The long awaited Reborn: Episode 4 update is finally here. Embark on a brand new chapter in the Phantasy Star Online 2 storyline, explore Tokyo in the year 2028, and become a Summoner after the 15-hour long maintenance.
January 27th Maintenance Extended
- 1/27/2016 @ 2:00 ~ 22:00 JST
- 1/26/2016 @ 12:00 PM ~ 8:00 AM EST
PSO2es Maintenance Extended
- 1/27/2016 @ 1:55 ~ 22:30 JST
- 1/26/2016 @ 11:55 AM ~ 8:30 AM EST
January 27th Patch
- Launcher: Version 04.00.00
- Client: ver. 4.0001.0
- Patch Size: 3.7 GB (PC) / 1943 MB (Vita)
- If Pre-patched: 575 MB
Weekly Famitsu (2/11/2016)
Pick up the latest issue of Famitsu Weekly, out now, and receive an item code for a tact weapon camo and a piece of candy for your pet.
- *奏従扇 ║ Soujyusen
- スタミナクッキー+1 ║ Stamina Cookie +1
Shiki & Oudo
- Shiki and Oudo will be taking their leave from the lobby during maintenance. Be sure to grab their partner cards before they go!
- A guide for their client orders can be found here.
Secret Phrase Roundup
There are two secret phrases currently active. Be sure to enter them into the in-game chat to receive prizes at a later date.
- Enter the phrase あにめでたろう before Jan. 27th's maintenance to receive:
- Nab Rappy Fake (Hairstyle)
- 2016 FUN Ticket
- Enter the phrase ゲーム★マニアックス before Feb. 3rd's maintenance to receive:
- Game Maniax Rack
- Game Maniax Logo (Sticker)
- Game Maniax Rack
Prepare for the new content by reading up on all the Episode 4 news that we've covered on the site.
Episode 4 News
- Episode 4 Preview
- Tidbits from Nagoya
- Episode Selection Changes
- Pets, Summoners, and Candy Boxes
- Live Broadcast #37
- Live Broadcast #38
PSO2es Guide
AC Scratch
Item Code Offers
- ARKS Café Festa Special
- Sympathy 2015
- Festa 2016 Goods
- Shiki Figure Release
- Episode 1 & 2 Materials Collection
- PSO2 Music CD Releases
Item Listings
Episode 4: Reborn!
Main Features
New Class!
- Summoner
New Skills
- Added skills to all classes!
- [All-Skill Tree Reset Passes] have been distributed
New Weapon Category
- Added New Weapon Category: Tact タクト (AKA Batons).
- Tacts are not granted with Special Abilities. You can not affix them with Special Abilities from the Item Lab.
New Pets
- ワンダ: Wanda (All Rounder, High HP)
- トリム: Torim (High ATK Power, Low HP, Swift)
- サリィ: Cery (Support Based, Technic-like Attacks, Lowers Enemy's ATK)
(By the way, the name "Cery" comes from the word Sorcery! Technically you pronounce its name by dropping the "Sor-" part)
- Added Summoner among the list of possible classes when [Great Success] occurs during Weapon Extension.
- Tacts themselves are not qualified for Weapon Extensions.
New Planet
- Planet Earth (地球)
New Field
- Tokyo (東京)
New Quests
- Free-Field Quest: 東京探索 (Tokyo Exploration)
- Arks Quest: 幻創種撃退任務:東京 (Phantom Annihilation: Tokyo
- Arks Quest: トレイン・ギドラン討伐 (Subdue Train Ghidoran)
- Bonus Quest: 特別任務:東京【銀】 Special Mission: Tokyo [Silver]
- Bonus Quest: 特別任務:東京【金】Special Mission: Tokyo [Gold]
※English quest names are temporary and will change to reflect the patch.
※Each Arks Quest and Free Field listed above supports [N ~ XH] difficulties.
※You must clear Episode 4's first Story Quest to unlock the Tokyo Field
New Story
The Bridge & Story Board
New Area & Story Feature
- The Bridge can be accessed only from [EP4 Mode].
- Story Boards are accessible only from [EP4 Mode].
Episode 4: Chapter 1
New Story Quest:
- Episode 4: Chapter 1 (The Time of Awakening)
New Characters
- Hitsugi
- A 16-year-old high school student at Tensei Academy.
- "Al"
- A mysterious boy, bereft of his memories, who was given the name "Aru" by Hitsugi.
- Kohri
- Hitsugi's fellow high school student and closest friend.
- Xiera
- Created by Xiao, she serves as the Player Character's operator.
