PSO2 Live Broadcast #17 Recap

This is a live blog of the PSO2 Livestream currently in progress. Details and information will be added to this post during and after the program. As such, we ask that you wait a few hours after the livestream for us to finalize our notes.

The information below is incomplete!
Please wait until this tag is removed!


Large Pyroxene

Large Pyroxene Shop (Live Broadcast)

Large Pyroxene

  • According to what's listed in the Live Broadcast server, an "Amber Seeker" requires 1 Messer Agate and 3 Large Agni Fire Pyroxene.
  • Same for Kurahadachi; requiring 1 Ikutachi and 3 Large Vayu Wind Pyroxenes
  • Trade in 100 Wind Pyroxenes to receive One Large Wind Pyroxene.




new patech

New PA/Technics Part 2!

  • New Technics: Il Grants / Il Barta
  • New PA: ケイオスライザー Chaos Riser
  • New PA: サクリファイスバイト Sacrifice Bite
  • New PA: サテライトカノン Satellite Cannon


Maximum Attack on Titan

Maximum Attack on Titan AC Scratch

  • Attack on Titan Costumes [not pictured]
  • Torajima (Striped Tiger) Lillipan Suit
  • Pisces Weapon Camo


SH Adv Q part 2

Super Hard Advance Quest Part 2

  • Tundra / Mines / F.Continent SHAQs
  • Even more 11 star drops
  • New 'Large Pyroxene' trade weapons.



Mining Base Defense Raid

Mining Base Defense: Incursion

  • 5 Bases to defend!
  • New Enemy: Vidluda
  • Several Jump Pads Available

Incursion 2

Mining Base Defense: Incursion

  • Enemies like Crabahda and Zeshrayda will appear!
  • New 11 star weapons!



Attack on Titan Collab

Attack on Titan Collaboration!

Attack on Titan Collab

  • Corps Uniforms, with and without the 3D Maneuvering Gear.
  • 'Ultra-hard Blades' Weapon Camo [Twin Dagger/Wired Lance]
  • Stickers for each organization.
  • Mikasa hairstyle and scarf.


 Attack on Titan Lobby

Attack on Titan Collaboration!

 Attack on Titan Collab

  • Titan Lobby (March 26th ~ April 9th)
  • Attack on Titan Scenery Pass and Poster



Secret Phrase 2

Secret Phrase

Secret Phrase

  • Say ばくてんたろう in chat sometime between now through March 12th's maintenance to receive lobby actions from the co-hosts of the PSO2 Live Broadcast!
  • These lobby actions will be distributed at a later time!


PSO2 Episode 2: Chapter 5
~ The Day of Oracle's Demise ~
Coming Soon in April



Seven Spot

Seven Spot Campaign!

Seven Spot Campaign

  • This campaign, (dubbed a real-life emergency quest), will allow you to obtain item codes for 7/11 themed goodies. The only item of interest on this list is the ミラセリア711 (Miraseria 711) costume. You can obtain this costume by collecting 7 stamps through the 7-Spot Wifi Service. Of course, this campaign is only available to those physically in Japan.



Phantasy Star Festival 2014 (Arks Grand Prix) Announced
Begins June 15th, 2014


PSO2 JP: Extended Maintenance (2/26/2014)


ARKS General Election Winners!

IoIo has won the female division of the ARKS General Election!

Kroto Klotho has won the male division of the ARKS General Election!

Items based around a theme of the winning characters will be revealed at a later date!


Maintenance Information

PSO2 Livestream #17

  • March Update
  • Collab Information.
  • The Unveiling of "Mining Base Defense Round 2!"
  • PSO2 Trivia Corner
  • Lobby Action Presents
  • Airs: March 4th @ 21:00 JST on Nico Nico

Feb 26th Maintenance Complete

  • Feb 26th @ 9:00 ~ 20:00 JST
  • Feb 25th @ 7:00 PM ~ 6:00 AM  EST

Maintenance Contents

  • Yet another server equipment maintenance.

The Big Push

  • We have one last panel to unlock. If we achieve 5,400,000 Bingo points before March 5th, we'll unlock all the Unity Festival rewards!

Stone Exchange Materials

There seems to be some confusion regarding the differences between stone types for Advance Quests and Extreme Quests. So we'll take the opportunity to clarify each of these stones for the upcoming March 5th update.

輝石 = Pyroxenes

  • These stones drop in [Advance Quests]
  • You can 'Refine' them along with a certain weapon to create an "upgraded" version of that weapon.
  • i.e Ikutachi + 90 Wind Vayu Pyroxenes = Kagudachi

大輝石 = Large Pyroxenes / Big Pyroxenes

  • These stones drop in [Super Hard Advance Quests]
  • You can use them as exchange materials for a weapon that looks like a blue (Ishurai/Surukurai) or a yellow (Messer Agate/Lava Seeker) among other things.
  • The Dengeki scan says you can convert specific Pyroxenes into Large Pyroxenes. (Speculating here, but presumably, wind pyroxenes into large wind pyroxenes.)

