This Phantasy Star Nova guide covers an assortment of features available in the demo. After the game releases, it will automatically update to cover concepts not featured in the demo. As this guide is a work in progress, additional information will be added in the future.
Recent Update: 3/20/2015
- Added Core Refinery to the [Base Customization] tab.
- Next guide update will focus on the enemy situation in version 3.03.
- Added more Lv101+ skills.
- Added some more Combo skills.
- Added new skills for Rangers.
- Added a new combo skill format, and moved some of the skills over there.
- Added a new combo skill for Force Hunters.
- Added some level 101+ skills for Hunter, Force, Ranger, and Buster in the [Class Counter] tab.
- Corrected a typo with Weak-Hit Advance. Added activation notices for some stance skills.
- As you advance towards the end of the game, it becomes annoying to level up Gran Arts that require Memory Fragment B and D. Fortunately Kisara has new [Promise Orders] to help alleviate this problem.
- Added Promise Orders for Orcus, Kisara, Sail, and Riethiea.
- Added a tip for one of Yomi's Promise Orders.
- Not really a guide update yet, but you can read news about the [Version 1.03] update.
- Secretly added new [Promise Orders] for the past 3 weeks.
- Added several combo skills and their icons thanks to RANDOMCITIZEN.
- Added icons to almost all skills thanks to RANDOMCITIZEN.
- Added several new passwords to the [Cold Sleep Counter].
- Opened a new [Promise Order] page!
- Added passwords to [Cold Sleep Counter].
- Updated [Stockroom] tab to reflect V1.01.
- Updated [Menu and Options] tab's Basic Settings to reflect V1.01.
- Added Expedition Party HQ explanation to [Base Customize] tab.
[12.07.2014] Part 2
- Added Facilities to [Base Customize] tab.
- Added traits to [Cold Sleep Counter] in relation to this.
[12.07.2014] Part 1
- Added Base Customizations (incomplete)
- Added Shop and Facility Effects and Levels.
- Getting ready to cover some new topics so the [Miscellaneous] tab ordering has been readjusted.
- Added some more traits to the [Cold Sleep Counter].
- Added some Combo Skills
- Added nearly every special ability core effect.
- Added new page [Cold Sleep Counter]
- Added traits for "Arks" "Battle" and "Facility"
- Added a Password section
- Added Multiplayer Gigantes Blast tidbit.
- Added Item menu to the [Start Menu] tab.
- Added Stockroom to [Miscellaneous] tab
- Added Specific Topics section for quick access to popular topics.
[11.30.2014] Part 2
- Added new tab [Buster]
- Added how to capture a Gigantes.
- Added how to perform a Gigantes Blast.
- Added new tab [Gigantes Blast]
- Added summary about the Gigantes Blast.
- Finally added the Restaurant Menu.
- Added Pile Gran Arts to the [Class Counter] menu.
- Added tons more skills to all classes.
[11.30.2014] Part 1
- Added some Buster skills.
- Added some Hunter, Ranger, and Force skills.
- Added some more Promise Orders.
- Added Gigantes Blast to the start menu.
- Added some tips to Promise Orders.
- Added setting multiple Skill Boards to the [Start Menu] tab.
[11.28.2014] Part 2
- Added tons more Promise Orders!
- Added some to [Game Flow: Orders]
- Added some to [Game Flow: Halos]
- Added some to [Game Flow: Shop Upgrades]
- Added new tab [Upgrades]
- Added the Promise Orders mentioned above.
- Added How to Switch Operators.
- Explained how to level up shops.
- This tab is currently incomplete.
- Added some skills.
[11.28.2014] Part 1
- Added F.A.Q.
- Added Item Shop.
- Added how to import DLC.
- Added a more in depth look at the [Cold Sleep Counter].
- Added Reanbell's password at the [Cold Sleep Counter].
- Added a new category of tabs at the bottom of the guide.
- These [Pink] tabs will describe miscellaneous features.
- Added the Cold Sleep Menu to the [Pink] tabs.
- Added a couple of character traits.
- Added lots more skills.
- Added Gran Arts
- Added some skills.
- Initial Release
The guide is color coded into three categories: purple, orange, and blue.
- Purple is an introduction to the game's mechanics and storyline.
- Orange is a walkthrough of the entire demo.
- Blue covers shops and facilities.
- Pink covers miscellaneous features.
More topics will be added in the future.
How do I import save data from the demo? (Visual Guide)
- Press New Game.
- Press 「はい」 for the message that pops up.
- Choose a Save Slot, and Press [Yes].
How do I make those platforms in the air?
- The floating platform comes from the new "Halo" weapon type.
- This weapon type becomes available after progressing to a certain part of the story. [See Halos Tab]
- After you equip this weapon, you can press the
to create a "Ring Field" and press the
button to teleport onto it.
Why is my character running by themselves?
- Pressing the [Select] button activates the Auto-Run.
- Press the [Select] button again to disable it.
How do I import DLC into the game? (Visual Guide)
- After installing DLC, start up the game and head to the Stockroom.
- Press the last button 「DLCを受け取る」and select the item.
- The items will be transferred to your inventory.
When you start a new game, you'll be whisked away to the Character Creation screen. Just continue down the numbered path until you're ready to start the story.
- 1: Choose a Race and Gender
- 2: Choose a Class
- 3: Select Character Base
- +: Detailed Editing
- 4: Choose a Voice
- 5: Enter a Name
- 6: Start the Story
When selecting a Character Base, please note that some makeup patterns are not available for selection. These makeup patterns will become available once you advance further into the demo.
Your character will awaken from a capsule used to keep crew members of the Delta Valiant under Cold Sleep. You'll meet up with medical staff member Riethiea who'll talk about the current situation and where you're heading to. Soon after, you'll meet up with the Combat Unit Officer, Fildia.
Fildia will teach you basic game mechanics like:
- How to Attack (
- Use Photon Arts (R+
- Use Evasive actions (L stick +
- Switch sub-palettes with the left and right arrow keys.
- Do Just Attacks (Attacking during the Red Circle)
In addition you can:
- Lock onto enemies (L Trigger)
- Switch Locked-on Targets (L Trigger + R Stick)
Pretty straightforward stuff. Soon after meeting up with the main heroine, Lutina, the ship comes under attack and is forced to make an emergency landing on Planet Makhia. On this planet, photons have no effect, making all of their weapons virtually useless. That's when the main protagonists find a crystal with a girl inside. She teaches the characters of an energy known as Gran. This energy is the centerpiece of the story, providing the crew members a chance to survive.
The [Game Flow] section of tabs below will walk you through various aspects of the demo.
