~ February 24th, 2016 ~
EP4 Story Event
New story events arrive on Episode 4's Story Board, continuing from the shocking developments that unfolded on Earth. This time we'll finally get to meet Kohri, Hitsugi's fellow classmate. Scenes will include Hitsugi, Kohri, and Al in an outing on the streets of Tokyo, along with the trio heading to the baths for some much needed relaxation.
Our newest LQ follows the same structure as the current Limited Quest, with players gathering quest points to increase the chances of bosses and rare Emergency Trials. Enemies that didn't appear in Chaotic Darkness, such as Gigur Gunnegam and Falz Dourumble, can be encountered in this quest.
PS Festa 2016 Bingo II

A second PS Festa 2016 Bingo card is on the way, with objectives involving the recently added aspects of Featured Quests, as well as the player's advancement on the Story Board. Clear four lines of objectives to receive the Cherish evolution device for Mags!
All-new client orders will be available from Xie in addition to those currently available.
![ファニーパーカー [Ou] \\ F Parka [Ou]フリルスカート[Ba] \\ Frill Skirt [Ba]キュート1[In] \\ Cute 1 [In]](https://i0.wp.com/www.bumped.org/psublog/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Fanny-Parka.jpg?resize=508%2C286&ssl=1)
フリルスカート[Ba] ✪ Frill Skirt [Ba]
キュート1[In] ✪ Cute 1 [In]
Dress your characters up in all of the trendy layered fashions worn by Hitsugi, Kohri, and Al.
フレアスカート[Ba] ✪ Flared Skirt [Ba]
フラワー1[In] ✪ Flower 1 [In]
ハーフパンツM [Ba] ✪ Half Pants M [Ba]
ファンシー1[In] ✪ Fancy 1 [In]
ショートデニム[Ba] ✪ Short Denim [Ba]
ボーダー1[In] ✪ Border 1 [In]