PSO2's ARKS Unity Festival 2014! [Details]

ARKS United

The ARKS Unity Festival is a web event to commemorate the 1 year anniversary of PSO2 Vita! This post will mainly focus on the activities during the event. The Panel Rewards post focuses on the rewards schedule and panel unlocking

ARKS Unity Festival begins January 22nd and lasts until March 5th, 2014.

New Bingo Card

ARKS Bingo Card

In conjunction with the ARKS Unity Festival 2014 event comes a new bingo card. Win prizes by covering each square of the card by defeating enemies and completing client orders.


Interlocking Web Panel Event

During the festivities, everyone's BINGO scores are tallied collectively and used to unlock panels on the ARKS Unity Festival website. Work together to win prizes like the weapon camos designed by the winners of last year's ARKS Grand Prix. The prizes unlocked will be distributed after March 12th for a limited time.


ARKS Unity Festival Fun Shop and Client Orders


Xie is back, and not only is she handing out client orders, but is also the proprietress of the ARKS Unity Festival FUN Shop. This shop is available for a limited time and will include some accessories from the Item Design contest.


Toro and Kuro Client Orders (Vita Only)

Chrome Dragon Helm

Toro and Kuro have been updated with new client orders. If you complete them, you can receive prizes like the Chrome Dragon or the Kyouto Sensei helms. Please note that some of the new client orders will only be available for a limited time.

New Limited Quest

Sea Demons

The ARKS Unity Festival will introduce a new limited quest set mainly on the beach! The Atrocious Ocean quest pits you against an array of Bird and Aquatic Darkers, Oceanids, Mechs, and Naberius natives. In addition, there's a high chance for Chrome Dragon or Haze Draal to appear.


Toro Kuro Trials

NPCs like Toro and Kuro or Quna can also appear within Emergency Trials.


Arks Ship Fire Swirl Returns

ARKS Ship Fire Swirl

Get those crafted Rescue Guns to experience the Super Hard version of Arks Ship Fire Swirl. This emergency quest is available for a limited time.


Winners Design Reception AC Scratch

Gilnatch lamp

The winners of the Item Design Contest will have their designs featured in this upcoming scratch! In addition, you can dress up in Oni inspired outfits.


Sexy Ogre

セクシーオウガ Sexy Ogre


Wild Ogre

ワイルドオウガ Wild Ogre



*イクリプス Eclipse
Sword Camo


E Calceolaria

E カルセオラリア Engage Calceolaria
(All Race Female Costume)


Cutey Flower

キューティーフラワー Cutie Flower


Magika Fleurir

*マギカ・フルーリア Magika Fluerir



カルラアスセティック Calrassetic



*エレクティフィニス Electifinis
Twin Machine Gun Camo


With that all squared away, we'll continue our work on the crafting guide.

PSO2JP: 1/15 Emergency Maintenance (Schedule Change)

Sega has decided to perform an Emergency Maintenance after discovering a critical bug.

1/15 Emergency Maintenance Over

  • Jan 15th @ 22:00 ~ Jan 16th @ 05:00 JST.
  • Scheduled for reopening at 3:00PM EST.

Emergency Maintenance Details

  • Sega has confirmed a bug that allowed players to increase the amount of items they had in possession. Due to this bug, they decided to undergo an Emergency Maintenance until the problem was resolved.
  • The Emergency Quest affected by this maintenance has been rescheduled to January 19th @ 18:00 JST.
  • The Rare Drop Boost Event for the Floating Continent Exploration quest has been extended to January 17th @ 23:59 JST!

Emergency Maintenance Compensation

Those with active premium sets when maintenance started will receive

  • プレミアムセット1日 (1 Day Premium Set)

All users will receive:

  • +100% Tribooster (x1)
  • 500 FUN Ticket (x1)
  • 250% Rare Drop Booster (x1)

These items will be distributed at a later time.

PSO2 Crafting System Mini Guide

The Equipment Extension and Tech Customization
sections have been moved to a new page linked below.

[Crafting Basics] [Equipment Extension] [Tech Customization]
[Timed Ability] [PA Customization] [Crafting Client Orders] [Crafting Shop]

This guide is just to get you up to speed on the crafting system and is not completely exhaustive.

The point of the Crafting System is to make your low rarity items almost as strong as a top of the line item. Crafting ★10 and higher items will drop their stats, however you can increase their strength by extending them further.
Be careful as top of the line ★10 and higher items may end up weaker than expected.


Important Information

January 17th, 2014 – Sakai updated his blog today to explain some of the "hidden" mechanics behind the crafting system. In summary, there is a damage variance in PSO2 along the minimum and maximum values. The maximum damage values are shown in the Item Details window as S-ATK/R-ATK/T-ATK. In general, ★7 and higher weapons have a damage variance that falls between 90% (Minimum) ~ 100% (Maximum) damage. 

