PSO2 JP AC Scratch: Legendary Valkyria

Legendary Valkyria
(Until 11.21.2018)



レイリィ・レプカ[Ou] | Riley Repca [Ou]


レイリィ・レプカ[Ba] | Riley Repca [Ba]
レイリィ・レプカ紅[Ba] | Riley Repca Crimson [Ba]
レイリィ・レプカ影[Ba] | Riley Repca Shadow [Ba]
レイリィ・レプカ夜[Ba] |Riley Repca Night [Ba]
レイリィ・レプカ雪[Ba] | Riley Repca Snow [Ba]
レイリィ・レプカ桜[Ba] | Riley Repca Sakura [Ba]



カイ・シュレン・レプカ[Ou] | Kai Schulen Repca [Ou]


カイ・シュレン・レプカ[Ba] | Kai Schulen Repca [Ba]
カイ・シュレン・レプカ雪[Ba] | Kai Schulen Repca Snow [Ba]
カイ・シュレン・レプカ鋼[Ba] | Kai Schulen Repca Steel [Ba]
カイ・シュレン・レプカ夜[Ba] | Kai Schulen Repca Night [Ba]
カイ・シュレン・レプカ栗[Ba] | Kai Schulen Repca Brown [Ba]
カイ・シュレン・レプカ紅[Ba] | Kai Schulen Repca Maroon [Ba]



クライマリア・レプカ[Ou] | Crymaria Repca [Ou]


クライマリア・レプカ[Ba] | Crymaria Repca [Ba]
クライマリア・レプカ雪[Ba] | Crymaria Repca Snow [Ba]
クライマリア・レプカ影[Ba] | Crymaria Repca Shadow [Ba]
クライマリア・レプカ夜[Ba] | Crymaria Repca Night [Ba]
クライマリア・レプカ葉[Ba] | Crymaria Repca Leaf [Ba]
クライマリア・レプカ紅[Ba] | Crymaria Repca Crimson [Ba]



東衣仙妃[Ou] | Eastern Celestial [Ou]


東衣仙妃[Ba] | Eastern Celestial [Ba]
東衣仙妃 夜[Ba] | Eastern Celestial Night [Ba]
東衣仙妃 陽[Ba] | Eastern Celestial Sun [Ba]
東衣仙妃 紅[Ba] | Eastern Celestial Crimson [Ba]
東衣仙妃 雪[Ba] | Eastern Celestial Snow [Ba]
東衣仙妃 影[Ba] | Eastern Celestial Shadow [Ba]


東衣仙妃[In] | Eastern Celestial [In]
東衣仙妃 夜[In] | Eastern Celestial Night [In]
東衣仙妃 陽[In] | Eastern Celestial Sun [In]
東衣仙妃 紅[In] | Eastern Celestial Crimson [In]
東衣仙妃 雪[In] | Eastern Celestial Snow [In]
東衣仙妃 影[In] | Eastern Celestial Shadow [In]



東衣真君[Ou] | Eastern Astral [Ou]


東衣真君[Ba] | Eastern Astral [Ba]
東衣真君 夜[Ba] | Eastern Astral Night [Ba]
東衣真君 陽[Ba] | Eastern Astral Sun [Ba]
東衣真君 紅[Ba] | Easter Astral Crimson [Ba]
東衣真君 雪[Ba] | Eastern Astral Snow [Ba]
東衣真君 影[Ba] | Eastern Astral Shadow [Ba]


東衣真君[In] | Eastern Astral [In]
東衣真君 夜[In] | Eastern Astral Night [In]
東衣真君 陽[In] | Eastern Astral Sun [In]
東衣真君 紅[In] | Eastern Astral Crimson [In]
東衣真君 雪[In] | Eastern Astral Snow [In]
東衣真君 影[In] | Eastern Astral Shadow [In]


フラメル・ヘッド | Flamel Head
フラメル・アーム | Flamel Arm
フラメル・ボディ | Flamel Body
フラメル・レッグ | Flamel Leg


メイガス・ヘッド | Magus Head
メイガス・アーム | Magus Arm
メイガス・ボディ | Magus Body
メイガス・レッグ | Magus Leg


Female Voice #179 (CV: Rie Murakawa)

  • 女性追加ボイス179
  • 女性C追加ボイス179

Male Voice #146 (CV: Showtaro Morikubo)

