PSO2 JP AC Scratch: Luminous Bloom

Luminous Bloom
(Until 2.5.2020)



メイヴィスエブリル[Ou] | Mavis Avril [Ou]


メイヴィスエブリル[Ba] | Mavis Avril [Ba]
メイヴィスエブリル栗[Ba] | Mavis Avril Chestnut [Ba]
メイヴィスエブリル影[Ba] | Mavis Avril Shadow [Ba]
メイヴィスエブリル葉[Ba] | Mavis Avril Leaf [Ba]
メイヴィスエブリル海[Ba] | Mavis Avril Sea [Ba]
メイヴィスエブリル桜[Ba] | Mavis Avril Sakura [Ba]



藤花姫[Ou] | Wisteria Dame [Ou]


藤花姫[Ba] | Wisteria Dame [Ba]
藤花姫 空[Ba] | Wisteria Dame Sky [Ba]
藤花姫 雅[Ba] | Wisteria Dame Elegant [Ba]
藤花姫 夜[Ba] | Wisteria Dame Night [Ba]
藤花姫 月[Ba] | Wisteria Dame Moon [Ba]
藤花姫 影[Ba] | Wisteria Dame Shadow [Ba]



鈴蘭姫[Ou] | Convallaria Dame [Ou]


鈴蘭姫[Ba] | Convallaria Dame [Ba]
鈴蘭姫 空[Ba] | Convallaria Dame Sky [Ba]
鈴蘭姫 影[Ba] | Convallaria Dame Shadow [Ba]
鈴蘭姫 桜[Ba] | Convallaria Dame Sakura [Ba]
鈴蘭姫 葉[Ba] | Convallaria Dame Leaf [Ba]
鈴蘭姫 月[Ba] | Convallaria Dame Moon [Ba]



森ガール風ワンピ[Ba] | Mori Girl Dress [Ba]
森ガール風ワンピ葉[Ba] | Mori Girl Dress Leaf [Ba]
森ガール風ワンピ桜[Ba] | Mori Girl Dress Sakura [Ba]
森ガール風ワンピ月[Ba] | Mori Girl Dress Moon [Ba]
森ガール風ワンピ影[Ba] | Mori Girl Dress Shadow [Ba]
森ガール風ワンピ雪[Ba] | Mori Girl Dress Snow [Ba]



メイヴィスクレスト[Ou] | Mavis Crest [Ou]


メイヴィスクレスト[Ba] | Mavis Crest [Ba]
メイヴィスクレスト栗[Ba] | Mavis Crest Chestnut [Ba]
メイヴィスクレスト影[Ba] | Mavis Crest Shadow [Ba]
メイヴィスクレスト葉[Ba] | Mavis Crest Leaf [Ba]
メイヴィスクレスト夜[Ba] | Mavis Crest Night [Ba]
メイヴィスクレスト紅[Ba] | Mavis Crest Crimson [Ba]


CAST Color Variations

  • アイシリカ・ヘッドCV | Icesilica Head CV
  • アイシリカ・ボディCV | Icesilica Body CV
  • アイシリカ・アームCV | Icesilica Arms CV
  • アイシリカ・レッグCV | Icesilica Legs CV
  • ティタンガム・ヘッドCV | Titangam Head CV
  • ティタンガム・ボディCV | Titangam Body CV
  • ティタンガム・アームCV | Titangam Arms CV
  • ティタンガム・レッグCV | Titangam Legs CV

Female Recolors

  • 逢魔幽玄譚 紅[Ou] | Amorous Tale Crimson [Ou]
  • 逢魔幽玄譚 玄[Ba] | Amorous Tale Mysterious [Ba]
  • 逢魔幽玄譚 冬[Ba] | Amorous Tale Winter [Ba]
  • 逢魔幽玄譚 茜[Ba] | Amorous Tale Madder [Ba]
  • ターフピオナ月[Ou] | Turf Peony Moon [Ou]
  • ターフピオナ冬[Ba] | Turf Peony Winter [Ba]
  • ターフピオナ玄[Ba] | Turf Peony Mysterious [Ba]
  • ターフピオナ茜[Ba] | Turf Peony Madder [Ba]
  • バイカラートレンチ紅[Ou] | Bi-Color Trench Crimson [Ou]
  • ストライプワンピース桜[Ba] | Striped One-Piece Sakura [Ba]
  • ストライプワンピース夜[Ba] | Striped One-Piece Night [Ba]

Male Recolors

  • 妖異奇聞禄 影[Ou] | Twisted Tidings Shadow [Ou]
  • 妖異奇聞禄 玄[Ba] | Twisted Tidings Mysterious [Ba]
  • 妖異奇聞禄 冬[Ba] | Twisted Tidings Winter [Ba]
  • 妖異奇聞禄 茜[Ba] | Twisted Tidings Madder [Ba]

