Phantasy Star Portable 2: Getting Online, Simple Mail, Grinding System Details, Item Trader

Sakai updated today with another long post. This time we'll take an in depth look in Phantasy Star Portable 2 online process. He covered each step of the way getting started online!

The Sign In Process

Internet multi mode

Once you obtain the game, you'll be able to sign into Internet Multimode on November 9th to play the Demo. Otherwise Retail version players can sign in on December 3rd. You will absolutely need a Japanese Playstation Network account registered to your PSP and that same account should be used to sign into the Playstation Store whether you are doing it from PSP, PC, and PS3. Remember Internet Multimode is free, don't let anyone tell you  that you need a pay subscriptions. {I've seen people ask this again on forums and blogs…}


sign in process password save

After choosing Internet Multimode and your access point is set, Sign in with your Japanese Playstation Network Login ID and Password. You can set up if you want your password to be saved so you don't have to retype it. You will need to AGREE to the terms of service agreement to reach the "Match Counter".


download missions automatically

While you are here, you can read updates and automatically download new missions. Ad-hoc only players can download them manually at the official website.


Match Counter

match counter stars

The Match Counter starts as you select a Universe to play. Each Universe will display a number of stars that represents how many players are currently playing that server. Select a Universe to begin!



The party list displays up to 20 parties at a time. You can enter any party except the following:

  • Party is Full.
  • Party is Currently in a mission (This party will not be displayed on the party list)
  • You do not meet the conditions set by the leader.


create party

Party Creation allows you to be a leader and set any condition you want. At this time you can also set a password. Once you create a party you will be transported to the city and anyone can join as long as you don't start a mission.


party search

Party Search allows you to search for parties under certain instances:

  • Various Search: Find parties by setting up conditions, like in the screenshot above.
  • Friend Search: Find parties by partner card.
  • Name Search: Search for the exact title of the party's name.
    The title of the party must match what you inputted concisely.


Simple Mail

simple mail2

Simple Mail allows you to send and receive mail from players.  You can transmit the same message to up to 3 people at a time. You can also send mail to friends offline. Simple Mail stores 8 messages locally. The server side will store any additional mail you receive, and will send them to you once you free up your mailbox.



Ahh the memories of how so many abused this feature. Blacklist allows you to ban partying with another player. You can blacklist up to 40 people.  You can add players to blacklist through:

  • Blacklisting a player in your party.
  • Blacklisting a player in your partner card.
  • Blacklisting a player through simple mail.
  • Blacklisting a player in your "Play Log"
    The "Play Log" lists the last 10 players you met!



Sakai says he regrets how PSP does not have a USB keyboard. I've seen those concept designs I think it could work… Instead you will input words through a Simple Keyboard. Press SELECT twice to enable this feature. This simple keyboard goes through the Japanese conversion process which I won't go through. You can also implement tiny little emoticons and pictures as you can see in all the screenshots above.




During any multi mode, if you press SELECT once, the shortcut menu will popup. This allows for quick phrases or words to be typed out on the screen when you are currently busy. You are allowed to edit any shortcut phrases.


Auto Words

Auto word during major damage

This Auto Word is activated during major damage!

Auto Words allows your character to say a preset list of phrases automatically based on the situation. In other words, you'll be just as annoying as an NPC. Auto Word is only activated during Internet Multi Mode and Multi Mode.

You're allowed to set up each and every phrase as you see fit. You can also change the text bubble too! Sakai says how it can get annoying if people set up all the Auto Words so he has setup a solution to that. (Reza…) Each Auto Word has a probability, for example, the Auto Word phrase, "When the Mission Begins," will be said more often. However, Auto Word phrase s said during "damage" will be said occasionally. Click for a list of Auto Words!


Partner Card

partner card

All your characters share the same partner cards. You can write different comments on each of them too. You can obtain up to 100 Partner Cards. You can also view a "Ranking" among each of your friends. {I believe this is the Rookie thing displayed in the screenshots}. If you party with a friend you already partner carded with, their partner card information will automatically update . You can see various information on the partner card like ranking, rare item collection rate, title collection, etc..