魔石 = Spellstones

  • These are commonly referred to as the "Extreme Quest Stones"
  • You can use these stones to acquire 11★ weapons
  • The upcoming "BIO" weapon series will require spellstones.

Campaigns and Boost event information will be added to this post during and after maintenance.


Boost Event and Advance Notices

Quna Boost Event

Quna's live concerts will either trigger Mining Base Defense or Raging Dark Arms.

Emergency Quest Advance Notice [Japanese Standard Time]

  • Black = Raging Dark Arms
  • Brown = Where's the Chocolate 2
  • Blue = Chaotic Tranquility
  • Red = Mining Base Defense
  • Green = ARKS Ship Fire Swirl
2.26       21:00 23:30
2.27   13:00 15:30   23:30
2.28  1:00 13:00 15:30   23:30
3.1   13:00 15:30   23:30
3.2 1:00 9:30 15:30  


3.3   10:30   21:00


3.4 11:00 13:00   20:00  


Emergency Quest Advance Notice [Eastern Standard Time]

2.26   7:00AM
2.27 1:30AM
2.28 1:30AM
3.1 1:30AM
3.2 1:30AM
3.3   7:00AM
3.4   6:00AM

Quna's concert will begin 30 minutes prior to any Emergency Quest that starts on the half hour.


Quna's "Our Fighting" Japanese Standard Time

2.26 23:00
2.27 23:00
2.28 15:00
3.1 23:00
3.2 9:00 15:00
3.3 10:00 23:00


Quna's "Everlasting Encore" Japanese Standard Time

2.27 15:00
2.28 23:00
3.1 15:00
3.2 22:00


Emergency Quest Boost Event

Super Falz Boost 「Raging Dark Arms」
「Utterly Profound」
+100% Rare Drop Boost
Chocolate 2 Boost 「Where's the Chocolate 2」
+100% EXP/Rare Drop Boost

All [Super Falz] and [Where's The Chocolate 2] emergency quests will receive these boosts until March 4th @ 23:59 JST.


Boost Days

3.1 「Atrocious Ocean」+100% EXP/Rare Drop Boost
3.2 「Raging Dark Arms」「Utterly Profound」
+100% Rare Drop Boost
3.3 +50% Rare Drop Boost for ALL Quests

Boosts apply 0:00 ~ 23:59 JST for the above mentioned days. Due to the effects of both boost events, Raging Dark Arms and Utterly Profound will receive a +200% rare drop boost on March 2nd.


Client Order Campaign #44

Client Order Camp 44

Clear Hans client orders to receive some lovely White Day gifts!

Campaign Period

  • 2/26 ~ 3/5

Qualifying Client Orders

(1) Clear Hans Client Order 森林に潜む罠 Hidden Forest Traps to receive:

  • Two マグカップ♂ Mug Cup ♂

(2) Clear Hans Client Order 地獄の王 King of Hell to receive:

  • Two ホワイトギフト White Gifts

Campaign Distribution Date

  • March 12th, 2014 at the Visiphone


PSO2 JP: Super Hard Advance Quests Roll Through on March 5th 2014

Recent Updates

  • 2/21: Clarified boost item information.
  • 2/21: Added voice sample links to Deluxe Package post.
  • 2/21: Added more information to Seven Eleven post.


White Day Event

Love La Dio

Event Available: March 5th ~ April 9th
(WD) Lobby Available: March 5th ~ March 26th

The lobby is transformed into a White Day celebration where Lovey Rappies appear on the field! These enemies will drop the Love Radio (pictured above) and a cute *ローズピッチャー Rose Pitcher weapon camo that shoots bullets out of a tea pot.


A White day 2

It's the men's turn in the "Boisterous White Day 2" emergency quest. See as "Jean & Jozsef," "Huey & Lubert" and others appear in emergency trials across the field.


 New Photon Arts and Technics

Add some variety to your playstyle with three photon arts and two technics! But that's not all, expect to see even more photon arts and technics in a future update!

Facet Folia

ファセットフォリア (Facet Folia)

After the initial hit, it attacks that area at lightning speed in a series of attacks.



レーゲンシュラーク (Regenschlag)

It fires shots at close range after the blade charges towards the enemy.



Shift Period

シフトピリオド (Shift Period)

Fires multiple rounds in different directions, then blasts them all at once during the final blow.


Il Foie

イル・フォイエ (Il Foie)

Drops a meteorite on its target causing an explosion damaging enemies nearby.


Il Zonde

イル・ゾンデ Il Zonde

Enveloped in lightning energy, the user dashes forward damaging enemies in their path.


Super Hard Advance Quests

SHAQ Attack

Experience Super Hard Advance Quests for Forest, Caves, and Desert on March 5th, 2014! The level 66 ~ 70 enemies that appear along the way may even drop 11★ weapons. Super Hard Advance Quests requires capsules d/e/f, which you can obtain from shops or enemy drops.

 Large Pyroxene 1

See your inventory space suffer with the introduction of "Large Pyroxene Stones." Collect them along with the exchange materials to acquire new 10★ weapons available at the Pyroxene Shop!

