Gran Arts and Gran Darkers in Phantasy Star Nova

Gran Phantasy Star Nova

In our previous article we learned about Gran, an energy source spewing from the surface of Planet Machia. Today we'll briefly touch upon its use in Phantasy Star Nova.


Gran Darkers

Players have faced countless numbers of Darkers in Phantasy Star Online 2. Phantasy Star Nova plans to bring them back in a slightly different way.  These ferociously evolved Darkers, adapting to the current environment on Planet Machia, will now be referred to as "Gran Darkers." Expect to see familiar faces like Dagans, Kuklonahdas, Micdas, and others.


Phantasy Star Nova battle 3
Resonance Cannon (Halo Weapon Category)

Instead of Photon Arts, our heroes will be utilizing Gran Arts; special attacks both new and old from Phantasy Star Online 2. And don't worry Forces, because Technics (a long tradition in the Phantasy Star Series) will be returning as well. Whether you're casting Zonde on enemies, or healing your allies with Resta, you can rely upon the various technics to change the course of battle.

The Gran Arts and Technics confirmed so far include:

  • Nova Strike (Swords)
  • Scissor Edge (Dbl. Sabers)
  • Burn Smash (Piles)
  • Resta (Technic)
  • Zonde (Technic)

In addition to this, the "Chaining" system (which was first introduced in Phantasy Star Portable 2) will make its return in Phantasy Star Nova. We don't have the details on how it works exactly in this iteration, but we do know that there's a UI element displaying the chain counter and damage multipliers at the top of the screen.

If you'd like to get a taste of what Phantasy Star Nova has to offer, there will be a demo released in August on the Japanese PlayStation Store. It will feature some cutscenes and a boss battle against the Gigantes. In addition, a playable demo for attendees of the Phantasy Star Thanks Festa will be available on July 26 at the Sapporo Convention Center, and August 3rd at Port Messe Nagoya Building 2.


New Field: The Steel Desert

Steel Desert

Now we can formally introduce a new field for Phantasy Star Nova. This location is known as the "Steel Desert" or the "Steel Wastelands." Here the earth is covered in a red soil comprised of iron.

Quest information and locations will be displayed on a world map, reminiscent to the one used in Phantasy Star Universe.

PSO2 JP: Maintenance (7/9/2014)

July 9th Maintenance


  • PSO2es is currently suspended and is planned to resume in mid-July. The next follow-up report is scheduled for July 15th @ 15:00 JST (2:00 AM EDT).

Maintenance Contents

  • Delivered campaign items for:
    • Welcome Back Go! Go! Campaign #2
    • New Registration Campaign
    • Heretic Queen Bug

Sega has completed addressing Error 107 and Error 630.


Emergency Quest Schedule

Boost Event 49

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Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!

Eastern / Central / Mountain / Pacific / Hawaii

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Bangkok / Philippines / Sydney / Japan


Boost Events Until Next Maintenance!

  • +1 Login Stamp Bonus
  • +50% EXP / +50% Rare Drops for all quests

Please Note:

  • The Emergency Quest schedule will update automatically during maintenance. Please wait until after maintenance has ended to see the current schedule.
  • If you are using a mobile device or an external application, please [sync] the calendar after maintenance has ended.
  • Boost Events that occur for 24 hours will appear in this calendar with their start and completion times as separate entries.
  • Boost Events that occur for several hours will use the "period" suffix in their titles. Please check the Google Calendar itself to view the event duration.


Client Order Campaign #57

Client Order Campaign 57

Clear Revelle and Io's client orders to receive some prizes!

Campaign Period

  • July 9th until July 23rd's maintenance.

Qualifying Client Orders

(1) Clear Revelle's client order 「マイルドマイルド・マーダー・V」 Mild Mild Murder V to receive:

  • +50% EXP Booster (x2)
  • Liliparium S (x1)

(2) Clear Io's client order 「ジャストアタック特訓・VIII」 Just Attack Training VIII to receive:

  • Grind Risk Reducer +1 (x2)
  • Grinder (x20)

Prize Distribution Date

  • July 30th at the Visiphone after maintenance.

Phantasy Star Nova: A New Energy? A New Class?

Gran Phantasy Star Nova

There's a team from the ARKS Special Planetary Search Unit, known as Alter. They were forced to make an emergency landing on Planet Machia, when their ship, the "Delta Valiant" came under attack. Since planet Machia has the peculiar quality of negating the use of "photons," the team will be forced to find a way to survive.

Considering how photons are non-existent, this game will introduce a new energy known as "Gran" (Grand). This energy can be seen gushing out in various places from the planet.


Phantasy Star Nova battle 3

Phantasy Star Nova will also release with a brand new class! Busters (Bu) are an all-rounded class, which according to Shougai PSO, can equip weapons in all categories—including "Piles". This class also has the ability to use skills from other classes.

A new weapon category will be introduced called "Halos." Halos are weapons that equip to the wrist of your right hand, but instead of photons, they fire Gran energy particles. In addition, they can produce "scaffolding fields" that lets players ascend higher to attack the Gigantes.


Yuno: A mysterious girl
Yuno (VA: Saori Hayami)

Yuno is a mysterious girl who teaches information about Planet Machia. She makes appearances as a hologram.


Raven VA: Daisuke Namikawa
Raven (VA: Daisuke Namikawa)

Raven, the Deputy Director of the Delta Valiant, displays talents in the field of Research and Development. He's also in charge of equipment repairs at the ship. 


Gigantes / Garation  Length: 40.77 Meters Height: 44.75 Meters

Garation is 40.77 meters long, 44.75 meters high, with blades that resemble a chainsaw.