PSO2's New Extreme Quests Test The Might of Experienced Players

~ March 22nd 2018 ~

EP5: Chapter 3

Harriet and company deliberate on how to handle the future of the Verun Empire. Amid the discussion, a Devil Castle suddenly emerges in the Cuent Canyon with an army of Winged Darkers! Following the destruction of the castle, the hero is thrust into a flashback of Luther and a young Harriet.


Darker Busters

Gene will appear in the lobby in her Season 2 apparel to celebrate PSO2es' 4th anniversary! Fellow Darker Busters, Bruno and Annette, will return alongside her. Assist them with their client orders to earn [Chip Fragment 2018] exchange items. Trade them in at Gene's Exchange Shop for some new PSO2es themed items.


Premium Set Bonuses

A batch of new features for Premium Set users is coming in the update. Spruce up your screenshots and videos with new filters and lighting effects!


Screen Filter Settings

Add stunning new effects to your gameplay footage with sepia, monochrome, dot, and vintage screen filters.

※These filters are not available on the PlayStation Vita version of the game.
※PC users are required to have their Shader Settings set to [High Quality] through the Launcher in order to use this feature.


Custom Lighting Settings

Three Custom Lighting settings will be accessible by Premium Set users. Adjust their position, color, and intensity to illuminate your character!

※These settings are not available on the PlayStation Vita version of the game.
※PC users are required to have their Shader Settings set to [High Quality] through the Launcher in order to use this feature.


Premium Triboost

Premium Set users will be given an exclusive +50% Triboost effect, separate from the other boost effects available in the game. Use this to your advantage to further increase your Rare Drop, EXP, and Meseta boost percentages!


Premium Drink 2 Effects

Premium Drink 2 has expanded with additional effects, such as reduced PP consumption and increased PA damage. 


Extreme Training: Terran Phantoms

A new five-stage Extreme Quest will challenge players to prove their worth under the new Expert Player requirements. Play it solo or grab up to three other friends to carve your way through the likes of Aratron Phemut and Deus Hunas. Scape Dolls, Half Dolls, and even the Dark Blast ability will be forbidden from use during the quest. ★13 Invade-NT series weapons have a chance of dropping for skilled players who make it through.


Solo Training: Phanatical Phantoms

A solo version of the aforementioned Extreme Quest will be released as well, with changes to some of the spawning enemies. This highly difficulty quest is perfect for testing the strength of your characters. Like Terran Phantoms, use of Scape Dolls, Half Dolls, and Dark Blast are not permitted.


ARKS Handbook

The ARKS Handbook, hosted by Leontina, will guide players in learning how to efficiently level up, upgrade their equipment, and earn meseta. She will be located at the counter to the left of the main gate.


Early Gaming Portion Improvements

Newcomers will encounter a more streamlined experience as they travel through the early portions of the game.

  • [EP 1 ~ 3] mode will be removed, making [EP 4 ~ 5] the only mode available. Players who wish to experience Episodes 1 ~ 3 can do so via Omnibus Quests.
  • New characters will be able to start [Episode 5] mode when they head to the bridge after clearing [Forest Exploration].
  • You can now unlock new fields without needing permission from Koffie. A list of the new unlocking conditions has been provided through this page.


Omnibus Quest Improvements

Free Fields that are required in order to progress through Omnibus Quests are now conveniently available through the Omnibus Quest menu.


Accessory Ticket Improvements

A recent change allowed fashion-related items to become available to the entire account, if the player used the same ticket on two different characters. Thanks to the magic of Sega's programmers, you can now use two iterations of the same ticket on a single character. Furthermore, in the item details field, you’ll now be able to check the usage state of a ticket.


Other Changes

Buster Quest Adjustments

  • Increased the number of drops for Buster Medals in Free Match
  • Buster Medals will now be able to drop in Main Match.
  • Changed the Buster Point cap from 3000 to 3500.

Due to these changes, [Main Match Advanced (Grade 3+)] will now state that it requires "3000+" Buster Points.


Galaxy Étoile (AC Scratch)

The latest scratch to hit PSO2's servers is a mixed collection of dancer clothing, skeletal jackets, and blacksmith uniforms.


