Training Missions and Fulyen Curtz in Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinty

Today we'll talk about Training missions and Fulyen Curtz!

Training Missions were added to Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity because the tutorials in the previous game showed you basic operations but didn't explain the finer points of the game like how exactly do you use Photon Arts. (But can't you just talk to the Npcs in the city? Oh whatever…)


Training Missions

The new mission counter features training missions.

While in training missions you will learn basic operations and functions divided among separate stages. One case might be where you learn that by breaking boxes you can find a healing item. While you are in training missions, you can't bring back any experience points or items with you.


Use the square button to break the container to find items.


Heal yourself while struggling through a poisonous room.

So it might be considerably easy for people familiar to the game to try these missions, but how about S ranking it. It appears depending on your results,  you can obtain the "Wings Medal". You can use it to trade for weapons and a visual unit too. There's going to be a big reward if you clear all training missions.


Fulyen Curtz

Fulyen Curtz will make an appearance in the city. It appears there's going to be some client orders from him.  But wait? Why is he at Little Wing in the first place? He's like a teacher now or something…


Fulyen Curtz Client Orders seem kinda easy..

His Client Orders will deal with setting auto words, obtaining weapons in the shop, changing your battle type, setting your action palette, things of that nature.


So the first one has you going to the shop, buying a dagger, then setting it on your action palette.

Sakai expects this feature to be unpopular but you should try it out anyway in the demo in January. Maybe you'll get some things you would least expect if you try doing all the missions…

[via pspo2iblog]

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