PSO2 JP AC Scratch: Earnest Desire

Earnest Desire
(Until 4.22.2020)



ステラヘレシー[Ba] | Stella Heresy [Ba]
ステラヘレシー影[Ba] | Stella Heresy Shadow [Ba]
ステラヘレシー紅[Ba] | Stella Heresy Crimson [Ba]
ステラヘレシー雪[Ba] | Stella Heresy Snow [Ba]
ステラヘレシー海[Ba] | Stella Heresy Sea [Ba]
ステラヘレシー栗[Ba] | Stella Heresy Chestnut [Ba]



ジェネ バニーVer.[Ba] | Gene Bunny Ver. [Ba]
ジェネ バニーVer.影[Ba] | Gene Bunny Ver. Shadow [Ba]
ジェネ バニーVer.夜[Ba] | Gene Bunny Ver. Night [Ba]
ジェネ バニーVer.桜[Ba] | Gene Bunny Ver. Sakura [Ba]
ジェネ バニーVer.紅[Ba] | Gene Bunny Ver. Crimson [Ba]
ジェネ バニーVer.月[Ba] | Gene Bunny Ver. Moon [Ba]


ルナ・ノーヴァ | Luna Nova
ルナ・ノーヴァ影 | Luna Nova Shadow
ルナ・ノーヴァ雅 | Luna Nova Elegant
ルナ・ノーヴァ紅 | Luna Nova Crimson
ルナ・ノーヴァ雪 | Luna Nova Snow
ルナ・ノーヴァ栗 | Luna Nova Chestnut


ダイヤモンドクイーン | Diamond Queen
ダイヤモンドクイーン紅 | Diamond Queen Crimson
ダイヤモンドクイーン海 | Diamond Queen Sea
ダイヤモンドクイーン雪 | Diamond Queen Snow


レクレスアウトロー | Reckless Outlaw
レクレスアウトロー影 | Reckless Outlaw Shadow
レクレスアウトロー紅 | Reckless Outlaw Crimson
レクレスアウトロー雪 | Reckless Outlaw Snow


ダイヤモンドネイヴ | Diamond Knave
ダイヤモンドネイヴ紅 | Diamond Knave Crimson
ダイヤモンドネイヴ海 | Diamond Knave Sea
ダイヤモンドネイヴ葉 | Diamond Knave Leaf


フリードアウトロー | Freed Outlaw
フリードアウトロー影 | Freed Outlaw Shadow
フリードアウトロー夜 | Freed Outlaw Night
フリードアウトロー紅 | Freed Outlaw Crimson


Gene Idola C Voice (CV: Sora Amamiya)

  • 女性共通ジェネイドラC

Khorshid Voice (CV: Yukana)

  • 女性共通ホルシードボイス

Lobby Action

  • 605「ジェネポーズ」 | 605 [Gene Pose]
  • 604「ホルシード&アフタル」 | 604 [Khorshid & Akhtar]
  • 603「抱き枕」 | 603 [Body Pillow]
  • 405「カウボーイ射撃芸」 | 405 [Cowboy Shooting]

Female Recolors

  • ルナ・ピエナ玄 | Luna Piena Mysterious
  • ルナ・ピエナ雪 | Luna Piena Snow
  • エイディルールR玄 | Adieloure R Mysterious
  • エイディルールR冬 | Adieloure R Winter
  • ルビノフィルディア玄 | Ruby no Fildia Mysterious
  • ルビノフィルディア冬 | Ruby no Fildia Winter
  • ホマノイズナ玄 | Homa no Izuna Mysterious
  • ホマノイズナ冬 | Homa no Izuna Winter
  • グラスフォーアネーム影 | Glas Vornehm Shadow
  • グラスフォーアネーム冬 | Glas Vornehm Winter

Male Recolors

  • セルレイダーR玄 | Cell Raider R Mysterious
  • セルレイダーR静 | Cell Raider R Tranquil
  • ヴィテスシュタルク影 | Vitesse Stark Shadow
  • ヴィテスシュタルク冬 | Vitesse Stark Winter

