PSNOVA DLC: Version 1.03

Phantasy Star Nova: Version 1.03

Level Cap Update

Player Level Cap Update

  • Raised the level cap to 150.


Super Hard Difficulty

Super Hard Quests

New Difficulty [Super Hard]

  • Added Super Hard difficulty to existing quests.
  • Added new quests that support Super Hard difficulty.
  • The Promise Order section below contains details on unlocking this difficulty.


Time Attack Quest


New Time Attack Quest

  • Added Time Attack Quest [Point Attack: Gran Water Source]


New Lv. 101+ Skills

Skill Board Update


Skill Name Skill Descriptions
(Element Weak Power)
(Hu: 101)
Boosts striking damage towards the elemental weakness.
(Just Attack Bonus)
(Hu: 150)
Just Attacks achieve bonus damage.
(Element Weak Shoot)
(Ra: 101)
Boosts shooting damage towards the elemental weakness.
(R-ATK UP 4)
(Ra: 107)
Increases R-ATK by 150.
(R-DEF UP 4)
(Ra: 113)
Increases R-DEF by 150.
(Ra: 120)
Increases DEX by 40.
(R-ATK Conversion)
(Ra: 127) (Active Skill)
A percentage of your S-ATK and T-ATK is temporarily converted into R-ATK.
(Tech Arts JA Bonus)
(Bu: 101)
Boosts damage when Just Attacking with different Gran Arts or Technics.
(Flame Weapon)
(Fo: 101) (Active Skill)
Temporarily imbues the weapon with the Fire element. During that time, the weapon achieves bonus damage.
(Ice Weapon)
(Fo: 105) (Active Skill)
Temporarily imbues the weapon with the Ice element. During that time, the weapon achieves bonus damage.
(Thunder Weapon)
(Fo: 109) (Active Skill)
Temporarily imbues the weapon with the Lightning element. During that time, the weapon achieves bonus damage.
(Wind Weapon)
(Fo: 113) (Active Skill)
Temporarily imbues the weapon with the Wind element. During that time, the weapon achieves bonus damage.
(Dark Weapon)
(Fo: 116) (Active Skill)
Temporarily imbues the weapon with the Dark element. During that time, the weapon achieves bonus damage.
(Light Weapon)
(Fo: 120) (Active Skill)
Temporarily imbues the weapon with the element of Light. During that time, the weapon achieves bonus damage.
(T-ATK UP 4)
(Fo: 130)
Increases T-ATK by 150.

※More skills will be added to the guide in the future.


Gran Arts Level Cap up

Gran Arts Level Cap Update

  • Increased the level cap for Gran Arts.


New Promise Orders

Orcus SH Promise Order

New Promise Orders

  • Added new Promise Orders to each character.
Orcus' Orders Objective Reward
Unlocking Super Hard
Defeat the Gigantes:
[アルテイオス LV: 90]
[グラヴディオン LV 90]
[リベルゲンテ LV 90]

+3200 Gran Energy
32000 EXP
Memory Fragment J x1

※ More Promise Orders will be added to the guide in the future.


New Weapons

Nova 11 and 12 Star

New Weapons

  • Added new ★11 and ★12 weapons.


Core Refinery

Core Refinery

New Facility: Core Refinery

  • Core Refinery: Convert several unwanted cores into a different core.
  • Explanations on how to use this facility will be added to the guide in the future.



 New Cold Sleep Characters


New Cold Sleep Characters

  • Added the [Phantom Crew] category to the Cold Sleep Counter.


Esthetic Counter Level 5

Esthetic Counter Lv. 5

  • Added hairstyles, accessories, and even new voices!

Bug Fixes

  • Corrected a bug which prevented characters from playing Multiplayer if they equipped certain Cast Head Parts.
  • Corrected a bug that under certain conditions, caused bases with the [Expedition Party HQ] facility to slow down the game.

PSNova Planned Guide Updates

As it will take time to assemble some information from the latest update, we plan to update the guide with the following:

  • Provide information about skills not listed in this patch note.
  • Explain in detail how the Core Refinery works.
  • Add Promise Orders included with this update.

You can help make updates to the guide go faster by commenting with imgur albums of the new content.

PSNova Future Updates

  • Phantasy Star Nova isn't over just yet. The development team is currently working on even more updates for the future. Aside from raising the level cap again, they're planning on adding a "character re-creation" feature. See you soon!

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