アイテム Item |
ストーリー Story |
プレーヤー Player |
帰還 Return |
システム System |
アイテム Item |
あらすじの確認 Summary |
ステータス Status |
帰還 Return |
Settings 設定 |
装備 Equipment |
約束 Promise Order |
ゲストクルー Guest Crew |
Dissolve Party パーティー解散 |
セーブ Save |
ゲームを終了 End Game |
Item Menu
Click on an item to:
- 倉庫に預ける Deposit to storage box.
Press the button to lock the item.
Equipment Menu
- 武器装備 Equip Weapon
- 武器パレット装備 Equip Weapon Palette
- 防具装備 Equip Shield Unit
- サブパレット装備 Equip Sub-Palette
Select from the list of weapons. Each weapon has 4 slots that can be equipped with a Gran Art or Skill.
= Commonly the "Class Skill Button"
= Commonly the "Normal Attack Button"
————- R Button Held Below ————-
= Commonly the "Gran Art or Technic Button"
= Commonly the "Gran Art or Technic Button"
Palette Categories
- 攻撃 / グランアーツ Attack / Gran Arts
- スキル Skill
The topmost entry in this list is for normal attacks. You need to have normal attacks in at least one of the slots to fight efficiently. The rest are Gran Arts or Technics.
Skill Board Equipment
Acquiring the Skill Board upgrade from Orcus let's you attach a skill board to a weapon. Use the left and right keys on the D-Pad to change the assigned skill board. Whatever skills are set for that skill board will apply when that weapon is equipped.
Pile Skill: "Ignition"
When you acquire the Buster class, you'll unlock a new option in the Sub-Palette menu. From here you can set a new skill exclusive to this menu called Ignition. It allows you to capture a Gigantes by exploding the Piles that pierced its body. By performing this action, you will initiate a "Gran Link" with the Gigantes, which allows you to summon them in future battles.
Setting a Gigantes Blast
After performing a Gran Link with the Gigantes, you can summon into battle with a Gigantes Blast. The Gigantes must be set to the sub-palette and will charge as you defeat enemies.. You can learn more about equipping item and skills to the sub-palette, by reading the Equipment Menu section above.
Status Menu
- Name
- Race / Gender
- Class / Lv.
- EXP To Next Level
- HP
- GP
- DEX or APT
The colorful icons on the side are elemental resistances for Fire, Ice, Lightning, Wind, Light, and Dark.
- Control Settings
- Basic Settings
- Log Settings
- Camera Settings
- Sound Settings
Control Settings [Normal View] [TPS View]
- Control Type: (Type 1 / Type 2 / Custom)
- Attack 1
- Attack 2
- Jump
- Access
- Evasive Action
- Switch Main Palette
- Lock-On Toggle
- Switch Sub-Palette [Next]
- Switch Sub-Palette [Previous]
- Weapon Palette [Up]
- Weapon Palette [Down]
- AutoRun
- Main Menu
Press [Select] to initialize settings.
Basic Settings
- Radar Map Rotation Method: (Fixed / Rotate)
- Main Palette Operation: (Hold / Click)
- Lock-On Method: (Hold / Click)
- Target Cursor Selection Direction: (Camera / Character)
- 入手した材料を自動的に倉庫に送る (Auto Send Materials to Storage)
- 入手したコアを自動的に倉庫に送る (Auto Send Cores to Storage)
- 手動: Manual
- 自動: Automatic
Display Log Settings
- Max Display Entries (#)
- Display Items in Log (する=Yes) (しない=No)
- Display Promise Orders in Logs (する=Yes) (しない=No)
- Display Quests in Logs (する=Yes) (しない=No)
- Display Battle Situations (する=Yes) (しない=No)
Camera Settings
- Horizontal Camera Rotation (Normal / Inverse)
- Vertical Camera Rotation (Normal / Inverse)
- Horizontal Camera Rotation Speed
- Vertical Camera Rotation Speed
Game Flow Tabs
The main headquarters is split up into two areas. The outside area is known as the "Base." Here you can purchase weapons, shield units, items, and clothes. In addition, you can change your class, and purchase new features. Each shop is unlocked by completing Fildia's promise orders. We'll talk more about promise orders in another section.
The "Bridge" is the commander's deck of the ship. Here you'll meet Fildia who'll soon hand out promise orders as you advance through the story. For now, after watching a cutscene you must depart on a quest.
This is the Quest Gate. From here you can depart on a quest. In another section we'll talk about the rest of the facilities you can access.
Click the [Quests] tab above to continue the walkthrough.
Head to the "Quest Gate" to start a quest.
Quest Menu
- クエスト: Quest
- あらすじの確認: View Story Summary
Options for the main story path are indicated by a book symbol icon on a red background. This also extends to "Promise Orders" that appear above character's heads.
Quest Menu
- パーティーメンバー : Party Member
- クエスト開始: Start a Quest
Select a crew member to add to your party. Whenever you're doing main story quests, you can press the [START] button to automatically select crew members appearing in the story.
Party Menu
- パーティーに入れる (Add/Remove) From Party
- キャラクター表示 (Show Character)
Enemies will drop materials that can be used to create an assortment of items, like weapons, shield units, gran arts, and technics. Just run over the items to collect them in your inventory.
After a quest is over, you'll be evaluated on the:
- Enemy Defeat Ranking
- Elapsed Time
- Number of Incapacitations
You'll even receive Gran Energy, EXP, and materials as rewards! Afterwards, head to the bridge for a cutscene.
The game will indicate that you'll need to visit characters with red icons overhead to advance the story. After a cutscene with Sharon, head to the Quest Gate and start the next story quest. Don't forget to add Lutina, Sail, and Izuna to your party!
Click the [Orders] tab above to continue the walkthrough.
Promise Orders are requests from NPCs you can fulfill to receive items and unlock new features. Some Promise Orders can be performed once, others can be repeated as much as you like. The first two Promise Orders you can take are from Fildia. The red icon overhead means you must speak to this person to progress through the story.
You can unlock new shops and facilities by clearing Fildia's Promise Orders. Each Promise Order requires a set objective which must be cleared to receive the rewards.
Take note of the icon colors that appear in this menu.
- The green icon indicates the order/item is ready to be handed in.
- A red icon indicates it's part of the story line.
- A yellow icon means you've already completed the Promise Order.
- A blue icon means the order is currently in progress.
Fildia's Initial Promise Orders
Promise Order | Objective | Reward |
武器ショップ建設 Weapon Shop Construction |
Collect 3 [ダーカーの節] |
+70 Gran Energy |
アイテムショップ建設 Item Shop Construction |
Clear the Quest [鋼の荒野哨戒任務] |
+70 Gran Energy |
防具ショップ建設 Shield Unit Shop Construction |
Collect 3 [白い岩石] |
+80 Gran Energy |
クラスカウンター建設 Class Counter Construction |
Clear the Quest [ダーカー討伐任務] |
+80 Gran Energy |
Her first two orders are shown at the top, but the rest will unlock as you turn them in.
