PSO2 JP AC Scratch: Shining Heroes

Shining Heroes

Shining Heroes
(Until 7.30.2014)


Sakuya modeC Repca

サクヤmodeC・レプカ Sakuya modeC Repca
サクヤmodeC・レプカ雪 Sakuya modeC Repca White Snow
サクヤmodeC・レプカ雅 Sakuya modeC Repca Elegant Purple
サクヤmodeC・レプカ影 Sakuya modeC Repca Black Shadow
サクヤmodeC・レプカ夜 Sakuya modeC Repca Night Blue
サクヤmodeC・レプカ葉 Sakuya modeC Repca Leaf Green


Misty Repca

ミスティ・レプカ Misty Repca
ミスティ・レプカ雪 Misty Repca White Snow
ミスティ・レプカ影 Misty Repca Black Shadow
ミスティ・レプカ夜 Misty Repca Night Blue
ミスティ・レプカ月 Misty Repca Yellow Moon
ミスティ・レプカ鋼 Misty Repca Steel


Altina Repca

アルティナ・レプカ Altina Repca
アルティナ・レプカ萌 Altina Repca Sprout Green
アルティナ・レプカ陽 Altina Repca Orange Sun
アルティナ・レプカ桜 Altina Repca Sakura Pink
アルティナ・レプカ雪 Altina Repca White Snow
アルティナ・レプカ影 Altina Repca Black Shadow


Yukihime Repca

ユキヒメ・レプカ Yukihime Repca
ユキヒメ・レプカ夜 Yukihime Repca Night Blue
ユキヒメ・レプカ雅 Yukihime Repca Elegant Purple


Kerberos Q Repca

ケルベロスQ・レプカ Kerberos Q Repca
ケルベロスQ・レプカ夜 Kerberos Q Repca Night Blue
ケルベロスQ・レプカ紅 Kerberos Q Repca Crimson Red


Rage Repca

レイジ・レプカ Rage Repca
レイジ・レプカ雪 Rage Repca White Snow
レイジ・レプカ紅 Rage Repca Crimson Red
レイジ・レプカ海 Rage Repca Blue Sea
レイジ・レプカ鋼 Rage Repca Steel
レイジ・レプカ栗 Rage Repca Chestnut Brown


Spotted Lillipan

ブチがらリリーパ Spotted Lillipan



  • パニス・レプカ影 Panis Repca Black Shadow
  • パニス・レプカ紅 Panis Repca Crimson Red
  • パニス・レプカ春 Panis Repca Spring Pink
  • サクヤmodeN・レプカ冬 Sakuya ModeN Repca Winter White
  • サクヤmodeN・レプカ茜 Sakuya ModeN Repca Madder Red
  • サクヤmodeN・レプカ鋼 Sakuya ModeN Repca Steel


  • パニス・レプカ Panis Repca
  • パニス・レプカ空 Panis Repca Sky
  • サクヤmodeN・レプカ Sakuya ModeN Repca
  • サクヤmodeN・レプカ雪 Sakuya ModeN Repca Snow
  • ファントムQ・レプカ Phantom Queen Repca
  • ファントムQ・レプカ夜 Phantom Queen Repca Night
  • ファントムQ・レプカ紅 Phantom Queen Repca Crimson
  • 裏雪姫・レプカ Urayukihime Repca
  • 裏雪姫・レプカ紅 Urayukihime Repca Crimson
  • 裏雪姫・レプカ雪 Urayukihime Repca Snow
  • ヘレティックロード葉 Heretic Lord Leaf
  • ヘレティックロード海 Heretic Lord Sea
  • フラメガッシュ雅 Flamegash Elegant
  • フラメガッシュ鋼 Flamegash Steel
  • メルダー・ボディCV Melder Body CV
  • メルダー・アームCV Melder Arms CV
  • メルダー・レッグCV Melder Legs CV
  • メルダー・ヘッドCV Melder Head CV
  • パニスセミロング Panis Semi Long
  • サクヤロングポニー Sakuya Long Pony
  • ファントムQポニー Phantom Queen Pony
  • 裏雪姫ストレート Urayukihime Straight
  • ファントムQ・メイク Phantom Queen Makeup
  • スターコンタクト 大 Star Contacts Large
  • スターコンタクト 小 Star Contacts Small
  • パニスの片翼 Panis Wing
  • パニスの両翼 Panis Wings
  • シルバースターピアス Silver Star Piercings
  • ブラックスターバレッタ Black Star Barrette
  • ブライトスターバレッタ Bright Star Barrette
  • リリーパザック Lillipa Sack
  • *ザイン・ザ・ジェミニ Zain the Gemini
  • クラス追加(ファイター) Class Addition (Fighter)
  • クラス追加(ガンナー) Class Addition (Gunner)
  • 属性変化(炎属性) Attribute Change (Fire)
  • 属性変化(風属性) Attribute Change (Wind)
  • 属性変化(光属性) Attribute Change (Light)
  • 特殊能力追加(打撃) Ability Affixer (S-ATK)
  • フードデバイス/射撃 Food Device / R-ATK

