PSO2 JP AC Scratch: Exotic Revelry

Exotic Revelry
(Until 9.2.2020)



ユカタポーチカ[Ou] | Yukata Pochka [Ou]
ユカタポーチカ海[Ou] | Yukata Pochka Sea [Ou]


ユカタポーチカ[Ba] | Yukata Pochka [Ba]
ユカタポーチカ影[Ba] | Yukata Pochka Shadow [Ba]
ユカタポーチカ葉[Ba] | Yukata Pochka Leaf [Ba]
ユカタポーチカ雅[Ba] | Yukata Pochka Elegant [Ba]
ユカタポーチカ桜[Ba] | Yukata Pochka Sakura [Ba]
ユカタポーチカ夜[Ba] | Yukata Pochka Night [Ba]



ツヤノナガレバナ[Ou] | Lustrous Blossom [Ou]
ツヤノナガレバナ紅[Ou] | Lustrous Blossom Crimson [Ou]


ツヤノナガレバナ[Ba] | Lustrous Blossom [Ba]
ツヤノナガレバナ海[Ba] | Lustrous Blossom Sea [Ba] 
ツヤノナガレバナ雪[Ba] | Lustrous Blossom Snow [Ba]
ツヤノナガレバナ紅[Ba] | Lustrous Blossom Crimson [Ba]
ツヤノナガレバナ雅[Ba] | Lustrous Blossom Elegant [Ba]
ツヤノナガレバナ桜[Ba] | Lustrous Blossom Sakura [Ba]



ブレイクシュテック[Ou] | Break Steck [Ou]
ブレイクシュテック桜[Ou] | Break Steck Crimson [Ou]


ブレイクシュテック[Ba] | Break Steck [Ba]
ブレイクシュテック桜[Ba] | Break Steck Sakura [Ba]
ブレイクシュテック夜[Ba] | Break Steck Night [Ba]
ブレイクシュテック静[Ba] | Break Steck Elegant [Ba]
ブレイクシュテック雪[Ba] | Break Steck Snow [Ba]
ブレイクシュテック影[Ba] | Break Steck Shadow [Ba]


ブレイクシュテック[In] | Break Steck
ブレイクシュテック桜[In] | Break Steck Sakura [In]
ブレイクシュテック夜[In] | Break Steck Night [In]
ブレイクシュテック空[In] | Break Steck Sky [In]
ブレイクシュテック雅[In] | Break Steck Elegant [In]
ブレイクシュテック葉[In] | Break Steck Leaf [In]



ブレイクゲザング[Ou] | Break Gesang [Ou]


ブレイクゲザング[Ba] | Break Gesang
ブレイクゲザング紅[Ba] | Break Gesang Crimson [Ba]
ブレイクゲザング夜[Ba] | Break Gesang Night [Ba]
ブレイクゲザング雪[Ba] | Break Gesang Snow [Ba]
ブレイクゲザング雅[Ba] | Break Gesang Elegant [Ba]
ブレイクゲザング栗[Ba] | Break Gesang Leaf [Ba]


ブレイクゲザング[In] | Break Gesang [In]
ブレイクゲザング紅[In] | Break Gesang Crimson [In]
ブレイクゲザング夜[In] | Break Gesang Night [In]
ブレイクゲザング雪[In] | Break Gesang Snow [In]
ブレイクゲザング雅[In] | Break Gesang Elegant [In]
ブレイクゲザング栗[In] | Break Gesang Leaf [In]


ノーブルロングコートF | Noble Long Coat F
ノーブルロングコートF雪 | Noble Long Coat F Snow
ノーブルロングコートF夜 | Noble Long Coat F Night


ゴシックメイドドレスM | Gothic Maid Dress M
ゴシックメイドドレスM紅 | Gothic Maid Dress M Crimson
ゴシックメイドドレスM桜 | Gothic Maid Dress M Sakura



Female Recolors

  • イロドリテリトリーF影[Ou] | I. Territory F Shadow [Ou]
  • イロドリテリトリーF茜[Ba] | I. Territory F Madder [Ba]
  • イロドリテリトリーF玄[Ba] | I. Territory F Mysterious [Ba]
  • ハナヤギテリトリーF玄[Ou] | H. Territory F Mysterious [Ou]
  • ハナヤギテリトリーF紅[Ba] | H. Territory F Crimson [Ba]
  • ハナヤギテリトリーF冬[Ba] | H. Territory F Winter [Ba]
  • カレイホンポー玄[Ba] | Karei Honpou Mysterious [Ba]
  • カレイホンポー雪[Ba] | Karei Honpou Snow [Ba]
  • カレイホンポー紅[Ba] | Karei Honpou Crimson [Ba]