CAST Color Variations

  • マーヴ・ヘッドCV | Marv Head CV
  • マーヴ・ボディCV | Marv Body CV
  • マーヴ・アームCV | Marv Arms CV
  • マーヴ・レッグCV | Marv Legs CV
  • クリスト・ヘッドCV | Crysto Head CV
  • クリスト・ボディCV | Crysto Body CV
  • クリスト・アームCV | Crysto Arms CV
  • クリスト・レッグCV | Crysto Legs CV



  • ステラメモリーズ[Ou] | Stella Memories [Ou]
  • ステラメモリーズ[Ba] | Stella Memories [Ba]
  • ステラメモリーズ[In] | Stella Memories [In]
  • ルナ・ピエナ | Luna Piena


  • ジェネツインテール | Gene Twin Tail
  • ジェネツインテール2 | Gene Twin Tail 2
  • アフタルヘアー1 | Akhtar Hair 1
  • ルティナヘアー | Lutina Hair
  • フィルディアヘアー | Fildia Hair
  • イズナヘアー | Izuna Hair
  • セイルヘアー | Sail Hair
  • イラスト風メイク | Illustration Style Makeup
  • アフタルアイ | Akhtar Eyes
  • イラスト風瞳B 大 | Illustration Style Eyes B L
  • イラスト風瞳B 小 | Illustration Style Eyes B S

Female Voices

  • 女性共通ルティナボイス | Lutina Voice
  • 女性共通フィルディアボイス | Fildia Voice
  • 女性共通イズナボイス | Izuna Voice

Male Voices

  • 男性共通セイルボイス | Sail Voice

Lobby Actions

  • 388「NOVAポーズ1」| 388 [Nova Pose 1]
  • 389「NOVAポーズ2」| 389 [Nova Pose 2]

Weapon Camos

  • *エバーグリーン | *Evergreen
  • *アーリー・ブルー | *Airy Blue
  • *モーニング・レッド | *Morning Red
  • *サイレントバイオレット | *Silent Violet

Mag Device

  • フードデバイス/法撃 | Food Device / T-ATK

Grind Support

  • 特殊能力(打撃&PP/3) | Add Ability (Power&PP/3)


Scratch Bonus

Play this AC Scratch a specific amount of times for exclusive bonus items!

Normal AC Tickets
Frequency Rewards
5 times PSZERO Memory
10 times Bonus Key Tokyo [Silver]
15 times Bonus Key Kazuchi Raid
20 times
Ability Protection (6s or lower)
30 times Earnest Desire Ticket
40 times
Bonus Key Magatsu [Gold]
50 times
EX Triboost +200%
60 times Earnest Desire Ticket
120 times Earnest Desire Ticket
Gold AC Tickets
Frequency Rewards
2 times Free Salon Pass
4 times Bonus Key Magatsu [Silver]
6 times Triboost +150%
10 times
Ability Protection (6s or lower)
12 times Earnest Desire Ticket

※Players can receive each item only once.
※All of these items are untradeable.

※Earnest Desire Ticket allows you to choose 1 item from this AC Scratch.


FUN Scratch


  • 目隠しロングツインテール | Long Twintail Bangs

Face Aesthetics

  • 血のりメイクE | Blood Makeup E
  • ジェネまゆ | Gene Eyebrows
  • イラストまつげE 黒 | Illustration Lashes E Black
  • イラストまつげE 紺 | Illustration Lashes E Blue
  • イラストまつげE 茶 | Illustration Lashes E Brown
  • イラストまつげE 白 | Illustration Lashes E White

Body Paint

  • メカ関節風ペイントM | Mechanical Joints Paint M
  • メカ関節風ペイントF | Mechanical Joints Paint F


  • ネクタイはちまき 灰 | Tie Headband Gray
  • ウィングスタビライザー | Wing Stabilizer
  • ウィングスタビライザーB | Wing Stabilizers B
  • ラヴィ・ブレスネット | Lovey Necklace
  • ホワイトチェリーブレスL | White Cherry Bracelet L


  • エルジマルトステッカーA | Erzimarut Sticker A
  • エルジマルトステッカーB | Erzimarut Sticker B
  • エルジマルトステッカーC | Erzimarut Sticker C

Room Goods

  • サ・クラモチ | Sakuramochi
  • モチモチチェア | Mochi Mochi Chair
  • お花見絵画 | Ohanami Painting
  • チェリー・ツリー | Cherry Tree
  • ピクニックシート | Picnic Sheet
  • ナチュラルフェンスI型 | Natural Fence I
  • ナチュラルフェンスL型 | Natural Fence L

PSO2 JP: Maintenance and Patch (3/25/2020)


Counter the Photoner Assault in this week's update!
Incase you missed it, check out our PSO2 Station!+ #5 Recap.