  • 男性追加ボイス146
  • 男性C追加ボイス146

Lobby Action

  • 455「封印と解放」 ║ 455 [Seal & Unseal]
  • 462「ダンス55」 ║ 462 [Dance 55]

Female Recolors

  • ノースリーブコートF雪[Ou] | Sleeveless Coat F Snow [Ou]
  • ダメージハーフパンツ冬[Ba] | Ripped Shorts Winter [Ba]
  • ダメージハーフパンツ玄[Ba] | Ripped Shorts Mysterious [Ba]
  • アリシア・レプカ玄 | Alicia Repca Mysterious
  • セルベリア・レプカ冬 | Selvaria Repca Winter
  • セルベリア・ツヴァイ冬 | Selvaria Zwei Winter
  • セルベリア・スイムウェア影 | Selvaria Zwei Shadow

Male Recolors

  • ノースリーブコートM雪[Ou] | Sleeveless Coat M Snow [Ou]



  • アリシア・レプカ ║ Alicia Repca
  • セルベリア・レプカ ║ Selvaria Repca
  • セルベリア・ツヴァイ ║ Selvaria Zwei 
  • セルベリア・スイムウェア ║ Selvaria Swimwear


  • アリシアツインテール ║ Alicia Twin Tail
  • アリシアバンダナ ║ Alicia Bandana
  • セルベリアロング ║ Selvaria Long

Weapon Camos

  • *ヴァルキュリアの槍 ║ *Valkyria Lance

Room Goods

  • エーデルワイス号 ║ Edelweiss Model

Grind Support

  • マグ支援枠拡張デバイス ║ Mag Support Extend Device
  • 特殊能力(法撃&PP/2)║ Add Ability (Tech&PP/2)


Scratch Bonus

Play this scratch a specific amount of times for exclusive bonus items!

(1) Draw the AC Scratch 5 times to receive:

  • Free Salon Pass

(2) Draw the AC Scratch 10 times to receive:

  • Magatsu Bonus Key [Silver]

(3) Draw the AC Scratch 15 times to receive:

  • Rappy Bonus Key F

(4) Draw the AC Scratch 20 times to receive:

  • Ability Success Rate +40%

(5) Draw the AC Scratch 25 times to receive:

  • Ability Protection (6s or lower)

(6) Draw the AC Scratch 30 times to receive:

  • L Valkyria Ticket

(7) Draw the AC Scratch 60 times to receive:

  • L Valkyria Ticket

(8) Draw the AC Scratch 120 times to receive:

  • L Valkyria Ticket

(9) Draw the AC Scratch Gold 2 times to receive:

  • Ragol Memory

(10) Draw the AC Scratch Gold 4 times to receive:

  • Tokyo Bonus Key [Silver]

(11) Draw the AC Scratch Gold 6 times to receive:

  • Lucky Crepe

(12) Draw the AC Scratch Gold 10 times to receive:

  • Ability Protection (6s or lower)

(13) Draw the AC Scratch Gold 12 times to receive:

  • L Valkyria Ticket

※Players can receive each item only once. All of these items are untradeable.
※L Valkyria Ticket allows you to choose 1 item from this AC Scratch.


FUN Scratch


  • カジュアルポニー ║ Casual Pony

Face Aesthetics

  • ぐるぐるほっぺ ║ Swirly Cheeks
  • 上フサフサまつげ 黒 ║ Black Lush Upper Lashes
  • 上フサフサまつげ 紺 ║ Blue Lush Upper Lashes
  • 上フサフサまつげ 茶 ║ Brown Lush Upper Lashes
  • 上フサフサまつげ 白 ║ White Lush Upper Lashes

Body Paint

  • メカ関節風ペイントM ║ Mechanical Joints Paint M
  • メカ関節風ペイントF ║ Mechanical Joints Paint F


  • くわえスペアリブ ║ Bitten Spare Rib
  • ファッショングラス ║ Fashion Glasses
  • ルージュピアス ║ Rouge Piercings
  • ハイテクホッケーマスク ║ Hi-Tech Hockey Mask
  • サイドウィング ║ Side Wings
  • クリアゴーグル ║ Clear Goggles
  • ロボ仮面 ║ Robo Mask
  • お化け舌 ║ Ghost Tongue
  • スカルネックレス ║ Skull Necklace

