Phantasy Star Online 2's First Player Site Survey! This will allow your input your feedback to any areas Phantasy Star Online 2 is lacking in. Entries should be written in Japanese, please seek forums to help you translate your requests. You can also skip areas that ask you to type something in Japanese. You are required to log in before submitting entries.
- Runs from August 29th, through September 19th @ 11:00 JST
- All participants receive a FUN500獲得チケット Fun 500 Ticket.
- Item codes will be distributed in early October 2012
Q1: Are you a boy or a girl? (Required)
Q2: How old are you? (Required)
Q3. What is your Occupation? (Required)
- Elementary School Student
- Junior High School Student
- Senior High School Student
- College / Junior College / Vocational School Student
- Company Worker / Government Worker / Entrepreneur
- Part Time Job Worker
- Housewife or Househusband
- Seeking Work / Not attending Schoool.
- Other
Q4. What games have you played so far? (Multiple Selection) (Required)
Left Side
- Phantasy Star Portable
- Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity
- Phantasy Star Universe Series
- I've never played any of these titles
Right Side
- Phantasy Star Portable 2
- Phantasy Star Online Series
- Phantasy Star Zero
Q5. What Devices/Consoles do you have? (Required)
Left Side
- Playstation 3
- Playstation Vita
- Nintendo DS
- XBOX360
- iPhone
- Windows Phone
- Laptop PC
- Android Tablet PC
- None
Right Side
- Playstation Portable
- Wii
- Nintendo 3DS
- Dumb Phone
- Android Smartphone
- Desktop PC
- Tablet PC iPad
- Tablet PC Windows
Q6. For the entries below, please make a selection about the online games you play when you started playing PSO2. (Required)
For PC Games that are similar to PSO2 (RPG/Action Games etc), I …
- — Choose a Selection —
- I continuously play them every week.
- I still play them more than once every 2 weeks.
- I play them once every 2 weeks.
- I would play them before, but now I don't play them very often. (Around once a month)
- I haven't played them at all, but I may in the future.
- I didn't play them at all, and I think I'm not going to do so in the future
For PC Browser Games (Casual Games, etc.) I…
- — Choose a Selection —
- I continuously play them every week.
- I still play them more than once every 2 weeks.
- I play them once every 2 weeks.
- I would play them before, but now I don't play them very often. (Around once a month)
- I haven't played them at all, but I may in the future.
- I didn't play them at all, and I think I'm not going to do so in the future
For Smartphones games, I..
- — Choose a Selection —
- I continuously play them every week.
- I still play them more than once every 2 weeks.
- I play them once every 2 weeks.
- I would play them before, but now I don't play them very often. (Around once a month)
- I haven't played them at all, but I may in the future.
- I didn't play them at all, and I think I'm not going to do so in the future
For Playstation Vita Online Games
- — Choose a Selection —
- I continuously play them every week.
- I still play them more than once every 2 weeks.
- I play them once every 2 weeks.
- I would play them before, but now I don't play them very often. (Around once a month)
- I haven't played them at all, but I may in the future..
- I didn't play them at all, and I think I'm not going to do so in the future.
Q7. For how long have you played PSO2. (Required)
- I played since the Alpha Test
- I played since Alpha Test 2
- I played since the Closed Beta
- I played since Open Beta
- I started playing after the official release
Q8. How many characters do you have in PSO2? (Required)
- Choose 1 through 12体 characters
Q9. What level is your most played character. You can input any number from 1~40. If you haven't played a particular class, type 1.
- Hunter LV:
- Ranger LV:
- Force LV:
Q10. How high have you raised your mag? (Required)
- Less than level 10
- Level 10 ~ 29
- Second form: Level 30 ~ 99
- Third form: Level 100 ~
- I don't have a mag
- What's a mag?
Q11. If you have a mag but haven't raised it passed level 10, choose a reason below.
Left Side
- Because I just got a mag
- Because it's hard to raise them. (It's too slow to level them)
- Even though I raised them, I didn't see any changes.
- Since I don't know what might be good for raising a mag.
Right Side
- I don't understand the method of raising them (the way I should raise them)
- Since it's too troublesome to bring them up. (It's not fun)
- I keep forgetting to give them items.
- Other
その他入力欄: Type Other Reasons here
Q12. How far have you progressed through your Matter Board (Required)
- — Please Make A Selection —
- I hardly made any progress
- Sometimes I advance through.
- I'm very proactive in advancing through it.
- I've completed all Matter Boards released within the game so far.
- I don't have a Matter Board
- I don't know what a Matter Board is.
Q13. If you hardly made any progress through the Matter Board, choose a reason below.
Left Side
- Because I just started the game.
- Because I don't understand how to progress through the Matter Board
- Since I have been unable to achieve a specific matter, I've given up.
- I'm not interested in the Story Elements.
- Other
Right Side
- Because I forgot about it.
- Because it's too troublesome to advance through (it's not fun!)