PSO2 Maintenance

  • 3/25/2020 @ 11:00 ~ 17:00 JST
  • 3/24/2020 @ 10:00 PM ~ 4:00 AM EDT

PSO2es Maintenance

  • 3/25/2020 @ 2:00 ~ 17:30 JST
  • 3/24/2020 @ 1:00 PM ~ 4:30 AM EDT

March 25th's Update

  • Game Launcher: Version 06.00.04
  • Game Client: Ver.6.0801.0
  • Patch Size: 2.9GB (PC) / 648MB (Vita)


Patch Notes

Weapon Updates

New Complex Photon Arts

  • Added Fatal Knockout to Knuckles for Fighter
  • Added Calamity Bullet to Twin Machineguns for Gunner


  • Added a new recipe

Event Lobbies

Sakura Lobby

  • Implemented the Sakura Lobby and the Sakura Cafe

New Quest Type: Divide Quest

Photon Assault (Divide Quest)

  • Ultra Hard: Lv.85/85+

New Special ARKS Missions

  • Implemented Limited-Time Arks Missions (March 25th ~ May 13th)

New Enemy: Grav Execour

Partial New Item Listing

PSO2es Collab Event (March 25th ~ May 13th)

Gene and Khorshid

  • Find these gals in the Shop Area
  • Accept Client Orders to earn badges for Khorshid's Limited-Time Shop
  • They leave on May 13th's Maintenance!

Battle Arena Update

Weapon Availability

  • Forest Arena: Sword, Rifle, Rod, Boots
  • Volcano Arena: Daggers, Knuckles, Dual Blades, TMGs, Talis
  • Volcano (Night) Arena: Sword , Dual Blades, Rifle, Rod
  • Tokyo Arena: Sword, Rifle, Bow, Talis

Other Changes

  • Emblem Fever will no longer occur
  • Reduced the Time Required to expand the Rank Range for Matchmaking
  • Removed Arks BT2019 Qualifiers from Password Matches
  • Added new Items to the Ranked Matches' Reward Scratches
  • Eased the Ranking Demotion upon Rank Resets

System Updates

Special Ability Transplant

  • [Special Ability Transplant] has been added to the Item Lab
  • We'll have a guide later explaining this feature!
  • Note: Ultimate Buster does not work on ★13+ Weapons

Quest Updates

  • All Ships will now receive the same random EQ at the same time.
  • The Boss [Varuna] will no longer be affected by suction.
  • Energy Crystals in all Mining Base Quests will be automatically picked up as you approach them.

Pyroxene Removal Update

  • In accordance with removing the Pyroxene drops, shops with the stone material items will be updated.
  • You can visit the Recycle Shop 2 to exchange your material items for Photon Boosters.
  • The Photon Booster Exchange will receive items similar to what the Pyroxene Exchange had.
  • Exchange Shops with items which required Pyroxenes will be adjusted.

Skill Ring Shop

  • Added items to the [Left Ring Shop]

Casino Coin Shop

  • Updated the Limited Exchange product listing

Medal Exchange Shop

  • Added the Divide Medal Exchange
  • Updated the product listing for Prize Medal Exchange

Recycle Shop

  • Added [Limited Class Excube Exchange]


  • I need a better name for this thing instead of just typing Zieg everytime.
  • Added Items the the Sage's Crest Exchange and the Limited Crest Exchange
  • Added Puras and Stil Weapons to the Weapon Upgrades

My Room Shop

  • Updated the shop's product listing.

Treasure Shop

  • Updated the product listing

Battle Coin Shop

  • Added new items to the product listing

Other Changes

  • Increased the Maximum Damage Numbers to 7-Digits.
  • Adjusted the order of menu items in the Item Lab


Balance Adjustments

See all the Balance Adjustments Here



We'd like to thank all of our current patrons for helping to keep the site afloat! If you like the work that we do, please consider donating 1$ or more to continue our Phantasy Star coverage!