ステラメモリーズ [Ou][Ba][In] | Stella Memories
ダメージジーンズ [Ba] | Ripped Jeans
ダンサーズビキニ [In] | Dancer Bikini
コープスパーカーM [Ou] | Corpse Parka M
上なしカーゴパンツ[Ba] | Topless Cargo
ペイントタンク [In] | Painted Tanktop
スミスサロペット[Ba][In] | Smith Salopette
スミシークロース[Ba][In] | Smithy Clothes
ジオメトリウイング | Geometric Wing


PSO2 JP AC Scratch: Nova Selection

Nova Selection
(Until 5.1.2018)


ルビノフィルディア ║ Ruby no Fildia
ルビノフィルディア雪 ║ Ruby no Fildia Snow
ルビノフィルディア影 ║ Ruby no Fildia Shadow
ルビノフィルディア夜 ║ Ruby no Fildia Night
ルビノフィルディア月 ║ Ruby no Fildia Moon
ルビノフィルディア桜 ║ Ruby no Fildia Sakura


ホマノイズナ ║ Homa no Izuna
ホマノイズナ影 ║ Homa no Izuna Shadow
ホマノイズナ雪 ║ Homa no Izuna Snow
ホマノイズナ紅 ║ Homa no Izuna Crimson
ホマノイズナ夜 ║ Homa no Izuna Night
ホマノイズナ桜 ║ Homa no Izuna Sakura


グラスフォーアネーム ║ Glas Vornehm
グラスフォーアネーム雪 ║ Glas Vornehm Snow
グラスフォーアネーム雅 ║ Glas Vornehm Elegant
グラスフォーアネーム鋼 ║ Glas Vornehm Steel
グラスフォーアネーム海 ║ Glas Vornehm Sea
グラスフォーアネーム紅 ║ Glas Vornehm Crimson


エイディルールR ║ Adieloure R
エイディルールR紅 ║ Adieloure R Crimson
エイディルールR海 ║ Adieloure R Sea
エイディルールR影 ║ Adieloure R Shadow
エイディルールR雪 ║ Adieloure R Snow
エイディルールR雅 ║ Adieloure R Elegant


ヴィテスシュタルク ║ Vitesse Stark
ヴィテスシュタルク雪 ║ Vitesse Stark Snow
ヴィテスシュタルク陽 ║ Vitesse Stark Sun
ヴィテスシュタルク海 ║ Vitesse Stark Sea
ヴィテスシュタルク雅 ║ Vitesse Stark Elegant
ヴィテスシュタルク紅 ║ Vitesse Stark Crimson


セルレイダーR ║ Cell Raider R
セルレイダーR影 ║ Cell Raider R Shadow
セルレイダーR雪 ║ Cell Raider R Snow
セルレイダーR紅 ║ Cell Raider R Crimson
セルレイダーR夜 ║ Cell Raider R Night
セルレイダーR月 ║ Cell Raider R Moon


マーヴ・ヘッド ║ Marv Head
マーヴ・ボディ ║ Marv Body
マーヴ・アーム ║ Marv Arms
マーヴ・レッグ ║ Marv Legs


クリスト・ヘッド ║ Crysto Head
クリスト・ボディ ║ Crysto Body
クリスト・アーム ║ Crysto Arms
クリスト・レッグ ║ Crysto Legs


Unisex Recolors

  • カクワネスーツ雪 ║ Kakwane Suit Snow

Female Recolors

  • アクセルクイーン玄[Ba] ║ Accel Queen Mysterious [Ba]
  • アクセルクイーン雪[Ba] ║ Accel Queen Snow [Ba]
  • ヘルガ・レプカ玄[Ba] ║ Helga Repca Mysterious [Ba]
  • ヘルガ・レプカ冬[Ba] ║ Helga Repca Winter [Ba]

Female Voice – Lutina (CV: Maaya Uchida)

  • 女性共通ルティナボイス

Female Voice – Fildia (CV: Miyuki Sawashiro)

  • 女性共通フィルディアボイス

Female Voice – Izuna (CV: Ai Kayano)

  • 女性共通イズナボイス

Male Voice – Sail (CV: Yoshitsugu Matsuoka)