Fildia's Promise Orders will unlock new shops and facilities. These will automatically appear in the Base as you exit the Bridge.
Active Promise Orders will display as a blue icon in the quest menu. Either clear the quest or collect its materials to complete the Promise Order. Afterwards, return to the person who requested it to receive the rewards!
After you've cleared all of Fildia's Promise Orders, head back to the Quest Gate to start your next quest.
Most of these Promise Orders are unavailable at this point. They will unlock as you progress through the story.
Click the [Halos] tab to continue the walkthrough.
In the next quest, you'll come across a Gigantes you'll have to avoid. After a few minutes, a cutscene will appear.
Afterwards, head to the Lab next to Sharon to contribute research towards the development of a new weapon category. If the menu is grayed out, you must continue doing random quests and Promise Orders until you have enough Gran Energy.
~ View Entire Promise Order List ~
After a cutscene, a new weapon category will be sent to your inventory. You can learn how to equip weapons by reading the [Start Menu] tab at the top of this post. This new weaponry is called "Halos." They are used to create floating platforms when fighting the Gigantes.
When a Gigantes appears, switch to the Halo weapon category and press to create a "Ring Field." Step underneath the ring field and press
to teleport onto it. If you wish to leave a ring field, run to the edge and press
to go back on the ground.
After the quest, if you head back to Sharon and clear her Promise Order, you'll unlock a new item called "Ring Generators." These items allow you to create "Ring Fields" without having to use a Halo. Since these are consumable items, they must be set to the sub-palette.
Click the [Cold Sleep] tab to continue.
Cold Sleep Counter
- カプセル解凍: Defrost Capsule
- 全クルー情報 Crew Information
- クルー配属 Crew Assignment
- パスワード入力 Enter Password
Use the Gran you've acquired to awaken crew members from Cold Sleep. These crew members can be assigned with managing various facilities around the base.
Based on their personality traits, you can unlock bonus effects when assigning them to the right facility. In addition, you can recruit crew members to your party to help you fight the Gigantes!
When you first access this menu, you'll have to awaken "Leaders" for each section of the base. In the screenshot above, you'll generally have to select how many crew members you wish to awaken.
The more you select, the more Gran Energy is expended to awaken them. However since this is a part of the storyline, you'll get 4 story NPCs for free.
Select 「はい」 to continue.
From this point, the game will force you to save. This action MUST be performed each time you awaken crew members at the Cold Sleep Counter.
After you awaken crew members, you can verify their names, class levels, and personality traits from this menu. Each character has a list of traits and effects for you to confirm by pressing the button. You can also press the
to model the character.
If you have PSO2 installed, you can awaken Echo, Afin, and Zeno! Otherwise you may select the first option to awaken "Generalist" crew members.
コールドスリープカプセル (Cold Sleep Capsule)
- ジェネラリストクルー (Generalist Crew)
- セクションリーダークルー (Section Leader Crew)
- PSO2クルー (PSO2 Crew)
Generalists are crew members with extensive knowledge. They can handle themselves as base personnel and can assist in combat.
After some cutscenes, you'll see several story NPCs with red icons overhead. Just speak to them to unlock new quests related to the character. However, this is probably a good time to introduce Crew Assignment.
You may either head to the Lab or return to the Cold Sleep Counter to assign crew members to your facilities. Based on their personality traits, assigning them to certain facilities can activate bonus effects!
Facility List
- クラスカウンター (Class Counter)
- 武器ショップ (Weapon Shop)
- 防具ショップ (Shield Unit Shop)
- アイテムショップ (Item Shop)
- 食堂 (Restaurant)
- コスチュームショップ (Costume Shop)
- エステ (Beauty Salon)
It's better to memorize the facility icons when assigning crew members.
Press to remove them from a facility, or press [Start] to automatically assign crew members to each facility.
- The game also seems to automatically assign the best crew members for a facility.
Reanbell when assigned to the Beauty Salon, will activate a new effect. A quick way to tell if a character works well together with a facility, is to see if any of their traits have a green icon. When you assign them to the appropriate facility, the "Shop Effects" window in the bottom right corner will display information about the activated effect.
Instead of going through all those menus, you can press the [Start] button when selecting a facility, and it will automatically assign her to the Beauty Salon.
Reanbell's Shop Effect
- Stylish Thief: Beauty Salon Choice Selection UP (+3)
Reanbell's Password
- EoEReanbell
Now when you enter the Beauty Salon, you'll have lots more items to choose from. Once you're done, you can speak to the rest of the NPCs and clear their quests to advance the story.
Click the [Upgrades] tab to continue.
This section is incomplete!
You'll unlock quite a few Promise Orders as you clear the Story Quests from NPCs. Some of these Promise Orders unlock Shop Upgrades and other features. Fildia will be handing out Promise Orders that increases the level of each facility. In addition, Orcus will be handing out a Promise Order that adds a Skill Board.
