PSO2 JP: August 7th, 2013 Update

Goodbye Borderbreak; Hello Beach Wars!

Emergency Quest

  • ビーチウォーズ Beach Wars
  • Available: August 7th through September 4th

New Client Orders

Xie Summer

  • Summer Xie Client Orders
  • Available: August 7th through September 4th
  • New permanent client orders for other NPCs

New Bingo Card

  • サマービンゴ Summer Bingo
  • Available: August 7th through September 4th

New Enemy

Mesetan bb

Mesetan (メセタン)

New Interrupt Event

New Items

Badge Exchange Shop

  • Added items that can be exchanged with an アークスバッヂ橙 Orange Arks Badge
  • Orange Arks Badges are distributed by the Development Team and are intended for those affected by the My Room/Mini Room bug.

New Fun Shop Items

  • フォトンチェア(全10色)Photon Chairs
  • リモデルームS Remodel Room S
  • リモデルームL Remodel Room L
  • シーナリーパス・砂漠 Scenery Pass Desert
  • シーナリーパス・凍土 Scenery Pass Tundra

Other Changes

  • When choosing a symbol art for your My Shop/Arks Card/etc, the title of the window will now say "Symbol Art List"
  • Added an entry when logging out to return to the ship selection screen.
  • When purchasing an extra support partner, the cursor will be placed on the "No" button by default.
  • In the Arks Road Rewards confirmation window, it will now display the number of reward items you'll receive.
  • Adrenaline and Rapid Shot's skill explanation has changed.
  • Some messages for the Space Gate has changed.
  • "Limited Time Client Order Administrator" will display over Xie's head.
  • Buffed Twin Dagger Gear's power rates.
  • Reduced the hitstop frames for Knuckles
  • Prevented the grass in forest and ruins from blocking some twin machine gun photon arts.
  • Aculpus will now have less HP. They will attack a shorter distance, and take more time setting up their flip attacks.
  • For Windiras, they increased the R-ATK damage to the head, and made them fly at lower altitudes.
  • Dagash and Dagacha will swim at lower altitudes.
  • Made it easier to aim at the weak point for Kaltagot and removed some unnecessary spots you can target.

My Room/Mini Room Compensation

  • Players who submitted a bug report will receive 22 Orange Arks Badges. You can use these badges at the Badge Exchange Counter to obtain several room themes.

PSO2 JP: Beach Wars Schedule + Weapon Grinding Campaign

Boost Event

A boost event will be applied across the following days:

Beach Wars Emergency Quest

  • August 8th ~ 18th @ 24:00 JST: +50% Rare Enemy appearance rates.

All dates and times apply from 00:00 ~ 24:00 Japanese Standard Time.


 Beach Wars Schedule

Beach Wars

The Beach Wars Emergency Quest will show up at the following dates and times:

Japanese Standard Time Schedule

  • August 7th @ 21:00 and 23:00 JST
  • August 8th ~ August 18th @ 1:00 and 14:00 and 20:00 and 23:00 JST
  • August 19th @ 1:00 JST

Eastern Daylight Time Schedule (w/ Conversion Links)

The Beach Wars Emergency Quest will show up everyday from August 8th through August 18th at 1:00 AM, 7:00 AM, 10:00 AM, and 12:00 Noon EDT.



+10 Weapon Grind Campaign

Grind Campaign

Win prizes by grinding a weapon to +10 during the campaign period.

Campaign Period

  • August 7th ~ August 20th, 2013 @ 23:59 JST

Campaign Qualifications

(1) Everyone who grinds a 1★~6★ weapon to +10 will receive:

  • +50% EXP (x2)
  • Grinder (x50)

(2) Everyone who grinds a 7★ ~10★ weapon to +10 will receive:

  • Grind Success +10% (x4)
  • Grind Risk Reduction (+2) (x2)

Please note, units and 11 ~ 12 ★ weapons do not qualify for this campaign.

Prize Distribution Date

  • Mid September at the Visiphone

Client Order Campaign

CO Campaign 18

Xie is ready to show off her summer outfit and wants you to clear her client order! Clear Xie and Girard's client orders during the campaign period to receive several prizes.

Campaign Period

  • August 7th ~ August 21st, 2013

Campaign Qualifications

(1) Clear アークス流サマーリゾート開発 Arks Summer Resort Development and receive:

  • +50% EXP (x2)
  • Grind Risk Reduction +1 (x2)

(2) Clear 海岸を闊歩する希少種 Rare Coastal Swagger by defeating Org Keratos to receive:

  • +50% Rare Drop Boost (x2)
  • Grinder (x50)

Prize Distribution Date

  • August 28th at the Visiphone