Ship 1 is Full + PSO2 Vita CM + Future Changes

As you're all aware, the PSO2 Vita version was released this week! PC and PSVita players in total managed to achieve 70,000 concurrent connections. Unfortunately, Ship 1 is overcrowded and is no longer accepting new characters. To mitigate this problem, the following changes will occur for a limited time. (Keep in mind that the majority of the English community resides on Ship 2. You might want to join that Ship before it's too late.)


Ship 1 Character Creation

To help disperse the population, players will be prevented from creating new characters on Ship 1. In addition, they have also added 6 new Vita exclusive blocks on Ship 1 to help with overcrowding. Depending on the situation, there is a possibility that other Ships will share the same fate.

In response to this, they have started a campaign to give incentives for players to start new characters on Ship 6 and Ship 7. Just note that the English community plays on Ship 2, so you may get stuck if you choose to play on Ship 6 and Ship 7.


Ship 6 and Ship 7 Welcome Campaign

Campaign Period

  • Feb 28th through March 27th.

Players who create a new character on Ship 6 or Ship 7, and reach level 10 in any class, will receive:

  • Four 獲得経験値上昇+50% EXP+ 50%

If you create a new character on Ship 6 or Ship 7, and reach level 30 in any class, you will receive:

  • Four レアドロップ倍率+50% Rare Drop Boost + 50%
  • One FUN1000獲得チケット 1000 FUN Ticket
  • One マイルーム利用3日 My Room 3 Day Pass

You have until March 27th to reach level 10/30 to qualify for these campaigns. The items will be delivered to your Special Storage Box in the future.


Future Changes

Sakai received many comments about those future changes, so lets take a look at some of them below.

I want to be able to trade 10 star Weapons and Units

Excluding some items, you will now be able to place 10 star weapons and units in your My Shop. [As it stands now, 11 star and higher weapons take no part in the transaction.] (You can see where this is going.)

Prior to players being able to purchase these items, they can visit the recycle shop and exchange a 10 star weapon or unit to receive a [★10武器購入パス] or [★10ユニット購入パス]. In other words, in exchange for a 10 star weapon or unit, you will receive a [10★ Weapon Purchasing Pass] or a [10★ Unit Purchasing Pass].  Using the pass and meseta in this way allows you to purchase the item at the My Shop.  Active Premium Set is required. However, some 10 star weapons and units do not qualify for this pass.

Basically, only the person who obtains a 10 star weapon/unit by themselves, can purchase another player's 10 star weapon/unit.

Hunter Skill Changes

  • A percentage effect will be applied for Guard Stance and Fury Stance. (For example:  ###%.)

Grind Risk Failure

  • By examining the situation when failing a grind, they have decided to reduce the chances of Risk that occurs.

When Skills are Added and Changed

  • When major changes occur, they will distribute an item that "Resets All Skill Trees."

These changes should be addressed sometime near the end of March through April. The previous post will be updated to reflect these clarifications.


 Mag Update

Sakai made a comment about mags in the March 14th Issue of Famitsu Weekly. The current plan is to raise the mag level cap beyond level 151+ but they are currently investigating whether they should allow you to feed them 7 star weapons. Shougai speculates that perhaps at level 151+ you could only feed them 7 star weapons? We'll probably have more details in a few months.


PSO2 JP: Future Game Improvements

UPD: The list of changes set for a future update near the end of March through April.

Upd:  I wish we could exchange 10 star weapons and units.

  • We'll add a feature that will allow you to display 10 star weapon and units in My Shop
  • While Premium Set is active, you can purchase 10 star weapons/units in My Shop in exchange for a 10 star weapon/unit. You will be able to trade a 10 star weapon and unit at the Recycle Shop to receive a pass that enables you to purchase another player's 10 star weapon/unit. Only active Premium Set players can purchase a 10 star item in My Shop.

Upd: What about Hunter Balance Changes?

We'll buff hunters in the following ways.

  • Change the effectiveness of Guard Stance to percentage increases.
  • Change the effectiveness of Fury Stance to percentage increases.
  • Warcry users will take priority as the target
  • Since we make continued efforts to adjust the game's balance, we will address these changes in a future update and ask that you wait a while.

I want to see Parallel Areas more often.

  • We'll add a feature for it to appear in the boss's arena after you clear the quest.
  • Since we will address this in a future update, we ask that you wait a while.

You should allow us to reset our skill trees when you add or make changes to skills.

  • When major changes occur, we will distribute items that will make it possible to reset all skill trees.
  • Since we will address this in a future update, we ask that you wait a while.

There are too many titles dealing with weapon grinding.

  • We will stop adding new titles for (grinding) specific weapons.
  • We'll establish new titles based on the number of times you reach +10 for weapons 7 star or higher.
  • We will establish new rewards when grinding weapon to +10.

I want you to increase the EXP you acquire when there's wide differences in enemy levels.

  • We will raise the minimum reduced EXP revision when there's wide differences in enemy levels.

I want you to reduce the risk when failing a grind.

  • We will reduce the chances of risk when failing a grind.
  • We will proceed cautiously and address this in a future update.


EXP Correction (Commentary)

Upd: Enemies 15 levels from your class level will give less EXP than their original value.

Lv#   —  EXP Correction

  • 15 — 75%
  • 16 — 75%
  • 17 — 75%
  • 18 — 75%
  • 19 —75%
  • 20 — 75%
  • 21 —75%

15 levels away with 75% EXP Correction. (This either means you get 25% EXP or 75% of the total EXP?)



