PSO2 JP: Maintenance 8/28/2013

This week's scheduled maintenance is currently underway and will end at roughly 4:00 AM EDT. There are no major updates for this week, but on September 4th we're getting a new stage and AC scratch rotation.

Maintenance Schedule:

  • 11:00 ~ 17:00 JST
  • 10:00 PM ~ 4:00 AM EDT

Maintenance Contents:

Items for the following campaigns have been distributed through the Visiphone.


Sympathy 2013 Concert: Live Memorial Album Track List

Sympathy Album

Phantasy Star Series 25th Anniversary
Concert Sympathy 2013 Live Memorial Album

The Sympathy 2013 Concert that was held earlier this year will be available in CD and DVD form on September 25th 2013.

Phantasy Star Series 25th Anniversary Concert Sympathy 2013 Live Memorial Album

  • On Sale: September 25th, 2013
  • Includes: 2 Disc CD+DVD+Item Codes
  • Price: 3990 Yen ($47.79 from Play-Asia)

Disc 1 Track List

  • 1) Prologue : Sympathy 2013
  • 2) Fanfare
  • 3) Phantasy Star Medley for Sympathy 2013
  • 4) Phantasy Star Online OPENING THEME ~The whole new world~
  • 5) Can still see the light ~Phantasy Star Online ENDING THEME~
  • 6) "IDOLA" have the immortal feather & the divine blade Medley
  • 7) World with me ~Phantasy Star Online EPISODE2 ENDING THEME~
  • 8) "LET THE WINDS BLOW" – Theme of Phantasy Star Online EpisodeIII-
  • 9) Underworld -equilibrium-
  • 10) Phantasy Star Zero
  • 11) たいせつなもの
  • 12) Save This World – Orchestra Version –

Disc 2 Track List

  • 1) Save This World – νMIX –
  • 2) Living Universe
  • 3) Go Infinity feat. Takenobu Mitsuyoshi
  • 4) Burning Hearts ~炎のANGEL~
  • 5) Ignite Infinity
  • 6) Title – PSO2 –
  • 7) Stage Medley – PSO2 –
  • 8) Dark Ragne
  • 9) Big Varder & Quartz Dragon Medley
  • 10) Falz Arm & Dark Falz Elder Medley
  • 11) For Brighter Day – Orchestra Version –

DVD Chapter List

  • Chapter 01 Prologue_Sympathy 2013
  • Chapter 02 Phantasy Star 1987-1993
  • Chapter 03 Phantasy Star 2000-2008
  • Chapter 04 Phantasy Star Online OPENING THEME
  • Chapter 05 IDOLA
  • Chapter 06 LET THE WINDS BLOW
  • Chapter 07 Phantasy Star Zero
  • Chapter 08 Phantasy Star 2006-2007
  • Chapter 09 Save This World – Orchestra Version –
  • Chapter 10 Phantasy Star 2008-2011
  • Chapter 11 Save This World -νMIX –
  • Chapter 12 Living Universe
  • Chapter 13 Ignite Infinity
  • Chapter 14 Phantasy Star 2012-2013
  • Chapter 15 Dark Ragne
  • Chapter 16 Falz Arm & Dark Falz Elder Medley
  • Chapter 17 For Brighter Day – Orchestra Version –

Bonus Footage

  • Yuji Naka (Morning Concert)
  • Yuji Naka (Evening Concert)

Well at least we know how to spell Big Varder now…

The Third Lillipa Field Arrives September 4th, 2013


Abandoned Mining Ground

Mining Grounds 1

On September 4th, the third Lilipa area will go live! This exciting new field features a sort of abandoned mining facility with machines buried and scattered in the Lilipan sands. With precious water in the middle of the desert, comes a colony built by the Lilipans filled with tents, monuments, and random junk.

This field has special teleporters that connect two distinct areas, so you can instantly travel and see the remains of the forgotten "Lillipan Technology."

 Blu Ringarda 2

ブリュー・リンガーダ (Blu Ringahda)

Blu Ringahda is a bird centaur that can unleash ferocious attacks with its two gigantic rings.

 Varder Soma

ヴァーダーソーマ (Varder Soma)

Big Varder returns in its flight form unleashing attacks through its missiles, cannons, and laser beams!



バルバリリーパ (Barbarillipan)

Barbarillipan is a lillipan who transformed into a huge hulking beast that uses junk from its backpack to attack its enemies. Occasionally, a recovery pod might find its way in there.



Moonlight Bunny Scratch

Project Cute Costume

Coming: September 4th!

New costumes will be available in time for the Moon-viewing festival! Players can dress up in the sexy yet alluring "Bunny Suit," or run around in the smiling "Otsukimi Lillipa Suit!" Partner Machinery costumes from Phantasy Star Universe will also be available for you and your support partner.


Bunny Suit

バニースーツ (Bunny Suit)*
[Note: The video calls the costume バニーガール Bunny Girl]


Otsukimi Lillipa Suit

お月見リリーパスーツ (Otsukimi Lillipa Suit)


GH 470 Ossoria

GH470オッソリア (GH 470 Ossoria)


GH 410 ossaria

GH410オッソリア (GH410 Ossoria)



Button Mashing Relief! (Updated 8/24)

Relaxed the button presses needed for firing off these photon arts:

  • Wired Lance: "Holding Current"
  • Twin Machine Gun: "Bullet Squall" "Messiah Time" " Infinity Fire"

Na Zonde was removed from this list, it was placed there in error.

Sega's Comment: 連打数緩和の対象についての記載に誤りがございました。お詫びして訂正させていただきます。(2013年8月23日 19:30追記)

ARKS Clone Adjustments

  • Adjusted the stats and HP for ARKS Clones below level 40.

Element Grinding Adjustments

Attribute Grinding will receive the following changes.

  • You can now use weapons of the same type and rarity for elemental grinding.
  • Using the same weapon will have increased elemental grinding values.
  • Using the same weapon and same element further increases the elemental grinding values.
  • Adjusted the number of synthesizers needed for elemental grinding.

Client Order Adjustments

Relaxed some of the client order unlocking conditions for:

  • Velocity Annihilation 1 and 2
  • Black Slaughter 2, 3, and 4.

Red Container Drop Adjustments

  • Adjusted the rarity and special abilities given to items found in red containers.

Coming Later in September

  • New Arks Scratch
  • New Story Quest
  • New Extreme Quest
  • Team Room Feature

Phantasy Star Online 2 es Closed Beta Test

The Phantasy Star Online 2 es Closed Beta Test will start August 29th at 16:00 JST. If you reach level 20 in the CBT, you'll receive a Sato Cap, a 500 FUN ticket, and +50% Triboost.


PSO2 x Soul Sacrifice Collaboration

Soul Sacrifice PSO2

アークス装甲衣 ARKS Armor

Here's the end results of the Soul Sacrifice collaboration. These two costumes will be distributed freely to Soul Sacrifice players at the PlayStation Store starting August 29th.