PSO2 JP: Magical Dark Fantasy AC Scratch

Before we begin:

  • (EDIT) 10,000 AC was distributed to players who suffered from the Hard Drive Wiping bug. Sega's goal is to have everyone who filled out the form that qualifies to receive their compensation by the end of October. If you haven't already done so, you can fill out this form to apply for the compensation.
  • As with most PSO2 Live Broadcast secret phrases, the items aren't distributed until a maintenance or two after the campaign ends. No release date for the Live Broadcast prizes have been revealed at this time.


Magical Dark Fantasy B

Magical Dark Fantasy
(Ends November 27th)

Madoka Cost

まどかの服 Madoka Costume
(Hairstyle changes when equipped)


Homura Costumes 1

ほむらの服 Homura Costume
(Hairstyle changes when equipped)


Homura Ribbon

ほむらの服(リボン)Homura Costume (Ribbon)
(Hairstyle changes when equipped)


Quinty Lieses

クインティリーゼス Quinty Lieses
クインティリーゼス雪 Quinty Lieses White Snow
クインティリーゼス影 Black Shadow
クインティリーゼス海 Quinty Lieses Sea Blue
クインティリーゼス雅 Quinty Lieses Elegant Purple
クインティリーゼス空 Quinty Lieses Sky Blue


Bask Repca

バスク・レプカ Bask Repca
バスク・レプカ雅 Bask Repca Elegant Purple
バスク・レプカ空 Bask Repca Sky Blue
バスク・レプカ影 Bask Repca Black Shadow
バスク・レプカ海 Bask Repca Blue Sea
バスク・レプカ雪 Bask Repca White Snow
(Unisex All Race Costume)


Latan Rappy Suit

ラタン・ラッピースーツ Latan Rappy Suit


Trick Wanderer

トリックワンダラー Trick Wanderer
グレートリックワンダラー Grey Trick Wanderer
レッドトリックワンダラー Red Trick Wanderer


Wander Seeker

ワンダーシーカー Wonder Seeker
ホワイトワンダーシーカー White Wonder Seeker
レッドワンダーシーカー Red Wonder Seeker

Color Variations and Revivals

  • ブラックワンダートリート Black Wonder Treat
  • パープルワンダートリート Purple Wonder Treat
  • パープルホロウワンダラー Purple Hollow Wanderer
  • ブラックホロウワンダラー Black Hollow Wanderer
  • キャンディークラウン影 Candy Crown Shadow
  • ヘイズソーサレス影 Haze Sorceress Shadow
  • ヘイズソーサラー影 Haze Sorcerer Shadow
  • ファウマレディ・ボディCV Fauma Lady Body CV
  • ファウマレディ・アームCV Fauma Lady Arm CV
  • ファウマレディ・レッグCV Fauma Lady Leg CV



Mai Nakahara Female Voice 47

  • 女性追加ボイス47
  • 女性C追加ボイス47

Nobuo Tobita Male Voice 31

  • 男性追加ボイス31
  • 男性C追加ボイス31

Lobby Action

  • 追加ロビーアクション70(/la dance14)


FUN Scratch



  • ハイテクホッケーマスク Hi-Tech Hockey Mask
  • 魔女の付け鼻 Witch's Nose
  • フランケンのねじ Franken Screw
  • 背中のねじ Back Screw
  • ジャックランタン Jack O Lantern
  • Weird night (Music Disk)

Lobby Action

  • 追加ロビーアクション46 (/la yesorno) [○ or ×]


  • 追加ロビーアクション62 (/la hello) [yoo-hoo] 2000 FUN
  • SAプロジェクター Symbol Art Projector 3,000 FUN




PSO2 JP: Maintenance and Patch (10/23/2013)

Good news everyone! Maintenance has returned to its regularly scheduled time. Maintenance will occur between 10 PM ~ 4 AM EDT with the launch of a Halloween update.

October 23rd Maintenance

  • 10/23/2013 @ 11:00 ~ 17:00 JST
  • 10/22/2013 @ 10:00 PM ~ 4:00 AM EDT

October 23rd Update

Other Stuff

  • Don't forget, today is the last day to type in the secret phrase!
  • Sega has created a special team dedicated in discovering bugs for the development team. Once they discover a bug, the development team will fix the issue and check over it repeatedly until it resolves. By taking this approach, some future updates have been pushed back as a result. As is the case of the December update which now spans two months instead of one and the Item Customization System being moved to January. (Append) There's been a lot of confusion as to whether or not SEGA had a QA team prior to the formation of this bug checking team. Yes PSO2 does have its own QA team, but this bug checking team was formed as a means to provide a stronger testing environment before distributing updates to the public. The point of this whole thing was to inform you that they changed the way they carried out their internal testing.