Emergency Quest Schedule

Boost Event 49

Please Note:

  • The Emergency Quest schedule will update during maintenance.
  • Please resync the calendar periodically to receive the latest updates, as the schedule may change at Sega's discretion.
  • This calendar is unable to show Emergency Quests that occur at random.
  • You can see the Emergency Quest schedule on your phone by subscribing to the Google Calendar.


New Campaigns

AC Shop Bargains

The following bundles contain AC Shop items at a discounted price!

Period Date: Until April 1st's Maintenance

Item Package Contents Price
50 Scratches Set 2
AC Scratch Ticket (x50)
Bonus Key Tokyo [Gold] (x2)
Bonus Key Magatsu [Gold] (x2)
Bonus Key Rappy F (x2)
9,000 AC
Starter Set 4
Item Pack Expansion +10
Mag Ticket
Bonus Key Tokyo [Gold]
500 AC
Character Storage Expansion + Bonus
Character Storage Expansion +50
Bonus Key Tokyo [Gold]
600 AC
EXP Booster Set 1
+150% EXP Booster (x10)
Bonus Key Tokyo [Gold] (x2)
2,000 AC
EXP & RDR Booster Set 4
+150% EXP Booster (x3)
+400% RDR Booster (x5)
Bonus Key Tokyo [Gold] (x3)
4,900 AC

※Each bundle is limited once per account.


Multi-Platform Play Campaign

During the Campaign Period, login each Month on two different Platforms to earn rewards at a later date.

Campaign Period

  • March 25th ~ August 19th

Qualifying Platforms

  • PC, PS Vita, PS4, Cloud (PC),  Cloud (Switch)

Monthly Login Periods

  • March 25th ~  April 30th
  • May 1st ~ May 31st
  • June 1st ~ June 30th
  • July 1st ~ July 31st
  • August 1st ~ August 19th

Rewards Per Login Period

  • 50 Star Gems
  • Bonus Key Tokyo [Gold]

Reward Periods

  • Early to Mid June
  • Early to Mid July
  • Early to Mid August
  • Early to Mid September
  • Early to Mid October


Vita Going Away Campaign

PSO2 for the Vita will shut down on August 19th. Before it shuts down, anyone who has played on the PS VITA version of PSO2 before March 24th will be able to earn back up to 1,000 Star Gems per monthly period during the Campaign.

Campaign Period

  • March 25th ~ August 19th

Campaign Details

  • Using AC or SG while logged into an account will earn you back Star Gems.
  • For each monthly period, you will only be able to earn back up to 1,000 Star Gems.
  • Half of the total amount of SG & AC used during each period will be converted back into Star Gems, with every 5 AC used converted to 1 SG.

The Account must have been logged in once before March 24th, 2020 on the PS Vita Version.

Monthly Periods

  • March 25th ~  April 30th
  • May 1st ~ May 31st
  • June 1st ~ June 30th
  • July 1st ~ July 31st
  • August 1st ~ August 19th


PSO2 Anime Quiz II – Ep.24

During the Campaign Period, answer the questions through the In-Game Chat System to receive +100% TRI Boosts. Each week is a new question relating to that week's PSO2 Episode.

Campaign Period

  • March 24th @ 00:00 ~ March 30th @ 23:59 JST


  • Who hacked the Monitors to ask ARKS to help save Matoi?

  • クーナ


Sage's Crest Campaign

Beat the following goals to obtain Sage's Crests. The crests can be exchanged for ★15 Weapons at Zieg!

Campaign Period

March 25th ~ April 1st

Campaign Tasks

  Goal Reward
1 Clear [Guides of Creation] Sage's Crests (x10)
2 Clear [Raging Falz Arms] Sage's Crests (x10)
3 Clear Gene's Client Order:
Sage's Crests (x10)
4 Clear Gene's Client Order:
Sage's Crests (x10)
5 Login 3 Days Sage's Crests (x10)
6 Link with PSO2es and Quick Search once Sage's Crests (x10)

※Goal 6 will be distributed at a later time.


On-Going Campaigns

PSO2 Anime Boost Day

During the days that the PSO2 Anime airs on, there will be a boost to all quests.

