Fight the Evil Dragon Atrum by Moonlight in a New Rematch Quest

~ January 24th, 2018 ~


The Dark Demolisher

The sealed beast of legend has resurrected in the midst of moonlight as the ebon-scaled Dragon Atrum! Its strength greatly outmatches that of the Erythron Dragon. With harsher restrictions imposed on the Laconium Sword, its use must be timed wisely. The fight will be arduous, but we must prevail and quell the threat once more.


Dark Demolisher is a Rematch Quest, requiring that players first complete Crimson Castle Crusher on the Extra Hard difficulty. Only four players can participate in a single instance of the quest, all of whom must have their active main and subclass at level 80. The quest will fail once a total of three incapacitations have occurred.


Emotional Electro Voice (AC Scratch)

PSO2 is collaborating with the VOCALOID Yuzuki Yukari to introduce various cosmetic items in her image! Unite your allies in battle with her voice, and enjoy her beautiful singing through a selection of music discs.


ゆかり・レプカF[OuBa] | Yukari Repca F
ゆかり・レプカM[OuBa] | Yukari Repca M
結月ゆかりパネル | Yuzuki Yukari Panel
ファムアルミュール[OuBa] ║ Femme Armeure
ノースリーブコートF[Ou] | Sleeveless Coat F [Ou]
ダメージハーフパンツ[Ba] | Ripped Shorts [Ba]
チューブトップ[In] | Tube Top [In]
リモートソード Remote Sword
リモートナックルL | Remote Knuckle L


Makeup & Legacy Parts Selection Scratch

~ February 1st ~ February 21st ~

This revival scratch is chock full of highly popular items released earlier on in PSO2's lifespan. Take a go at the [Makeup Selection] for a glamorous assortment of maquillage for the face and body. For CAST aficionados out there, the [Legacy Parts Selection G] includes various parts released prior to the last two years.


PSO2 JP: Maintenance (1/17/2018)

The PlayStation Vita version of PSO2 will receive a small 61 MB patch!

January 17th Maintenance

  • 1/17/2018 @ 11:00 ~ 17:00 JST
  • 1/16/2018 @ 9:00 PM ~ 3:00 AM EST
  • ※ Click the above link to convert to your timezone.

PSO2es Maintenance

  • 1/17/2018 @ 10:55 ~ 17:30 JST
  • 1/16/2018 @ 8:55 PM ~ 3:30 AM EST

Late March Client Order Changes

Starting late March, they are changing the conditions for certain quests to make them easier to unlock. Due to these changes, certain client orders from Koffie will be removed from the game. The complete list of Koffie's client orders affected will be listed in a table below. In addition, the unlocking conditions of client orders from various NPCs will be updated to reflect these changes.


New Quest Unlocking Conditions

Target Quest New Unlocking Condition
※Clear The Following Quest.
Dragonkin Ecological Survey 「Forest Exploration」
Kartargot Extermination 「Forest Exploration」
Subdue Caterdra'n 「Forest Exploration」
Volcanic Cave Exploration 「Forest Exploration」
Mech Power Survey: Desert 「Volcanic Cave Exploration」
Cargo Recovery: Desert 「Volcanic Cave Exploration」
Rare Ore Mining 「Volcanic Cave Exploration」
Desert Exploration 「Volcanic Cave Exploration」
Tundra Regional Survey 「Desert Exploration」
ARKS Search: Tundra 「Desert Exploration」
Subdue De Malmoth 「Desert Exploration」
Tundra Exploration 「Desert Exploration」
Mech Power Survey: Tunnels 「Tundra Exploration」
Distress Signal Investigation 「Tundra Exploration」
Transformer Takedown 「Tundra Exploration」
Subterranean Tunnels Exploration 「Tundra Exploration」
Berserk Dragon Suppression 「Subterranean Tunnels Exploration」
Specimen Collection: Skyscape 「Subterranean Tunnels Exploration」
Subdue Caterdra'nsa 「Subterranean Tunnels Exploration」
Skyscape Exploration 「Subterranean Tunnels Exploration」
Ruins Infestation Survey 「Skyscape Exploration」
Polluter Destruction 「Skyscape Exploration」
Wolgahda Extermination 「Skyscape Exploration」
Ruins Exploration 「Skyscape Exploration」
Sanctum Suppression 「Skyscape Exploration」
Subdue Sol Dirandal 「Skyscape Exploration」
Subdue Goronzoran 「Skyscape Exploration」
Sanctum Exploration 「Skyscape Exploration」
Coastal Ecological Survey 「Volcanic Cave Exploration」
Coastal Conservation 「Volcanic Cave Exploration」
Subdue Org Blan 「Volcanic Cave Exploration」
Coast Exploration 「Volcanic Cave Exploration」
Mech Power Survey: Quarry 「Coast Exploration」
Lillipan Colony Defense 「Coast Exploration」
Mobile Fortress Destruction 「Coast Exploration」
Quarry Exploration 「Coast Exploration」
Seabed Ecological Survey 「Quarry Exploration」
Wopal Rescue Team 「Quarry Exploration」
Subdue Decol Malluda 「Quarry Exploration」
Seabed Exploration 「Quarry Exploration」
Kuronite Suppression 「Coast Exploration」
Anjhadu-lili Demolition 「Coast Exploration」
Shironia Exploration 「Coast Exploration」
Facility Exploration 「Shironia Exploration」
Rheo Madullard 「Shironia Exploration」
Facility Exploration 「Shironia Exploration」
Kuronite Investigation 「Facility Exploration」
Codotta Idetta Subjugation 「Facility Exploration」
Kuron Exploration 「Facility Exploration」
Phantom Repulsion: Tokyo 「Shironia Exploration」
Train Ghidoran Suppression 「Shironia Exploration」
Tokyo Exploration 「Shironia Exploration」
Las Vegas Exploration 「Tokyo Exploration」

