Play Hunter to cleave foes with the new Sword Complex PA in this week's update!
PSO2 Maintenance
- 9/4/2019 @ 2:00 ~ 17:00 JST
- 9/3/2019 @ 1:00 PM ~ 4:00 AM EDT
PSO2es Maintenance
- 9/4/2019 @ 1:55 ~ 17:30 JST
- 9/3/2019 @ 12:55 PM ~ 4:30 AM EDT
September 4th's Patch
- Game Launcher: Version 06.00.00
- Game Client: Ver.6.0301.1
- Patch Size: 70MB (PC) / 15GB (Vita)
We're currently looking for more volunteers to help out on Bumped. If you're interested in assisting with one of the sections listed below you can contact (PSO2Ricardo#4505) on Discord!
- Broadcast Translator Assistant
- PSO2es
Upcoming Broadcasts
Patch Notes
New Photon Art
- Implemented the Complex Photon Art System
- Added the Complex PA [Imperial Cleave]
New Seasonal Emergency Quest (Sept. 4th ~ Oct. 2nd)
Quest Name | Difficulty | Lvl Req. |
Regiment of the Wicked 2019 禍魂集いし戦道2019 |
Hard | Lv.8+ |
Super Hard | Lv.40+ | |
Extra Hard | Lv.70+ | |
Ultra Hard | Lv.85+ Main & Sub Class |

~ Deos Gryphon ~
Partial New Item Listing
Returning Limited Quest (Sept. 4th ~ Sept. 11th)
- Special Training: Episode 5
Weaponoid NPCs (Sept. 4th ~ Oct. 2nd)
- Added Weaponoid NPCs to the Ship Area
- Client Orders will be available from Yasminkov 8000C and Eldetross
- All 5 will have obtainable Partner Cards
- An Exchange Shop is available through Yasminkov 8000C
Limited Time Arks Missions (Sept. 4th ~ Oct. 2nd)
- Added Limited Time Arks Missions
Collection Files (Sept. 4th ~ Oct. 2nd)
- Added the [Regiment 2019 Weapon Collection]
- Added the [Regiment 2019 Egg Collection]
Badge & Memory Exchange Shop
- Updated the item listing in the 7th Anniversary Exchange
Treasure Shop
- Updated the product listing
Other Changes
- In the following Lobby Actions, changed the description:
- 509「カタナポーズ」(Katana Pose)
- 518「レギアスポーズ」(Regius Pose)
- 519「マリアポーズ」(Maria Pose)
- 523「Aライフルポーズ」(Assault Rifle Pose)
- 535「Tマシンガンポーズ」(Twin Machine Gun Pose)
- 541「ストラトスポーズ」(Stratos Pose)
Hero Boost & Hero Counter Description Errors
Along with the Maintenance on August 21st, the Skills [Hero Boost] and [Hero Counter] received additional effects.
Sega reported that the Skills display the wrong values for the new effects. The actual values are below:
(Lv.10) Hero Boost – Power Reduction
10%-> 30%
(Lv.5) Hero Counter – Power Increase
25%-> 10%
The errors will be fixed in a future update.
We'd like to thank all of our current patrons for helping to keep the site afloat! If you like the work that we do, please consider donating 1$ or more to continue our Phantasy Star coverage!
Emergency Quest Schedule
▲▲ Eastern Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!
▲▲ Japanese Standard Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!
Eastern / Central / Mountain / Arizona / Pacific
Hawaii / São Paulo / London / Berlin / Moscow
Bangkok / Philippines / Sydney / Japan
Please Note:
- The Emergency Quest schedule will update during maintenance.
- Please resync the calendar periodically to receive the latest updates, as the schedule may change at Sega's discretion.
- This calendar is unable to show Emergency Quests that occur at random.
- You can see the Emergency Quest schedule on your phone by subscribing to the Google Calendar.
Purchase Premium Campaign
During the Campaign Period, purchase a 90 Day Premium Set and receive various rewards.
Campaign Period
- August 21st, 2019 ~ September 25th, 2019
- 545「膝立ち」(Lobby Action)
- +150% Tribooster (x3)
- Hero's Crest (x50)
- Bonus Key Kazuchi Assault
AC Shop Bargains
The following bundles contain AC Shop items at a discounted price!
Period Date: Until September 11th's Maintenance
Item Package | Contents | Price |
半額ACスクラッチ券 Half-Priced AC Scratch Ticket |
AC Scratch Ticket (x1) | 100 AC |
【おまけ付】スクラッチ60個 60 Scratches + Bonus |
AC Scratch Ticket (x60) Hero's Crest (x100) |
11,000 AC |
【おまけ付】プレミアムセット3 Premium Set 3 + Bonus |
Premium Set 30 Days +400% RDR Boost Bonus Key Tokyo [Gold] |
2,000 AC |
【おまけ付】ボーナスセット3 Bonus Set 3 + Bonus |
+150% EXP Boost (x10) +400% RDR Boost Bonus Key Tokyo [Silver] Bonus Key Tokyo [Gold] Bonus Key Magatsu [Silver] Bonus Key Magatsu [Gold] |
3,000 AC |
※Each bundle is limited once per account.
Purchase AC Campaign
During the Campaign Period, purchasing AC will net the player various rewards such as a Red Rappy Suit Mini! Furthermore, if players purchase AC through the Nintendo eShop on the Switch Version of PSO2, they'll gain additional rewards.
