PSO2 JP: Boost Event and Client Order Campaign 10

Boost Event Campaign

From June 3rd through June 9th, the following contents will receive a boost:

Target Days

  • June 3rd: Meseta + 200%
  • June 4th: EXP + 50%
  • June 7th: Rare Drop Boost + 50%

The effect applies 0:00 ~ 24:00 JST on the target day. (They did not specify whether the boost continues after that specific day.)



Client Order Campaign 10

CO campaign10

Everyone who clears the following client orders will receive several prizes.

Campaign Period

  • May 29th through June 5th's Maintenance

Campaign Qualifications

(1) Clear Xie's client order 探せ!フログ・ラッピー!? Find! Frog Rappy!? by acquiring three 虹色の小さな花 yellow box drops from Frog Rappies to receive:

  • EXP+50% (×2)
  • Meseta+50% (×4)

(2) Clear Revelle's client order マイルドマイルド・マーダー・III Mild Mild Murder 3 by defeating 20 El Dagans to receive:

  • Rare Drop Boost+50% (×2)
  • Grind Risk Reduction (+1) (×2)
  • Grinder (×30)

Prize Distribution

  • June 12th
  • Can be picked up through Special Storage.


SEGA ID and AC Website are Currently Down

Due to hardware issues, SEGA has temporarily suspended the following:

  • SEGA ID Management Page
  • Sega ID Registration Page
  • AC Charging Site
  • One Time Password Registration Page
  • Verification Key Emails (When switching PCs)


Have Peace of Mind with a One-time Password!

There are two security measures in place so far; the authentication key emails when switching PCs, and a One-time password service for the SEGA ID Management page. After June 5th, the One-time password service can now be used when logging into the PC version of the game. 

This service is available as a means to provide security against unauthorized access to player accounts. By activating this service, a One-time password will be required for both logging into the SEGA ID account as well as resetting the password.  Thanks to this service, even if someone gains unauthorized access into your email account, they will not be able to change the SEGA ID password.

  • One-time passwords are not available for Playstation Vita logins at this time.
  • Those who register a One-time password will receive presents in an upcoming campaign. We'll have more details about this campaign once it is available.

After June 5th, Sega will also compensate for lost or stolen items if the player's account was compromised. However, this form of support is only available to One-time password enabled accounts. In other words, accounts that do not activate the One-time password service will not be able to file for compensation in the future.

PSO2 JP: Holy Bright Priest AC Scratch

Holy Bright Priest

Holy Bright Priest Scratch runs until June 26th, 2013. It features priest and nun outfits as a compliment to the wedding scratch released a year ago. The full AC Catalog rotation can be viewed here.



カテドラルクロース Cathedral Cross
カテドラルクロース紅 Cathedral Cross Red
カテドラルクロース雪 Cathedral Cross White
カテドラルクロース夜 Cathedral Cross Snow
カテドラルクロース葉 Cathedral Cross Leaf
カテドラルクロース銀 Cathedral Cross Silver


Ursula Repca Img

ウルスラ・レプカ Ursula Repca
ウルスラ・レプカ紅 Ursula Repca Red
ウルスラ・レプカ夜 Ursula Repca Night
ウルスラ・レプカ影 Urusla Repca Shadow
ウルスラ・レプカ葉 Ursula Repca Leaf
ウルスラ・レプカ鋼 Ursula Repca Steel


Wedding Dress Black

ブライダルドレス Bridal Dress
ブライダルドレス紅 Bridal Dress Red
ブライダルドレス夜 Bridal Dress Night
ブライダルドレス月 Bridal Dress Moon


Cathedral Suit pic
カテドラルスーツ Cathedral Suit
カテドラルスーツ紅 Cathedral Suit Red
カテドラルスーツ雪 Cathedral Suit Snow
カテドラルスーツ夜 Cathedral Suit Night
カテドラルスーツ鋼 Cathedral Suit Steel
カテドラルスーツ葉 Cathedral Suit Leaf


