PSO2 JP: Christmas Bingo (2013)

Christmas Bingo

Christmas Bingo
(Dec 11th ~ Jan 15th)

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PSO2 JP: Very Merry Christmas Scratch

Very Merry Christmas Scratch1

Very Merry Christmas Scratch
Until January 22nd, 2014

Click here to see revivals and color variations not listed below.

Arks Coat F big

アークスコートF ARKS Coat F
アークスコートF影 ARKS Coat F Black Shadow
アークスコートF海 ARKS Coat F Sea Blue
アークスコートF雪 ARKS Coat F White Snow


Sexy Santa Dress big

セクシーサンタドレス Sexy Santa Dress
セクシーサンタドレス葉 Sexy Santa Dress Leaf Green
セクシーサンタドレス海 Sexy Santa Dress Sea Blue
セクシーサンタドレス影 Sexy Santa Dress Black Shadow


ARKS Coat Mbig

アークスコートM ARKS Coat M
アークスコートM影 ARKS Coat M Black Shadow
アークスコートM海 ARKS Coat M Sea Blue
アークスコートM栗 ARKS Coat M Brown Chestnut



トナカイ着ぐるみ Reindeer Costume


St. Rappy Suit

セント・ラッピースーツ St. Rappy Suit


Vanis Traitor

ヴァニストレイター Vanis Traitor
ヴァニストレイター影 Vanis Traitor Black Shadow
ヴァニストレイター影 Vanis Traitor Sun


Lupris Neige

ルピリスネージュ Lupris Neige
ルピリスネージュ栗 Lupris Neige Chestnut
ルピリスネージュ影 Lupris Neige Black Shadow


Lobby Action

  • 追加ロビーアクション80 (/la dance 17)

Female Voice 41 Hisako Kanemoto

  • 女性追加ボイス41
  • 女性C追加ボイス41 (Cast Ver.)

Male Voice 32 Tetsuya Kakihara

  • 男性追加ボイス32
  • 男性C追加ボイス32 (Cast Ver.)


FUN Scratch


  • 通常ボス戦 (Normal Boss Music) [Changeable]

Lobby Action

  • 追加ロビーアクション79 (/la present)


  • ホワイトフェザーピアス White Feather Earrings
  • ピンクフェザーピアス Pink Feather Earrings
  • ブルーフェザーピアス Blue Feather Earrings
  • ロングマフラー Long Scarf
  • チェックロングマフラー Checkered Long Scarf
  • Christmas
  • Dreams Dreams
  • Silent Night, Holly Night

PSO2 JP: 2013 Christmas Update Part 1 (12/11/2013)

Christmas Lobby

  • Now until December 31st at 23:59 JST

Christmas Event (~until Jan. 15th 2014)

  • Merry Christmas on Ice 2 氷上のメリークリスマス2
  • Christmas Xie
  • Christmas Bingo

New Interrupt Event, Client Orders, and Items


Holly Tree

ホーリーツリー Holly Tree (Sword)


Gift Sack

ギフトサック Gift Sack (Talis)


Latent Abilities

  • Added new Latent Abilities
  • Added Latent Abilities to some weapons.

Character Deletion Process

  • When requesting to delete a character, it will now take 24 hours to complete the process.
  • You can cancel the deletion process within those times.
  • You can not recreate that character during the deletion process.

AC Shop Update

  • オーダー受注上限拡張30日 (Client Order Cap Expansion 30 Day)
  • オーダー受注上限拡張90日 (Client Order Cap Expansion 90 Day)

Activating these items will allow you to hold 20 additional client orders for a limited time. Premium Set users will be able to hold a total of 60 Client Orders.

My Room Shop Update

Other Changes

  • Direct Chat will be turned off temporarily when the Item Trading Password Menu is open. (PC.ver.)
  • PSO2's Third Opening Movie Added
  • When giving an item to a mag that reached the level cap. only the energy level will increase, the stat gauges will no longer change.
  • Increased the amount of daily orders from 5 to 8
  • Adjusted the window's position for the "Free Field Selection" menu.
  • Photon Blast, PA, and Technic AutoWords are now available separately.
  • Added an "Invited to Party" Auto Word. This autoword is also triggered when someone invites your friend partner to the party.
  • Made it easier to know which Bingo goal you achieved in the message that displays for the Arks Bingo Card.
  • The names that display in Team Chat and Whisper chat can be changed in options to display their character names or player IDs.
  • Some weather effects in Dragon Altar have been changed to make it easier to see.
  • Prevented some items purchased directly with AC from being sold to the NPC.
  • Added "Several Category Types" to the Weapon Camo subcategory in My Shop Search.
  • Oza, Risa, and Marlur (Fighter, Gunner, Techer) Class Recommendation client orders are now available at class level 25.
  • Persona will drop items more often.
  • Adjusted the aircraft's behavior and made the battle easier for the "Destroy the Infected Aircraft" Emergency Trial.
  • For support partner emergency trials, a support partner's friendship rating will increase even further when you defeat the boss that appears for the changeover code.
  • Buffed the effects for "Meteor Victory," "Aurora Victory," "Instigator," and "Determination" potentials.
  • In PSE Bursts, enemies spawn closer, and their spawning times have been improved.
  • You'll earn team points when forming a party and clearing a quest with team members.

Character Name Player Id

Name Display Settings for Team and Whisper Chat

  • Top: Player ID Name
  • Bottom: Character Name

Advance Capsules

  • 10 a, b, and c capsules can be picked up at the VisiPhone to accompany the Advance Quest Boost Event this Friday (or Thursday EST)