Oracle Renew Collection
(Until 3.24.2021)
N-サウザンドリム[Ba] | N-Thousand Rim [Ba]
N-サウザンドリム/2[Ba] | N-Thousand Rim /2 [Ba]
N-サウザンドリム/3[Ba] | N-Thousand Rim /3 [Ba]
N-サウザンドリム/4[Ba] | N-Thousand Rim /4 [Ba]
N-ウィオラマギカ[Se] | N-Viola Magica [Se]
N-ウィオラマギカ/2[Se] | N-Viola Magica /2 [Se]
N-ウィオラマギカ/3[Se] | N-Viola Magica /3 [Se]
N-ウィオラマギカ/4[Se] | N-Viola Magica /4 [Se]
N-ウィオラマギカ[In] | N-Viola Magica [In]
N-ウィオラマギカ/2[In] | N-Viola Magica /2 [In]
N-シークイェーガー[Se] | N-Chic Jaeger [Se]
N-シークイェーガー/2[Se] | N-Chic Jaeger /2 [Se]
N-シークイェーガー/B[Se] | N-Chic Jaeger /B [Se]
N-シークイェーガー/B2[Se] | N-Chic Jaeger /B 2 [Se]
N-クローズクォーター[Ba] | N-Close Quarters [Ba]
N-クローズクォーター/2[Ba] | N-Close Quarters /2 [Ba]
N-クローズクォーター/3[Ba] | N-Close Quarters /3 [Ba]
N-クローズクォーター/4[Ba] | N-Close Quarters /4 [Ba]
N-リチュアルクロース[In] | N-Ritual Cross [In]
N-リチュアルクロース/2[In] | N-Ritual Cross /2 [In]
Eyes and Makeup with the icon can only be used with the NGS Face Model.
Body Paints with the can only be used with the NGS Body Model.
Wild Very Short
N-Twin Up
N-Twin Up /B
N-Short Straight
Animatica Eyes
Humano Eyes
Animatica Eyebrows
Animatica Eyelashes
Scar Face
Supernatural Makeup
Petit Face Paint
Petit Face Paint /B
Camouflage Socks
Camouflage Socks B
Celevian Knee Socks
Celevian Knee Socks /B
Celevian Knee Socks /B 2
Noblesse Arm Sleeves
Noblesse Arm Sleeves /B
Brave Tattoo
Brave Tattoo /B
Brave Tattoo /B 2
N-Viola Cap
Sauze Headphones
Skewer Wings
Heavy Arms Chest
Heavy Arms Chest /2
Photon Kunai
Knee Protectors
Fluffy Headband
Fluffy Headband /2
Evil Bracelet
Chain Gauntlet
Star Hairpin
Chronos Necklace
Chronos Ring
High Sense Glasses
Lobby Actions
- 699「グッドポーズ」 | 699 "Good Pose"
- 700「「1」ポーズ」 | 700 "One Pose"
- 704「くつろぐ1」 | 704 "Relax 1"
- 705「くつろぐ2」 | 705 "Relax 2"
- 706「小指ポーズ」 | 706 "Pinky Pose"
Scratch Bonus
Luther Poster
Afin WD Poster
Play this AC Scratch a specific amount of times for exclusive bonus items!
First Lap | |
Frequency | Rewards |
5 times | Free Salon Pass |
10 times | White Day Goods Pack: Luther Poster Afin WD Poster |
15 times |
N-Color Change Pass |
20 times |
Tri-Boost +200% |
25 times | Ability Protection (6s or Lower) |
30 times | Oracle RC Ticket |
35 times | Bonus Key Tokyo [Rainbow] |
45 times |
N-Color Change Pass |
55 times | EX Tri-Boost +200% |
60 times | Oracle RC Ticket |
Second Lap | |
Frequency | Rewards |
5 times | Free Salon Pass |
30 times | Oracle RC Ticket |
※Collecting all items in the First Lap will enter you into the Second Lap.
※The Second Lap can be repeated ad infinitum.
※All of these items are untradeable.
※Oracle RC Ticket allows you to choose 1 item from this AC Scratch.
FUN Scratch
PSO2 Music Disc
- 地球-ラスベガス「待機所」 | Earth – Las Vegas "Standby"
- ギドラン戦「待機所-昼」 | Ghidoran Battle "Standby – Day"
- ギドラン戦「待機所-夜」 | Ghidoran Battle "Standby – Night"
- 邪竜戦「待機所」 | Erythron Dragon Battle "Standby"
- PSO2 イベント「神子の力」 | PSO2 Event "Maiden's Power"
- レタルガ戦「待機所」 | Letharga Battle "Standby"