Campaign Period

  • February 11th ~ March 31st

Boost Period

  • Tuesdays @ 00:00 ~ 23:59 JST


  • +100% Rare Drop
  • +100% Experience


PSO2 Station! Plus #5 Recap

Warning! This post is updating in real time!
Please take note as the information below is subject to change.

Secret Phrase

  • Say the secret phrase below in chat to receive prizes.
  • アニメエピソードオラクル堂々完結
  • You have until April 1st's maintenance to complete this task.
  • Items will be delivered to the Visiphone Campaign rewards
  • Prizes include:
    • Fast Burger
    • Puso Ni Comic Memory 2
    • White Day 2020 Trigger


Emergency Quest Boost Poll

  • A Boisterous White Day 2020
  • March 24th @ 23:00 JST (Quna Concert First)
  • +250% Rare Drop Rate and +100% EXP Rate (In addition to other boosts)


Puso ni Comi Anime #2

  • The next Puso Ni Comi anime will air on Youtube and Nico Nico
  • The series will air starting April 7th and at the end of the episodes will be a secret phrase where you can earn 1 [Puso Ni Comic Memory 3]
  • There will also be several campaigns running alongside like Bonus Key Presents, Double Sage Crests, and even [Puso Ni Comic Memory 3] campaigns.


Mani Mani ARKS

  • A new Web Manga will be releasing every Wednesday.
  • It's meant to be a slice of life story starring Hiroto and the newman Sharo.
  • Releasing March 25th, 2020


March 25th Update

New Feature (Special Ability Transplant)

  • Special Abilities from Material Items can be transplanted over to the Base Item.
  • This process requires Meseta and Special Ability Transplant Passes
  • The number of passes you need are based on the amount of slots for the finished product.
    • 1 Slot = 5 Passes
    • 2 Slots = 5 Passes
    • 3 Slots = 5 Passes
    • 4 Slots = 5 Passes
    • 5 Slots = 15 Passes
    • 6 Slots = 25 Passes
    • 7 Slots = 50 Passes
    • 8 Slots = 100 Passes
  • Transplantation will only take special abilities away from the material item. The material item's S-class abilities will remain intact. S-Class Abilities are not transplanted in this system.
  • Be careful as transplanting could cause your base item to have less slots than it started out with if you don't select enough special abilities. For example, if your base item is an 8 slot weapon, and you select a material item with 2 slots, then you'll only be able to transplant two abilities. This will reduce the amount of slots for the base item.


New Feature (Special Ability Transplant)

  • The Recycle Shop will have a Limited [Class EX Cube Exchange Shop]
  • Trade in Class EX Cubes to receive a Special Ability Transplant Pass
    • 1 Special Ability Transplant Pass = 2 (Hu/Ra/Fo EX Cubes) [Limit 10 Per 28 Days]
    • 1 Special Ability Transplant Pass = 2 (Fi/Gu/Te EX Cubes) [Limit 10 Per 28 Days]
    • 1 Special Ability Transplant Pass = 2 (Br/Bo/Su EX Cubes) [Limit 10 Per 28 Days]
    • 1 Special Ability Transplant Pass = 2 (Hr/Ph/Et EX Cubes) [Limit 10 Per 28 Days]
  • So essentially you could get 40 per month.


Early April Update

PSO2 Early April Update

  • Easter Lobby (~4/22)
  • Xie (Easter 2020) COs (~4/22)
  • CO Reward: *Woval Edge
  • Easter 2020 Bingo Front and Back
    • Angel Wing Mag


PSO2 Early April Update

  • Courage Cute Look (AC Scratch)
  • Contains Unique School Uniforms


PSO2 Early April Update

  • Courage Cute Look (AC Scratch)
  • Satchel Bag Outerwear
  • Takt Pose and Egg Race Lobby Actions
  • And a Variety of Accessories


PSO2 Early April Update

  • Episode 6 Chapter 4: The Protectors of Earth
  • Shiva's grubby hands have finally made it to Earth
  • Rina, Aika and other Earth characters will appear.
  • Pietro will also have a side story.


