)
4 Clear (1x) Enchanted Forest Exploration King’s Crests (x10)
5 Login 3 Days King’s Crests (x10)