Partial New Enemy Listing
Photon Arts / Technics
- Changed the Photon Arts / Technics you initially learn when creating a new character.
- Changed the Jet Boots PA Icon colors from red to yellow.
Client Order / Daily Orders
This update changes which fields are unlocked through Koffie's Client Orders.
- Exploration Request II will now unlock Desert, Coast, & Kuronia.
- Exploration Request III will now unlock Floating Facility and Tundra
This update will also change which client orders are unlocked when you clear specific quests.
- Io's Client Orders will unlock when you clear Nab Rappy Capture or complete your Mag License Order.
- Faina's Client Orders unlock when you clear [Tokyo Exploration].
Changed the Daily Orders and Team Orders that appears after this update.
Other changes to unlockables can be read here.
Changed the process of obtaining the following character's Partner Cards
- EP1 Afin: Clear the C-Route for "Long Awaited Tomorrow" Story Quest
- EP3 Afin: Clear 異常発生の影響は "The Plague's Effects" Client Order from Afin.
- EP1 Echo: Clear the B-Route for "Eerie Naberius" Story Quest.
- EP3 Echo: Clear 異常発生の影響は "Seeking the Trivial" Client order from Echo.
- EP4 Io: Clear Just Attack Training VI Client Order from Io.
Players who cleared the above mentioned client orders/story quests before the update, can perform the following actions to receive the Partner Card.
- EP3 Afin: You may login to receive the partner card if you cleared "The Plague's Effects"
- EP 3 Echo: View EP3-2's D-1 Event Matter "一番しっくりくることは"
- EP4 Io: View EP4-1 Story Board C-1 Event Piece "おれだって変わるさ"
Changed Lottie's Outfit to Zip Combination. Changed Lubert's outfit to Cradel Coat. You'll get two versions of their Partner Cards, with both new and old costumes.
- Arks Quests will finally be in the selection process of Featured Quests
- Added [Special Gifts] as a reward for clearing the Featured Quest.
- Featured Quests will now be unlocked when the Tokyo Free Field quest is cleared.
- Changed some specifications of contents with "The Long Awaited Tomorrow" Story Quest.
- Changed some specifications of contents with the tutorial for the "Long Awaited Tomorrow" Story Quest.
- Changed the final enemy in the "The Long Awaited Tomorrow" to El Ahda, and adjusted the dropped PA/Tech discs.
- Made Xiera the operator for Mining Base: Demise
- Added a drop item for Summoner Class in the "Heaven and Hell" Extreme Quest.
New Quest Type
- ボーナスクエスト (Bonus Quest)
- A Solo Quest where players can expect rare drops, high EXP, and Meseta.
- A Bonus Key is required to start the quest.
- Bonus Keys will expire after some period of time has passed.
Quest Counter
- Story Quests [EP1] + [EP2] +[EP3] will will not appear if Episode 4 is selected on startup.
Team Room
- Adjusted some of the backdrop/scenery graphics with the [Nightscape] Team Room.
Sheathed Position Adjustment
- Added the [納刀位置調整] Sheathed Position Adjustment feature to "Custom" in the Main Menu.
- This feature allows you to adjust the positioning of your sheathed weapons.
Quick Menu
- The layout of the Quick Menu can be changed into 11 different patterns. Each pattern represents a different purpose.
- Added options in the Quick Menu to [Head to the Bridge] and [Head to the Beauty Salon].
- Deleted and added some lessons.
Character Creation
- Added a feature on the character selection screen that allows you to view how many characters you have on other ships.
- You may now create up to three free characters!
- Players who already have 3 or more characters will be given 1 [Character Creation Pass].
- You can create up to 20 characters on your account.
- Implemented the "Layered Costume" system, and added its supporting Innerwear, Basewear, and Outerwear articles of clothing.
- Support Partners will not be able to equip Layered Costumes
- Added [Fashion Edit] which allows you to equip various articles of clothing, accessories, and hairstyles outside of the Beauty Salon.
- The changing of accessories will now be performed through the [Fashion Edit] menu when the player is outside of the Salon.
- [Fashion Edit] will not be available on challenge blocks of Shared Ships.
- The changing of accessories will now be performed through the [Fashion Edit] menu when the player is outside of the Salon.
- Added [My Fashion] which lets you save and switch up to 10 different fashion ensembles
- [My Fashion] can be saved and loaded through the [Fashion Edit] menu or through the [Beauty Salon].
- You can select up to two Body Paints
- Added menu listing for Innerwear, Basewear, and Outerwear in the Salon.