Male Recolors

  • イロドリテリトリーM影[Ou] | I. Territory M Shadow [Ou]
  • イロドリテリトリーM茜[Ba] | I. Territory M Madder [Ba]
  • イロドリテリトリーM玄[Ba] | I. Territory M Mysterious [Ba]
  • ハナヤギテリトリーM玄[Ou] | H. Territory M Mysterious [Ou]
  • ハナヤギテリトリーM紅[Ba] | H. Territory M Crimson [Ba]
  • ハナヤギテリトリーM冬[Ba] | H. Territory M Winter [Ba]
  • ジュウオームジン玄[Ba] | Zyuoh Mujin Mysterious [Ba]
  • ジュウオームジン冬[Ba] | Zyuoh Mujin Winter [Ba]
  • ジュウオームジン紅[Ba] | Zyuoh Mujin Crimson [Ba]

Female Voice #215 (CV: Kumiko Watanabe)

  • 女性追加ボイス215
  • 女性C追加ボイス215

Male Voice #181 (CV: Chō)

  • 男性追加ボイス181
  • 男性C追加ボイス181

Lobby Actions

  • 634 「ジェットブーツポーズ」 | 634 "Jet Boots Pose"
  • 635 「線香花火」 | 635 "Sparklers"


  • マルガレータヘアー | Margareta Hair
  • カレイヘアー2 | Karei Hair 2
  • イロドリヘアー | Irodori Hair
  • ハナヤギヘアー | Hanayagi Hair


  • ゴシックメイドブリム | Gothic Maid Brim

Support Items

  • マグ支援枠拡張デバイス | Mag Support Extend Device
  • 特殊能力保護(5枠以下) | Ability Protection (5s or Lower)
  • 特殊能力(法撃&PP/3)| Add Ability (Tech&PP/3)
  • 強化大成功(100%) | Great Grind Success (100%)
  • 属性強化+5% | Attribute Enhance +5%
  • 特殊能力(HP&PP/3)| Add Ability (HP&PP/3)

Scratch Bonus

Play this AC Scratch a specific amount of times for exclusive bonus items!

Normal AC Tickets
Frequency Rewards
5 times Free Salon Pass
10 times Bonus Key Magatsu [Silver]
15 times Triboost +150%
25 times Ability Protection (6s or Lower)
30 times Exotic Revelry Ticket
40 times Bonus Key Magatsu [Gold]
45 times 644 "Kneeling 2"
50 times EX Triboost +200%
60 times Exotic Revelry Ticket
120 times Exotic Revelry Ticket
Gold AC Tickets
Frequency Rewards
2 times PSZero Memory
4 times Bonus Key Tokyo [Silver]
6 times Bonus Key Rappy F
10 times Ability Protection (6s or Lower)
12 times Exotic Revelry Ticket

※Players can receive each item only once.
※All of these items are untradeable.
※Exotic Revelry Ticket allows you to choose 1 item from this AC Scratch.


FUN Scratch

Music Disk

  • Versus1


  • インテークたれツイン | Low Intake Twin

Face Aesthetics

  • わんぱくほっぺ | Naughty Cheeks

Body Paint

  • 足袋&手袋M 白 | White Tabi and Gloves M
  • 足袋&手袋M 黒 | Black Tabi and Gloves M
  • 足袋&手袋F 白 | White Tabi and Gloves F
  • 足袋&手袋F 黒 | Black Tabi and Gloves F


  • 首かけリリーパポーチ | Neck Lillipan Pouch
  • とんぼ玉イヤリング 赤 | Glass Bead Earrings Red
  • クーナわたがし袋A | Quna Cotton Candy Bag A
  • クーナわたがし袋B | Quna Cotton Candy Bag B
  • ひょっとこのおめん | Hyotokko Mask
  • ピンクメイドキャップ | Pink Maid Cap
  • くわえりんごあめ | Bitten Candy Apple
  • アームホイール | Arm Wheels