Female Voice #205 (CV: Aki Toyosaki)

  • 女性追加ボイス205
  • 女性C追加ボイス205

Male Voice #171 (CV: Asami Imai)

  • 男性追加ボイス171
  • 男性C追加ボイス171

Lobby Actions

  • 580「Dセイバーポーズ」 | 580 [D Saber Pose]
  • 581「雪遊び2」 | 581 [Snow Play 2]


  • 逢魔結い | Amorous Ponytail

Grind Support

  • 属性強化+5% | Attribute Enhance +5%
  • 特殊能力(法撃&PP/3)| Add Ability (Tech&PP/3)
  • 特殊能力(HP&PP/3) | Add Ability (HP&PP/3)

Scratch Bonus

Play this AC Scratch a specific amount of times for exclusive bonus items!

Normal AC Tickets
Frequency Rewards
5 times PSZero Memory
10 times Bonus Key Tokyo [Silver]
15 times Tri-Boost +150%
30 times Luminous Bloom Ticket
40 times Bonus Key Tokyo [Gold]
50 times EX Tri-Boost +200%
60 times Luminous Bloom Ticket
120 times Luminous Bloom Ticket
Gold AC Tickets
Frequency Rewards
2 times Free Salon Pass
4 times Bonus Key Magatsu [Silver]
6 times Bonus Key Rappy F
12 times Luminous Bloom Ticket

※Players can receive each item only once.
※All of these items are untradeable.

※Luminous Bloom Ticket allows you to choose 1 item from this AC Scratch.
※EX Tri-Boost can be used together with other boost items. Duration effect is 360 minutes.


FUN Scratch


  • 武人束ねロング | Warrior Ponytail Long 

Face Aesthetics

  • ぐるぐるほっぺ | Swirly Cheeks


  • 紫曲芸傘 | Purple Acrobatic Umbrella
  • リリパダルマストラップ | Lillipa Daruma Strap
  • フライングリリパダコ | Flying Lillipa Dako
  • リリパダコ | Lillipa Dako
  • ホワイトファー | White Fur
  • おめで鯛 | Omede-Tai Fish
  • ストライクアロー | Strike Arrow
  • カノンユニット | Canon Unit


  • 妖異ステッカー | Twisted Tidings Sticker
  • アークス02ステッカーA | Arks 02 Sticker A
  • アークス02ステッカーB | Arks 02 Sticker B
  • アークス02ステッカーC | Arks 02 Sticker C

Lobby Action

  • 156「温まる」 | 156 "Warm"

Room Items / Themes

  • ウチカ・ケー | Uchikake
  • 戦国屏風 | Sengoku Folding Fan
  • モチ・ツッキー | Mochi Tsukkii
  • ミ・カン | Mikan
  • コタツ・ダイ | Kotatsu Dai
  • ヨ・セナベ | Yosenabe
  • 丸型ストーブ | Round Stove
  • ヤ・カン | Kettle
  • おせちセット | New Year Set
  • カド・マツ | Kadomatsu
  • オールドベッドB | Old Bed B
  • オールドテーブルB | Old Table B
  • オールドチェアB | Old Chair B
  • オールドライトB | Old Light B
  • オールドベンチB | Old Bench B
  • オールド・テ・レビB | Old Television B
  • オールドキッチンB | Old Kitchen B
  • オールドガスポンプB | Old Gas Stove B
  • オールド・レイ・ゾーコB | Old Refrigerator
  • オールドタイプライター | Old Typewriter
  • オールド・デ・ンワ | Old De Nwa
  • オールド・テーマ/B | Old Theme/B


PSO2 JP: Maintenance (1/8/2020)


Face the menace in space in this week's update

PSO2 Maintenance

  • 1/8/2020 @ 11:00 ~ 17:00 JST
  • 1/7/2020 @ 9:00 PM ~ 3:00 AM EST

PSO2es Maintenance

  • 1/8/2020 @ 10:55 ~ 17:30 JST
  • 1/7/2020 @ 8:55 PM ~ 3:30 AM EST



We're currently looking for more volunteers to help out on Bumped. If you're interested in assisting with one of the sections listed below you can contact (PSO2Ricardo#4505) on Discord!