- Added the following features to the Salon:
- Body Paint Display Order
- Neck Area Adjustment
- Waist Area Adjustment
- Accessory Size Adjustment
- Accessory Angle Adjustment
- Animation Test
- Field Test
- Spotlight Test
- Added a feature that lets you set your favorite hairstyles and accessories.
- You can now overwrite your Character Creation data.
- Added an option to allow Casts to save their Humanoid and Cast forms separately.
- Your Cast's mag color will correspond to the Main Color of your Outerwear, or your most recently equipped costume/parts.
- A confirmation message will display when you press the "All-Random" button in Character Creation and Support Partner Creation.
- In the PC version, Hairstyles and Head Parts will now be shown in a larger window.
- For the [Accessory Selection Method] in options, PSO2 will select [Large Window Tabbed] by default.
Ship Transfer
- The Ship Transfer sale has ended. Ship Transfers will be priced at the regular 700 AC.
Item Pack / Storage
- Item Pack can now be expanded to 150 slots.
- Premium Storage has expanded to hold up to 400 slots.
- Character Storage has been added for each character.
- PSO2es Storage has been added for players who log into PSO2es with linked characters.
- You will no longer be able to store items in PSO2es Storage after 1 month of not logging into PSO2es.
- In Options you can set the initial cursor position for the Storage menu.
- All Storage, Basic Storage, Character Storage, Premium Storage, OTP Storage, and PSO2es Storage are among the possible choices.
Extra Storage Limitations
This section only pertains to limitations for [Extra Storage] boxes.
- [Extra Storage] is an optional storage option that can be rented with AC.
You will no longer be able to send items to your [Extra Storage] box from your [Item Pack].
- However, you can avoid this restriction by setting one of your [Extra Storage] boxes as your [Favorite Storage].
- Doing so allows you to send items to 1 of your [Extra Storage] boxes even when you're in a quest.
- The [Favorite Storage] setting is shared to characters under the same ship.
- The Box selected as your [Favorite Storage] will appear with a star next to it.
- You can press the [X] button on the gamepad to set your favorite storage.
The [All Storage] button will display items from the most recently accessed [Extra Storage Box].
- Your [Favorite Storage], if set, will take over as the most recently accessed [Extra Storage] box.
You will no longer be able to send items from one [Extra Storage] box to another [Extra Storage] box.
My Shops will allow you to list items to the market using 1 of your [Extra Storage] boxes.
- You won't be able to list items from another [Extra Storage] box until you finish or withdraw the current listing.
An [Extra Storage] box must be selected first, before you can transfer items to it from the Storage Terminal.
Items that were registered as "My Set" equipment will no longer be taken out if it was stored in an [Extra Storage] box.
- You can circumvent this by setting an [Extra Storage] box as your [Favorite Storage].
In order to display items in a particular [Extra Storage] box, you'll need to first select its corresponding [Extra Storage] Box.
Room Items will no longer list [Extra Storage 1 ~ 5] as an available source for placing decorations.
- You can circumvent this by setting an [Extra Storage] box as your [Favorite Storage]. Doing so allows the item to be listed when the [All Storage] button is clicked.
Potential Abilities
- Added some new Potential Abilities.
- Special Abilities which "increase the appearance rate of untekked weapons" will also apply to "?Special Eggs."
- Added new items called Egg.
- Added untekked items called "?Special Eggs."
Candy Box
- Added the Candy Box system.
Pet Lab
- Added the Pet Lab to the Shopping Area
Shop Updates
- Added items to the Pet Items Shop.
- Added items to the Badge&Memory Exchange listing.
- Added items to the Recycle Shop.
- Updated the My Room Shop listing.
- Added items to the Costume Shop listing.
- Added items to the Casino Prize Shop counter.
- Added items to the Challenge Mile Shop.
- Added items to the Pyroxene, God Stone, and Phantasmal Stone Shop.
- Added [Phantom Stone Exchange] to the Pyroxene Shop.
- Added キャラ倉庫拡張50 (Character Storage Expansion +50) to the AC Shop.
Other Adjustments
- Changed the PSO2 icon in the PC version.
- Added a button that directs you into getting a SEGA ID on the login screen.
- Changed the appearances of certain NPCs.
- You can now skip the following animations by pressing a button.
- When you clear a Client Order
- When you see animations in the Item Lab
- When you identify an Item at the Tekker.
- Continuously holding down a button at the Craft Line will no longer make you accidentally purchase a Liliparium (MAX)
- Adjusted the water graphics on some fields.