Phantasy Star Online 2 Vita: Quick Start Guide

PSO2 Vita'

This quick start guide will assist new players from downloading Phantasy Star Online 2 Vita through logging in. The guide will expand later on to cover other topics.

Welcome to the Phantasy Star Online 2 Vita: Quick Start Guide!


Please check that your Vita can connect to the official website prior to installing this game. If not, you will need a VPN in order to connect to the servers.

PSO2 Vita Fact Sheet

  • Phantasy Star Online 2 is a free to play game that can only be played online!
  • It is recommended you purchase an 32GB or higher memory card to store additional updates.
  • You can play the game over 3G and WiFi, however, WiFi is required when downloading updates.
  • The game is supported by Arks Cash where you pay real money to acquire items and such.
  • You can purchase Arks Cash at the Sega ID Management Page.
  • You can not purchase Arks Cash through the PlayStation Store.
  • You can optionally purchase the PSO2 Episode 3 Deluxe Edition which comes with several in-game items.

Please remember that maintenance is every Wednesday from 11:00 through 17:00 JST. Use the PSO2 Calendar to automatically convert this into your time zone.

Before you start, if you do not plan on purchasing the Vita Special Package version, you will be required to create a Japanese PlayStation Network Account. You can search Google for several tutorials on how to create one.


How to Download PSO2 Vita?

PSO2 Vita Download

When you arrive at the PlayStation Store, click the magnifying glass at the top right corner and enter "PSO2". When you reach the main page, click the orange button (like in the screenshot above) to download the game.


PSO2 Live Area

After the game has downloaded, you can click on its icon to reach the "Live Area" screen. As shown in the screenshot above, you can start the game by touching the center "Phantasy Star Online 2 はじめる" icon. The left icon sends you to the Vita website, while the right icon sends you to the SEGA ID registration page. (This screenshot may not reflect what's currently on your screen.)

If there is a patch, you can press the orange orb at the top left corner of the screen to download the update.


 Quick Start Guide

Vita Title Menu

After pressing start on the Title Screen, you will reach the Title Menu.

オンラインログイン (Online Login) Choose a Ship (Server) to play on.
ユーザー情報変更 (Edit User Info) Opens SEGA ID Mngmnt. Page
キャラクターポートレート  (Character Portrait) Augmented Reality Feature
オフラインキャラメイク   (Offline Character Creation)
クレジット    (Credits) View Credits
オンラインマニュアル    (Online Manual)
タイトルに戻る (Return to Title Screen.)


 Select A Ship

Select a Ship

Currently the English Community plays on Ship 02. Keep in mind that it costs ARKS Cash to transfer your character onto another ship.  After this, you will proceed to the Login screen. Type in your SEGA ID and Password to link your SEGA account with the SEN/PSN account.

If you do not have a SEGA ID you must register one at this page. (If you need help you can use the Registration Guide or Chrome Extension.)

The first time you log in, you must enter your SEGA ID and Password which will link your PlayStation Network Account to your SEGA ID. Once you've linked accounts, you can not switch to another SEGA ID.


Player ID Name

Player ID Screen

Your Player ID is like a screen name that identifies your account within the game. Type in a Player ID to proceed. Do not type your password here because other players will be able to see it within the game.  You can not change your Player ID once it’s set.


Start Menu

Start Menu

If you're a new player, you can select the first option to choose a character.

キャラクター選択 Choose a Character (or Create a Character)
サポートメニュー Support Menu

  • Options
  • Change User Details
  • Check SEGA ID
  • Online Manual

お友達招待システム Friend Invitation System
タイトルに戻る Return to Title Screen


Character Select Screen

Character Selection Screen

If this is your first time signing on, you can create a new character here.

キャラクターの新規作成 Create a Character.

After you have successfully created your first character, you will have to pay ARKS Cash each time you wish to create a new character. You may delete your first character and recreate them for free, but every subsequent character you make on your account will cost Arks Cash.

  • Your first character is free.
  • Your second character and onwards costs ARKS Cash

If you are creating a new character for the first time, you will proceed to the Friend Invitation System. You can skip that menu by pressing the right blue button.


Character Selection

Character Selection Screen

If you created your character and restart the game to the title screen, your Character Selection Screen will look similar to the screenshot above. You may select your character and choose the first option to start the game.

ゲーム開始 Start Game
各種手続き > キャラクターの削除 Delete Character.

In the bottom option, you may choose to delete your character. Keep in mind that you can delete and recreate your first character for free. However, upon creating your second character, you will have to pay ARKS Cash if you wish to recreate them after deleting them.


Character Creation Screens

Character Creation

You should be able to navigate through Character Creation without needing to understand Japanese. Just select from the list of sex and race combinations, choose your class, and select a preset, then create your character.


Character Name

Character Name

Once you've created your character, you can type in their name. You will then proceed to a confirmation screen which will transfer you to the main game.



Battle Interface

While you are in a quest, the interface is set up as follows:

  • (1) Radar Map
  • (2) Your Character
  • (3) Your HP
  • (4) Your Sub Palette (Healing Items/ Skills / Photon Blast)
  • (5) Your Weapon Palette
  • (6) The Chat Icon. (Single Tap for Shortcuts and Double Tap to chat with other players)