Phantasy Star Portable 2: Meet Sayo, Vision Phone, Telephone Cards

Meet Sayo

pay her money

Sayo Yuhki!

Meet Sayo Yuhki, of "Faith Healer Sayo" a religion of sorts, she's a shrine maiden, just as in Shitenkaku. Does the name Sayo Yuhki sound familiar to you? Probably not, but in this case Sayo Yuhki is actually a collaboration character from another game known as "Shikigami no Shiro", take a wild guess who developed this game…   Sayo Yuhki is voiced by Ayako Kawasumi.


HP 15 percent

Sayo will perform "prayers" on your character for the right price! When the leader of the party receives a prayer, this effect will apply to the whole party. In this case it appears she may pray for 15% HP or even a rare drop rate boost. (Recall the previous post where Sakai was talking about a "system" that applied to the whole party…)

Unfortunately "Faith Healer Sayo" services are not ready for the high demands of the demo community and will not appear until the retail version.


Player Records

Vision Phone 3

The vision phone is greatly expanded from PSU:AoI. It has so many features and options that it makes ours look so obsolete. If you played PSP1, you have seen most of the features already.

  • Player Record
    • Various records about number of monsters defeated, the amount of missions played.
  • Story Evaluation
    • Evaluation of the Story Mission
    • Emilia's Report
    • Outline of the Story Mission
  • Mission Achievement Record
    • The time and clear results of each mission.


Collection Book Record

collection book

  • Monsters Defeated
    • Each Monster will have a little tidbit about them for example:
    • A Bil De Vear needs to eat 100 Naval a day in order to survive.
    • Jarba and Polty come from the same protist ancestors.
  • Weapon Collection Record
  • Costume Collection Record
    • View all the Clothes and Parts you have obtained.
  • Title Achievement Record
    • There are over 250 different titles.
    • The Demo version has 30.
  • Challenge Mission and Battle Mission Record
    • See various records of challenge and battle mission
    • The Time attack and Battle outcome is also displayed.



  • Title Reward Receipt
    • Your reward for any titles you achieved.
  • Glossary
    • Character Names
    • Planet
    • Organizations
    • Technology
    • SEED
    • Race
    • Ancient Civilization
  • Password Input
    • Obtain various items by inputting a special code.
    • (Ya we know everyone is going to spread these codes around…)


Telephone and Book Cards

Lumia and Emilia

Emilia and Lumia are friends!
(Ya right… Lumia was pissed with Emilia when she mentioned Ethan..)

These cards can be obtained by various shops when you pre order the game. (Thanks Neo). Now you can show how otaku you are with these fancy telephone cards. Although I have to say the characters look a bit too close for comfort..


Cuddle Girls!


telephone card1

Oh man….


OK I think we get the message…

Blog Updates

White traveller

Yuto found a new acquaintance!

  • Next Week news about the Internet Multi Mode Lottery (Finally James..)
  • Senior Director Terada mentioned a "Virus", not sure what that is. JP Wiki thinks it's a collaboration.
  • I'm going to study now bye bye..


[via pspo2 blog + maxell (nsfw)]

Phantasy Star Portable 2: Main Character Clothes, My Room and Partner Machinery Details, Vivienne?

Sakai updated today with another question and answer session. Let's go through some of them.


Main Character Clothes

Yuto outfit

A hugely requested feature, now you'll be able to wear the main character clothes, as you can see in both pictures. The male is wearing Yuto's outfit whereas the female is wearing a color variation of Emilia's outfit.

emilia outfit

Go all Gothic with Emilia's outfit.


My Room and Partner Machinery

vision phone 2

There isn't that many changes to My Room if you've been following PSU:AoI. My room is a feature where you can decorate and remodel using a "reform ticket". Both features can be accessed through your Partner Machinery. Unfortunately you will not be able to use a "Move Pass" (this is a feature in PSU:AoI where you can move your room to another planet.) Sakai will go into more details tomorrow about your "Vision Phone."

my room no reform

Sakai has greatly enhanced the amount of Partner Machinery available. Now you will get about 60 different types. You can evolve some of them by either purchasing evolution devices in stores or obtaining it through some other means.

Partner Machinery has the following options:

  • My Room Tutorial
    Read a tutorial on the functions of your room.
  • PM Function
    Allow your PM to evolve with an evolution device.
  • Reform My Room
    Change the look of your room with a "Reform Ticket"
  • Room Goods Management
    Customize your room, you can turn this option on or off.
  • Jukebox Management
    Play Background musicin your room by obtaining various Jukebox Discs.


Rare Drop Boost

Previously the Drop Boost rate of items and meseta were increased based on which title you attached. In PSP2, both of these systems are now implemented as an "ability" in the ability customize system. The ability applies to each respective player.  There is also another system that handles the rare drop boost, based on the leader, this effect will attach to the whole party. It sounds as if the leader has the option of turning this on or off.

As for Drop Rate increases, it was noted that in PSP1, certain items stopped appearing, but he says not to worry about this in PSP2.

Will Vivienne Appear?


Sorry, Sakai blurred it out…

[via pspo2 blog]

Phantasy Star Portable 2: TGS Presentation; PSO Dragon Battle

Sakai has uploaded his Tokyo Game Show presentation which features brand new footage including the PSO Dragon boss fight. I'll only post the good parts.

Sakai quickly goes through all the new features announced.
Also you can hear character voices for Shizuru and Crouch.


PSO Forest and Dragon Battle!

The full video includes Yuto and Emilia's interview with their character voices. Check out Nico Nico for the full video. It also includes a small snippet of the opening theme we haven't heard yet. (Except for the instrumental version..)

[via niconico]