Fildia's Orders | Objective | Reward |
![]() |
クラスカウンター改築 Class Counter Reconstruction |
Collect 1x [ダーカーの盾片] |
+200 Gran Energy |
武器ショップ改築 Weapon Shop Reconstruction |
Defeat 4x [Gダーガッシュ] G Dagash |
+200 Gran Energy |
食堂改築 Restaurant Reconstruction |
Collect 8x [爬虫類のたまご] |
+200 Gran Energy |
アイテムショップ改築 Item Shop Reconstruction |
Collect 2x [冷たく燃える金属結晶] Don't fail the Code: Attack |
+200 Gran Energy |
防具ショップ改築 Shield Unit Shop Reconstruction |
Collect 4x [ラウーダンの爪片] |
+200 Gran Energy |
コスチュームショップ改築 Costume Shop Reconstruction |
Collect 3x [グランブの爪片] |
+200 Gran Energy |
エステ改築 Beauty Salon Reconstruction |
Collect 2x [ベガルフの牙片] |
+200 Gran Energy |
Orcus' Orders | Objective | Reward |
![]() |
スキルボード拡張 Skill Board Expansion |
Clear [鋼の荒野資材回収任務] A Rank or Higher |
+200 Gran Energy |
シルブカーネベア撃破訓練 Silvcarne Bear Annihilation Training |
Defeat two Lv.15+ [シルブカーネベア] (Try This Quest) |
+800 Gran Energy |
エネミー撃破訓練 Enemy Annihilation Training |
Defeat Lv.15+ [バレダイナス] x3 Defeat LV15+ Defeat LV15+ |
+1000 Gran Energy |
クエストAランク訓練 A-Rank Training |
Clear [鋼の荒野哨戒任務2] on Hard with A Rank or higher |
+1200 Gran Energy |
Hyperion's Orders | Objective | Reward |
![]() |
岩塩の調達 Supplying Rock Salts |
Collect 5x [岩塩] |
+500 Gran Energy |
爪片の調達 Supplying Claw Fragments |
Collect 3x [グランブの爪片] |
+700 Gran Energy |
獣の肉の調達 Supplying Animal Meat |
Collect 7x [獣の肉] |
+600 Gran Energy |
Yomi's Orders | Objective | Reward |
![]() |
部位破壊訓練 Parts Destruction Training |
Collect 1x [バンサーの爪片] |
+500 Gran Energy |
鉱物の調達 Supplying Minerals |
Collect 3x [樹木状の鉱物] |
+800 Gran Energy |
銃片の調達 Supplying Gun Parts |
Collect 2x [バレダイナスの銃片] |
+850 Gran Energy |
砲片と爪の調達 Supplying Gun Parts and Claws |
Collect 2x [シルブカーネベアの砲片] Collect 1x |
+900 Gran Energy |
Callisto's Orders | Objective | Reward |
![]() |
グラン器片の入手 Acquire Gran Weapon Parts |
Collect 1x [ギガンテスのグラン器片] from the Gigantes. |
+800 Gran Energy |
爪片と殻片の入手 Acquire Claw and Shell Fragments |
Collect 1x of each by destroying parts [エウリュードの爪片] [ギガンテスの殻片] from the Gigantes Eurude (Crab) |
+850 Gran Energy |
機械部品の入手 Acquire Machine Parts |
Collect 3x of each by destroying parts on the Gigantes. [アルキュオネの浮遊装置] [アグリオスの砲片] Acquire from Gigantes Alcyone (Jellyfish) and Gigantes Agrios. |
+900 Gran Energy |
Ritheia's Orders | Objective | Reward |
![]() |
墨片の調達 Supplying Ink |
Collect 5x [バリバッツの墨片] |
+700 Gran Energy |
針片の調達 Supplying Stingers |
Collect 3x [Gエル・アーダの針片] |
+800 Gran Energy |
状態異常の調査 Status Effect Examination |
Make the Bind status effect occur 10x. Tip: Use Halo Gran Art "Snare Gate" |
+900 Gran Energy |
Sail's Orders | Objective | Reward |
![]() |
アルキュオネ撃破勝負 Alcyone Slaying Competition |
Clear the Quest [炎の脅威] |
+1000 Gran Energy |
ソードで戦え! Fight with the Sword! |
Using only swords, deal the finishing blow to the [ディートアス] in the [ディートアス撃破任務] quest. |
+225 Gran Energy |
パルチザンで戦え! Fight with the Partisan! |
Using only partisans, deal the finishing blow to the [ディートアス] in the [ディートアス撃破任務] quest. |
+225 Gran Energy |
ダブルセイバーで戦え! Fight with the Double Saber! |
Using only double sabers, deal the finishing blow to the [ディートアス] in the [ディートアス撃破任務] quest. |
+225 Gran Energy |
ナックルで戦え! Fight with Knuckles! |
Using only knuckles, deal the finishing blow to the [ディートアス] in the [ディートアス撃破任務] quest. |
+225 Gran Energy |
Level 2 facilities expands upon the selection of items you can acquire. It also unlocks more customization options at the Beauty Salon! Don't forget to assign crew members to these facilities, though none of them at this point will have traits to affect the facilities.
Multiple Skill Boards
Clearing Orcus' Promise Order unlocks a second skill board. It works exactly like the first skill board, just set the skills you wish to activate on the new board. However there's a twist!
In the equipment menu, you can attach a skill board to a weapon. Press the left and right D-PAD keys to change which board applies when the weapon is equipped. For example, if Step Attack is set on Skill Board 1, but not on Skill Board 2, any weapon attached with Skill Board 2 will not be able to perform a Step Attack.
Operator Selection
After clearing a certain Story Quest, you'll come upon the option to choose an Operator. You can choose between Kisara or Riethiea when you speak to them.
At this point you can read up on unlocking the next class in the [Buster] tab, but come back here after you're done to complete the Promise Orders and continue on with the story.
Buster is a new class intended for battling the Gigantes. They posses equal ability in Striking, Ranged, and Tech, and can equip all weapons including Piles.
The Buster class can be unlocked by investing 5,000 Gran Energy towards the research of a new weapon category.
After a cutscene, head to the Class Counter to change to the Buster class. Head to the weapon shop and select the new weapon category slot to purchase a Pile. Once you've equipped this weapon, there are a few things you need to be aware of:
- Busters have to set a an action on the sub-palette to capture a Gigantes.
- Capturing a Gigantes requires the firing of these little yellow stakes called Piles.
- You can fire the stakes at the enemies by using Gran Arts like Pile Shooter, etc.
A new category has been added to the Sub-Palette Equipment menu:
- 消費アイテム Consumable Item
- スキル Skill
- ロビーアクション Lobby Action
- テクニック Technic
- ギガンテス Gigantes
Buster Tactics: Ignition Skill
As a Buster, you'll be tasked with capturing the Gigantes. That's right, you can capture them and summon them to the battlefield. They won't stick around very long so they're best used in dire situations. Aside from that, you can equip a new skill called "Ignition" to your sub-palette. This skill can be found within the "Gigantes" menu when equipping actions to the sub-palette.
You can learn more about equipping actions to the sub-palette by reading the [Start Menu] tab.
Now this part is key, whenever the Gigantes is in a weakened state, you can detonate the piles attached to its body to initiate a "Gran Link." This can only be performed when there's Piles (yellow darts) attached to the skin of the Gigantes.
When the Gigantes initially falls over, its weakpoint comes exposed glowing a bright neon red. Once its HP is low, this weakpoint will begin to glow a bright yellow, indicating its ready to be captured.
From here you can initiate a Gran Link, by pressing the "Ignition" skill on your sub-palette. This will capture the beast and allow it to be summoned through a Gigantes Blast in future battles.
Afterwards, you can add the Gigantes you've captured and summon them to the field in a Gigantes Blast! They can be found within the "Gigantes" menu when equipping actions to the sub-palette.
The Gigantes Blast gauge will fill as you defeat enemies. Once it's full, the icon will light up allowing you to summon them during a Gigantes battle!
During this time, you can complete Sharon's Promise Orders and finish the rest listed in the [Upgrades] tab.
Sharon's Orders | Objective | Reward |
![]() |
バスターの訓練 Buster Training |
Clear the Quest [仲間の捜索] as a [Buster] |
+200 Gran Energy |
グランピースの調達 Supplying Gran Pieces |
Collect 8x [グランピース] |
+200 Gran Energy |
甲羅の調達 Supplying Hard Shells |
Collect 2x [グランブの甲羅] Try this Quest on Hard |
+800 Gran Energy |
Facility Tabs
Class Counter Menu
- クラスを変更 Change Class
- グランアーツを習得 Learn Gran Arts
- テクニックを習得 Learn Technics
- スキルボード Skill Board
- 退出 Leave
Learning Gran Arts
Unlike PSO2 where you have go out and find PA discs, Phantasy Star Nova allows you to level up each of your Gran Arts right from the Class Counter. Each Gran Art requires a specific set of materials which is located at the bottom right corner. Use the R/L triggers to switch to the appropriate weapon category for your class. Don't forget to equip the new Gran Arts you've created to your weapon's palette.