※These changes will be applied in the update in Late March.


Removed Koffie's Client Orders

探索許可申請試練・Ⅰ 探索許可申請試練・Ⅱ
探索許可申請試練・Ⅲ 探索許可申請試練・Ⅳ
探索許可申請試練・Ⅴ 探索許可申請試練・Ⅵ
適性能力審査試練・海岸 適性能力審査試練・採掘場跡
適性能力審査試練・白ノ領域 適性能力審査試練・浮上施設
適性能力審査試練・東京 自由探索許可申請・森林
自由探索許可申請・火山洞窟 自由探索許可申請・砂漠
自由探索許可申請・凍土 自由探索許可申請・地下坑道
自由探索許可申請・浮遊大陸 自由探索許可申請・遺跡
自由探索許可申請・龍祭壇 自由探索許可申請・海岸
自由探索許可申請・採掘場跡 自由探索許可申請・海底
自由探索許可申請・白ノ領域 自由探索許可申請・浮上施設
自由探索許可申請・黒ノ領域 自由探索許可申請・東京

※These [Exploration Request], [Ability Review Trial], and [Free Exploration Request] client orders will be removed in the update in Late March.




We'd like to thank everyone who donated to us on Patreon. Through your efforts, we can continue to keep the site up for the upcoming months. Please consider supporting our ongoing Phantasy Star coverage with a donation of $1 or more.


Emergency Quest Schedule

Boost Event 49

▲▲ Eastern Standard Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!

▲▲ Japanese Standard Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!

Eastern / Central / Mountain / Arizona / Pacific

Hawaii / São Paulo / London / Berlin / Moscow

Bangkok / Philippines / Sydney / Japan

Please Note:

  • The Emergency Quest schedule will update automatically during maintenance. Please wait until after maintenance has ended to see the current schedule.
  • Please resync the calendar periodically to receive the latest updates, as the schedule may change at Sega's discretion.
  • This calendar is unable to show Emergency Quests that occur at random.
  • Boost Events that occur for 24 hours will appear with only their start times.
  • Boost Events that occur for several hours will use the "period" suffix in their titles. Please check the Google Calendar itself to view the event duration.
  • You can see the Emergency Quest schedule on your phone by subscribing to the Google Calendar.



Best Scene General Election

To commemorate the release of the Omnibus Quest, PSO2 is holding a Best Scene general election. You may vote on a scene from any episode up to to two times a day. The scene with the highest votes will have an item created in their honor.

Best Scene Election Rundown

  • Press the green [投票する] button to vote for a scene.
  • You may vote for a scene up to two times a day.
  • Voting privileges will reset at 00:00 JST each day.
  • Items will be created based on the scene(s) with the highest % of votes.
  • Voting Period Ends: February 7th @ 16:00 JST
  • Voting Site: Scene General Election


Press the green [投票する] button underneath the scenes you wish to vote. Press the [はい] button on the left within the submenu to cast your vote.