  • Broadcast Translator Assistant
  • PSO2es


Upcoming Broadcasts

PSO2 Station! Plus #3

  • January 14th @ 20:30 ~ 22:30
  • Watch Live on Youtube
  • February Update Info
  • Latest PSO2es Info
  • Latest IDOLA Info
  • Secret Video at the end


Patch Notes

New Years Events (~ February 5th)

Quest Difficulty Requirement
Cosmic Calamity
Hard Lv.8+
Super Hard Lv.40+
Extra Hard Lv.70+
Ultra Hard Lv.85/85+
Magatsu Letharga
~ New Enemy ~

Xie (New Years 2020)

  • Xie has appeared in the Shop Area for the duration of the event.
  • Accept Client Orders from her
  • Exchange your 2020 Weapon Badges at the exchange shop


Partial New Item Listing

Floatea Weapons
Double Saber, Dual Blade, Wand


System Updates


  • Level-Up Quests will now drop 2020 Weapon Badges instead of 2019
  • Certain Emergency Trials in Ride Quest will reward 2020 Weapon Badges

Badge Exchange Shop

  • The Badge Shop listing will be updated to include the 2019 Weapon Badge Exchange as a SP Exchange Shop

Medal Exchange Shop

  • Updated product listing in [Prize Medal Exchange]

Treasure Shop

  • Updated product listing



We'd like to thank all of our current patrons for helping to keep the site afloat! If you like the work that we do, please consider donating 1$ or more to continue our Phantasy Star coverage!



Emergency Quest Schedule

Boost Event 49

The EQ Schedule should show in your Timezone now, thanks to AterialDawn!

Please Note:

  • The Emergency Quest schedule will update during maintenance.
  • Please resync the calendar periodically to receive the latest updates, as the schedule may change at Sega's discretion.
  • This calendar is unable to show Emergency Quests that occur at random.
  • You can see the Emergency Quest schedule on your phone by subscribing to the Google Calendar.


New / Updated Campaigns

AC Shop Bargains

The following bundles contain AC Shop items at a discounted price!

Period Date: Until January 15th's Maintenance

Item Package Contents Price
Year of the Rat Scratch Set + Bonus
AC Scratch Ticket (x4)
AC Scratch Gold Ticket (x9)
Bonus Key Tokyo [Gold] (x5)
5,150 AC
Starter Set 3 + Bonus
AC Scratch Ticket
Item Pack Expansion +10
Scape Doll
Bonus Key Tokyo [Gold]
500 AC
Character Storage Set 2 + Bonus
Character Storage Expansion +50 (x2)
Bonus Key Tokyo [Gold]
1,550 AC
Boost Set 4 + Bonus
+150% EXP Boost (x3)
+400% RDR Boost
Bonus Key Tokyo [Gold]
1,600 AC

※Each bundle is limited once per account.


Sage's Crest Campaign

Beat the following goals to obtain Sage's Crests. The crests can be exchanged for ★15 Weapons at Zieg!

Campaign Period

January 8th ~ January 15th

Campaign Tasks

  Goal Reward
1 Clear [Raging Falz Arms] 1 time Sage's Crests (x10)
2 Clear [Cosmic Calamity] 3 times Sage's Crests (x10)
3 Clear New Year's Xie Client Order:
Sage's Crests (x10)
4 Clear New Year's Xie Client Order:
Sage's Crests (x10)
5 Login 3 Days Sage's Crests (x10)
6 Link with PSO2es and Quick Search once Sage's Crests (x10)

※Goal 6 will be distributed at a later time.


On-Going Campaigns

Premium Set Special Price

During the Campaign Period, get a [30 Day Premium Set] for a low price of 1,000 AC!

Campaign Period

  • December 18th ~ January 15th, 2020

Head To Space To Fight Space Magatsu In Space

~ January 8th, 2020 ~


Cosmic Calamity

Cooperate with Sukunahime to save Harukotan from the impending onfall of the evil god Magatsu! Start the operation in Shironia, now embroiled in chaos. Chrome Dragon stalks the streets, seeking to feast on the rampant Darker and Kuronite forces littered about. A toxic miasma has been sighted, damaging friend and foe alike, that could prove advantageous.


Once the bedlam in Shironia has been put to rest, it's time to board an A.I.S Vega and begin phase two. The evil god has accumulated an immense amount of power and size, becoming Magatsu Letharga. You'll have to rely on the enhanced mobility of the Vega model to avoid its screen wiping attacks.


Try the Trigger version with a limit of four players for an even greater challenge. The [Liberate Unlocker], one of many items needed to upgrade Novel weapons into the Liberate series, can drop in this version of the quest.


Among Cosmic Calamilty's drops are a new multi-weapon camo and the ★15 Floatea series.



Introducing a new event centered around the Cosmic Calamity quest! In addition to WEB Panels, players can participate in individual and ship-based point rankings for prizes.


New Year Festival 2020

Xie has come out of hiding to welcome the New Year Festival 2020! Dispose of some pesky enemies disturbing the event and she'll reward you with currency for her Weapons Badge 2020 Exchange Shop.



Luminous Bloom (AC Scratch)

Start the new year in style with distinguished military uniforms, floral kimonos, and a charming Mori Girl dress!