Post Extended.
A reorganized roundup of information posted from Sakai's blog. Infinity Missions are customized missions that allow one to create their own customized mission. Scroll down to read information about Infinity Missions and Mission Codes
Important Notice Regarding Infinity Ranked Weapons:
Sakai in his later blog post stated that he made a mistake. To quote:
ミッションと武器に「インフィニティランク」が追加される、と書かれていましたが、 武器ランクに「インフィニティランク」は存在しません。代わりに「☆16」のグレードが追加されます。
I wrote that we added Missions and Weapons of Infinity Rank, however, Weapons of Infinity Rank do not exist. Instead, 16 star weapons were added.
Also to clarify, Sakai says Mission Codes drop within Infinity Missions, not regular missions. (I believe this means the mission disks that drop that contain mission codes, can only be obtained through Infinity Missions.)
[via pspo2iblog]
Important Notice for those who Reserve Infinity
The reservation campaign now applies to Download Version as well. You can receive the three preorder gifts by downloading the game between 2/24/11 – 3/2/11. You only have one week to download the game with the additional items! Good luck!
For more details, please read here.
What are Infinity Missions?
First Sakai wants you to understand the difference between Infinity Missions and Infinity Rank. Firstly, Infinity Missions are missions that you create by using mission codes. Infinity Rank is the highest degree of difficulty above S grade . So don't you dare mix up the two.

Look Ma! A Mission Code!
Infinity Missions are VR missions, so in this case, Moatoob enemies can appear on Parum's field. To start the process of creating an Infinity Mission you must first acquire a mission code. You can get a mission code by various means such as through titles, by trading them, or downloading or finding them. For example, by preordering the game you get a (Bonds Mission Code) Kizuna Mission Code.
The Composition of a Mission Code
Mission codes contain four pieces of data:
- The Boss who appears <出現ボス>
- The Enemies <出現モンスター系統>
- The Field (Area) <エリア>
- Special Effects <特殊効果>
Special Effects
Some examples of Special effects are, "Monsters have Low HP" or "Weapons of Fire Attributes drop easily." The strength of the special effect is based on it's own level, and you can hold up to 5 within one mission code.
There's also negative special effects as well, for example, "Enemy's ATK power increase" and "Enemy's HP increase".
When one synthesizes (creates) a mission code, the effectiveness of a special effect can rise, new special effects are added, and some special effects can disappear.
During synthesis, when two negative special effects combine, they can cancel each other out. For example: Combining a mission code with "Enemy's HP Increase" with another mission code that has "Enemy's HP Increase" would result in the effect; "Enemy's HP decrease."
Trading Mission Codes

Sonic discovered this Mission Code
You can play infinity missions in story mode and both multiplayer modes. The leader of the party can set up such a mission and everyone can play missions of C/B/A/S/infinity rank of that mission code. You can distribute mission codes that you obtained through Friend Search, Multiplayer mode, and Online Multiplayer mode. The original discoverer of the mission code will have his name embedded on it, listed on page 3. So when others trade your mission code, they will still see your name.

Mission Code Counter Menu. You can set 100 different Mission Codes
Synthesizing A Mission Code
You can create mission codes by mixing 2 mission codes together. There are two slots where you place a mission code. The first slot is called the "Base Mission". In the "Base Mission" slot, you set a mission code which will control what field you will play on. The second slot is called the "Plus Mission" . This slot controls what boss you will fight. For example:

Code 1 [Base] + Code 2 [Plus] = New Code [Result]
To reiterate, in the above screenshot, you have 3 windows at the bottom. In the first window, you select a code that will be assigned as the "Base Mission." Then in the second window, you select a code that will be set as the "Plus Mission." When the two codes combine, the third window shows the "Result Mission" or the new mission code you just created. The monsters that appear are inherited from both mission codes.
While creating a mission, the mission codes you set as the "Base" and "Plus" mission do not disappear. Instead you will use up your synthesis points. You will need these synthesis points to create missions.
Synthesis points are obtained through playing Infinity Missions or sending your mission code to someone else through Friend Search (explained below.)
One big characteristic of mission codes is how the drop tables can change depending on the field, monsters, and boss. So what may usually drop by such and such monster in an Open Mission, will be completely different within an Infinity Mission. Using this method you could obtain items that are hard to get from regular free missions. Now that you could put two special effects together like "drop rate boost" and "Monster's HP is low", Mission Codes can be very advantageous to you.
[via pspo2iblog]

The Code Counter in Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity is in your ship.
Question and Answer Session
In regards to mission code variety…
The mission code itself has a name based on the field, and the boss that appears. There are about 8+ fields and 30+ bosses. You also have 7 categories of enemies to choose from, but only 2 slots are selected.
For example:
They do expect certain mission code combinations to be popular and spread around to the masses, but it's best if you try them out and see what you get. In regards to this, there's also a hidden device within Infinity Missions but Sakai does not want to say what it is at this time.
In regards to infinity mission limitations, and if open missions are necessary to play again…
There are no limits to the amount of times you can play an infinity mission. In a free mission, you can memorize the enemy spawn patterns, what drops, and the map variations. However, in Infinity missions, you may know what types of enemies will appear, but the enemies are randomized. It will still be necessary to play regular missions anyway because Infinity missions do not give out as much type points as Open and Tactical missions do.
In regards to rare enemy patterns and if some rare enemies will show up all the time…
Rare enemies don't show up all the time… however, there may be a mission where you will see rare enemies more often. It could have something to do with that hidden device Sakai talked about previously…
In regards to those who can't find mission codes…
Even if you play during the early stages of the game, you will have 3 default mission codes set at the code counter. If , for instance, you just so happened to delete all your mission codes, you can still obtain mission codes through trading missions.
[via pspo2iblog]
Friend Search Recap
Friend search is the 3rd network function that allows one's PSP to communicate with other PSPs nearby through "Passive Communications". With this method one can obtain another person's character data and bring them along with you in a mission as an NPC. Friend Search works passively in both Story Mode and Sleep Mode.
Additional Comments
Sakai is taking questions so maybe we'll figure out what the heck, "Planet Treasure" is… Also you can see a nice picture of those Exam Daggers.
So we have 30+ Bosses. That means about 5 new bosses would appear, that's Mr. Crab Scorpion, Dyla Bravas, Olga Flow, Volna Gravka, and final boss. I guess we should also expect rare forms as well.