  • 男性共通セイルボイス

Lobby Actions

  • 388「NOVAポーズ1」║ Nova Pose 1
  • 389「NOVAポーズ2」║ Nova Pose 2

PSNova Music Discs

  • 黒の決戦
  • 双砲の巨獣
  • Memories of the past
  • PS NOVA EDテーマ

Female Layered Wear

  • ヘルガ・レプカ[Ou] ║ Helga Repca [Ou]

Male Layered Wear

  • イルミナス・コート[Ou] ║ Illuminus Coat [Ou]
  • イルミナス・コート[Ba] ║ Illuminus Coat [Ba]
  • イルミナス・コート影[Ba] ║ Illuminus Coat Shadow [Ba]

Female Costumes

  • ヴィヴィアン・レプカ ║ Vivienne Repca


  • エターナルFレイヤーGV ║ Eternal F Layer GV
  • ヘルガヘアー ║ Helga Hair
  • ヨシノテフラヘアー2 ║ Yoshino Tefura 2

Face Paint

  • ヴィヴィアンフェイス ║ Vivienne Face
  • ヘルガメイク ║ Helga Makeup

Body Paint

  • ヘルガグローブ ║ Helga Gloves


  • ヴィヴィアンパニッシャー ║ Vivienne Punisher
  • ヘルガハットB ║ Helga Hat B

Lobby Actions

  • 272「エミリアポーズ」 ║ Emilia Pose

Music Discs

  • PS NOVA メインテーマ

Support Items

  • コルトバジュース ║ Koltova Juice
  • 特殊能力追加(GRM) ║ Add Special Ability (GRM)
  • 特殊能力追加(テノラ) ║ Add Special Ability (TENORA)
  • 特殊能力追加(ヨウメイ) ║ Add Special Ability (Yohmei)


Scratch Bonus

Play this scratch a specific amount of times for exclusive bonus items!

(1) Draw the AC Scratch 5 times to receive:

  • Ragol Memory

(2) Draw the AC Scratch 10 times to receive:

  • Magatsu Bonus Key [Silver]

(3) Draw the AC Scratch 15 times to receive:

  • +150% Tribooster

(4) Draw the AC Scratch 20 times to receive:

  • Yellow ARKS Badge (x4)

(5) Draw the AC Scratch 30 times to receive:

  • Nova Selection Ticket

(6) Draw the AC Scratch 60 times to receive:

  • Nova Selection Ticket

(7) Draw the AC Scratch 120 times to receive:

  • Nova Selection Ticket

※Players can receive each item only once. All of these items are untradeable.
※Nova Selection Ticket allows you to choose an item from the Scratch.



PSO2 JP: Maintenance (3/14/2018)

Dress up as the crew members of the Delta Valiant, in this week's update!

PSO2 Maintenance

  • 3/14/2018 @ 11:00 ~ 17:00 JST
  • 3/13/2018 @ 10:00 PM ~ 4:00 AM EDT
  • ※ Click the above link to convert to your timezone.

PSO2es Maintenance

  • 3/14/2018 @ 10:55 ~ 17:30 JST
  • 3/13/2018 @ 9:55 PM ~ 3:30 AM EDT


March 22nd: Story Mode Changes

Players will only have access to Episode 4 ~ 5 mode after March 22nd's Maintenance. If you wish to play the story from Episodes 1 through 3, you must access them via [Omnibus Quests].



We'd like to thank everyone who donated to us on Patreon. Through your efforts, we can continue to keep the site up for the upcoming months. Please consider supporting our ongoing Phantasy Star coverage with a donation of $1 or more.

Revived Limited Quests + Boosts

Beckoning Woods & Menacing Castle Boost Rotation

March 14th ~ March 22nd

Boosts are rotated periodically. Check the schedule underneath the quest to see which days qualify.