When you craft an item, its base stats are standardized. the damage values are overwritten, and special parameters are lost. Thus, ★7 and higher crafted items will end up having a wider damage variance than before. Sakai received lots of questions as to whether or not this was a bug. (In fact, the PSO2 wiki dedicated an entire section for it, but wanted an official statement before determining it as such.) However, Sakai revealed that this is working as intended. And in order to compensate for this loss, you will need to increase the DEX values on your weapons, mag, and skill trees. Another suggestion is to level up skills that affect the "Critical" rates and values. This will help to improve the average damage for crafted items.


Accessing the Crafting Menu

Crafting Menu Navigation

(Click images for larger size)

From left to right.

At The My Room Terminal [First Window]

  • Select クラフト (4th)

Craft Menu [Second Window]

  • 自分でクラフトする ║ My Crafts
  • 依頼からクラフトする ║ Crafting Requests
  • 看板設定 ║ Signboard Settings (Advertise Crafting Service)

My Crafts [Third Window]

  • 武装エクステンド ║ Equipment Extension
  • テクニックカスタマイズ ║ Technic Customize
  • アイテム分解 ║ Item Decomposition


Crafting Lines

Craft Lines

You get 9 crafting slots to choose from:

  • Slot 1 is available first.
  • Slot 2 is unlocked at crafting level 5.
  • Slot 3 is unlocked at crafting level 15.
  • Slot 4 ~ 6 require Premium Set.
  • Slot 7 ~ 9 can be purchased with 300 AC each.
  • A cooldown timer will appear after crafting an item from a particular slot. This deactivates that slot until the time expires. If you wish to speed up this process you need an item called Liliparium.
  • Once crafted, the item gets bound to its owner.



Lilipariums are crafting items used to reduce the cooldown time of a crafting line. They can be obtained through [Mining Base Defense] Emergency Quests, Daily Craft rewards, Title rewards, and the AC Store.

Icon Name Effect
Liliparium リリパリウム(極小)
Liliparium (Min)
Reduces a crafting line's
cooldown time by 15 minutes.
Liliparium リリパリウム(小)
Liliparium (Small)
Reduces a crafting line's
cooldown time by 30 minutes.
Liliparium Max リリパリウム(極大)
Liliparium (Max)
Reduces a crafting line's
cooldown time by 12 hours.
Liliparium Max リリパリウムオール(極大)
Liliparium All (Max)
Reduces the cooldown
time on all slots by 12 hours.
Liliparium Full リ リパリウムフルチャージ
Liliparium Full Charge
Reduces the cooldown
time on all slots completely.

Item Desynthesis

Item Desynthesis

As you may have noticed, you won't be able to craft an item unless you have the proper materials on hand. Access the Item Desynthesis Menu to disassemble items and acquire the materials used for crafting.

※Please note that the item is destroyed in the process and converted into materials.


Item Desynthesis has two outcomes. you can either "Succeed (成功) or "Greatly Succeed (大成功)." If you achieve the latter, you can acquire rare materials like Rubiard needed for some of the higher level crafting recipes.


