The Ensemble Catalog
The Ensemble Catalog is a new feature where players can browse the fashion choices of fellow ARKS members. Registering your character's style to the Ensemble Catalog will allow other users to evaluate or even bookmark them for future use.
Fashion Catalog Main Menu
- みんなのコーデを見る [View Everyone's Fashion]
- みんなのコーデから検索 [Search Everyone's Fashion]
- 自分のコーデを登録 [Register Fashion]
- 登録中のコーデを確認 [View Registered Fashion]
- 登録を取り下げる [Withdraw Registered Fashion]
This menu lets you browse the fashion choices of other players.
- 更新日時の新しい順 [Sort by Newest]
- いいね!の多い順 [Sort by Most Likes!]
- 閲覧数の多い順 [Sort by Most Views]
[Likes] and [Views] are sorted based on monthly data.
This menu lets you search fashion under certain criteria.
- ジャンル [Genre]
- 種族 [Race]
- 性別 [Sex]
- すべてのジャンル [All Genres]
- かわいい [Cute]
- かっこいい [Cool]
- きれい [Beautiful]
- エレガント [Elegant]
- ワイルド [Wild]
- インテリ [Intellectual]
- ダーク [Dark]
- セクシー [Sexy]
- インドア [Indoor]
- おもしろい [Interesting]
- 全種族 [All Races]
- ヒューマン [Human]
- ニューマン [Newman]
- キャスト [Cast]
- デューマン [Dewman]
- 全性別 [All Sexes]
- 男性 [Male]
- 女性 [Female]
This menu lets you register your character's fashion.
- ジャンル [Genre]
- 検索用タグ [Search Tags]
- コメント [Comment]
- 再生するロビーアクション [Play Lobby Action]
- 表情 [Expression]
You can enter up to three tags to help people search for your ensemble.
- かわいい [Cute]
- かっこいい [Cool]
- きれい [Beautiful]
- エレガント [Elegant]
- ワイルド [Wild]
- インテリ [Intellectual]
- ダーク [Dark]
- セクシー [Sexy]
- インドア [Indoor]
- おもしろい [Interesting]
Press 決定 to save your changes.
Pressing いいね! (Like!) while viewing a character's fashion profile will open up a new window where you can send one of four reactions.
Sending a reaction basically counts as sending a comment with a Good Job. Thanks to this, you can earn FUN points as you evaluate the fashion of other characters.
- いいね! [Like!]
- かわいいね! [Cute!]
- かっこいいね! [Cool!]
- おもしろいね! [Interesting!]
This allows you to bookmark the fashion choices of another player. You can convert this bookmark into a [My Fashion] preset to allow your character to wear the same outfit. Please keep in mind that your character can only wear items they've personally acquired.
Enter a name for the bookmark and press 決定 to save the outfit.