Lobby Action

  • 332「カメラアピール」║ Camera Appeal

Music Disc

  • VAL1 メインテーマ ║ VAL1 Main Theme

Room Items / Theme

  • コフィンベッド ║ Coffin Bed
  • ビンテージライト ║ Vintage Light
  • ビンテージベッド ║ Vintage Bed
  • ビンテージテーブル ║ Vintage Table
  • ビンテージチェア ║ Vintage Chair
  • ビンテージソファ ║ Vintage Sofa
  • ビンテージマット ║ Vintage Mat
  • ビンテージシェルフ ║ Vintage Shelf
  • ビンテージスタンド ║ Vintage Stand
  • ビンテージブックボード ║ Vintage Book Board
  • ビンテージドレッサー ║ Vintage Dresser
  • ビンテージビューラー ║ Vintage Bureau
  • ビンテージティーセット ║ Vintage Tea Set
  • ビンテージ・テーマ ║ Vintage Theme


PSO2: The Mysterious Black Cocoon

~ October 24th, 2018 ~


Episode 5 Chapter 6

As the black hole expands, a large black cocoon sprouts on Omega. With no knowledge of what lies in store, our hero and the Cuent army advance.


Legendary Valkyria (AC Scratch)

Phantasy Star Online 2 is collaborating with Valkyria Chronicles 4, the latest in Sega's tactical role-playing series, for a new AC Scratch! Featured within are Riley Miller and Kai Schulen of the Federation Army, alongside the "Winter Witch" of the Imperial Army, Crymaria Levin. Will the bonds of comrades burn bright through the bitter cold of the battlefield?


カイ・シュレン・レプカ[Ou][Ba] | Kai Schulen Repca [Ou][Ba]
レイリィ・レプカ[Ou][Ba] | Riley Repca [Ou][Ba]
クライマリア・レプカ[Ou][Ba] | Crymaria Repca [Ou][Ba]
柬衣真君[Ou][Ba][In] | Eastern Astral [Ou][Ba][In]
東衣仙妃[Ou][Ba][In] | Eastern Celestial [Ou][Ba][In]
メイガス・シリーズ | Magus Series
フラメル・シリーズ | Flamel Series


Support Item Selection

~ October 31st ~

The support item revival scratch is back for another go, with an assortment of goods tailored towards grinding your gear and raising Mags!



PSO2 JP: Maintenance (10/17/2018)


PSO2 Maintenance

PSO2es Maintenance

  • 10/17/2018 @ 10:55 ~ 17:30 JST
  • 10/16/2018 @ 9:55 PM ~ 4:30 AM EDT

Upcoming Broadcasts

PSO2 Station

  • October 30th @ 21:00 JST


PSO2es Guides

PSO2es Menu GuideSide Story Guide | esOrder Guide


Christmas 2018 Bingo

(December 5th ~ January 9th)

Bingo (Front)
  Objective Note
A-1 Defeat King Yede Lv.1+
A-2 Defeat Gulfur Lv.1+
A-3 Talk to Lachesis Main Gate
A-4 Defeat Ol Micda Lv.1+
A-5 Defeat Cyclonehda Lv.1+
B-1 Defeat Yede Lv.1+
B-2 Talk to Aru (Christmas) Shop Area
B-3 Play Mesetan Shooter Casino
B-4 Talk to Sophia Franka's Cafe
B-5 Defeat Ga Wonda Lv.1+
C-1 Clear Client Order:
A Hitsugi Christmas!
Hitsugi (Christmas)
C-2 Clear Client Order:
Kohri (Christmas)
C-4 Clear Client Order:
Aru's Relationship Plan!
Aru (Christmas)
C-5 Clear Client Order:
Defend the Eve of the Night
Hitsugi (Christmas)
D-1 Defeat Dagacha Lv.1+
D-2 Talk to Hitsugi (Christmas) Shop Area
D-3 Grind a Weapon or Unit Item Lab
D-4 Talk to Kohri (Christmas) Shop Area
D-5 Defeat Gu Wonda Lv.1+
E-1 Defeat Kuklonahda Lv.1+
E-2 Defeat Dahgash Lv.1+
E-3 Talk to Leontina Main Gate
E-4 Defeat Fangulfur Lv.1+
E-5 Defeat Malmoth Lv.1+

