On September 4th, 2013, a PSO2 update was released to the public which had the unfortunate side effect of deleting files from the victim's hard drive. The development team promptly responded to the problem and can confirm as of yesterday, the PSO2 updater is working correctly and is no longer erroneously deleting files outside of PSO2.
Sega is deeply sorry for the trouble this has caused and after continued discussion have decided to give players the following response:
- To compensate for those affected by this issue, Sega would like to distribute either a voucher worth 5000 Yen, or 10,000 AC of in-game currency.
- They would also like to get in contact with the players individually who lost data on their hard drives.
Around 20,514 people applied the update on September 4th at 11:00 ~ 14:42 JST. It's likely you may have been hit with this bug if you updated the game around that time.
Players who encountered this problem will have the opportunity to fill out a form that will be released in a few days. The information submitted is compared with several data to confirm whether or not you qualify. They understand that their offer can never amount to the value of lost data, but do wish to provide individualized support along with distributing some form of compensation.
They want to do everything in their power to help those who lost data on their hard drives. This may include a service call to (local) experts who specialize in hard drive restoration services. But for now, they're only discussing the possibilities of what their course of action will be. More information about this will be posted in a follow-up report once it's finalized.
They also plan to announce some form of compensation for all PSO2 players which will be posted at the official site sometime in the future. They are sincerely sorry for the situation regarding the data loss, and hope to restore faith and trust in both the development team and staff.
(Edit: Basically, if you've encountered the bug, they want you to submit a form, otherwise, how would they even know if you didn't say anything? But if you need the extra support that requires hard drive restoration services, the option is there for you as well. This is where they'll need to get in touch with you personally.)
(If you were a victim of this bug, please consult AIDA's thread to learn how to restore the lost files.)
GameGuard Error Codes
There is currently a bug that causes Gameguard to issue the following error codes when PSO2 starts; 340, 350, 360, 361, and 380. If you received any of these error codes, you must delete the GameGuard folder located inside PSO2's installation directory.
First, head to the pso2_bin folder found in your PSO2 installation directory
- C:\Program Files (x86)\SEGA\PHANTASYSTARONLINE2\pso2_bin
Then, delete the the folder titled "GameGuard" and restart the game.
(Error Code 2000) Makeover Counter Sticker Bug
There's currently a bug that causes stickers to not show up in the Makeover Counter. Because of this bug, previously registered tickets may appear as if they were unactivated. Please try not to reactivate the same ticket again. Once they fix this issue, you'll be able to reselect the stickers at the Makeover Counter. The development team also plans to distribute tickets for stickers that were reused on accident.
In addition, players affected by this bug may see "Error Code: 20000" whilst leaving the Makeover Counter. This bug affects the following stickers:
Sticker List
- PS25周年ステッカー PS25th Anniv. Sticker
- 電撃警備保障ステッカー Team Dengeki Security Sticker
- ゴシックステッカーA Gothic Sticker A
- ゴシックステッカーB Gothic Sticker B
- ゴシックステッカーC Gothic Sticker C
- カテドラルステッカーA Cathedral Sticker A
- カテドラルステッカーB Cathedral Sticker B
- カテドラルステッカーC Catherdral Sticker C
- クーガーブランド Cougar Brand
- ヤクシャブランド Yakusha Brand
- メディカルステッカーA Medical Sticker A
- メディカルステッカーB Medical Sticker B
- アークスGP2013 ARKS GP 2013
- ホワイトフラワー White Flower
- ブラックフラワー Black Flower
- ホワイトパイレーツ White Pirates
- ブラックパイレーツ Black Pirates