Learning Technics
You can level up and learn new technics by supplying the required materials shown at the bottom right corner. Use the R/L triggers to switch to a different element. Don't forget to equip the Technics you've created to the weapon or sub-palette.
A complete list of Technics will be added here in the future.
Skill Board
You can activate skills by placing them on the skill board. You will acquire new skills as you level up each class. If you place certain skills together, you can unlock "combo effects" for extra power. After selecting an empty square on the board, press the R/L triggers to choose skills from other classes.
In addition, you can unlock a second skill board after clearing Orcus' Promise Order. Each skill board can be attached to a weapon in the Equipment menu. Please see [Upgrades] tab or [Start Menu] tab for more info.
Incomplete List
Skill Combos | Combo Skill Description |
打撃力アップⅠ S-ATK UP 1 + 打撃力アップⅡ S-ATK UP 2 |
Increases S-ATK by 100. |
打撃力アップⅠ S-ATK UP 1 + 打撃力アップⅡ S-ATK UP 2 + 打撃力アップⅢ S-ATK UP 3 |
Increases S-ATK by 150. |
打撃防御アップⅠ S-DEF UP 1 + 打撃防御アップⅡ S-DEF UP 2 |
Increases S-DEF by 100. |
打撃防御アップⅠ S-DEF UP 1 + 打撃防御アップⅡ S-DEF UP 2 + 打撃防御アップⅢ S-DEF UP 3 |
Increases S-DEF by 150. |
HPアップⅠ HP UP 1 + HPアップⅡ HP Up 2 |
Increases HP by 300. |
HPアップⅠ HP UP 1 + HPアップⅡ HP Up 2 + HPアップⅢ HP Up 3 |
Increases HP by 400. |
射撃力アップⅠ R-ATK UP 1 + 射撃力アップⅡ R-ATK UP 2 |
Increases R-ATK by 100. |
射撃力アップⅠ R-ATK UP 1 + 射撃力アップⅡ R-ATK UP 2 + 射撃力アップⅢ R-ATK UP 3 |
Increases R-ATK by 150. |
技量アップⅠ DEX Up 1 + 技量アップⅡ DEX UP 2 |
Increases DEX by 30. |
技量アップⅠ DEX Up 1 + 技量アップⅡ DEX UP 2 + 技量アップⅢ DEX UP 3 |
Increases DEX by 40. |
射撃防御アップⅠ R-DEF UP 1 + 射撃防御アップⅡ R-DEF UP 2 |
Increases R-DEF by 100. |
射撃防御アップⅠ R-DEF UP 1 + 射撃防御アップⅡ R-DEF UP 2 + 射撃防御アップⅢ R-DEF UP 3 |
Increases R-DEF by 150. |
法撃力アップⅠ T-ATK UP 1 + 法撃力アップⅡ T-ATK UP 2 |
Increases T-ATK by 100. |
法撃力アップⅠ T-ATK UP 1 + 法撃力アップⅡ T-ATK UP 2 + 法撃力アップⅢ T-ATK Up 3 |
Increases T-ATK by 150. |
法撃防御アップⅠ |
Increases T-DEF by 100. |
法撃防御アップⅠ |
Increases T-DEF by 150. |
GPアップⅠ |
Increases GP by 10. |
GPアップⅠ |
Increases GP by 15. |
打撃力アップⅢ |
アベレージアップ Increases |
アンチバインド |
Reduces status effect susceptibility. |
パワーマガジン |
Boosts status effect affliction rates for ranged attacks. |
ゼロレンジアドバンス |
ダイブロールアドバンス Extends the invincibility |
アベレージスタンス |
Attacks give bonus damage |
フューリースタンス |
Boosts Striking and Ranged damage during Fury Stance. |
クイック武器変更上 |
Increases DEX by 30 |
クイック武器変更上 |
Boosts damage for Just Attacked Technics |
クイック武器変更上 |
コンセントレーション Continuously shooting at the enemy's weakpoint increases DEX and POWER. |
Testing New Combo Skill Format
Weapon Shop
- 武器を作る Create a Weapon
- 倉庫に武器を作る Create a Weapon in Storage
- アタッチパーツを作る Create Attachment Parts
- 倉庫にアタッチパーツを作る Create Attachment Parts in Storage
- 武器のカスタマイズ Customize Weapons
- 退出 Leave
Creating a Weapon
This menu lists the Weapons you can make. The vertical bar in the middle display the weapon's stats . The top right pane lists the weapon's stats and elemental power. The pane at the bottom right displays the materials required.
After selecting a weapon, you must choose a "Core." This core will append a "Special Ability" to your item. The special ability can change the weapon's stats, or even increase the elemental power.
Equip the Weapon
Upon creating the item, it will ask whether you want to equip it. Please see the [Start Menu] tab at the top of this post to learn more about equipping items.
Choose a weapon
Press the R/L trigger buttons to switch weapon categories.
After you select a weapon, you can install up to 4 "Attachment Parts." These attachment parts alter the look of the weapon and grant it with special abilities. First choose one of the four slots and select an attachment part, then use the analog stick and buttons to move, rotate, and enlarge them.
If you aren't satisfied with the design of the attachment part, you can hide it by pressing the button. You can also remove it entirely by pressing the
button. Once you're done you can exit out of the menu.
Shield Unit Shop
- 防具を作る Create a Shield Unit
- 倉庫に防具を作る Create a Shield Unit in Storage
- 退出 Leave
Choose a Shield Unit
This menu lists the Shield Units you can make. The vertical bar in the middle displays the stats it affects. The top right pane lists the shield unit's defense and elemental resistances. The pane at the bottom right displays the materials required.
Select a Core
After selecting a shield unit, you must choose a "Core." This core will append a "Special Ability" to the item. The special ability can change the shield unit's stats, or even increase its elemental resistance.
Item Shop
- アイテムを作る Create Items
- 倉庫にアイテムを作る Create Items in Storage
- 退出 Leave
- ガッツ料理 Guts Cuisine
- スタミナ料理 Stamina Cuisine
- グルメ料理 Gourmet Cuisine
Each meal will provide certain effects for the next quest.