Satomi Sato Female Voice 35

  • 女性追加ボイス35
  • 女性C追加ボイス35

Mariya Ise Female Voice 36

  • 女性追加ボイス36
  • 女性C追加ボイス36

Nobuo Tobita Male Voice 24

  • 男性追加ボイス24
  • 男性C追加ボイス24

Lobby Action

  • 追加ロビーアクション38 Dance 6

New Color Variations and Revivals

  • ブラックタキシード Black Tuxedo
  • ワインレッドタキシード Wine Red Tuxedo
  • ブルータキシード Blue Tuxedo
  • グレータキシード Grey Tuxedo
  • ナビゲータースーツ影 Navigator Suit Shadow
  • ナビゲータースーツ葉 Navigator Suit Leaf
  • ナビゲータースーツ雅 Navigator Suit Elegance (Pink)
  • ナビゲータードレス紅 Navigator Dress Red
  • ナビゲータードレス影 Navigator Dress Shadow
  • ナビゲータードレス葉 Navigator Dress Leaf
  • ファウマレディ・シリーズ Fauma Lady Series
  • ウェディングドレス Wedding Dress
  • ナビゲータードレス Navigator Dress
  • ホワイトタキシード White Tuxedo
  • ナビゲータースーツ Navigator Suit
  • 腕章 Arm Band
  • ウェディングコサージュ Wedding Corsage



FUN Scratch

Room Items

  • クラシックシャンデリア Classic Chandelier 
  • クラシックドレッサー Classic Dresser
  • クラシックベッドC Classic Bed C
  • クラシックマットC Classic Mat C
  • クラシックソファC Classic Sofa C
  • クラシックローテーブルC Classic Low Table C
  • クラシックチェアC Classic Chair C
  • クラシックNスタンドC Classic N Stand C
  • クラシックライトC Classic Light C
  • クラシックシェルフC Classic Shelf C
  • クラシックテーブルC Classic Table C
  • クラシック・テーマ/C Classic Theme /C



Lobby Action

  • 追加ロビーアクション35 (Flag)

 SEGA ID and AC Website are Currently Down

Due to a hardware failure, SEGA has temporarily suspended the following pages:

  • SEGA ID Management Page
  • Sega ID Registration Page
  • AC Charging Site
  • One Time Password Registration Page
  • Verification Key Emails (When switching PCs)

PSO2 JP: Illusory Onslaught Update Part 2

May 29th, 2013 Update

Event Lobby

Wedding Lobby pic

  • Schedule: May 29th ~ June 12th, 2013

Field Update

  • 極限訓練:森林と龍 Extreme Training: Forest and Dragons (LV 50+)
  • 特務先遣調査:遺跡 Advance Survey : Ruins (Lv 45+)
  • 特務先遣調査:市街地 Advance Survey: City (Lv 45+)
  • 特務先遣調査:龍祭壇 Advance Survey: Sanctuary (Lv 45+)

Rare Enemy


ゾロン・ゴラール Zoron Goraal


New Interrupt Event

New Client Order

New Item


デイジーチェイン Daisy Chain (Sword)


divine amaterasu

神杖アマテラス Divine Amaterasu (Rod)


New Weapon Camo

wedding cake

*ウェディングケーキ Wedding Cake (Partisan)



*ザイン・ザ・ジェミニ Zine The Gemini (Twin Dagger)

System Update

  • For a limited time, the ship transferring fee will change to (350AC)
  • For a limited time, characters who have recently changed ships must wait 24 hours before transferring to another ship.

Pyroxene Shop Update

Gunner Balance Changes

  • Expanded the range for Gunner skill "Zero Range Advance." (Zero Effort latent ability receives the same adjustment.)
  • Increased Perfect Keeper's strength
  • Increased Satellite Aim's attack range, and made it quicker to cancel through evasive actions.
  • Expanded the range Reverse Tap draws in enemies.

Patch Notes

  • Players who logged in from May 15th through May 22nd prior to maintenance will receive 10 extreme passes at the visiphone
  • Client Order Campaign 8 prizes have been distributed
  • Each character that has unlocked the Gunner class when maintenance started on May 22nd will receive an All Skill Tree Reset Pass
  • PSO2 Live Broadcast secret voice campaign prizes have been distributed to the storage box.
  • Once you clear the final Extreme Quest stage, you will now receive a catalyst item that can be used to trade with other stones. Players who have already cleared the final stage will receive the catalyst item sometime in the future.
  • An error message code will now display when the PSO2 application force closes.
  • Corrected the Attack PP Restorate skill