PSO2 Early April Update

  • Wild Easter 2020 Seasonal Emergency Quest
  • Acquire Multi-slot equipment and Factor-type abilities
  • Material Items from Divide Quests can also drop.
  • Lizeth Ghidour will appear along the way


PSO2 Early April Update

  • Wild Easter 2020 Seasonal Emergency Quest
  • Prefix named Descente Draal will appear at the end
  • Quest Drop and Special Collection Weapon: Promessa Pagina

Mid April Update

PSO2 Mid April Update

  • Automata Revival (Revival AC Scratch)
  • A Revival Scratch to commemorate the 10th Anniversary of the NieR series.
  • YoRHa 2B, 9S, A2 Repcas
  • Emil Head will appear in the Scratch Bonus

Late April Update

PSO2 Late April Update

  • Sakura Wars (2019) Collaboration!
  • Sanshiki Koubu OR Mugen will appear in the lobby.


PSO2 Late April Update

  • Seijurou Kamiyama and Sakura Amamiya costumes!
  • Seijurou Kamiyama's Sword and Amamiya Kunisada Weapon Camos
  • Sakura Wars Lobby Actions


PSO2 Late April Update

  • Outside of the collaboration is Sci-Fi Punk, Steampunk, and Arabian outfits.
  • New Lobby Actions including Partisan Pose


PSO2 Late April Update

  • Mining Base Defense VR now supports Ultra Hard!
  • New ★15 Nova Series will drop.
  • New ★13 Leg Units [Leg / Miragecel] and [Leg / Novacel]
  • There's also the [*Randle] weapon camos consisting of Orbit, Mirage, and Nova.


PSO2 Vita Service Ending

  • Vita Service will be ending on August 19th.
  • They will be holding a Point Back Campaign that works sort of like a cashback rewards program. Essentially, half of the total AC & SG used during certain time periods will be given back to you as Star Gems, using a calculation of 5 AC to 1 SG. To qualify, you need to have logged into the PlayStation Vita version before March 24th @ 0:00 JST. You can get up to 1000 SG per period.  We'll talk more about this during maintenance.
  • Using 5000 AC would convert to 2,500AC, then dividing that by 5 would = 500 SG back!
  • Using 500 SG would convert to 250 SG that = 250 SG back


PSO2 Roadmap

PSO2 Roadmap 2020

May and June Update

  • EP 6 Chapter 5
  • New Complex PA for Bullet Bows
  • 8th Anniversary Event
  • 12 Player Limited Quest
  • New Bonus Quest
  • New Superior Pet

July Update

  • Episode 6 Final Chapter
  • New Raid Quest and New Raid Boss
  • Summer Event


  • PS Vita Service Ends (August 19th)
  • New Successor Class
  • New Spec Quest


  • Instead of a new episode, we'll have a Gigantic New Update!


New Bullet Bow Complex PA


New Superior Pet


New Successor Class


New Raid Boss




to be added…



PSO2 Episode Oracle Drama CD

  • Releasing March 26th, 2020
  • Price: 2,800 Yen
  • Item Codes
    • CD Package Mat 19
    • All Male Voice Ash
    • 591 "EP Oracle Communication"


PSO2 Episode Oracle Soundtrack CD Vol. 2

  • Releasing April 8th, 2020
  • Price: 2,700 Yen
  • Twenty Two Songs Included
  • Item Codes
    • CD Package Mat 20
    • Xion's Light
    • Theme of MATOI -Piano-
    • Luther Battle (Episode Oracle Version)
    • And Five others.


PSO2 Episode Oracle Character Song CD

  • Contains songs from Ash, Afin, Matoi, Quna, Klariskrays, Melphonsina, and Dark Falz Double!!
  • Item Codes
    • VO Performance 10 LA
    • CD Package Mat 21


PSO2 Episode Oracle Blu-Ray & DVD Vol 6

  • Releasing April 15th, 2020
  • Contains Episodes 13, 14, 15.


PSO2 Episode Oracle Blu-Ray & DVD Vol 6

  • Ol Blink M and F [Ou & Ba]
  • Ol Blink F [In]
  • EP Oracle 3 LA
  • EP Oracle Mat E
  • EP Oracle Vol 6 Poster


PSO2 Episode 6 Deluxe Package

  • Due to the novel Coronovirus (Covid-19) outbreak, some components in manufacturing have been delayed.
  • PSO2 Episode 6 Deluxe Package has been postponed until May 21st, 2020.