Icon Material Acquisition Method
PA Fragments
PA Fragment S-ATK PAフラグメント(打撃)
PA Fragment (S-ATK)
LV11+ Striking PA Disks
PA Fragment R-ATK PAフラグメント(射撃)
PA Fragment (R-ATK)
LV11+ Ranged PA Disks
PA Fragment T-ATK PAフラグメント(法撃)
PA Fragment (T-ATK)
LV11+ Tech Disks
Weapon Extension
Nia Material アイロニア
★7~9 Striking Weapons (Any Success)
Recycle/Crafting Shop
Nia Material スティニア
★10 Striking Weapons (Any Success)
Recycle/Crafting Shop
Nia Material シルバニア
★11~12 Striking Weapons (Any Success)
Recycle/Crafting Shop
Nia Material ゴードニア
Recycle/Crafting Shop
Dest Material アイロデスト
★7~9 Ranged Weapons (Any Success)
Recycle/Crafting Shop
Dest Material スティデスト
★10 Ranged Weapons (Any Success)
Recycle/Crafting Shop
Dest Material シルバデスト
★11~12 Ranged Weapons (Any Success)
Recycle/Crafting Shop
Dest Material ゴードデスト
Recycle/Crafting Shop
Grimo Material アイログリモ
★7~9 Tech Weapons (Any Success)
Recycle/Crafting Shop
Grimo Material スティグリモ
★10 Tech Weapons (Any Success)
Recycle/Crafting Shop
Grimo Material シルバグリモ
★11~12 Tech Weapons (Any Success)
Recycle/Crafting Shop
Grimo Material ゴードグリモ
Recycle/Crafting Shop
Rubiard ルビアード
★7~10 Weapons (Great Success)
★11 Weapons (Success)
Mining Base Defense Drop
Saphard サファード
★11 Weapons (Great Success)
★12 Weapons (Any Success)
Mining Base Defense Drop
Recycle/Crafting Shop
Unit Extension
Rears Material アイロリアス
★7~9 Rear Units (Any Success)
Recycle/Crafting Shop
Rears Material スティリアス
★10 Rear Units (Any Success)
Recycle/Crafting Shop
Rears Material シルバリアス
★11~12 Rear Units (Any Success)
Recycle/Crafting Shop
Rears Material ゴードリアス
Recycle/Crafting Shop
Arms Material アイロアムス
★7~9 Arm Units (Any Success)
Recycle/Crafting Shop
Arms Material スティアムス
★10 Arm Units (Any Success)
Recycle/Crafting Shop
Arms Material シルバアムス
★11~12 Arm Units (Any Success)
Recycle/Crafting Shop
Arms Material ゴードアムス
Recycle/Crafting Shop
Legs Material アイロレグス
★7~9 Leg Units (Any Success)
Recycle/Crafting Shop
Legs Material スティレグス
★10 Leg Units (Any Success)
Recycle/Crafting Shop
Legs Material シルバレグス
★11~12 Leg Units (Any Success)
Recycle/Crafting Shop
Legs Material ゴードレグス
Recycle/Crafting Shop
Neojit ネオジット
★7~10 Units (Great Success)
★11 Units (Success)
Mining Base Defense Drop
Promechit プロメチット
★11 Units (Great Success)
Mining Base Defense Drop
Recycle/Crafting Shop

The amount of materials you acquire is based on how powerful the item was. You can earn even more materials by Greatly Succeeding (大成功) item desynthesis.

Craft Levels and Achievements

Craft Achievements

To access this menu at the Visiphone:

  • Select クラフト (2nd Option)
  • Select クラフト実績 (4th Option)

To access this menu at the Room Terminal:

  • Select クラフト (4th Option)
  • Select クラフト実績 (5th Option)

You need to unlock several achievements in order to raise your crafting levels. Each achievement is shown as a square on a board. After clearing their specific conditions, an ARKS symbol is shown, and you progress towards the square next in line. You can acquire new recipes by crafting an item several times, which will unlock more achievements to further raise your craft levels.

Equipment Extension and Technic Customizations are leveled separately. Once you reach level 5, you acquire the second crafting slot.

Craft License and Bonuses

Craft License

Increasing your craft levels unlocks several bonuses. These bonuses can be confirmed at the visiphone.

To Access this menu from the Visiphone:

  • Select クラフト (2nd Option)
  • Select クラフトライセンス確認 (6th Option)

To access this menu at the Room Terminal:

  • Select クラフト (4th Option)
  • Select クラフトライセンス確認 (7th Option)

Equipment Extend Bonus List

  • クールタイム減少 ║ Cooldown Time Decrease (%)
  • 装備クラス追加率アップ ║ Additional Class Chance (%)
  • 武器必要値緩和率アップ ║ Required Offensive Stat Relief Chance (%)
  • 防具必要値緩和率アップ ║ Required Defensive Stat Relief Chance (%)

Equipment Extend Bonus Unlocking

From Lv2+: 装備クラス追加率アップ (%) ║ Additional Class Chance
From Lv2+: 防具必要値緩和率アップ (%) ║ Required Defense Stat Relief Chance
From Lv3+: 武器必要値緩和率アップ (%) ║ Required Offense Stat Relief Chance
From LV5+: クールタイム減少 (%) ║ Cooldown Time Decreases by %
At LV5: Craft Line #2 Unlocked
At LV15: Craft Line #3 Unlocked
At LV30: Cooldown Times (12.0%↓) / Additional Class Chance (3.0%↑)
At LV30: Offense Stat Relief Chance (2.8%↑)
At LV30: Defense Stat Relief Chance (3.0%↑)