Guts Cuisine List | Effects |
水 Water |
ATK UP+1% |
★ | |
獣肉炒め Fried Meat |
ATK UP+3% Fire Damage +7% |
ブラックオムレツ Black Omelet |
ATK UP+3% Ice Damage +7% |
生臭いたまご焼き Fishy Rolled Omelet |
ATK UP+3% Wind Damage +7% |
闇色の鍋 Dark Stew |
ATK UP+3% Lightning Damage +7% |
獣肉ときのこのソテー Sauteed Mushrooms and Meat |
ATK UP+3% Light Damage +7% |
ぶっこみ鍋 Mixed Stew |
ATK UP+3% Dark Damage +7% |
★★ | |
アイスクリーム Ice Cream |
ATK UP+3% Add: Bind |
派手な海鮮丼 Extravagant Seafood Donburi |
ATK UP+3% Add: Infection |
闇色の具だくさんスープ Dark Hearty Soup |
ATK UP+5% Add: Blind |
Stamina Cuisine List | Effects |
パン Bread |
DEF UP+1% |
★ | |
派手な刺身 Extravagant Sashimi |
DEF UP+3% Fire Resistance +7% |
闇色のスープ Dark Soup |
DEF UP+3% Ice Resistance +7% |
しっぽ焼き Fried Tail |
DEF UP+3% Wind Resistance +7% |
ねばジュース Goopy Juice |
DEF UP+3% Lightning Resistance +7% |
ヘルシーパスタ Healthy Pasta |
DEF UP+3% Light Resistance +7% |
貝の地獄焼き Fried Shellfish |
DEF UP+3% Dark Resistance +7% |
★★ | |
やわらかクリームシチュー Tender Cream Stew |
DEF UP+3% Reaction Nullifying Chance |
キラキラリーフサラダ Glistening Leafy Salad |
DEF UP+3% GP Recovery UP |
ワイルドダークシチュー Wild Dark Stew |
DEF UP+5% Reduced Charging |
Stamina Cuisine List | Effects |
干し肉 Jerky |
HP UP+1% |
サラダ Salad |
GP UP+1% |
★ | |
ギガ骨付き肉 Giga Ribs |
EXP+10% |
ギガショートケーキ Giga Short Cake |
Initial Burst Gauge Bonus |
ギガサーロインステーキ Giga Sirloin Steak |
Burst Time Extension |
大きな焼肉定食 Large Grilled Meat |
HP UP+5% |
サイコロステーキ Diced Steak |
GP UP+2% Status Effect Resistance UP |
★★ | |
ギガガラスープ Giga Bone Soup |
Damage UP Chance |
ねばねば餡かけ Gooey Ankake |
HP UP+5% |
トサカのから揚げ Fried Chicken |
GP UP+5% Status Effect Resistance UP |
Miscellaneous Tabs
Each weapon, shield unit, or attachment part you create requires a "Core." These cores have special abilities that appends a bonus effect upon the item.
Special Ability | Lv | Stats | Description |
パワー | Ⅰ | S-ATK+25 | Increases S-ATK |
Ⅱ | S-ATK+50 | ||
Ⅲ | S-ATK+100 | ||
Ⅳ | S-ATK+150 | ||
シュート | Ⅰ | R-ATK+25 | Increases R-ATK |
Ⅱ | R-ATK+50 | ||
Ⅲ | R-ATK+100 | ||
Ⅳ | R-ATK+150 | ||
テクニック | Ⅰ | T-ATK+25 | Increases T-ATK |
Ⅱ | T-ATK+50 | ||
Ⅲ | T-ATK+100 | ||
Ⅳ | T-ATK+150 | ||
スタミナ | Ⅰ | HP+100 | Increases HP |
Ⅱ | HP+200 | ||
Ⅲ | HP+300 | ||
Ⅳ | HP+400 | ||
スピリタ | Ⅰ | GP+3 | Increases GP |
Ⅱ | GP+6 | ||
Ⅲ | GP+10 | ||
Ⅳ | GP+15 | ||
アーム | Ⅰ | DEX+10 | Increases Dex |
Ⅱ | DEX+20 | ||
Ⅲ | DEX+30 | ||
Ⅳ | DEX+40 | ||
アビリティ | Ⅰ | S/R/T-ATK+10 S/R/T-DEF+10 DEX+5 |
Increases all stats. |
Ⅱ | S/R/T-ATK+25 S/R/T-DEF+25 DEX+10 |
Ⅲ | S/R/T-ATK+35 S/R/T-DEF+35 DEX+15 |
ボディ | Ⅰ | S-DEF+25 | Increases S-DEF |
Ⅱ | S-DEF+50 | ||
Ⅲ | S-DEF+100 | ||
Ⅳ | S-DEF+150 | ||
リアクト | Ⅰ | R-DEF+25 | Increases R-DEF |
Ⅱ | R-DEF+50 | ||
Ⅲ | R-DEF+100 | ||
Ⅳ | R-DEF+150 | ||
マインド | Ⅰ | T-DEF+25 | Increases T-DEF |
Ⅱ | T-DEF+50 | ||
Ⅲ | T-DEF+100 | ||
Ⅳ | T-DEF+150 | ||
ブロウレジスト | Ⅰ | S-DMG -3% | Reduces striking damage by X percent |
Ⅱ | S-DMG -4% | ||
Ⅲ | S-DMG -5% | ||
Ⅳ | S-DMG -6% | ||
ショットレジスト | Ⅰ | R-DMG -3% | Reduces ranged damage by X percent. |
Ⅱ | R-DMG -4% | ||
Ⅲ | R-DMG -5% | ||
マインドレジスト | Ⅰ | T-DMG -3% | Reduces tech damage by X percent. |
Ⅱ | T-DMG -4% | ||
Ⅲ | T-DMG -5% | ||
フレイム | Ⅰ | +10 Fire | Increases the power of Fire. |
Ⅱ | +20 Fire | ||
Ⅲ | +30 Fire | ||
Ⅳ | +40 Fire | ||
アイス | Ⅰ | +10 Ice | Increases the power of Ice. |
Ⅱ | +20 Ice | ||
Ⅲ | +30 Ice | ||
Ⅳ | +40 Ice | ||
ショック | Ⅰ | +10 Lightning | Increases the power of Lightning. |
Ⅱ | +20 Lightning | ||
Ⅲ | +30 Lightning | ||
Ⅳ | +40 Lightning | ||
ウィンド | Ⅰ | +10 Wind | Increases the power of Wind. |
Ⅱ | +20 Wind | ||
Ⅲ | +30 Wind | ||
Ⅳ | +40 Wind | ||
ライト | Ⅰ | +10 Light | Increases the power of Light. |
Ⅱ | +20 Light | ||
Ⅲ | +30 Light | ||
Ⅳ | +40 Light | ||
グルーム | Ⅰ | +10 Dark | Increases the power of Dark. |
Ⅱ | +20 Dark | ||
Ⅲ | +30 Dark | ||
Ⅳ | +40 Dark | ||
フレイムレジスト | Ⅰ | Fire-DMG -5% | Reduces Fire Damage by X percent. |
Ⅱ | Fire-DMG -6% | ||
Ⅲ | Fire-DMG -7% | ||
Ⅳ | Fire-DMG -8% | ||
アイスレジスト | Ⅰ | Ice-DMG -5% | Reduces Ice Damage by X percent. |
Ⅱ | Ice-DMG -6% | ||
Ⅲ | Ice-DMG -7% | ||
Ⅳ | Ice-DMG -8% | ||
ショックレジスト | Ⅰ | Lightning-DMG -5% | Reduces Lightning Damage by X percent. |
Ⅱ | Lightning-DMG -6% | ||
Ⅲ | Lightning-DMG -7% | ||
Ⅳ | Lightning-DMG -8% | ||
ウィンドレジスト | Ⅰ | Wind-DMG -5% | Reduces Wind Damage by X percent. |
Ⅱ | Wind-DMG -6% | ||
Ⅲ | Wind-DMG -7% | ||
Ⅳ | Wind-DMG -8% | ||
ライトレジスト | Ⅰ | Light-DMG -5% | Reduces Light Damage by X percent. |
Ⅱ | Light-DMG -6% | ||
Ⅲ | Light-DMG -7% | ||
Ⅳ | Light-DMG -8% | ||
グルームレジスト | Ⅰ | Dark-DMG -5% | Reduces Dark Damage by X percent. |
Ⅱ | Dark-DMG -6% | ||
Ⅲ | Dark-DMG -7% | ||
Ⅳ | Dark-DMG -8% | ||
ラッキーライズ | Ⅰ | +5% Drop Rate | Increases the drop rate. |
EXPブースト | +5% EXP Boost | Increases the earned EXP | |
バインド | Ⅰ | +3% Bind | Increases the chance inflict the status effect: Bind |
Ⅱ | +4% Bind | ||
インフェクション | Ⅰ | +3% Infection | Increases the chance to inflict the status effect: Infection. |
Ⅱ | |||
Ⅲ | |||
ブラインド | Ⅰ | +1% Blind | Increases the chance to inflict the status effect: Blind |