Tundra And Mechs (Stage 51 ~ 60)

Tundra Mechs Stage 60

More stages, more fun, as Tundra and Mechs expands with level 70 enemies! Quarry enemies join the fight, including a "Barbarilipan" appearing on a certain stage. Traverse through all 60 stages to receive even more Scarlet Ores than ever before!


Bio Weapon Series

Trade in those spellstones to acquire new 11★ weapons at the Refine Spellstone Shop! These 11 stars are biological weapons that not only have this ominous glow, but attach a small yellow case to the character's back.

There's currently five different BIO weapons to choose from, but more will be added in upcoming Extreme Quest updates!

 Team Room Update

Nightscape Team Room

Indulge in a breathtaking view of the city in the upcoming "Nightscape" team room! Live the life of a celebrity in your own private pool overlooking the fireworks bursting through the starry night sky.

Team Room Monitors

Decorate the team room with your favorite symbol arts prominently displayed in monitors across the room.

Team Leadership Changes

  • Team Leaders who have not logged in for 30+ days can be replaced by a Team Manager. (That's if a team manager exists however.)


New Storage Slot Rentals

Storage Slots

Two additional storage slots can be rented for 30 days for 500 AC each.


Access Storage Space

Item Lab Storage

You may now access your storage box from the Item Lab menu!


New Items in Each Shop!

Craft Tech Builder 3

Craft Tech Builder 3 and Craft Ex Builder 3 are coming to the Craft Item Exchange Shop! In addition, you can now acquire a "Reset Disk" that restores a crafted technic to its original state.

EXCube Exchange Shop

  • Acquire an Extreme pass by trading in some EXCubes

Pyroxene Exchange Shop

  • Trade in some pyroxene stones to acquire an EXCube

Photon Drop Exchange Shop

  • Trade in some items to acquire new Lv.1 Photon Arts and Technics.


The Item Trade List as written in the Dengeki Scan:

[dropdown_box expand_text="Spoilers" show_more="Show" show_less="Hide" start="hide"]

Recycle Shop

  • 11★ Weapon >> 11★ Weapon Exchange Pass

Craft Shop

  • Tech Builder 1 + Tech Builder 2 >> Tech Builder 3
  • AC Scratch Item (×2) >> Reset Disk

Photon Drop Shop

  • Photon Crystal (×1)>> New PA Disk Lv. 1

Pyroxene Shop

  • Pyroxene Stone (×500) >> One EXCube
  • Specific Pyroxene Stone (×100) >> Specific Large Pyroxene Stone (×1)
  • Advance Capsule a ~ c (×10)  >> Advance Capsule d ~ f (×1)

EXCube Shop

  • EXCube (×6) >> 1 Extreme Pass



 Oriental Style Expo!

Kamui Fubi

カムイフウビ Kamui Fubi

Oriental Style Expo offers costumes and accessories depicting Japanese style customs and traditions.

Kaguya Hirari

カグヤヒラリ Kaguya Hirari

Fundoshi Style

フンドシスタイル Fundoshi Style


Nanafun Style

ナナフンスタイル Nanafun Style

Riser F Series

ライザーF・シリーズ Riser Frame Series


Reus Innocente

Rイノセンテ・シリーズ Reus Innocente Series


Lovey Rappy Suit 1

ラヴィ・ラッピースーツ Lovey Rappy Suit


Hei The Aquarius

* ヘイ・ジ・アクエリアス Hei The Aquarius



Other Changes and Additions

  • At the Recycle Shop, premium players can trade in an 11 star weapon for an 11★ Weapon Exchange Pass. Use this pass to purchase 11★ weapons sold in other player shops. Please note, 11★ acquired from the [Pyroxene・Spellstone Refining Shop] do not qualify for this pass.
  • Improved the grinding success for 7★~11★ weapons.
  • Extra Slot Success Penalties relaxed.
  • Sa Barta will now pursue the enemy with the target marker (i.e Locked-on Target)
  • (Edit) Using boost items that share the same name can have their effective times extended to 120 minutes.
  • Relaxed the EXP needed to level up starting from class level 46 and up!
  • The rare drop rates for boosted enemies has increased on all difficulties
  • Increased the number of items that drop from red containers
  • You may now input a comment for your 'Online Status' in the 'Quick Menu'.
  • You may now set a name for each skill tree.
  • Earn new titles through crafting! Some title rewards include "Liliparium," "+30% Merit Values," and "+30% Equipping Conditions Relief" among other things.
  • The Item Trading Password will now be available for the Vita players.
  • Read up on the Deluxe Package releasing on March 20th. A few updates will be made to that post in the upcoming hours.
  • New Seven Eleven related information will be updated in its own post in a few hours.

Future Roadmap for Late March

  • New Sword, Rifle, Double Saber PAs
  • New Ice and Light Technics
  • New Enemy
  • Attack on Titan Collaboration

Future Roadmap for Early April

  • Wired Lance, Knuckle, and Launcher PAs
  • New Dark Technic
  • Seasonal Lobby
  • Fashion Update