PSO2 JP AC Scratch: Brave Cavalier

Brave Cavalier
(Until 2.7.2018)



ドラグニアフラール[Ou] ║ Dragnier Flower [Ou]
(6 colors)


ドラグニアフラール[Ba] ║ Dragnier Flower [Ba]
ドラグニアフラール紅[Ba] ║ Dragnier Flower Crimson [Ba]
ドラグニアフラール桜[Ba] ║ Dragnier Flower Sakura [Ba]
ドラグニアフラール夜[Ba] ║ Dragnier Flower Night [Ba]
ドラグニアフラール雪[Ba] ║ Dragnier Flower Snow [Ba]
ドラグニアフラール影[Ba] ║ Dragnier Flower Shadow [Ba]


ドラグニアフラール[In] ║ Dragnier Flower [In]
ドラグニアフラール紅[In] ║ Dragnier Flower Crimson [In]
ドラグニアフラール桜[In] ║ Dragnier Flower Sakura [In]
ドラグニアフラール夜[In] ║ Dragnier Flower Night [In]
ドラグニアフラール雪[In] ║ Dragnier Flower Snow [In]
ドラグニアフラール影[In] ║ Dragnier Flower Shadow [In]



セーターガウチョ[Ba] ║ Sweater Gaucho [Ba]
セーターガウチョ紅[Ba] ║ Sweater Gaucho Crimson [Ba]
セーターガウチョ雪[Ba] ║ Sweater Gaucho Snow [Ba]
セーターガウチョ鋼[Ba] ║ Sweater Gaucho Steel [Ba]
セーターガウチョ空[Ba] ║ Sweater Gaucho Sky [Ba]
セーターガウチョ冬[Ba] ║ Sweater Gaucho Winter [Ba]


Female Basewear

バックレスニットF[Ba] ║ Backless Knit F [Ba]
バックレスニットF萌[Ba] ║ Backless Knit F Sprout [Ba]
バックレスニットF栗[Ba] ║ Backless Knit F Chestnut [Ba]
バックレスニットF銀[Ba] ║ Backless Knit F Silver [Ba]
バックレスニットF雪[Ba] ║ Backless Knit F Snow [Ba]
バックレスニットF影[Ba] ║ Backless Knit F Shadow [Ba]

Male Basewear

バックレスニットM[Ba] ║ Backless Knit M [Ba]
バックレスニットM萌[Ba] ║ Backless Knit M Sprout [Ba]
バックレスニットM栗[Ba] ║ Backless Knit M Chestnut [Ba]
バックレスニットM銀[Ba] ║ Backless Knit M Silver [Ba]
バックレスニットM雪[Ba] ║ Backless Knit M Snow [Ba]
バックレスニットM影[Ba] ║ Backless Knit M Shadow [Ba]



ドラグニカクロス[Ou] ║ Dragnica Cross [Ou]
(6 colors)


ドラグニカクロス[Ba] ║ Dragnica Cross [Ba]
ドラグニカクロス紅[Ba] ║ Dragnica Cross Crimson [Ba]
ドラグニカクロス銀[Ba] ║ Dragnica Cross Silver [Ba]
ドラグニカクロス夜[Ba] ║ Dragnica Cross Night [Ba]
ドラグニカクロス雪[Ba] ║ Dragnica Cross Snow [Ba]
ドラグニカクロス影[Ba] ║ Dragnica Cross Shadow [Ba]


ドラグニカクロス[In] ║ Dragnica Cross [In]
ドラグニカクロス紅[In] ║ Dragnica Cross Crimson [In]
ドラグニカクロス銀[In] ║ Dragnica Cross Silver [In]
ドラグニカクロス夜[In] ║ Dragnica Cross Night [In]
ドラグニカクロス雪[In] ║ Dragnica Cross Snow [In]
ドラグニカクロス影[In] ║ Dragnica Cross Shadow [In]


シュバリア・ヘッド ║ Chevalier Head
シュバリア・ボディ ║ Chevalier Body
シュバリア・アーム ║ Chevalier Arms
シュバリア・レッグ ║ Chevalier Legs


シュバル・ヘッド ║ Cheval Head
シュバル・ボディ ║ Cheval Body
シュバル・アーム ║ Cheval Arms
シュバル・レッグ ║ Cheval Legs


Female Recolors

  • クエンディナマント鋼[Ou] ║ Cuendina Mantle Steel [Ou]
  • クエンディナウェア曜[Ba] ║ Cuendina Wear Day [Ba]
  • クエンディナウェア炭[Ba] ║ Cuendina Wear Charcoal [Ba]
  • クエンディナウェア冬[Ba] ║ Cuendina Wear Winter [Ba]
  • ラックレイズバニー影[Ou] ║ Luck Raise Bunny Shadow [Ou]
  • ラックレイズバニー冬[Ba] ║ Luck Raise Bunny Winter [Ba]
  • ラックレイズバニー影[Ba] ║ Luck Raise Bunny Shadow [Ba]
  • はだけパジャマ影[Ou] ║ Revealing PJs Shadow [Ou]
  • 七分丈パジャマ玄[Ba] ║ Quarter Pajamas Black [Ba]
  • 七分丈パジャマ冬[Ba] ║ Quarter Pajamas Winter [Ba]

