PSP2i: Telephone Cards and Demo Leak

So Sakai is on vacation until the 6th of January, which means I can go on vacation too. YAY! So I've been playing PSP2 a lot more online as a result  while doing tactical missions with chat shortcuts telling people what to do. (To the point where they sometimes  rage quit!)

Last time when Phantasy Star Portable 2 was available for pre-ordering, different game shops around Japan were releasing telephone cards that were a bit sensual.

Who could forget this?'


Shougai uncovered some new telephone cards which you can get by pre-ordering the game. They still look slightly sensual as before.

Dewman and Human together at last! [medio]


Emilia trying to do something to Nagisa. [comgnet]


Kiss me! [ebten]


Newman and Cast [Messe Sanoh]


Emilia and Lumia rough design [wondergoo]


Nagisa B2 Size Tapestry. [wondergoo]


[AmiAmi] and a few other stores giving away a special soundtrack.


On 3/31 Enterbrain will release the Infinity Players Bible which will contain detailed information about the game. However, their last  psp2 bible made a lot of players (especially wiki writers) extremely upset, so now people are wary of purchasing it.

The Demo Leak

On New Years Day in Japan, the Demo was leaked early before its intended date. The story of how it happened occurred when @yuuta_star obtained the demo from a friend who worked at a Net Cafe shop in Tokyo. He then promptly set up a Nico Nico video showcasing various aspects about the game.

News traveled quickly through 2ch and created a big furor amongst fans. It also possibly caught the attention of Sega when Yuuta_star writes a long apology note about how he meant no harm to Sega and removed the video due to the insistence of fans. A few hours later his twitter account was suspended.

The leak can be attributed to the SupportKit where different game shops in Japan can request a UMD demo with the intention of distributing the demo to patrons.

According to 2ch, we note there are about more than 2 people releasing news and aspects about the game, but generally the information is mixed with false and factual and it can be hard to discern who is telling the truth and who is not.

Some of the information posted revolves around the PA balance changes (which pretty much if you thought it would get a nerf, it certainly did) and aspects about the new hairstyles (some hairstyles are certainly surprising in the female side of things) but we'll just wait until the demo is released officially.

[via esuteru via aozora]

The 6 new Technics of Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity

Today we look at the 6 new technics for Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity. Forces now have access to new technics which will make attacking and chaining much easier than before. Four of them will be shown below.


[flowplayer src='' splash='']

Foverse is a fire technic where fireballs surround the caster. It gives damage consecutively as it rotates. You can also do other attacks while it's out. The number of fireballs increase at higher technic levels.


[flowplayer src='' splash='']

Sabarta is an ice technic where a snowstorm is cast in a straight line in front of the player for an extensive area. It can give constant ranged damage consecutively. This technic can add to the chain very easily. 

*Ranged doesn't mean shooting attribute..


[flowplayer src='' splash='']

Sazonde is a lightning technic where a cluster of lightning hits enemies and launches them up to the sky. It does not disappear even if you change weapons, and stays in place until it damages enemies.


[flowplayer src='' splash='']

Nagrants It shoots out 3 rays to a locked-on enemy. It's very useful towards distant enemies. The rays follow an arc-like path.

[via pspo2iblog]

Nico Nico Item Design Winners

Dreadnought (Double Saber) is the Winner!


Photon Fang Dinobite, a wild sword!


Mainticemari is a shield depicting Mika.


Hatsuhanatsuki a female outfit, same designer as Mainticemari

These items will appear as Download Items in Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity.

[via nico]

PSP2i: Japanese Vision Phone Passwords

These are Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity Vision Phone Passwords. This list will be updated periodically once they are available.