Female Voices

  • [Sakuya] 女性サクヤボイス
    女性Cサクヤボイス (Cast ver.)
  • [Misty] 女性ミスティボイス
    女性Cミスティボイス (Cast ver.)
  • [Altina] 女性アルティナボイス
    女性Cアルティナボイス (Cast ver.)
  • [Yukihime] 女性ユキヒメボイス
    女性Cユキヒメボイス (Cast ver.)
  • [Kerberos Q] 女性ケルベロスQボイス
    女性CケルベロスQボイス (Cast ver.)

Male Voice

  •  [Rage] 男性レイジボイス
    男性Cレイジボイス (Cast ver.)

Lobby Action

  • 追加ロビーアクション111 (/la dance21) [Dance 21]


FUN Scratch


  • ストレートポニー Straight Pony
  • チークスター 赤 Cheek Star Red
  • チークスター 白 Cheek Star White
  • チークスター 黒 Cheek Star Black
  • 細まつげA 黒 Small Eyelashes A Black
  • 細まつげA 紺 Small Eyelashes A Blue
  • 細まつげA 茶 Small Eyelashes A Brown
  • 細まつげA 白 Small Eyelashes A White
  • くわえ葉っぱ Mouth Leaf
  • プロペラ Propeller
  • ホワイトファーボール White Furball
  • ファーボール Furball
  • おでこ包帯 Forehead Bandage
  • ジェミニステッカーA Gemini Sticker A
  • ジェミニステッカーB Gemini Sticker B
  • 煌く剣戟 (Shining Blade BGM)
  • 世界の調律
  • Shining Hearts (Shining Hearts BGM)
  • 風疾る道
  • 心に届く詩
  • チエノトビラ (Shining Ark BGM)
  • キェル・マーレ・セラ

Lobby Action

  • 追加ロビーアクション108 (/la squat) [Squat]

Shining Blade Music Discs

  • 翠の森の精霊詩 (Shining Blade BGM)
  • 山吹色に萌ゆる風
  • 夏色のマーメイド
  • 紅き情熱の唄
  • 輝く旗のもとに

PSO2 JP: Extended Maintenance and Patch (7/2/2014)

July 2nd Maintenance

July 2nd Patch

  • Launcher: Version 02.02.00
  • Client: Version 2.0601.1
  • Patch Size: 141 MB PC / 31 MB Vita

Certification Emails Not Arriving

  • A correction for this bug was carried out on July 1st @ 17:30 JST. They confirm that the emails with the certification keys are arriving correctly. They are truly sorry for the inconvenience this has caused.


  • PSO2es is currently suspended.

Maintenance Contents

  • Extended the expiration date for 15 days for Premium Sets, Extra Storage Slot 1~5, My Room Access, My Shop Access, Client Order Cap Expansions.
  • (For items that expire no later than July 2nd, they will be extended 15 days from the point in time they expired.)
  • (For items that don't expire as of July 2nd, they will be extended for 15 days.)
  • Extended the expiration date for some campaign items in the Visiphone.
  • Distributed items to accounts as compensation for the temporary service interruption caused by the DDoS attacks.
  • Performed countermeasures in which Error 107 may occur when starting up the launcher.
  • Performed countermeasures in which Error 630 may occur when switching blocks.

Tanabata Festa

Lobby Rotation

  • Tanabata Lobby until maintenance on July 30th.