※AC Purchase through Google Play does not count for this Campaign
Campaign Period
- August 28th @ 0:00 ~ September 10th @ 23:59 JST
Rewards | |
500 AC | 1 Million EXP Ticket Bonus Key Rappy F |
5,000 AC | Red Rappy Suit Mini |
10,000 AC | +150% Tribooster (x3) Lambda Grinder (x30) |
Nintendo eShop Rewards | |
500 AC | 1 Million EXP Ticket Bonus Key Rappy F |
5,000 AC | Blue Rappy Suit Mini |
Reward Period
- Normal Rewards: Instantly
- Nintendo Rewards: Late October 2019
Retweet Campaign
During the Campaign Period, Retweet the target tweets to earn everyone rewards on PSO2, PSO2es, and IDOLA.
Campaign Period
- September 3rd ~ September 9th @ 12:00 JST
Target Tweets
PSO2 Rewards | |
Retweets Required | Rewards |
3,000 RT | +100% Tri Boost |
5,000 RT | Bonus Key Tokyo [Gold] |
8,000 RT | Special Ability Success +45% |
10,000 RT | 1 Million EXP Ticket |
15,000 RT | 252 [Flash] |
PSO2es Rewards | |
Retweets Required | Rewards |
3,000 RT | PSO2es Scratch Ticket (x10) |
5,000 RT | PSO2es Scratch Ticket (x10) |
8,000 RT | PSO2es Scratch Ticket (x10) |
10,000 RT | PSO2es Scratch Ticket (x10) |
15,000 RT | PSO2es Scratch Ticket (x10) |
IDOLA Rewards | |
Retweets Required | Rewards |
3,000 RT | Gacha Ticket |
5,000 RT | 10 Pull Symbol Gacha Ticket |
8,000 RT | 10 Pull Gacha Ticket |
10,000 RT | ★4 Character Gacha Ticket |
15,000 RT | ★5 Character Gacha Ticket |
Reward Period
- Mid September
Group Chat Campaign
During the Campaign Period, everyone who speaks in a Group Chat will receive a [Puso Ni Comi Memory 2]!
Campaign Period
- August 21st ~ September 11th
- PusoNiComi Memory 2
Reward Period
- Late September 2019
Login Campaign
Login Daily to earn rewards, and login for a set number of days during the campaign period to gain bonus items.
Campaign Period
- August 29th @ 0:00 ~ September 11th @ 23:59 JST
Day | Reward |
August 29th | Bonus Key Tokyo [Gold] |
August 30th | +100% Triboost (x3) |
August 31st | Free Salon Pass |
September 1st | Bonus Key Magatsu [Gold] |
September 2nd | +150% Triboost |
September 3rd | Bonus Key Rappy F |
September 4th | Ability Success Rate +40% |
September 5th | Bonus Key Kazuchi Assault |
September 6th | +250% RDR Boost (x3) |
September 7th | Bonus Key Tokyo [Gold] |
September 8th | +100% Triboost (x3) |
September 9th | Bonus Key Magatsu [Gold] |
September 10th | +250% RDR Boost (x3) |
September 11th | Ability Success Rate +40% |
5 Day Bonus | Puso Ni Comi Memory 2 |
8 Day Bonus | Puso Ni Comi Memory 2 |
Quest Boosts
Special Training: Episode 5 (Sept. 4th ~ 11th)
- +150% Rare Drop Rate
- Add Fire and Ice Weaknesses to the Enemies
- Increased [Novel] Series drop rate (XH+)
Specter of Destruction (Sept. 4th ~ 11th)
- Added Weapon Camos to the Drop Pool.
Perennial Apocalypse (Sept. 4th ~ 11th)
- Added Weapon Camos to the Drop Pool.
- Added Mag Evo. Device to the Drop Pool.
Quest-Linked Boost (Sept. 4th ~ 18th)
- Clear [Special Training: Ep5] and [Corruption Course: Excluder] to earn points to boost the EQs [Specter of Destruction] and [Perennial Apocalypse].
- Lv. 2 ~ 10: +100% ~ +180% Rare Drop Rate
- Specter of Destruction Boost Effects
- Lv.5: Increased ★12 [Celestial] Unit drop rate. (XH Only)
- Lv.6: Added ★12 [Lightstream] Units to the Drop Pool (XH Only), Increased Erebos Stone drop rate.
- Lv.9: Increased ★14 [Celestial] and [Phobos] Weapons drop rate. (XH Only)
- Perennial Apocalypse Boost Effects
- Lv.6: Increased ★12 [Austere] Unit drop rate. (XH+)
- Lv.9: Added [Time Stone Chronos] to the Drop Pool (XH+), Increased ★15 [Austere-NT] and [Novel] Weapons drop rate. (UH Only)
Hero's Crest Campaign
Beat the following goals to obtain Hero's Crests. The crests can be exchanged for ★14 Weapons at Zieg!
Campaign Period
September 4th ~ September 11th
Campaign Tasks
Goal | Reward | |
1 | Clear [Armada of Demise – Sector 3] | Hero's Crests (x10) |
2 | Clear Yasminkov 8000C's CO: 知ってもらうチャンスです! |
Hero’s Crests (x10) |
3 | Clear Eldetross' CO: 我は森を守る者なり! |
Hero’s Crests (x10) |
4 | Clear Eldetross' CO: 走破演習に参加しようぞ! |
Hero’s Crests (x10) |
5 | Login 3 Days | Hero’s Crests (x10) |
6 | Link with PSO2es and Quick Search once | Hero's Crests (x10) |
※Goal 6 will be distributed at a later time.