Bingo (Reverse)
  Objective Note
A-1 Defeat Deus Anges Lv.41+
A-2 Defeat Org Blan Lv.41+
A-3 Complete [Merry Christmas on Ice] VH+
A-4 Defeat Guar Zigmorde Lv.41+
A-5 Defeat Aratron Phemut Lv.41+
B-1 Defeat Anjhadu-lili Lv.41+
B-2 Defeat Snow Banther Lv.41+
B-3 Find the Lillipan Graffiti Casino
B-4 Defeat Rock Bear Lv.41+
B-5 Defeat Gigur Gunne-gam Lv.41+
C-1 Defeat King Mesetan in Mesetan Shooter Casino
C-2 Send a [Like] in the Fashion Catalog  
C-4 Play Black Nyack Casino
C-5 Grind a Weapon's Element Item Lab
D-1 Defeat Tranzmizer Lv.41+
D-2 Defeat Snow Banshee Lv.41+
D-3 Scratch the FUN Scratch  
D-4 Defeat Caterdra'nsa Lv.41+
D-5 Defeat Drago Deadlion Lv.41+
E-1 Defeat Zeta Guranz Lv.41+
E-2 Defeat De Malmoth Lv.41+
E-3 Clear E-Trial: Storm Gift Mr. Umblla
E-4 Defeat Codotta Idetta Lv.41+
E-5 Defeat Greuzoras Drago Lv.41+

Mid-Term Results

Weaponoid Costume Mid-Term Results

The Weaponoid Costume Election mid-term results have been announced.

1st : Space Tuna | 2nd: Yasminkov 8000C | 3rd: Fornis Physis

1st: Eldetross | 2nd: Agito | 3rd: Axeon

Don't like the top 3 placements? Well you still have time to vote! The election period will close on October 24th @ 16:00 JST.

General Rules

  • You may vote once per day in each costume division.
  • The voting period resets once per day at 00:00 JST
  • The General Election will close October 24th @ 16:00 JST
  • The winners will have their costumes appear in a future update.

Voting Links

Click the yellow button to vote
Press はい to Confirm Your Vote

Mini Costume Request Mid-Term Results

The Mini Costume Election mid-term results have been announced!

1st: Pure Maid Dress | 2nd: Kanagi Maihime | 3rd: Airy Summer Dress


1st: Kanagi Seikai |  2nd: Jinvebaori | 3rd: Ceremony Tuxedo

Don't like the top 3 placements? Well you still have time to vote! The election period will close on October 24th @ 16:00 JST.

General Rules

  • You may vote once per day in each costume division.
  • The voting period resets once per day at 00:00 JST
  • The General Election will close October 24th @ 16:00 JST
  • The winners will have their mini costumes appear in a future update.

Voting Links

Click the yellow button to vote
Press はい to Confirm Your Vote

Premium PSO2 Day Extended

Due to an issue with Arks Rappies' drops, Premium PSO2 Day has been extended for an additional day.

Premium PSO2 Day

  • October 22nd ~ October 23rd (23:59 JST)

※Arks Rappies will show up for all Players!


We'd like to thank all of our current patrons for helping to keep the site afloat! If you like the work that we do, please consider donating 1$ or more to continue our Phantasy Star coverage!



Emergency Quest Schedule

Boost Event 49

▲▲ Eastern Daylight Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!

▲▲ Japanese Standard Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!

Eastern / Central / Mountain / Arizona / Pacific

Hawaii / São Paulo / London / Berlin / Moscow

Bangkok / Philippines / Sydney / Japan

Please Note:

  • The Emergency Quest schedule will update automatically during maintenance. Please wait until after maintenance has ended to see the current schedule.
  • Please resync the calendar periodically to receive the latest updates, as the schedule may change at Sega's discretion.
  • This calendar is unable to show Emergency Quests that occur at random.
  • Boost Events that occur for 24 hours will appear with only their start times.
  • Boost Events that occur for several hours will use the "period" suffix in their titles. Please check the Google Calendar itself to view the event duration.
  • You can see the Emergency Quest schedule on your phone by subscribing to the Google Calendar.


Spend AC, Get Items

Players who spend set amounts of AC during the campaign period will receive several prizes!