Lobby Action

  • 56「暑い」 | 56 "Hot"

Room Items / Theme

  • ハシラドケイ | Wall Clock
  • レコードプレイヤー | Record Player
  • パートナーベッド/R | Partner Bed /R
  • ゴージャスケース | Gorgeous Case
  • アオゾラパネル | Blue Sky Panel
  • オールドベッドC | Old Bed C
  • オールドテーブルC | Old Table C
  • オールドチェアC | Old Chair C
  • オールドシェルフC | Old Shelf C
  • オールドライトC | Old Light C
  • オールドベンチC | Old Bench C
  • オールド・テ・レビC | Old Television C
  • オールドキッチンC | Old Kitchen C
  • オールドガスポンプC | Old Gas Pump C
  • オールド・レイ・ゾーコC | Old Refrigerator C
  • トランク型レコード | Suitcase Turntable
  • ネオンサイン | Neon Sign
  • オールドランプ | Old Lamp
  • オールド・テーマ/C | Old Theme/C



PSO2 JP: Maintenance and Patch (8/5/2020)


PSO2's Finale hits after maintenance!

PSO2 Maintenance

  • 8/5/2020 @ 11:00 ~ 17:00 JST
  • 8/4/2020 @ 10:00 PM ~ 4:00 AM EDT

PSO2es Maintenance

  • 8/5/2020 @ 10:55 ~ 17:30 JST
  • 8/4/2020 @ 9:55 PM ~ 4:30 EDT

August 5th's Patch

  • Game Launcher: Version 06.00.06
  • Game Client: Ver.6.1001.1
  • Patch Size: 1.1GB (PC)


Patch Notes

Story Updates

Story Update

  • PSO2's Final Chapter is finally here.

Arks Missions

  • New Limited-Time Missions related to the Final Chapter has been added.

System Updates


  • The Following Quest will now drop [Weapon Badges 2020]:
    • Special Training: Episode 6
    • T: Special Training: Episode 6
    • Battleship Infiltration: Enhancer
    • T: Battleship Infiltration: Enhancer

Recycle Shop

  • Added [8th Anniversary Ticket Exchange] to Cameo (~Sept. 16th, 2020)

[Limited-Time] SG Recycle Shop

  • Removed the Exchange Tickets for [Awake A Exchange Ticket] and [A Battlewear S Exchange Ticket]
  • Added the [Roots of Darkness Exchange Ticket]. The SG Scratch will be added August 12th!

Treasure Shop

  • Updated the Treasure Shop product listing.



We'd like to thank all of our current patrons for helping to keep the site afloat! If you like the work that we do, please consider donating 1$ or more to continue our Phantasy Star coverage!



Emergency Quest Schedule

Boost Event 49

Please Note:

  • The Emergency Quest schedule will update during maintenance.
  • Please resync the calendar periodically to receive the latest updates, as the schedule may change at Sega's discretion.
  • This calendar is unable to show Emergency Quests that occur at random.
  • You can see the Emergency Quest schedule on your phone by subscribing to the Google Calendar.


New Campaigns

Puso Ni Comi Secret Phrases

Puso Ni Comi has a new season of animated episodes! Check the Official PSO2 Channel for new Episodes. While on PSO2, say the Phrase shown at the end of the Episode to receive a [Pusoni Memory 3].

New Secret Phrase

  • Ep.18: 倉庫パンパンになってない?

Old Secret Phrases

  • Ep.17: 女の子とラッピーとカジキ
  • Ep.16: これは乙じゃなくてポニーテールなんだからね
  • Ep.15: 物欲センサーってあると思う?
  • Ep.14: あなたもお試し済み?
  • Ep.13: チャット発言先に気を付けよう
  • Ep.12: 女の子がカジキに丸のみ?
  • Ep.11: マグの中身って何かな?
  • Ep.10: レッツゴー野良緊急!
  • Ep.9: 朝までクエストガン回し
  • Ep.8: 銃座はどんどん強くなってるぞ
  • Ep.7: 初めてしてみたいです
  • Ep.6: スリスリぺちぺち
  • Ep.5: ドルチェと牧野の中の人公開中
  • Ep.4: 男の子だ!!!
  • Ep.3: キャストはえっちだ
  • Ep.2: キャラクリデータはとっておこう
  • Ep.1: アニメぷそ煮コミおかわり

Phrases Expiration Date

  • March 31st, 2021 @ 23:59 JST


PSO2 x Idola Battle Brigade Campaign

During the Campaign Period, clear the Objective on Idola with your pso2-linked account to receive rewards!

