Phantasy Star Portable 2: Infinity Blast and PSP2 Data Transfer

Hi still on vacation, here's a small post about Infinity Blast. If you recall the scan post, there was a section regarding Infinity Blast where it has 4 effects based on your battle type.

Infinity Blast

Shougai PSO has added some information within this month's Gemaga Magazine. (Scan Pending). Infinity Blasts are available at Level 10. They are usable only for a limited time, however you can extend it by performing a "Chain Combo." This is essentially attacking an enemy continuously for as long as you can.

Based on your battle type (Hunter, Ranger, Force, or Vanguard) the type of attack can change. If you are a Hunter, your Infinity Blast will be that of holding a one handed sword and attacking at a close range. If you are a Ranger, your Infinity Blast will be that of a laser beam that shoots enemies.


PSP2 Contents

Sakai makes a post about the meaning of PSP2 Infinity. The name means that it will break the usual limits set in place within the series, so that you can continue to play this game endlessly. (You can see this system within Reincarnation, though it sounds like more features will be breaking other limits…)

All contents of Phantasy Star Portable 2 are within Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity. This includes Story, Mission, and Items, etc. This allows for all contents of PSP2 save data to carry over to PSP2 Infinity. This includes your character's appearance, level, all your items in possession and shared storage, titles, any data you can think of carries over.  Infinity will of course include enough content that is equal to that of a new game.

All Download Item Data for Phantasy Star Portable 2, will carry over to Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity. You do not need to purchase the items again.

[via shougai and pso2iblog]


Save Data Transferring

You can import various Phantasy Star games into Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity. Some of these methods work just like before, so refer to the original importing link at the sidebar.

  • PSP2i Demo to PSP2i Full: ALL DATA TRANSFERS
  • PSP2 Full to PSP2i (Demo or Full) ALL DATA TRANSFERS and you get 5 Fusion Codes
  • PSP1 to PSP2i (Demo or Full)  You get Exam Saber and 1 Visual Module.
  • PSU to PSP2i (Demo or Full) You get Exam Saber and 1 Visual Module.

Note: If you are transferring PSU or PSP1 to Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity, they work exactly the same way as it did when you transferred to PSP2. Please refer to this post concerning the original data that transfers over.

*Fusion Codes are used to synthesize weapons. When you synthesize the same mutual weapons, the attribute percentage improves.

[vacation mode]

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