- Changed the conditions to display some tutorials.
- Changed when some Tutorials appear.
- Changed the contents of the Tutorial when you start the game.
- Changed the tutorial's listing in the Event Chronicle.
- Changed some of the video entries in the Event Chronicle.
- Added the following events to the Event Chronicle
- カジノへようこそ!
- 壊世区域ナベリウス
- 『禍津』の侵攻
- 新たなる「挑戦」
- 壊世区域リリーパ
- 君なら大丈夫
- 煌き舞う絶対防衛戦
- The above events can be viewed in the "Other" section of EP3's Event Chronicle.
- You will no longer be able to play AC Scratch when your Storage doesn't have 4 or more free spaces.
- Changed the Lambda Grinder's rarity to ★7.
- Adjusted when certain notifications appear during Tutorials and the Camp Ship.
- Changed the locations of certain Shops.
Balance Adjustments
- Increased the Client Order Item drop rate for Koffie's [Free Exploration: Forest] and [Free Exploration: Desert].
- Increased the EXP earned from certain Client Order from Afin and Jean.
- Adjusted the clear conditions for Nagisa's Client Orders.
- Increased the speed and range in which you automatically pick up Meseta.
Story Board Unlocking Conditions
The green nodes on the Story Board require specific actions before they unlock the route.
- C-3: Clear Free-Field Forest
- N-2: Clear Free-Field Tokyo
- N-4: Clear Free-Field Volcanic Cavern
O-3 will unlock when they release the next update to the Story Board. The text on the image says "Coming Soon."
Featured Quests & Bonus Quests
Each Featured Quest will gift you one present per day if you clear the quest at A Rank or higher. The prizes in this box are random, but sometimes you'll be awarded with an item called a ボーナスキー (Bonus Key).
There are two types of Bonus Keys to acquire:
- ボーナスキー東京【銀】 (Tokyo Bonus Key [Silver].
- ボーナスキー東京【金】(Tokyo Bonus Key [Gold].
特別任務:東京【銀】 requires the [Silver Key] whereas 特別任務:東京【金】 requires the [Gold Key]. Please be aware that Bonus Keys will expire after several days have passed.
Initial Cursor Position For Storage Boxes
You can now set the Initial Cursor Position when accessing the Storage Terminal.
You can select this option from the following storage boxes listed at the bottom of the screenshot:
- 「すべての倉庫」All Storage
- 「基本倉庫」Basic Storage
- 「キャラ倉庫」Character Storage
- 「プレミアム倉庫」Premium Storage
- 「OTP倉庫」 OTP Storage
- 「PSO2es倉庫」PSO2es Storage
Save Cast and Humanoid Parts Separately
From the Options menu, you can set if your Cast and Humanoid forms will have different body types.
- 体型を自動同期する Automatically sync their body types.
- 体型を個別に編集する Edit the body types separately.
▲▲ Eastern Standard Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!
▲▲ Japanese Standard Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!
Eastern / Central / Mountain / Arizona / Pacific
Hawaii / São Paulo / London / Berlin / Moscow
Bangkok / Philippines / Sydney / Japan
Please Note:
- The Emergency Quest schedule will update automatically during maintenance. Please wait until after maintenance has ended to see the current schedule.
- Please resync the calendar periodically to receive the latest updates, as the schedule may change at Sega's discretion.
- This calendar is unable to show Emergency Quests that occur at random.
- Boost Events that occur for 24 hours will appear in this calendar with only their start times.
- Boost Events that occur for several hours will use the "period" suffix in their titles. Please check the Google Calendar itself to view the event duration.
PSO2 The Animation Quiz!
Players can receive presents for each question they answer correctly in the PSO2 The Animation Quiz! Questions will be announced both in-game and on Twitter each Saturday around 11:00 AM JST.
Quiz Guidelines
- Players must say the answer to the question through the in-game chat.
- Players will receive a +100% Tribooster for each question they answer correctly.
- Questions will be announced each Saturday around 11:00 AM JST.
Let’s say, for example, the answer to the question was [ARKS].
Acceptable Answers | |
アークス | Answering in Full-Width Katakana |
Unacceptable Answers | |||
あーくす | Answering in Hiragana | ||
アークス | Answering in Half-Width Katakana | ||
Arks | Answering in English | ||
ア -クス | Answering with spaces, symbols, or punctuation marks breaking up the response. |
Proposed Answers
PSO2 The Animation Quiz Cheat Sheet | |
Answer | Deadline |
イツキ | 1/12 @ 23:59 JST |
リナ | 1/19 @ 23:59 JST |
ユタカ | 1/26 @ 23:59 JST |
コウタ | 2/2 @ 23:59 JST |
The next question will be announced on Saturday around 11:00 AM JST.