Campaign Period

  • August 5th @ 12:00 ~ August 19th @ 4:00 JST


  • Play a Brigade Battle during the period.

PSO2 Rewards

  • Ability Transfer Pass
  • +150% Triboost

Reward Date

  • Mid-September


Sage's Crest Campaign

Beat the following goals to obtain Sage's Crests. The crests can be exchanged for ★15 Weapons at Zieg!

Campaign Period

August 5th ~ August 12th @ 10:59 JST

Campaign Tasks

  Goal Reward
1 Clear EQ [Requiem of the Specter's Grudge] 1 Time Sage's Crests (x10)
2 Clear EQ [Incarnation of Knowledge] 1 Time Sage's Crests (x10)
3 Clear EQ [Mining Base Defense: VR] 1 Time Sage's Crests (x10)
4 Clear EQ [Guides of Creation] 1 Time Sage's Crests (x10)
5 Login 3 Days Sage's Crests (x10)
6 Link with PSO2es and Quick Search once Sage's Crests (x10)

※Goal 6 will be distributed at a later time.


On-Going Campaigns

Purchase Premium Campaign

During the Campaign Period, purchase a 90 Day Premium Set to receive luxurious rewards.

Campaign Period

  • July 21st ~ August 19th


  • 607 [Clock Pose]
  • Sage's Crest (x50)
  • +150% TRI Boost (x3)
  • Bonus Key Kazuchi Assault


Multi-Platform Play Campaign

During the Campaign Period, login each Month on two different Platforms to earn rewards at a later date.

Campaign Period

  • March 25th ~ September 16th

Qualifying Platforms

  • PC, PS Vita, PS4, Cloud (PC),  Cloud (Switch)

Monthly Login Periods

  • March 25th ~  April 30th
  • May 1st ~ May 31st
  • June 1st ~ June 30th
  • July 1st ~ July 31st
  • August 1st ~ August 31st
  • September 1st ~ September 16th

Rewards Per Login Period

  • 50 Star Gems
  • Bonus Key Tokyo [Gold]

Reward Periods

  • Early to Mid June
  • Early to Mid July
  • Early to Mid August
  • Early to Mid September
  • Early to Mid October
  • Early to Mid November


Vita Going Away Campaign

PSO2 for the Vita will shut down on August 19th. Before it shuts down, anyone who has played on the PS VITA version of PSO2 before March 24th will be able to earn back up to 1,000 Star Gems per monthly period during the Campaign.

Campaign Period

  • March 25th ~ September 16th

Campaign Details

  • Using AC or SG while logged into an account will earn you back Star Gems.
  • For each monthly period, you will only be able to earn back up to 1,000 Star Gems.
  • Half of the total amount of SG & AC used during each period will be converted back into Star Gems, with every 5 AC used converted to 1 SG.

The Account must have been logged in once before March 24th, 2020 on the PS Vita Version.

Monthly Periods

  • March 25th ~  April 30th
  • May 1st ~ May 31st
  • June 1st ~ June 30th
  • July 1st ~ July 31st
  • August 1st ~ August 31st
  • September 1st ~ September 16th

Point Back Periods

  • Early to Mid June
  • Early to Mid July
  • Early to Mid August
  • Early to Mid September
  • Early to Mid October
  • Early to Mid November


IDOLA Phantasy Star Saga: Explore Vandor With The Upcoming Beta For IDOLA EN!

After a near 2 year wait, IDOLA is launching in English published by Boltrend Games! To start off they are holding an Open Beta Test which will contain the story from chapter 1 to 6 of EP1 and Arena Battle. You can apply for the Open Beta Test here! After the test ends all data will be wiped. About if the game will be connecting to PSO2 NA, staff have mentioned they are working on it with SEGA, so stay tuned.

Currently Available Regions:

SEA (except Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore), Australia, New Zealand, Brazil

The official site mentions that they plan to make the game available to Europe and the US. 

To make a head start you can check out the Bumped Idola Blog and our Discord for general game information!

Test Period

  • August 5th, 2020 @ 11:00 (UTC+8) ~ August 10th, 2020 @ 11:00 (UTC+8)