  • +100% RDR Boost
  • +100% Meseta Boost
  • +100% EXP Boost
  • Increased the ★13 [Autumn] Series drop rate on XH.
  • Added ★12 Unit [Rear / Weila Bode]
    ※Does not apply to Trigger Quests
Quest Name Difficulty Level Req.
The Beckoning Woods
Normal Lv.8+
Hard Lv.20+
Very Hard Lv.40+
Super Hard Lv.50+
Extra Hard Lv.70+

Boosted Days (JST)

  • 3/14 End of Maint ~ 3/15 23:59
  • 3/17 00:00 ~ 23:59
  • 3/19 00:00 ~ 23:59
Quest Name Difficulty Level Req.
The Menacing Castle
Normal Lv.8+
Hard Lv.20+
Very Hard Lv.40+
Super Hard Lv.50+
Extra Hard Lv.75+

Boosted Days (JST)

  • 3/16 00:00 ~ 23:59
  • 3/18 00:00 ~ 23:59
  • 3/20 00:00 ~ 3/22 Start of Maint

Web Panel Item Rewards

You can redeem all of these rewards from the Visiphone, if you qualified for them during the Arks New Year Carnival.

  • 「1000 FUN Ticket」×1
  • 「Browile a (Accessory) 」×1
  • 「Brimoier a (Accessory)」×1
  • 「Brandydos a (Accessory) 」×1
  • 「Fishing Stamina Drink 50」×2
  • 「Collecting Stamina Drink 50」×2
  • 「Casino Coin Pass」×5
  • 「Loser Penna (Accessory) 」×1
  • 「Loser Felz (Accessory) 」×1
  • 「Loser Delota (Accessory) 」×1
  • 「+100% Tribooster」×1
  • 「Free Salon Pass」×1
  • 「Color Change Pass」×1
  • 「Chrome Vel (Accessory) 」×1
  • 「Chrome Hands (Accessory) 」×1
  • 「Chrome Tail (Accessory) 」×1
  • 「*Hyper Ninja 」×1
  • 「*Lumiere Fonce 」×1
  • 「*Sprite Plight 」×1
  • 「*Astkrone 」×1
  • 「200 SG Ticket」×1
  • 「10 SG Ticket」×2
  • 「5 SG Ticket」×1

Christmas 2018 Bingo

(December 5th ~ January 9th)

Bingo (Front)
  Objective Note
A-1 Defeat King Yede Lv.1+
A-2 Defeat Gulfur Lv.1+
A-3 Talk to Lachesis Main Gate
A-4 Defeat Ol Micda Lv.1+
A-5 Defeat Cyclonehda Lv.1+
B-1 Defeat Yede Lv.1+
B-2 Talk to Aru (Christmas) Shop Area
B-3 Play Mesetan Shooter Casino
B-4 Talk to Sophia Franka's Cafe
B-5 Defeat Ga Wonda Lv.1+
C-1 Clear Client Order:
A Hitsugi Christmas!
Hitsugi (Christmas)
C-2 Clear Client Order:
Kohri (Christmas)
C-4 Clear Client Order:
Aru's Relationship Plan!
Aru (Christmas)
C-5 Clear Client Order:
Defend the Eve of the Night
Hitsugi (Christmas)
D-1 Defeat Dagacha Lv.1+
D-2 Talk to Hitsugi (Christmas) Shop Area
D-3 Grind a Weapon or Unit Item Lab
D-4 Talk to Kohri (Christmas) Shop Area
D-5 Defeat Gu Wonda Lv.1+
E-1 Defeat Kuklonahda Lv.1+
E-2 Defeat Dahgash Lv.1+
E-3 Talk to Leontina Main Gate
E-4 Defeat Fangulfur Lv.1+
E-5 Defeat Malmoth Lv.1+