Demo and Retail Version Codes

8393 9486  ブーストオーラⅠ (Boost Aura I)
2006 0831 Skia Blade I
2011 0224 Steel Hearts I
1464 2880 ファンタオレンジ・カスタムスーツ Fanta Orange Custom Suit
4885 4450 ファンタオレンジ・カスタムドレス Fanta Orange Custom Dress
1464 2881 ファンタグレープ・カスタムスーツ Fanta Grape Custom Suit
4885 4451 ファンタグレープ・カスタムドレス Fanta Grape Custom Dress
1464 2882 ファンタレモン・カスタムスーツ Fanta Lemon Custom Suit
4885 4452 ファンタレモン・カスタムドレス Fanta Lemon Custom Dress
1464 2883 ファンタ・カスタムスーツ Fanta Custom Suit
4885 4453 ファンタ・カスタムドレス Fanta Custom Dress
1464 2884 ファンタ・カスタムスーツ Fanta Custom Suit
4885 4454 ファンタ・カスタムドレス Fanta Custom Dress
1464 2885 ファンタ・カスタムスーツ Fanta Custom Suit
4885 4455 ファンタ・カスタムドレス Fanta Custom Dress
1464 2886 ファンタ・カスタムスーツ Fanta Custom Suit
4885 4456 ファンタ・カスタムドレス Fanta Custom Dress
1464 2887 ファンタ・カスタムスーツ Fanta Custom Suit
4885 4457 ファンタ・カスタムドレス Fanta Custom Dress
1464 2888 ファンタ・カスタムスーツ Fanta Custom Suit
4885 4458 ファンタ・カスタムドレス Fanta Custom Dress
1464 2889 ファンタ・カスタムパーツ Fanta Custom Parts Male
4885 4459 ファンタ・カスタムモデル Fanta Custom Model Female
2006 1212 ニワンゴオブジェ  Niwango Figure (Room Item)
2525 4649 テレビちゃん Terebi-chan (Room Item)
7766 6212 ファンタ自動販売機 Fanta Vending Machine
9567 1150 イエローマンジャージ Male Yellowman Jersey
9567 1151 イエローマンジャージ Cast Yellowman Jersey
9567 1152 イエローマンジャージ Female Yellowman Jersey
9567 1153 イエローマンジャージ Caseal Yellowman Jersey
2474 7066 カーネル・サンダース像 Colonel Sanders Statue


Retail Version Codes

2007 0831 初音ミクポートレート Hatsune Miku Portrait
2008 0718 鏡音リンポートレート Rin Portrait
2008 0719 鏡音レンポートレート Len Portrait
2009 0130 巡音ルカポートレート Luka Portrait
2006 0217 カイトポートレート Kaito Portrait
2004 1105 メイコポートレート Meiko Portrait
9469 2490 巡音ルカドレス Luka Dress Clothes
9469 2491 巡音ルカドレス Luka Dress Parts
3484 7240 鏡音リンドレス Rin Dress Clothes
3484 7241 鏡音リンドレス Rin Dress Parts
3511 3950 鏡音レンスーツ Len Suit Clothes
3511 3951 鏡音レンスーツ Len Suit Parts
8391 0200 ルカのマグロ Luka's Tuna
1998 1127 キャス子ちゃんグレネード Casko-chan Grenade
5262 5899 Vジャンプバレッタ VJump Barrette
9656 2381 剛剣アンカーフック Anchor Hook
8918 2672 リン・レンロードローラー Rin/Len RoadRoller
8320 8320 ファミ通デンドウブレード Famitsu Dendou Blade
3321 8613 ポリタンナッコォPolytan Knucko (Knuckles)
5373 2494 タルポリタンキャノン Polytan Barrel Cannon
7485 1724 コネオンツインセイバー Connect!On Saber
xxxx xxxx デンゲキマスター Dengeki Master
9800 9800 テレビさんグレネード Terebi-san Grenade
9803 9803 トロステ・テレビさん Toro Station Terebi-san
5183 1140 Gurren Lagann Set
5183 1141 Gurren Boomerang
5183 1142 Giga Drill
2302 8610 Schoolwear Shinji (Clothes)
2302 8611 Schoolwear Shinji (Parts)
1539 4200 Schoolwear Rei (Clothes)
1539 4201 Schoolwear Rei (Parts)
8154 8430 Schoolwear Mari (Clothes)
8154 8431 Schoolwear Mari (Parts)

[via shougaipso + 2ch ID 1/LlK6le + Penopat + 2ch ID +8jbK9/v + 2ch ID 94XpCNq +2ch ID OBujcdUK + dionysusroom + 2ch ID: ID:JrkAEsW4 + anonymous x2 + Reo]

れら『ファンタコスチューム (服・パーツ)』を用いた 『ネットイベント』まで開催されるというのだから、T隊長が 『ファンタ』を吹き出しかねないサプライズ。