New Emergency Quest

  •  闇へのいざない The Beckoning Darkness
  • This is a pre-scheduled exclusive quest. Check the calendar for the scheduled dates and times.

Extreme Quest Update

  • Forest and Dragons Stages 61 ~ 70.

New Interrupt Event

New Items

System Update: Arks Ship Tournament

  • Earn stars with your ship's alliance and gain glory!
  • Round 1 begins July 4th @ 12:00 JST


Prize Shop

  • Arkuma will be selling items in his Prize Shop.
  • Sales Period: July 4th @ 12:00 ~ July 30th @ 0:00 JST.




Emergency Quest Schedule

Boost Event 49

▲▲ Eastern Daylight Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!

▲▲ Japanese Standard Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!

 Eastern / Central / Mountain / Pacific / Hawaii

São Paulo / London / Berlin / Moscow

Bangkok / Philippines / Sydney / Japan


Please Note:

  • The Emergency Quest schedule will update automatically during maintenance. Please wait until after maintenance has ended to see the current schedule.
  • If you are using a mobile device or an external application, please [sync] the calendar after maintenance has ended.
  • Boost Events that occur for 24 hours will appear in this calendar with their start and completion times as separate entries.
  • Boost Events that occur for several hours will use the "period" suffix in their titles. Please check the Google Calendar itself to view the event duration.


Campaigns and Extensions

7/1/2014 11:00 JST

  • Premium Set expiration details clarified.
  Compensation for All Users
Date July 2nd Maintenance
  • (30x) Advance Capsule d
  • (30x) Advance Capsule e
  • (30x) Advance Capsule f
  • (10x) Extreme Passes
  • (2x) 1000 FUN Tickets
  • (4x) 100% Triboosters
  • (10x) Excubes
  • (2x) (100%) Grind Success
  • (1x) Free Salon Pass
  • (1x) Color Change Pass


  • The Free Salon Pass lets you edit AC content from the Makeover Counter. This item is different from its AC counterpart in that Premium Set users are unable to re-edit their customizations. (In a typical scenario, Premium Set users with the regular salon pass can re-edit their customizations for a period of time.)
  • The item's name for the "(100%) Grind Success" was published incorrectly in the previous report, and has now been corrected.
Login Stamp Period July 3rd @ 00:00 ~ July 17th @ 23:59 JST
Boost Content Login Stamp +1 Bonus!
Boost Event Period (Between Maintenances)
July 9th ~ July 16th 2014
Boost Content +50% EXP for All Quests!
+50% Rare Drop Boost!



  • Items that are valid for a period of time, (Premium Sets / Extra Storage) will be extended for 15 days.
    • To be addressed on July 2nd's Maintenance.
    • [Premium Sets], [Extra Storage Slots 1 ~ 5], [My Room], [My Shop], [Client Order Cap Expansion] will be extended for 15 days.
    • An extension will also apply to items that expire between June 19th ~ July 2nd's maintenance.
    • Items that DON'T expire as of July 2nd will be extended for 15 days.. (※)
    • In addition, items that DO expire by July 2nd, will be extended from the point in time of expiration for 15 days.. (※)
  • Item Design Contest
    • Extended until July 23rd @ 16:00 JST
  • PSO2 2nd Anniversary Illustration Contest
    • Results posted late July
  • PSO2 2nd Anniversary Character Contest
    • Extended until July 9th @ 16:00 JST
    • Nominees posted early August
    • Results posted mid August
  • PSO2 2nd Anniversary Character Portrait
    • Extended until July 23rd @ 16:00 JST
    • Results posted late August
  • Interlocking WEB Mission
    • Extended until August 27th Maintenance
    • Mission 1 Reward Schedule: July 23rd Maintenance
    • Mission 2 Reward Period: July 23rd ~ July 30th Maintenance
  • Buy AC Campaign #11
    • Extended until July 9th Maintenance
    • Rewards posted early August
  • Spend AC, Get Item Campaign #9
    • Extended until July 23rd Maintenance
    • Reward period Mid August
  • Sonic's Birthday
    • Extended until July 9th Maintenance
    • Rewards posted Early August
  • Webmoney Campaign #10
    • Extended until July 13th
    • Details: You will be entered into a drawing for Webmoney points if you purchase 3000 AC with Webmoney between May 30 ~ July 13th
    • Rewards posted Mid August
  • Client Order Campaign #56
    • Extended until July 9th
    • Rewards posted July 16th.
  • PSO2 Live Broadcast #21 Secret Phrase
    • Phrase: かんしゃさいたろう
    • Extended until July 9th
    • Rewards posted at an unspecified maintenance.
  • PSO2 x PSO2es Interlocking Campaign
    • Reward posted early July.
PSO2 New Registrations Campaign #9
Campaign Extended until July 23rd.
Qualifying Period Prize Date
June 11th ~ July 2nd Mid July
July 2nd ~ July 9th Mid July
July 9th ~ July 16th Late July
July 16th ~ July 23rd Early August
Welcome Back Go! Go! Campaign #2
Campaign Extended until July 23rd
Round Target Achievement Period Prize Date
1 June 11th ~ July 2nd Mid July
2 July 2nd ~ July 9th Mid July
3 July 9th ~ July 16th Early August
4 July 16th ~ July 23rd Mid August

