The DDoS attacks are coming in at a much lower rate. Sega has reopened PSO2 service as of June 27th 16:30 JST. Unfortunately, there are still other services that need to be reopened, and it will take some time to complete this task.
They will need some more time in addressing PSO2es, they'll announce at a later time when they'll relaunch service for PSO2es.
AC purchases will be suspended for a while. They'll announce at a later time when AC can be purchased again.
Sega will announce the rescheduling of the 6/26 update after examining the stability of the servers. The countermeasures they now have in place may cause, under specific environments, communication delays and connection difficulties. In regards to this, they plan to make improvements while examining the stability of the service.
Sega will post another followup report on Saturday, June 28 @ 19:00 JST.
At this time, the current services have been suspended:
AC Purchases
Smartphone Version PSO2es Logins
At this time, the following bugs have been confirmed:
Players with OTP enabled may receive an error message upon logging in. If this occurs, you should wait some time before trying to login again. If you get through, this bug may resurface if you log out and log in again.
As for compensations, they plan to address them after examining the stability of the servers.
Compensation Plans:
They will examine some kind of compensation for all users.
They will extend the AC expiration date.
They will consider extending items that are valid for a period of time, like Premium Sets and Extra Storage Slots.
They will discuss the new schedule for the various events and campaigns (including the interlocking WEB Event) at a later time.
Targeted Events & Campaigns:
Item Design Contest
2nd Anniv: Character Contest
2nd Anniv: Character Portrait
Interlocking Web Event Missions
MJxPSO2 Campaign
PSO2 New Registration Campaign #9
Buy AC Campaign #11
Welcome Back Go! Go! Campaign #2
Spend AC, Get Items Campaign #9
Sonic's Birthday 2014
Webmoney Campaign #10
Client Order Campaign #56
PSO2 Live Broadcast #21 Secret Keyword
They will extend the expiration date for campaign item retrieval.
Compensation details and dates will be discussed at a later time.
The following contents have been extended:
Twinkle Splash: July 2nd @ 11:00 JST
Sega Platinum Selection: July 16th @11:00 JST
More extension announcements will be posted in the future.
Comments have been reopened, however they will be placed under strict moderation and may take some time to show up. Some comment threads and their replies (regardless of whether they were reasonable or not) have been removed. After the service restores, the comment section will return to its regular format.
The recently announced Episode 3 now has an HD teaser video ready for you to overanalyze. Episode 3 releases in late August with all sorts of new features. Players can experience the new Bouncer class with its striking weapon "Dual Blades" and tech weapon "Jet Boots." The journey to the Oracle's rebirth begins with Episode 3!
Osaka Festa Information (Rumours)
Sizustar posted some notes obtained from guests who attended the Phantasy Star Festa in Osaka.
There is no way for us to verify the information presented there at the moment, so you may read the list at your own risk.
Whenever there's information posted word of mouth from a non-streamed Festa, they'll be placed within a rumours list at the bottom of a post.
6/23 Update Added confirmed information to slides.
Planet Harukotan
~ The Planet of Titans; White and Black, where the two powers clash. ~
Planet Harukotan where Titans Dwell
Planet Harukotan has a Japanese-style atmosphere, with cherry trees and butteflies fluttering around. Its split up into two major inhabitants, the "White Harukotans" (4m tall) and "Black Harukotans" (8m tall, the tallest pictured above).
(Festa Attendees' Tidbits)
ARKS are approximately 1.8m tall.
White Harukotans are approximately 4m tall.
Black Harukotans are approximately 8m tall.
White Harukotans were described as timid.
New Field
In this new field, the Black Harukotans are invading White territory. You'll team up with the White Harukotans in eradicating this threat. Ascend the rooftops and aim at the Black Harukotan's weakpoint.
Anja Duriri
Titans aren't the only enemies you'll come across. There's also ghost-types like the "Anja Duriri." During the battle, a miasma envelops the field, increasing the Black Harukotan's power. The player can stop this by destroying some "lanterns" to purify the effect.
New Darkers and Boss
Dark Falz Double [Twins] controls Toy-like Darkers. Though they may seem cute at first, there appears to be a "grotesque" evil side that comes forth. This field will also introduce a Black "ice" Titan, 15 meters tall, known as Gigur Gunnegam.
Other Tidbits from the Festa
Accessory slot 4 will become available. You can adjust the positioning of accessories for free.
You'll be able to see other parties on the map.
The movement speed will reach a similar speed to doing a step cancel.
Jet Boots are Tech dependent for both PAs and normal attacks. Dual Blades are striking dependent.
They have plans for a Wopal Time Attack Quest.
They're adding ways to make money so that people don't rely on Time Attack Client Orders too much.
If things go well, they may try another Virtual-On Force collaboration.
They're going to have a leggings body paint.
They'd like to do a soccer lobby some day.
They'd like to have a Matoi friend partner one day.
Sakai's favorite class is Hunter.
Casino Area
~ Aim for a Fever. Play with friends and earn Casino Coins ~
Arks Ship Tournament
Due to the DDoS attacks, this update has been postponed until further notice.