Boost Event

General Quest Boost Event

  • 10/24: Ruins Exploration (+50% EXP)
  • 10/25: Coast Exploration (+50% EXP)
  • 10/27: Dragon Altar Exploration (+50% EXP)
  • 10/28: All Quests (+50% Rare Drop)
  • 10/29: Quarry Exploration (+50% EXP)

All dates and times apply 00:00 ~ 23:59 JST for the quests shown above.

Specific Quest Boost Event

  • 10/24 @ 21 ~ 22:30: Ruins Exploration (+50% EXP / +100% Rare Enemies)
  • 10/25 @ 21 ~ 22:30: Coast Exploration (+50% EXP / +100% Rare Enemies)
  • 10/27 @ 21 ~ 22:30: Dragon Altar Exploration (+50% EXP / +100% Rare Enemies)
  • 10/29 @ 21 ~ 22:30 Quarry Exploration (+50% EXP / +100% Rare Enemies)

With both boost events applied, you can experience a +100% EXP boost if you play these quests during the specific dates and times. Click the links to convert to your timezone.

 Emergency Quest Advance Notice

Trick or Treat 2

  • 10/23 @ 20:00 JST OR 10/23 @ 7:00 AM EDT
  • 10/24 @ 23:00 JST OR 10/24 @ 10:00 AM EDT

Dark Arms

  • 10/25 @ 23:00 JST OR 10/25 @ 10:00 AM EDT

Big Varder

  • 10/26 @ 23:00 JST OR 10/26 @ 10:00 AM EDT
  • 10/27 @ 20:00 JST OR 10/27 @  7:00 AM EDT


CO Campaign 28

Co Campaign 28

This time, Halloween Xie and Hans take over for the client order campaign.

Campaign Period

  • 10/23 ~ 10/30 Maintenance

Qualifying Client Orders

Clear Halloween Xie's Client Order こだわりの仮装のために!A Discerning Costume to receive

  • +50% EXP Boosts (x2)

Clear Hans Client Order 逆襲する龍族 to receive

  • Rare Drop + 50% (x2)
  • Grinder (x30)

Prize Distribution Date

  • November 6th's Maintenance


Interrupt Ranking Advance Notice

Interrupt Ranking ADV

Interrupt Ranking will apply to the specified bosses at the following dates and times. Click the links for the timezone conversion.

Example Format

  • Japanese Standard Time
  • Eastern Standard Time Conversion

Dragon Ex Attack Ranking

  • 10.23 @ 23:00 JST
  • 10.23 @ 10:00 AM EDT

Quartz Dragon Attack Ranking

Gwanahda Attack Ranking

Org Blan Attack Ranking

Bal Rodos Attack Ranking

Snow Banther Attack Ranking

Goronzoran Attack Ranking

A +400% Rare Drop Boost will apply to the boss targeted for the Interrupt Ranking. This bonus applies while the Interrupt Ranking is in effect.

October 23rd Update

Halloween Event 2

Limited Time Halloween Event!
(Oct 23rd ~ Nov 27th)


Bingo Card 2

PSO2 celebrates its 2nd Halloween event with the return of Xie and a new Halloween Bingo Card! This bingo card primarily features objectives for the Quarry field. With the addition of Super Hard quests for all fields, you should be able to clear this card in no time!

Trick or Treat 2 Quest

Trick or Treat 2!

A new emergency quest will be released with some interesting changes from last year. For one, the quest now takes place at night and is filled with Halloween decorations! Head to the deepest area to assist the Naura cake sisters and purchase their Halloween themed cake.



Magical Dark Fantasy AC Scratch

With costumes from Madoka, Homura, Bask and Kuno, what more could you ask for?