Campaign Visiphone Expiration Extensions

  • Compensation for the Extreme Quest: Tundra and Mechs Bug
    • Expires July 9th @ 11:00 JST
  • 5/23 Special Maintenance Compensation
    • Expires July 9th @ 11:00 JST
  • 5/25 Connection Issues Compensation
    • Expires July 9th @ 11:00 JST
  • Client Order Campaign 12
    • Expires July 9th @ 11:00 JST


PSO2 JP Service Relaunch Follow-Up Reports

July 9th @ 18:00 JST

Post Updates

  • Premium Set Expiration details clarified

At this time, they haven't confirmed of any serious issues, nor ongoing DDoS attacks on their end.

While checking on the stability of their services, they noted several problems with the various countermeasures they have in place. On July 9th, they stated they have completed addressing the issues below:

On July 9th, they completed addressing this issue due to the countermeasures implemented on July 2nd.

Sega has received reports that users are encountering Error 107 when starting up the Launcher. Under certain environments, this error seems to be occurring due to the measures that took place in response to the DDoS attacks. They are sorry for the inconvenience and are now working towards correcting the issue. If you receive this message, they ask that you try relaunching it some other time.

On July 9th, they completed addressing this issue due to the countermeasures implemented on July 2nd.

Sega has received reports that users are encountering Error 630 when changing blocks. Under certain environments, this error seems to be occurring due to the countermeasures they provided in regards to the DDoS attacks.

On July 9th, they completed addressing this issue due to the countermeasures implemented on July 2nd.

Sega has received reports where AC is not automatically credited into your account for the "Automatic AC Charging" payment plan. They are sorry for the inconvenience and are now investigating this issue.

In addition they proceeded to correct the following issues:

Sega has received reports that users are not receiving their authentication key emails when requested during the login process. Under certain environments, this bug seems to be occurring due to the measures that took place in regards to the DDoS attacks. A correction for this bug was carried out on July 1st @ 17:30 JST. They are truly sorry for the inconvenience this has caused.

They will carefully push forward addressing these issues, while checking to see if there are no issues with the stability and security of their services. Support will take some time, and they ask that you wait for further correspondence. Further developments as soon as they arrive, will be posted in the support list at the official site.

As for PSO2es, Sega plans to resume service sometime in July. They are making preparations to release a new version, so an application update will be required. They will also consider releasing some form of compensation to all PSO2es users, and will discuss details at a later time.

The following services are currently suspended:

  • PSO2es Logins.

The next PSO2es follow-up report will be released on:

  • July 4th @ 15:00 JST



Campaigns and Extensions

7/1 11:30 JST

  • Premium Set Expiration details clarified.
  Compensation for All Users
Date July 2nd Maintenance
  • (30x) Advance Capsule d
  • (30x) Advance Capsule e
  • (30x) Advance Capsule f
  • (10x) Extreme Passes
  • (2x) 1000 FUN Tickets
  • (4x) 100% Triboosters
  • (10x) Excubes
  • (2x) (100%) Grind Success
  • (1x) Free Salon Pass
  • (1x) Color Change Pass


  • The Free Salon Pass lets you edit AC content from the Makeover Counter. This item is different from its AC counterpart in that Premium Set users are unable to re-edit their customizations. (In a typical scenario, Premium Set users with the regular salon pass can re-edit their customizations for a period of time.)
  • The item's name for the "(100%) Grind Success" was published incorrectly in the previous report, and has now been corrected.