Bingo (Reverse)
  Objective Note
A-1 Defeat Deus Anges Lv.41+
A-2 Defeat Org Blan Lv.41+
A-3 Complete [Merry Christmas on Ice] VH+
A-4 Defeat Guar Zigmorde Lv.41+
A-5 Defeat Aratron Phemut Lv.41+
B-1 Defeat Anjhadu-lili Lv.41+
B-2 Defeat Snow Banther Lv.41+
B-3 Find the Lillipan Graffiti Casino
B-4 Defeat Rock Bear Lv.41+
B-5 Defeat Gigur Gunne-gam Lv.41+
C-1 Defeat King Mesetan in Mesetan Shooter Casino
C-2 Send a [Like] in the Fashion Catalog  
C-4 Play Black Nyack Casino
C-5 Grind a Weapon's Element Item Lab
D-1 Defeat Tranzmizer Lv.41+
D-2 Defeat Snow Banshee Lv.41+
D-3 Scratch the FUN Scratch  
D-4 Defeat Caterdra'nsa Lv.41+
D-5 Defeat Drago Deadlion Lv.41+
E-1 Defeat Zeta Guranz Lv.41+
E-2 Defeat De Malmoth Lv.41+
E-3 Clear E-Trial: Storm Gift Mr. Umblla
E-4 Defeat Codotta Idetta Lv.41+
E-5 Defeat Greuzoras Drago Lv.41+


Emergency Quest Schedule

Boost Event 49

▲▲ Eastern Daylight Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!

▲▲ Japanese Standard Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!

Eastern / Central / Mountain / Arizona / Pacific

Hawaii / São Paulo / London / Berlin / Moscow

Bangkok / Philippines / Sydney / Japan

Please Note:

  • The Emergency Quest schedule will update automatically during maintenance. Please wait until after maintenance has ended to see the current schedule.
  • Please resync the calendar periodically to receive the latest updates, as the schedule may change at Sega's discretion.
  • This calendar is unable to show Emergency Quests that occur at random.
  • Boost Events that occur for 24 hours will appear with only their start times.
  • Boost Events that occur for several hours will use the "period" suffix in their titles. Please check the Google Calendar itself to view the event duration.
  • You can see the Emergency Quest schedule on your phone by subscribing to the Google Calendar.



Client Order Campaign

March 7th ~ March 22nd

Clear the client orders from Enga to receive items instantly in your Visiphone.

NPC Client Order Present
Enga (W.D) 飛び入り助っ人からの助っ人要請 「+100% Tribooster」×2
Enga (W.D) さらに厄介なエネミーの討伐 「20 SG Ticket」×1
Enga (W.D) 龍族の親玉を抑えちまおう 「+100% EXP Booster」×3
Enga (W.D) 続・アークス的観光旅行? 「Lambda Grinder」×5
Enga (W.D) オレの方が上だと証明してやる! 「+150% Tribooster」×1
Enga (W.D) こういうのは苦手だぜ…… 「Bonus Key Magatsu [Gold]」×1


2018 Spring Player Survey

Sega has put up a new Player Survey regarding the latest updates and balance adjustments. Filling out the survey within the Campaign Period will reward you with 40SG at a later date.

Period Date

  • March 14th ~ March 25th

Reward Date

  • Mid April 2018


Web Panel Boost Rewards

March 14th ~ March 22nd

  • +100% FUN
  • +1 Login Stamp
  • +100% Gathering Fever Occurrence

All Quests

  • +150% EXP Boost
  • +150% Meseta Boost
  • +150% RDR Boost
  • +150% Rare Enemy Occurrence

Specific Quests

  • +100% RDR to the following Quests:
    • The Crimson Castle Crusher
    • The Dark Demolisher
    • A Boisterous White Day 2018
    • Buster Quest: Battle the Devil Castle
    • Endless Belligerence
    • T: Endless Belligerence

Casino Super Boost

  • Super Boosts will occur several times a day lasting two hours. However, Arkuma Slots will be boosted all day.
    ※Refer to the EQ Schedule for when these boosts occur.


Conqueror's Crest 4x Campaign

Complete the following goals to obtain Conqueror's Crests. The crests can be exchanged for ★14 Weapons at Zieg!

Campaign Period

August 15th ~ August 22nd

Campaign Tasks

  Goal Reward
1 Clear (2x) Beach Wars 2018 Conqueror’s Crests (x40)
2 Clear (2x) Underground Nightmare Conqueror’s Crests (x40)
3 Clear (1x) Perennial Apocalypse Conqueror’s Crests (x40)
4 Clear (2x) Enchanted Forest Exploration
Conqueror’s Crests (x40)
5 Clear Huey (Summer) Client Order:
Step Into the Core
Conqueror’s Crests (x40)

Reward Distribution

  • Goals 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 rewards will be distributed instantly.