- Clarified Information Regarding Partner Characters
Early this morning the official site updated with information that was already obtained from this post about Mission Codes. But now we at least get to see pretty pictures to go alongside it.
Infinity Mission
Infinity Missions are user created missions where one applies an item called a "Mission Code" to customize the look and feel of a mission.
You can obtain mission codes either by exchanging them with other people or collecting them within a mission. When you play these missions the monsters that appear are random allowing for new surprising monsters to appear.

First find a Mission Disk that contains a Mission Code

Go to the Code Counter
Register this Mission Disk to create an Infinity Mission

Enjoy your infinity Mission at the Mission Counter.
Mission Codes

A mission code controls aspects of the field, boss, and enemies that appear, including special effects where certain items can drop easily. The name of the mission code is affected by the boss and field contained in that code. For example the mission code, "Huge Monster of the Fresh Green" contains the grassy plain fields of Parum and the De Ragan as the boss. The mission code level affects the priority of the mission. Mission codes can be played on any difficulty rank. This includes the Infinity Mission rank which contains monsters above level 200.
Mission Code Info Page 1

On page 1: Mission codes can contain the boss and the types of monsters that appear, for example in the picture above, De Ragan is the boss and Moatoob and SEED monsters appear. The "Monster Level" is based on the degree of difficulty you select, then adds that amount to it.
- Monster Levels
- C Grade: 1+
- B Grade: 50+
- A Grade: 100+
- S Grade: 150+
- ∞ Grade: 200+
Mission Code Info Page 2

On Page 2: The mission field and special effects are shown. The above shows how there's a special effect to increase the drop rate.
Mission Code Info Page 3

On Page 3: The Mission code contains who discovered the mission code and the number of "synthesis points." "Synthesis points" are used up when creating a mission code.
Mission Code Synthesis
Sort of like synthesizing a weapon in PSU, You can mix and match different mission codes to create your own customized mission. First you select a mission code that is specified as the "Base Mission" which contains the field that you will play on. Then you select the "Plus Mission" which contains the boss. Afterwards the "Result Mission" will be created with the aspects you selected before it.

Base (Field) + Plus (Boss) = Result (Mission)
For example, the picture above is using the "Huge Monster of the Fresh Green" mission code as the "Plus Mission" then changing the "base mission" to Neudaiz' cherry blossom fields. This can also change what the enemies drop.
In the original mission code, you have Moatoob and Seed enemies in the green plains of Parum. They, for example, would normally drop sword related weapons in that field, once you change it to the cherry blossom field, they will drop rifles instead.
The created mission code will have a brand new name that reflects the contents of the mission code. The resulting name became "Huge Monster of the Bloom."
[via pspo2i]
Additional Comments
The images confirm the ability of downloadable mission codes. Recall the Pre-order post where they will give you a card containing the mission code for Dyla Bravas to appear as a boss.
Zero Costume

Terada says there's an outfit based on PSZero
He blurred it of course but it sure is obvious..
Captain T updated today with a little info about friend search, though personally I'd rather Sakai talk about it. Instead we'll go through Shougai's interpretation on what Terada was talking about.
- Meet all your characters!
- I can use my character as a "Partner Character" and bring them along in missions.
- When you select partner characters to bring along in a mission:
- You can bring yourself (A character you created becomes an NPC), your friend's character (NPC), a Story Character and Colonel Sanders along with you in a mission.
- Normally a partner character's level is usually reflected by the party leader's level however…
- The level of your character as an NPC stays the same and does not gain any experience points.
- (Your partner character's strength is not affected by the party leader's level. )
- (Remember this statement applies to partner characters that you personally made.)
- (When Sakai talks about Friend Search, we'll have better and clearer information)
Basically the confusion as to why "you" couldn't gain any levels was that if you converted your own character (that you made) as a partner character, then that character can't gain levels.
[via oh you captain t.]