- Because I think there's a bug and I'm unable to advance through.
- Because I don't understand what might be good to advance through the Matter Board.
その他入力欄: Other reasons
Q14. For any of the following items, if you are dissatisfied with any aspect, write about the things you want them to improve upon.
- キャラクタークリエイト Character Creation
- ユーザーインターフェイス全般 User Interface
- キャラクター操作方法 Character Operation
- アクション全般 Action
- ロビー Lobby
- クエスト内容 Quest Contents
- エネミーの挙動 Enemy Conduct
- ゲームバランス Game Balance
- キャラクターやフィールド、エネミーのグラフィック Character/Field/Enemy Graphics
- モーション全般 Animation
- エフェクト全般 Effects
- コミュニケーション機能 Communications
- マイルーム My Room
- マイショップ My Shop
- チュートリアル Tutorial
- ストーリー進行 Story Progression
- ランキングや緊急クエストなどの突発イベント Ranking and Emergency Quest's Occurrence Events
- マグ Mag
- マターボード Matter Board
- クライアントオーダー Client Order
- 鑑定システム Item Appraisals (Tekker)
- フレンドパートナー Friend Partner
- アイテム収集要素全般 Item Gathering components
- アイテム強化・属性強化 Item and Attribute Grinding
- スキルツリー Skill Tree
- エステ Aesthetics
- チーム機能 Team Functions
- プレミアムセット Premium Set
- ACスクラッチ AC Scratch
- ACショップ全般 AC Shop
- プレイヤーズサイト Players Site
- その他 Other
Q15. Please choose where you check for information regarding PSO2. (Required)
Left Side:
- PSO2 Official Site
- PS Official Blog
- 4Gamer
- Game Site Ads
- BBS or Blog
- Video Sites / Videos on Game Sites
- From Friends
Right Side
- PSO2 Official Twitter
- Official Email Newsletter
- Game Site Article
- Other site ads (like NicoNico)
- Magazine article and Ads
- NetCafe
- Other
Choose one source that sparked your interest into playing PSO2
- PSO2 Official Site
- PSo2 Twitter
- PSO2 Official Blog
- Email Newsletter
- 4Gamer Site
- Gamesite Article
- Gamesite Ads
- Other site's Ads
- BBS/Blog
- Magazine Article and Ad
- Video Site / Videos on Game Sites
- Net Cafe
- Friend
- Other
Q16. How much Arks Cash did you purchase? (Required)
- None
- Less than 1000
- Less than 5000
- Less than 10,000
- Less than 30,000
- More than 30,000
Q17. How often do you play PSO2? (Required)
- Every Day
- 5-6 days a week
- 3-4 days a week
- 1-2 days a week
- Occasionally
- Hardly
Q18. Have you purchased and used the Premium Set? (Required)
- Purchased and currently using it.
- I used it up before, and I intend to get it again in the future.
- I used it up before, but in the future I don't intend on getting it again.
- I used it up, but I don't know whether or not I'll get it again.
- I haven't used it before, but in the future I'll get it.
- I've never used it, and I don't plan on getting it either.
- I've never used it, and I don't know whether I'll get it or not.
Q19. If you don't intend on getting a Premium Set in the future, please explain why.
Q20. Who do you play PSO2 with? (Required)
- Mainly by myself.
- I don't play with any particular person, but I do play with others
- Mainly I play with friends
- Mainly I play with friends whom I know from other online games.
- I mainly play with School friends or Coworkers I know personally.
Q21. Do you think you'll continue to play PSO2 in the future? (Required)
- I plan to buy cash items and continue playing
- I don't know if I'll buy cash items, but I'll continue playing
- I won't purchase cash items, but I'll continue playing
- I don't intend on playing.
Q22. What items do you want to see in the future?
- Clothes (Like Bikini etc.)
- Hairstyles (Like Pony Tails etc.)
- Accessories (Like Cat Ears etc.)
- Other Items
Q23. Which areas do you wish to see updated in the future? (Required)
Left Side
- More Maps
- More Classes
- Higher Level Cap
- More Costumes and Accessories
- More weapons
- Other
Right Side
- More Bosses
- More Weapon Categories
- More Story
- New System Updates
- More Quests
Q24. Did you know about any other plans for PSO2 other than the PC version? (Required)
Left Side
- I know about the PSVita Version
- I know about the Android Version
Right Side
- I know about the iPhone version
- I don't know about any other versions.
Q25. Choose which platforms you'll play PSO2 on. (Required)
- PC only
- PSVita Only
- Android Only
- Smartphone Only
- PC + PSVita
- PC + iPhone
- PC + Android
- PSVita + iPhone
- PSvita + Android
- PC + PSVita + iPhone
- PC + PSVita + Android
Q26. Please enter in 1000 characters or less, the areas that are fun and enjoyable in PSO2
Q27. Please enter in 1000 characters or less, the areas that you wish to see improved.
[内容を確認] Confirm Entry / [回答をやめる] Quit Survey