Male Recolors

  • クエンジットマント鋼[Ou] ║ Cuensit Mantle Steel [Ou]
  • クエンジットウェア曜[Ba] ║ Cuensit Wear Day [Ba]
  • クエンジットウェア炭[Ba] ║ Cuensit Wear Charcoal [Ba]

Female Voice #161 (CV: Kikuko Inoue)

  • 女性追加ボイス161
  • 女性C追加ボイス161

Male Voice #128 (CV: Katsuyuki Konishi)

  • 男性追加ボイス128
  • 男性C追加ボイス128

Lobby Action

  • 373「ダンス48」 ║ Dance 48 (/la dance48)


  • ラックレイズハット ║ Luck Raise Hat
  • ラックレイズテイル 白 ║ White Luck Raise Tail

Mag Devices

  • フードデバイス/法撃 ║ Food Device / T-ATK

Grind Support

  • 属性変化(闇属性) ║ Attribute Change (Dark)
  • 属性変化(氷属性) ║ Attribute Change (Ice)
  • 属性変化(雷属性) ║ Attribute Change (Lightning)
  • 特殊能力追加(打撃&PP) ║ Add Special Ability (S-ATK & PP)


Scratch Bonus

Play this scratch a specific amount of times for exclusive bonus items!

(1) Draw the AC Scratch 5 times to receive:

  • Perched Snow Rappy (Accessory)

(2) Draw the AC Scratch 10 times to receive:

  • New Year Festival 2018 Mat (Room Item)

(3) Draw the AC Scratch 15 times to receive:

  • Grind Success (100%)

(4) Draw the AC Scratch 30 times to receive:

  • Brave Cavalier Ticket

(5) Draw the AC Scratch 60 times to receive:

  • Brave Cavalier Ticket

(6) Draw the AC Scratch 120 times to receive:

  • Brave Cavalier Ticket

(7) Draw the AC Scratch Gold 2 times to receive:

  • Shoulder Riding Snow Lillipa (Accessory)

(8) Draw the AC Scratch Gold 4 times to receive:

  • Tokyo Bonus Key [Silver]

(9) Draw the AC Scratch Gold 6 times to receive:

  • +150% Tribooster

(10) Draw the AC Scratch Gold 12 times to receive:

  • Brave Cavalier Ticket

※Players can receive each item only once. All of these items are untradeable.


FUN Scratch

Lobby Action

  • 374「障子」 ║ Shoji (unknown_command)

Music Disc

  • PSO2 イベント「哀しい」 ║ PSO2 Event [Sad]
    • PSO2 #152: 『Lonely Flame』


  • ミディアムエッジ ║ Medium Edge


  • デフォルメまつげC 黒 ║ Black Deformed Eyelashes C
  • デフォルメまつげC 紺 ║ Blue Deformed Eyelashes C
  • デフォルメまつげC 茶 ║ Brown Deformed Eyelashes C
  • デフォルメまつげC 白 ║ White Deformed Eyelashes C


  • 迷彩柄マスク 緑 ║ Green Camouflage Mask
  • 迷彩柄マスク 青 ║ Blue Camouflage Mask
  • 迷彩柄マスク 白 ║ White Camouflage Mask
  • アームキャノン ║ Arm Cannons
  • ブラスターユニット ║ Blaster Units
  • リリパダルマストラップ ║ Lillipa Daruma Strap
  • シシマイのおめん ║ Shishimai Mask
  • ピッタ・ワッダヘッド ║ Pitta Wadda Head
  • パラタ・ピコーダヘッド ║ Parata Picoda Head
  • レッグバレットベルト ║ Leg Bullet Belt


  • クエントエンブレムA ║ Cuent Emblem A
  • クエントエンブレムB ║ Cuent Emblem B
  • クエントエンブレムC ║ Cuent Emblem C

Room Items

  • カ・マクラ ║ Snow Hut
  • 丸型ストーブ ║ Round Stove
  • オイルヒーター ║ Oil Heater
  • ヤ・カン ║ Kettle
  • ヨ・セナベ ║ Yosenabe


AC Scratch Directory