PSO2 JP: Maintenance and Campaigns (10/16/2013)

GameGuard Bug (10/16 Update) (NEW)

  • Sega has received reports of a Gameguard bug that causes PCs to slow down and prevent players from logging into the game. In order to solve this problem, they would like those affected to send erl files located within the GameGuard folder in PSO2's installation directory. 
  • If you encountered this problem after you've updated to the latest version of Gameguard, please send all .erl files and your Dxdiag log file to [[email protected]] . In addition, please include the name and version numbers of your anti-virus software, the date and time the symptoms occurred, and a description of the issues you've encountered. Please attach all applicable files in a zip file up to 5 MBs in size. If it exceeds this number, you may split the zip file into smaller sizes.

10/16 Maintenance

  • To make various adjustments to the servers.
  • Gameguard Update (Windows 8.1 Compatibility)
  • Distributed 10,000 AC compensation to those who suffered from the hard drive wiping bug. Those that did not receive it today should wait for the next round of compensation as they collect and gather more data.

Fixed Bugs

  • An issue wherein Revelle's client orders "Black Slaughter V" and "Black Slaughter VI" were not showing up.

Boost Event

+100% EXP Boost Event

The boost event applies 20:30 ~ 22:30 on the specific dates for the free quests shown above.


Client Order Campaign 27

CO CAmpagin 27

Clear Revelle's client orders this week to receive several prizes!

Campaign Period

  • 10/16 ~ 10/23/2013

Qualifying Client Orders

(1) Clear Revelle's client order マイルドマイルド・マーダー・I Mild Mild Murder I to receive:

  • +50% EXP (x2)
  • Grinder (x20)

(2) Clear Revelle's client order エクスタミネート・ジャーニー・I Exterminate Journey I to receive:

  • +50% Rare Drop Boost (x2)
  • Grind Risk Reduction (+1) (x2)

Prize Distribution Date

  • October 30 at the Visiphone


Emergency Quest Advance Notice

EQ Advance BB

Border Break EQ Schedule (Japanese Standard Time)

10.16 20:00
10.17 14:00 23:00
10.18 10:00 20:00
10.19 14:00 23:00
10.20 10:00 20:00
10.21 14:00 23:00
10.22 10:00 20:00


Border Break EQ Schedule (Eastern Daylight  Time)

10.16 7:00AM
10.17 1:00AM   10:00AM 9:00PM
10.18 7:00AM
10.19 1:00AM 10:00AM 9:00PM
10.20 7:00AM
10.21 1:00AM 10:00AM 9:00PM
10.22 7:00AM


 Dark arms Emergency Quest (Japanese Standard Time)

10.16 23:00
10.17 10:00 20:00
10.18 14:00 23:00
10.19 10:00 20:00
10.20 14:00 23:00
10.21 10:00 20:00
10.22 14:00 23:00


Dark Arms Emergency Quest (Eastern Daylight Time)

10.16 10:00AM 9:00PM
10.17 7:00AM
10.18 1:00AM 10:00AM 9:00PM
10.19 7:00AM
10.20 1:00AM 10:00AM 9:00PM
10.21 7:00AM
10.22 1:00AM 10:00AM

 AC / FUN Scratch Update

The following scratch rotation will come to an end on October 30th.

  • Autumn Sports Festival
  • Autumn Sports Festival G

The following items will be removed from FUN Scratch on October 30th

  • カジュアルたれツイン Casual Hanging Twins
  • ほくろセット Mole Set
  • ふとまゆ Thick Eyebrows
  • スポーツキャップA Sports Cap A
  • スポーツキャップB Sports Cap B
  • スポーツキャップC Sports Cap C
  • 赤ハチマキカチューシャ Red Headband Katyusha
  • 白ハチマキカチューシャ White Headband Katyusha
  • 黒ハチマキカチューシャ Black Headband Katyusha
  • 青ハチマキカチューシャ Blue Headband Katyusha
  • ライブラヘアピン Libra Hairpin
  • ライブラステッカーセット Libra Sticker Set
  • 追加ロビーアクション64 Extra Lobby Action 64
  • ストレートベンチ Straight Bench
  • コーナーベンチ Corner Bench
  • バーベル Barbells
  • ダンベル Dumbbells
  • ウェイトチェッカー Weight Checker
  • ヨーガマット Yoga Mat
  • スポーティロッカー Sporty Locker
  • サンドバッグ Sand Bag
  • モダン・ウォッチ Modern Watch
  • パートナーチェア Partner Chair
  • オリエントローテーブルC Orient Low Table C
  • フトンC Futon C
  • オリエントマットC Orient Mat C
  • タン・スC Tan Su C
  • デコボコ体操第二  Dekob