Prize Distribution Date
- During upcoming maintenances after the answering period has ended.
SORO Suit Set Campaign
Progress through Episode 4’s Story Board to receive a set of clothing based on the PSO2 anime’s SORO character.
Campaign Period
- January 27th ~ February 24th (Maintenance)
Campaign Qualifications
Clear the Story Board event pieces at coordinates [O-2], [N-3], and [O-4] to receive:
- SORO・レプカM ║ SORO Repca M
- SORO・レプカF ║ SORO Repca F
- SOROマント ║ SORO Cloak
Prize Distribution Date
- During upcoming maintenances after meeting the qualifications.
- Please allow them a few weeks to distribute the prizes.
- Items can be retrieved from the Visiphone
New Registration Campaign #26
New players who register an account within the campaign period after Episode 4’s launch will be eligible for a starter pack of items!
Campaign Period
- January 27th ~ February 24th (Maintenance)
Campaign Qualifications
Create a new PSO2 account and start your first character to receive:
- Evo. Device / Red Puyo
- 3000 EXP Ticket (x5)
- リア/フレッシュオーラ ║ Rear / Fresh Aura
※PSO2 accounts created prior to the start of this campaign do not qualify for the prizes. The campaign specifically targets new registrations for PSO2, not PSO2es.
Prize Pickup Expiration
- Until maintenance on May 25th.
Team Participation Campaign
Join a team and help out by completing objectives to receive prizes!
Campaign Period
- January 27th ~ February 17th (Maintenance)
Campaign Qualifications
Join or already be in a team with four or more players to receive one +100% Tribooster.
Earn additional rewards by clearing the selected objective each week of the campaign.
Period | Objective | Reward |
Jan. 27th ~ Feb. 3rd (Maintenance) |
Earn 1,000 or more Team Points. | +100% Tribooster |
Feb. 3rd ~ 10th (Maintenance) |
Clear three or more Team Orders. | 15,000 EXP Ticket (x3) |
Feb. 10th ~ 17th (Maintenance) |
Join a team that changed the Team Room that week. |
+100% Tribooster |
Prize Distribution Date
- Mid-March
Welcome Back GO! GO! Special Edition
Players returning from hiatus for the start Episode 4 are in for a treat of 255 items! This campaign applies only to those who haven't logged in since maintenance on December 22nd, 2015.
Campaign Period
- January 27th ~ March 2nd (Maintenance)
Prize List
- Extreme Pass (x5)
- Advance Capsule d (x55)
- Advance Capsule e (x55)
- Advance Capsule f (x55)
- +50% Tribooster (x5)
- +150% Rare Drop Booster (x5)
- 15,000 EXP Ticket (x5)
- Synthesizer (x55)
- Grind Risk Reducer +2 (x5)
- Photon Sphere (x5)
- Casino Coin Pass (x5)
Prize Pickup Expiration
- Until maintenance on June 1st.
If those same players say ただいま in team chat during the campaign period, everyone in the team will receive a +100% Tribooster in late March.
All team members will receive an additional Tribooster for each player in the team that is eligible for the campaign (up to a maximum of three).
- 1 Qualifying Member = +100% Tribooster (x1)
- 2 Qualifying Members = +100% Tribooster (x2)
- 3+ Qualifying Members = +100% Tribooster (x3)
Presents will be delivered late March for all members who belonged to the team by March 2nd.
Purchase AC Shop items at a discounted rate between January 27th ~ February 10th.
Item Package | Contents | Price |
EP4記念お買い得セット EP4 Commemorative Bargain Set |
90 Day Premium Set (x1) AC Scratch Ticket (x2) AC Scratch Gold Ticket (x1) Additional Mag Ticket (x1) Character Storage Expansion +50 (x1) |
4,900 AC |
アイテムバック拡張5個セット 5x Item Pack Expansions Set |
Item Pack Expansion +10 (x5) | 1,600 AC |
プレミアムサポートセット Premium Support Package |
Salon Pass (x1) 30 Day Order Limit Expansion (x1) |
700 AC |
※Each item package is limited one per account.
※ Purchasing the 90-Day Premium Set through this method also qualifies you for the Premium Set Purchasing campaign.
※These item packages will be listed in yellow at the AC Shop!