Item Trader

item trading

In the Cafe of Clad6, you can trade items with other players you have exchanged partner cards with. When both sides approve the exchange, the item is traded. You can not trade weapons, line shields and rare items of A and S rank. {I believe this was done to prevent exploitation of lag trading, so the impact is much less on the player.}


Grinding System

grinding mama

Wait you can get ear piercings now ? :O

Grinding a weapon is done through meseta. You can grind a weapon 10 times. Each time you grind a weapon, it's parameters increase randomly. Once you reach the last step, the weapon will say FULL! At this time you will need an "extend code" to produce a "final grind".


special s grade

This allows C through A rank weapons to evolve to S grade. If you do this, the minimum level you can equip the weapon is now increased, be careful of this you one weapon holders. Normal ranking weapons who have been grinded with this method now have an effect applied to it once you equip it.  There is a limited amount of  "extend codes" you can use, so please be careful in choosing which weapons you want to grind! To obtain an extend code, you must clear a challenge mission.


New Boss


Fazuntal and Seguntal are new bosses who appear at Parum Ruins. They work together attacking you in unison!


  • Guidebook PDF file
  • Another collab, looks like 3 more are coming
  • Fun Fan 4 tomorrow 😀

[via pspo2 blog]

PSPo2: Touring Japan!

Rappy Kid and Terada updated today! This is more propaganda news than gameplay features so..


Touring Shops across the country

It's the Phantasy Star Portable 2: Early Experience Party, across Japan in 7 different cities, you'll be able to meet up in one of 14 different locales and shops to play the game early! It's a pretty long list of locations which you can check out here. Of note you'll be able to receive these limited edition cards. These cards have item passwords on them that you can input in your vision phone.

emilia and yuto

They will give out these item password cards based on certain requirements. Just by playing the game on that day, you'll receive the "Special Item Password Card: Emilia" . In addition to this, they will also give you the "Special item Password Card: Yuto" if you reserved the game in the shop they are attending.


Yuto's Weapon: Toop Nasul
Emilia's Weapon: Klarita Visus

You can input these item codes within the demo version of the game too! To do this, access story mode and enter your room, head to the vision phone and insert the item codes.  You'll receive the items based on which card you have in the screenshot above. Make sure to attend early because these password cards are in limited supply!



Sakai doesn't need lens flare to make him cool!

At a later date, the passwords for these items will be released on the official site, so don't worry if you can't attend, you'll just miss out in meeting Sakai or Senior Director Terada if they make a surprise visit that day.


Blog Updates

pdf version

Also Rappy Child will be releasing a PDF version of the guide book that was given out at the Tokyo Game Show!


Ain't she a beauty! ULTRA ULTRA RARE!

  • Terada mentions a Valkyrie Chronicles 1 and 2 collab…

[via pspo2 blog + inside games]

Special Cards

Well I finally got some minor information about those suggestive telephone cards.


Phantasy Star Portable 2: Main Character Clothes, My Room and Partner Machinery Details, Vivienne?

Sakai updated today with another question and answer session. Let's go through some of them.


Main Character Clothes

Yuto outfit

A hugely requested feature, now you'll be able to wear the main character clothes, as you can see in both pictures. The male is wearing Yuto's outfit whereas the female is wearing a color variation of Emilia's outfit.

emilia outfit

Go all Gothic with Emilia's outfit.


My Room and Partner Machinery

vision phone 2

There isn't that many changes to My Room if you've been following PSU:AoI. My room is a feature where you can decorate and remodel using a "reform ticket". Both features can be accessed through your Partner Machinery. Unfortunately you will not be able to use a "Move Pass" (this is a feature in PSU:AoI where you can move your room to another planet.) Sakai will go into more details tomorrow about your "Vision Phone."

my room no reform

Sakai has greatly enhanced the amount of Partner Machinery available. Now you will get about 60 different types. You can evolve some of them by either purchasing evolution devices in stores or obtaining it through some other means.

Partner Machinery has the following options:

  • My Room Tutorial
    Read a tutorial on the functions of your room.
  • PM Function
    Allow your PM to evolve with an evolution device.
  • Reform My Room
    Change the look of your room with a "Reform Ticket"
  • Room Goods Management
    Customize your room, you can turn this option on or off.
  • Jukebox Management
    Play Background musicin your room by obtaining various Jukebox Discs.


Rare Drop Boost

Previously the Drop Boost rate of items and meseta were increased based on which title you attached. In PSP2, both of these systems are now implemented as an "ability" in the ability customize system. The ability applies to each respective player.  There is also another system that handles the rare drop boost, based on the leader, this effect will attach to the whole party. It sounds as if the leader has the option of turning this on or off.

As for Drop Rate increases, it was noted that in PSP1, certain items stopped appearing, but he says not to worry about this in PSP2.

Will Vivienne Appear?


Sorry, Sakai blurred it out…

[via pspo2 blog]