Technic Customization Bonuses

From LV2+ 炎属性メリット上昇 ║ Fire Merits Increase by (%)
From LV2+ 光属性デメリット軽減 ║ Light Demerits Decrease by (%)
From Lv3+ 氷属性メリット上昇 ║ Ice Merits Increase by (%)
From LV3+ 風属性デメリット軽減 ║ Wind Demerits Decrease by (%)
From LV4+ 雷属性メリット上昇 ║ Lightning Merits Increase by (%)
From LV4+ 闇属性デメリット軽減 ║ Dark Demerits Decrease by (%)
From LV5+ クールタイム減少 ║ Cooldown Times Decrease by (%)
At LV5 Craft Line #2 Unlocked
From LV6+ 風属性メリット上昇 ║ Wind Merits Increase by (%)
From LV6+ 氷属性デメリット軽減 ║ Ice Demerits Decrease by (%)
From LV7+ 光属性メリット上昇 ║ Light Merits Increase by (%)
From LV7+ 炎属性デメリット軽減 ║ Fire Demerits Decrease by (%)
From LV8+ 闇属性メリット上昇 ║ Dark Merits Increase by (%)
From LV8+ 雷属性デメリット軽減 ║ Lightning Demerits Decrease by (%)
At LV15: Craft Line #3 Unlocked
At LV30: All Merits (4.0%↑) / All Demerits (4.0%↓) / Cooldown Times (12.0%↓)


Craft System Room Items

Craft Room Items List

There are several room items that help to make the crafting process quicker and user friendly. You can acquire all of these items at the FUN Shop. Builder and Maker items can be traded in for more effective versions at the Recycle/Crafting Shop (up to level 4). If you have a mini-room, fear not, as these items are completely optional.

Craft Console

The Craft Console is a large monitor that attaches to the wall. It has entirely the same functions as the Crafting Menu in the My Room Terminal.

Craft Board

Allows you to check the contents of crafting requests left by other players. An icon will pop up once a new request arrives.

Craft Ex Builder

This room item slightly decreases the cooldown times for [Equipment Extensions]. The value of its effects vary based on which Ex Builder was placed in the room.

Craft Ex Maker

This room item increases the chance of receiving a Great Success when performing [Equipment Extensions] by 1%. The value of its effects vary based on which Ex Maker was placed in the room.

Craft Tech Builder

This room item slightly decreases the cooldown times for [Technic Customizations]. The value of its effects vary based on which Tech Builder was placed in the room.

Craft Tech Maker

This room item increases the chance of receiving a Great Success when performing [Technic Customizations] by 1%. The value of its effects vary based on which Tech Maker was placed in the room.


Craft Commissions

Craft Comissions and Adverts

From the My Room terminal you can set up the signboard and register up to three recipes for other players to commission from you.  In addition, you can set a symbol art and type a message advertising your crafting services. Once these are set, players can search for your crafting services from the Visiphone.

 To access this menu from the My Room Terminal:

  • Select クラフト (4th Option)
  • Select 看板設定 (3rd Option)

>受注できるクラフトレシピ登録 (Register Craft Recipes)

    • [Slot 1] (Select a Weapon or Technic Recipe)
    • [Slot 2] (Select a Weapon or Technic Recipe)
    • [Slot 3] (Select a Weapon or Technic Recipe)

>広告編集 [Edit Advertisement]

Privacy Settings

だれでも可能 (Everyone)
フレンドのみ可能 (Friend Only)
チームメンバーのみ可能 (Team Only)
フレンドとチームメンバーのみ可能 (Friend/Team)
非公開 (Private)

 Press the left blue button to confirm.

Craft List

When you receive a request from another player, an icon will pop up on the crafting console, the crafting board, and the my room terminal. An in-game message will also appear.

Click on the request, and a small menu will appear.

  • 依頼を受ける Accept Request.
  • 依頼を断る Decline Request
  • アークスカードをみる View Arks Card
  • ブラックリストに登載 Blacklist
  • フレンド登載を申し込む Friend Request.

Select a Craft Line and accept the request.

When Receiving Commissions:

  • You will not have to spend any materials or meseta.
  • Progress is made towards unlocking achievements by crafting their items several times.
  • You will earn some meseta.
  • You can accept up 9 requests at a time, any request over this number is automatically declined.

Please be sure that the "Room Lock" and "Advertisement Privacy Settings" are the same or this may prevent other players from entering the room.


At the Visiphone you can search for other players to craft items for you. This is useful for players who want an item crafted using a recipe they don't have.

At the Visiphone:

  • Select クラフト (4th Option)
  • Select クラフター検索 (1st Option)

>Crafter Search

武装エクステンドで探す Weapon Extension Search
テクニックカスタマイズで探す Technic Customization Search

>Search Selection

所持品から検索 Search by Inventory
クラフトレシピから検索 Search by Craft Recipe

After selecting a recipe and player name, click the left button on the message popup to enter their room.

Crafter Commisions

At their My Room Terminal:

  • Select クラフト (2nd Option)
  • Choose the name of the crafter and their recipe, then craft the item.

When Sending Requests:

  • You can request crafting services for recipes you don't have.
  • You fund the materials and meseta on your own, including the 5% fee.
  • It may take some time for the Crafter to extend your item.