Campaign Period

  • Until October 21st @ 23:59 JST

Campaign Qualifications

(1) Spend 2000+ AC during the campaign period to receive:

  • +100% Tribooster (x2)
  • 15,000 EXP Ticket (x5)

(2) Spend 5000+ AC during the campaign period to receive:

  • White Rappy Suit
  • +30% Ability Affixing Success

(3) Spend 10,000 AC during the campaign period to receive:

  • +150% Tribooster (x3)
  • Lambda Grinder (x2)

※AC / iAC spent in PSO2es prior to linking does not qualify for this campaign. However, any AC or iAC spent after linking will qualify for the campaign.

Ways You Can Spend AC

  • Playing Arks Scratch on PSO2 or PSO2es
  • Buying Arks Scratch Ticket Bundles
  • Buying Items in the AC Shop
  • Using a Scape Doll to revive
  • Using AC Content at the Beauty Salon
  • Spending AC to add a Skill Tree
  • Spending AC to reset a Skill Tree
  • Spending AC to buy a character
  • Transferring to another ship

Using [Arks Scratch Tickets] to play the AC Scratch does not fulfill the campaign requirements of spending AC.


Purchase Premium Campaign

Purchasing [Premium Set 90 Days] with AC during the campaign period will reward players with various items!

Campaign Period

  • Sept. 26th ~ Oct. 31st Maintenance

Campaign Rewards

  • Lillipan Slippers (Accessory)
  • +150% Triboosters (x3)
  • Conqueror's Crest (x50)
  • Bonus Key Kazuchi Assault (x1)


Cloud Boost Campaign

Form a party with other players on the [Cloud Shared] Blocks to earn an EXP boost.

Campaign Period

  • Until November 28th's Maintenance

Cloud Party Boost

  • +100% EXP Boost


Premium PSO2 Day

ARKS Rappies will appear on PSO2 Day. Players who defeat them have the chance to receive an [Arks Rappy Suit Mini] and equipment with the special ability [Arks Fever].
Arks Rappies (Lv.71+) can also drop the ★13 Rappy Egg!

※Arks Rappies will show up for all Players!

PSO2 Day
October 22nd ~ 23rd
Premium Players Only
Boost Event:
  • 2x Earned FUN
  • +1 Login Stamp Bonus
  • +100% EXP Boost
  • +100% Rare Drop Boost
  • +100% Gathering Fever Occ. Rate
Login Presents:
  • 22 Star Gem Ticket (x2)
  • Bonus Key Tokyo [Gold]


Emergency Quest Rush Campaign

During the Campaign Period, all quests will receive an increase to their EXP and Rare Drop rates. In addition, a boost event will be held that further increases the EXP and Rare Drop rates for the following emergency quests.


October 17th ~ October 24th

Targeted Quests

Trick or Treat 2018 | Perpetual Madness | The Underground Nightmare
Guides of Creation | Incarnation of Knowledge | Crimson Castle Crusher
Trigger Quests & 'The Dark Demolisher' do not qualify

Boost Events

All Quests +100% EXP Boost
+100% RDR Boost
Target Quests +100% EXP Boost
+100% RDR Boost

Clear Campaign

Clearing different Emergency Quests will net you prizes at a later date. The quests which qualify for this event are listed in the "Targeted Quests" section above. Repeatedly clearing the same quest, regardless of difficulty, does not increase the "different" kinds of quests asked within this campaign.

Clear Two Different Qualifying EQs:

  • +100% Rare Drop Booster (x2) + Lambda Grinder (x5) + Bonus Key Magatsu [Gold] (x1)

Clear Four Different Qualifying EQs:

  • +100% EXP Booster (x2) + Free Salon Pass (x1) + Bonus Key Tokyo [Gold] (x1)

Clear Six Different Qualifying EQs:

  • +100% Tribooster (x2) + Color Change Pass (x1) + Conqueror's Quest (x100)

You can qualify for the prizes in the previous tier based on the number of different Emergency Quests cleared. Prizes are distributed mid November.


King's Crest Campaign

Complete the following goals to obtain King's Crests. The crests can be exchanged for ★14 Weapons at Zieg!

Campaign Period

Oct. 17th ~ Oct. 24th

Campaign Tasks

  Goal Reward
1 Clear Trick or Treat (x3) King’s Crests (x10)
2 Clear Enchanted Forest Exploration (x1) King’s Crests (x10)
3 Clear Hans Client Order:
Flying Metal Shadows
King’s Crests (x10)
4 Clear Xiera (Halloween Client Order:
Leave it to Magical★Xiera☆
King’s Crests (x10)
5 Login 3 Days King’s Crests (x10)