The [2nd Anniversary Cup] begins on June 27th! Ten ships will be split into 5 groups represented by a Rappy. The group with the most overall victory points at the end of all events will become the champions!
Ship Alliance [6/27 ~ 7/6]
Red Rappy Group:Ship 5 + Ship 9
Blue Rappy Group: Ship 4 + Ship 6
Yellow Rappy Group:Ship 2 + Ship 8
Green Rappy Group: Ship 1 + Ship 7
White Rappy Group: Ship 3 + Ship 10
The event is split up into several rounds occurring during the morning and evening hours. In each round, players will be tasked with completing a certain objective; whether it is to defeat a certain enemy, or clear a certain quest.
ExampleRound 1: June 27th @ 12:00 ~ 22:59 JST
Example Round 2: June 28th @ 0:00 ~ 10:59 JST
Players who clear the objectives will earn points and stars. Stars can be used to purchase boost items and other goodies at the Arkuma Prize Shop! Points on the other hand will count towards your group. After the end of each round, the scores are tallied up to determine the winning group.
You can watch the Rappy Race in the Shopping Area to see the current standings. The results will be posted on the large monitors at the end of each round and at the end of the entire event.
Arkuma Prize Shop
Rappy Race
Push the button at the right moment to see your rappy waddle its way to the finish line! Line them up to play a competitive racing game.
Arkuma Mat
An Arkuma welcome mat. Don't forget to leave a welcome message for guests.
Arkuma Puncher
A knuckle weapon camo modeled after Arkuma. This can be purchased no matter what place you're in.
Evo. Device / Arkuma
A mag evolution device modeled after Arkuma. This can be purchased by the group that reaches 1st place in the final ranking.
2nd Anniversary Sticker
A sticker designed with Arkuma holding a star.
New Emergency Quest
June 25th will launch with a new pre-scheduled Emergency Quest that takes place on the infested Mother Ship. An assortment of Darkers such as Goldrahdas, Vidludas, Doubluné + Doublundas, and Lanz Varedas can appear. Eventually you'll reach Falz Angel, where on Super Hard, it can drop new items.
This Emergency Quest will feature a new Darker weapon known as the "Ignix." This weapon causes explosions all across the room, which could be quite troublesome in tight spaces.
Shining Heroes AC Scratch
This scratch will contain weapon camos, costumes, hairstyles, and room items. In addition, you can also obtain voice tickets from the main cast which includes extra chat commands: [/vo13] ~ [/vo22].
レイジ・レプカ Rage Repca
サクヤmodeC・レプカ Sakuya modeC Repca
ミスティ・レプカ Misty Repca
アルティナ・レプカ Altina Repca
ユキヒメ・レプカ Yukihime Repca
ケルベロスQ・レプカ Kerberos Q Repca
Other stuff
Extreme Quest: Forest and Dragons (Stages 61 ~ 70)
Did you know that Sonic's Birthday is on June 23rd? For a limited time, you can acquire Sonic related items from the FUN Scratch and 2nd Anniversary FUN Shop! But if you wish Sonic a happy birthday during the event period, you'll receive several prizes.
Just say 誕生日おめでとう in chat sometime between now through June 25th's maintenance to receive:
One SEGA logo Light
One Short Cake
One +50% Tribooster
You can say it in any of the following ways:
「誕生日おめでとう」 ▲▲The Exact Phrase▲▲
「ソニック、誕生日おめでとう!」 Other words and punctuation can be used before or after the phrase.
However, if you break up the phrase by adding in punctuation 「誕生日、おめでとう」, or break up the phrase on two or more lines, or say the phrase in English 「Happy Birthday」, or use the wrong kana 「たんじょうびオメデトウ」, you will not qualify for the prizes.
The prizes will be distributed mid-July at the Visiphone.
The Emergency Quest schedule will update automatically during maintenance. Please wait until after maintenance has ended to see the current schedule.
If you are using a mobile device or an external application, please [sync] the calendar after maintenance has ended.
Boost Eventsthat occur for 24 hours will be posted in this calendar with the duration of 1 minute. This change was made to make the calendar easier to read when viewing the events as a list.
Boost Events that occur for several hours will now use the "Period" suffix in their titles. You still need to check the Google Calendar itself to see how long it will last as this will not be displayed in the sidebar.
Spend AC Campaign
Spend certain amounts of AC during the campaign period to receive prizes at a later date.
Campaign Period
June 11th (Maintenance) ~ July 2nd (Maintenance)
Campaign Qualifications
Spend 100+ AC to receive:
Two +50% Rare Drop Booster
Spend 2,000+ AC to receive:
Six +50% EXP Boosters
Two Grind Risk Reducers (+2)
Spend 5,000+ AC to receive:
Yellow Rappy Suit
You may spend AC in any of the following ways:
Playing AC Scratch (Activating an AC Scratch Ticket Bundle does not qualify.)
Buying AC Scratch Ticket Bundles
Buying AC Shop Items
Buying Scape Dolls
Using AC Contents in the Makeover Counter
Using AC Contents at the Class Counter
Creating a character with AC
Ship Transfers
AC/iAC used in PSO2es with a linked account will qualify for this campaign. However, any AC/iAC used in PSO2es prior to linking will not qualify for this campaign.