Ⅱ | |||
Ⅲ | |||
グラン中毒 | Ⅰ | +1% Gran Poisoning | Increases the chance to inflict the status effect: Gran Poisoning |
Ⅱ | +2% Gran Poisoning | ||
Ⅲ | +3% Gran Poisoning | ||
炎属性ダウン | Ⅰ | 10% Chance | % chance to lower the enemy's Fire resistance |
Ⅱ | 12% Chance | ||
Ⅲ | 15% Chance | ||
氷属性ダウン | Ⅰ | +10% Chance | % chance to lower the enemy's Ice resistance. |
Ⅱ | +12% Chance | ||
Ⅲ | +15% Chance | ||
雷属性ダウンⅠ | Ⅰ | +10% Chance | % chance to lower the enemy's Lightning resistance. |
Ⅱ | +12% Chance | ||
Ⅲ | +15% Chance | ||
風属性ダウン | Ⅰ | +10% Chance | % chance to lower the enemy's Wind resistance. |
Ⅱ | +12% Chance | ||
Ⅲ | +15% Chance | ||
光属性ダウン | Ⅰ | +10% Chance | % chance to lower the enemy's Light resistance. |
Ⅱ | +12% Chance | ||
Ⅲ | +15% Chance | ||
闇属性ダウン | Ⅰ | +10% Chance | % chance to lower the enemy's Dark resistance. |
Ⅱ | +12% Chance | ||
Ⅲ | +15% Chance | ||
全属性ダウン | Ⅰ | +5% Chance | % chance to lower all of the enemy's elemental resistances. |
Ⅱ | +6% Chance | ||
Ⅲ | +8% Chance | ||
Special Ability | Effect Description |
刹那の撃鉄 | Boosts the effect of Just Attacks by 4% |
瞬刻の理 | Boosts the effect of Technic Just Attacks by 4% |
人導体 | Boosts hate accumulation by 50% Boosts defense performance by 5% |
超人導体 | Boosts hate accumulation by 80% Boosts defense performance by 10% |
気配遮断 | Decreases hate accumulation by 10% |
気配消去 | Decreases hate accumulation by 20% |
不屈の心 | 10% chance of surviving a fatal attack with 1 HP remaining. |
不屈の決意 | 14% chance of surviving a fatal attack with 1 HP remaining. |
護攻陣 | 20% Chance at reducing Striking and Ranged damage by 20% |
護攻塞 | 30% Chance at reducing Striking and Ranged damage by 20% |
護法陣 | 20% Chance at reducing Tech damage by 20% |
護攻法塞 | 40% chance at reducing all damage by 10% |
修羅紋 | Boosts S-ATK / R-ATK by 180 when HP is 50% or lower. |
痛打必倒 | Boosts Ranged damage towards the enemy's weak point by 5% |
零の手 | Boosts ranged damage by 10% when attacking from point-blank range. |
零の腕 | Boosts ranged damage by 14% when attacking from point-blank range. |
飛練撃 | Boosts Ranged damage by 6% towards enemies in the air. |
零の腕 | Boosts Ranged damage by 10% towards enemies in the air. |
集気光 | GP recovery from attacks boosted by 20% |
煌気光 | GP recovery from attacks boosted by 40% |
紅蓮結晶 | Fire technic damage boosted by 12% |
紅蓮双結晶 | Fire technic damage boosted by 16% |
氷縛結晶 | Ice technic damage boosted by 12% |
氷縛双結晶 | Ice technic damage boosted by 16% |
雷鳴結晶 | Lightning technic damage boosted by 12% |
雷鳴双結晶 | Lightning technic damage boosted by 16% |
西風の恵み | Wind technic damage boosted by 12% |
西風の加護 | Wind technic damage boosted by 16% |
月夜の尊 | Light technic damage boosted by 12% |
悪魔の微笑 | Dark technic damage boosted by 12% |
悪魔のささやき | Dark technic damage boosted by 16% |
観理眼 | Boosts damage towards the weak element by 6% |
古の誓い | Boosts damage towards the weak element by 14% |
奪命剣 | 2% of the damage is absorbed as HP. |
光戦形態 | Reduces GP consumption by 6% |
究極の加護 | Reduces GP consumption by 15% |
幸運の羽根 | 8% chance at nullifying damage |
幸運の翼 | 10% chance at nullifying damage |
不動の手盾 | 15% chance at nullifying "Reaction" |
不動の盾 | 20% chance at nullifying "Reaction" |
薬の心得 | Boosts the effects of recovery items by 30% |
審判の時 | Boosts the effects of Average Stance by 4% |
憤怒の構え | Boosts the effects of Fury Stance by 1% |
憤怒の型 | Boosts the effects of Fury Stance by 3% |
捨身の証 | Boosts the critical rate during Fury Stance by 10% |
守勢練陣 | Boosts the effects of Guard Stance by 1% Boosts Striking and Ranged power by 15% |
守勢練塞 | Boosts the effects of Guard Stance by 3% Boosts Striking and Ranged power by 25% |
正対の構え | Boosts frontal attack power during Brave Stance by 4% |
正対の必撃 | Boosts frontal critical hit rates by 3% during Brave Stance |
背撃の証 | Boosts attacks from the rear by 8% during Brave Stance |
背撃の印 | Boosts attacks from the rear by 12% during Brave Stance |
不動の死使 | Boosts the effects of Standing Snipe by 7% |
不動の死神 | Boosts the effects of Standing Snipe by 11% |
原生滅牙 | Boosts damage towards [Native] enemies by 7% |
原生王滅牙 | Boosts damage towards [Native] enemies by 13% |
負滅牙 | Boosts damage towards [Darkers] by 7% |
負王滅牙 | Boosts damage towards [Darkers] by 13% |
アクセルアタック | Boosts attack speed by 10% |
リーチブースト | Boosts Striking Attack range by 10% |
会心一擲 | Boosts the critical rate of Ranged attacks by 5% |
会心御手 | Boosts the critical rate of Technics by 5% |
暗心舞踏 | Boosts S-ATK and R-ATK by 300 when GP is 50% or below |
贄吸気 | Recovers HP when enemies die within a fixed range during Guard Stance |
祈願の形 | Boosts Technic damage amount by 2% |
祈念の形 | Boosts Technic damage amount by 5% |
孤月蝕 | 15% chance to absorb 15% of the damage inflicted towards enemies as HP. |
双月触 | 25% chance to absorb 15% of the damage inflicted towards enemies as HP. |
Develop Facilities
At the laboratory, you can spend Gran Energy to develop new shops and facilities. Some of these will unlock new store items or grant effects based on its level.