Login Stamp Period July 3rd @ 00:00 ~ July 17th @ 23:59 JST
Boost Content Login Stamp +1 Bonus!


Boost Event Period (Between Maintenances)
July 9th ~ July 16th 2014
Boost Content +50% EXP for All Quests!
+50% Rare Drop Boost!



  • Items that are valid for a period of time, (Premium Sets / Extra Storage) will be extended for 15 days.
    • To be addressed on July 2nd's Maintenance.
    • [Premium Sets], [Extra Storage Slots 1 ~ 5], [My Room], [My Shop], [Client Order Cap Expansion] will be extended for 15 days.
    • Items that expire between June 19th ~ July 2nd's maintenance maintenance are also included.
    • Items that DON'T expire as of July 2nd will be extended for 15 days. (※)
    • In addition, items that DO expire by July 2nd will be extended for 15 days from the point of time of expiration. (※)
  • Item Design Contest
    • Extended until July 23rd @ 16:00 JST
  • PSO2 2nd Anniversary Illustration Contest
    • Results posted late July
  • PSO2 2nd Anniversary Character Contest
    • Extended until July 9th @ 16:00 JST
    • Nominees posted early August
    • Results posted mid August
  • PSO2 2nd Anniversary Character Portrait
    • Extended until July 23rd @ 16:00 JST
    • Results posted late August
  • Interlocking WEB Mission
    • Extended until August 27th Maintenance
    • Mission 1 Reward Schedule: July 23rd Maintenance
    • Mission 2 Reward Period: July 23rd ~ July 30th Maintenance
  • Buy AC Campaign #11
    • Extended until July 9th Maintenance
    • Rewards posted early August
  • Spend AC, Get Item Campaign #9
    • Extended until July 23rd Maintenance
    • Reward period Mid August
  • Sonic's Birthday
    • Extended until July 9th Maintenance
    • Rewards posted Early August
  • Webmoney Campaign #10
    • Extended until July 13th
    • Details: You will be entered into a drawing for Webmoney points if you purchase 3000 AC with Webmoney between May 30 ~ July 13th
    • Rewards posted Mid August
  • Client Order Campaign #56
    • Extended until July 9th
    • Rewards posted July 16th.
  • PSO2 Live Broadcast #21 Secret Phrase
    • Phrase: かんしゃさいたろう
    • Extended until July 9th
    • Rewards posted at an unspecified maintenance.
  • PSO2 x PSO2es Interlocking Campaign
    • Reward posted early July.
PSO2 New Registrations Campaign #9
Campaign Extended until July 23rd.
Qualifying Period Prize Date
June 11th ~ July 2nd Mid July
July 2nd ~ July 9th Mid July
July 9th ~ July 16th Late July
July 16th ~ July 23rd Early August
Welcome Back Go! Go! Campaign #2
Campaign Extended until July 23rd
Round Target Achievement Period Prize Date
1 June 11th ~ July 2nd Mid July
2 July 2nd ~ July 9th Mid July
3 July 9th ~ July 16th Early August
4 July 16th ~ July 23rd Mid August

Campaign Visiphone Expiration Extensions

  • Compensation for the Extreme Quest: Tundra and Mechs Bug
    • Expires July 9th @ 11:00 JST
  • 5/23 Special Maintenance Compensation
    • Expires July 9th @ 11:00 JST
  • 5/25 Connection Issues Compensation
    • Expires July 9th @ 11:00 JST
  • Client Order Campaign 12
    • Expires July 9th @ 11:00 JST


What About The Vita?

This section below is based on personal opinion and has nothing to do with Sega's press releases. We've been seeing a lot of questions about the Vita version and we hope to bring some clarity to the situation.

At this current time, the only major PSO2 service that is not online is the smartphone version. That being said, the majority of people outside of Japan will have an extremely difficult time connecting to the servers. If you can connect outside of Japan, congratulations, you are one of the lucky few who won't be experiencing any problems.

July 3rd Barely anyone from Japanese territories are reporting issues with error 630 and 107. Though Sega will continue to take measures in addressing the issue, there is NO obligation for them to have to have this corrected so players outside of Japan can connect to the server.