- ショップ Shop
- 施設 Facility
- インテリア Interior
- 床 Floor
It's recommended you buy all of the Shops and Facilities at the highest level available to you. You can also purchase optional items like furniture and carpeting to spruce up the design of your base.
You can increase the effects for the Expedition, Gran Booster, Item Detector, Enemy Radar, and Burst Augmenter by assigning the appropriate Crew Members. This also extends into the Shops themselves where crew members can reduce the material costs of items in the Shop.
Facility Placement
"Disposition" works similar to placing objects in your room on PSO2. First select the facility, furniture, or floor, then place them down by using the D-PAD and button. Keep in mind that each facility and furniture "costs" a certain amount of space (as shown in the details window). Since you have two floors to choose from, you shouldn't have any problem placing down all the facilities you need.
Expedition Party HQ
You can dispatch your crew members out on an expedition to find materials and items. Each expedition requires a certain number of people, takes a certain amount of days, and provides a certain level of danger. These can be alleviated by assigning crew members with traits related to this facility. If this menu is grayed out, it's fairly likely that you do not have enough "idle" crew members to go out on a expedition. So awaken some crew members in the Cold Sleep Counter until you have enough to start the expedition. The crew members will return after a few "days," or in-game terms, after a few quests. When they return they'll provide some materials they found on the expedition.
Gran Booster
Gran Booster
- Boosts Gran Energy and reduces GP consumption costs.
- Its level determines the number of crew members that can be assigned to it.
- Example Crew Member Trait: グラン予報士 (See More Traits)
- Increases Gran Energy and decreases GP consumption.
Item Detector
Item Detector
- Makes it easier to obtain normal and rare items.
- Its level determines the number of crew members that can be assigned to it.
- Example Crew Member Trait: ラッキライザー (See More Traits)
- Increases the Rare Drop Rate.
- Members assigned to this facility who share this trait increases the effect.
Enemy Radar
Enemy Radar
- Makes it easier to discover rare and boosted enemies.
- Its level determines the number of crew members that can be assigned to it.
- Example Crew Member Trait: 野生の勘 (See More Traits)
- Increases the appearance rate of rare and boosted enemies.
- Members assigned to this facility who share this trait increases the effect.
Burst Augmenter
Burst Augmenter
- Applies Gran Burst effects.
- Its level determines the number of crew members that can be assigned to it.
- Example Crew Trait: BURST:コンバージョン (See More Traits)
- Recovers GP when the player receives damage.
Burst Effects
- Rare Drop UP
- Boosts Rare Drop rate.
- Damage Cut
- Reduces damage from attacks.
- Damage Conversion
- Recovers GP when the player receives damage.
- Critical UP
- Increases the Critical rate.
- One More Set
- Increases chance to extend the Gran Burst.
- Guts
- Survive a fatal blow if HP is 10% or more.
- Mortal Blow
- Doubles Striking damage.
Core Refinery
Core Refinery (Version 1.03)
- アタッチパーツ改造 (Attachment Part Altering) 20,000 Gran
- コア強化 (Core Grinding) 500 Gran
Converts the ability on the Attachment Part over to the one you've selected. This feature is a quick way to skip out on hunting for materials needed at the Weapon Shop.
First select an Attachment Part. The ones highlighted in blue are already attached to a weapon.
Then select a new ability to overwrite the existing one. After selecting the core, you can confirm the results of the attachment part, by viewing the top right window.
Core Grinding lets you take the ability of several cores and convert them into a core with a stronger ability. This process becomes available when you have three ore more cores with the same ability.
- Power I > Power II
- Mind IV > Mind V
Consult the Cores tab to match the Japanese names.
First choose the ability you wish to grind. Then choose 3 cores from the list to convert over into a stronger ability. After the process is complete, a new "Small Core" will be created with the more powerful ability. You can create Attachment Parts for this ability at the Weapon Shop.
You can capture a Gigantes and summon it to the field through a Gigantes Blast! First you must unlock the Buster class by spending 5,000 Gran Energy at the Laboratory.
Once you've changed classes, equip the Ignition skill to your sub-palette and start a quest. This can be found within the "Gigantes" sub menu when equipping actions to the Sub-Palette.
Attack the Gigantes until it reaches a weakened state indicated by a yellow glowing diamond. Quickly activate the "Ignition" skill to trigger a Gran Link.
After the quest, you can set the Gigantes you've captured to the sub-palette. This can be activated once the gauge is full.
Multiplayer Gigantes Blast
In multiplayer mode, your friends can lend their support by tapping on the Gigantes Blast activation button that appears on the bottom of the screen. If everyone lends their support, you can achieve a stronger Gigantes Blast!
Read the [Buster] tab for a more step-by-step walkthrough on setting up a Gigantes Blast.
- アイテムパックを開く Open Item Pack
- 通常倉庫を開く Open Regular Storage
- 一時倉庫を開く Open Temp Storage
- 素材とコアを倉庫に預ける Send Materials and Cores to Storage.
- DLCを受け取る Pickup DLC
Specific Topics
Cold Sleep Counter | Promise Orders | Traits | Passwords