PSO2 JP AC Scratch: Electronic Diva

Electronic Diva

Electronic Diva
(Until 8.13.2014)


Megurine Luka Repca

巡音ルカ・レプカ Megurine Luka Repca


Kagamine Rin Repca

鏡音リン・レプカ Kagamine Rin Repca


Yukata Ryuusui

ユカタリュウスイ Yukata Ryuusui
ユカタリュウスイ紅 Yukata Ryuusui Crimson Red
ユカタリュウスイ月 Yukata Ryuusui Yellow Moon
ユカタリュウスイ桜 Yukata Ryuusui Sakura Pink
ユカタリュウスイ影 Yukata Ryuusui Black Shadow
ユカタリュウスイ雪 Yukata Ryuusui White Snow


Kagamine Len Repca

鏡音レン・レプカ Kagamine Len Repca


 Recolors and Color Variations

  • ヨシノテフラ玄 Yoshino Tefura Mysterious Black
  • ヨシノテフラ雪 Yoshino Tefura White Snow
  • ヨシノテフラ夜 Yoshino Tefura Night Blue
  • ユカタウル紅 Yukata Ul Crimson Red
  • ユカタウル夜 Yukata Ul Night Blue
  • ゴコウバオリ夜 Gokou Baori Night Blue
  • ゴコウバオリ玄 Gokou Baori Mysterious Black
  • ゴコウバオリ冬 Gokou Baori Winter White
  • ジントクバオリ影 Jintoku Baori Black Shadow
  • ジントクバオリ冬 Jintoku Baori Winter White
  • クレイジーキトゥン紅 Crazy Kitten Crimson Red
  • クレイジーキトゥン月 Crazy Kitten Yellow Moon
  • エニグマレベリオン紅 Enigma Rebellion Crimson Red
  • エニグマレベリオン栗 Enigma Rebellion Chestnut Brown
  • リジェラン・ボディCV Rigelan Body CV
  • リジェラン・アームCV Rigelan Arms CV
  • リジェラン・レッグCV Rigelan Legs CV
  • リジェラン・ヘッドCV Rigelan Head CV
  • ベイバレル・ボディCV Beybarrel Body CV
  • ベイバレル・アームCV Beybarrel Arms CV
  • ベイバレル・レッグCV Beybarrel Legs CV
  • ベイバレル・ヘッドCV Beybarrel Head CV


  • 初音ミク・レプカ Hatsune Miku Repca
  • ヨシノテフラ Yoshino Tefura
  • ユカタウル桜 Yukata Ul Sakura
  • ユカタヴィア雪 Yukata Ul Snow
  • ゴコウバオリ影 Gokou Baori Shadow
  • ジントクバオリ紅 Jintoku Baori Crimson
  • ジンヴェバオリ Jinve Baori
  • 天女の羽衣 Celestial Robe
  • 麦わら帽子 Straw Hat
  • 水風船 Water Balloons
  • うちわ Fan
  • ねじりはちまき Nejiri Hachimaki
  • ラッピーおめん Rappy Mask
  • ラッピーおめんB Rappy Mask B
  • きつねのおめん Fox Mask
  • きつねのおめんB Fox Mask B
  • 進化デバイス/ミクダヨー Evo. Device / Mikudayo
  • *ヘット・ザ・キャンサー *Cheit the Cancer
  • DIVA・ポスターA DIVA Poster A
  • DIVA・ポスターB DIVA Poster B
  • クラス追加(テクター) Class Addition (Techer)
  • クラス追加(ハンター) Class Addition (Hunter)
  • 属性変化(闇属性) Attribute Change (Dark)
  • 属性変化(氷属性) Attribute Change (Ice)
  • 属性変化(雷属性) Attribute Change (Lightning)
  • 特殊能力追加(射撃) Ability Affixer (R-ATK)
  • フードデバイス/法撃 Food Device / T-ATK

Kana Asumi Female Voice #50

  • 女性追加ボイス50
  • 女性C追加ボイス50 (Cast Ver.)

Masaya Onosaka Male Voice #46

  • 男性追加ボイス46
  • 男性C追加ボイス46 (Cast Ver.)

Lobby Action

追加ロビーアクション117 (/la fireworks) [Fireworks]


FUN Scratch


  • ストレートツインドリル Straight Twin Drills
  • トライアングルクロス Triangle Cloth
  • キャンサーステッカーA Cancer Sticker A
  • キャンサーステッカーB Cancer Sticker B
  • オキク・ドール Okiku Doll
  • オキクノイド Okiku’s Well
  • ミステリーグレイブ Mystery Grave

Lobby Action

  • 追加ロビーアクション118 (/la talking) [Talking]

Music Discs

  • DECORATOR (Vocaloid BGM)
  • Living Universe(M&L)

FUN Shop

  • 追加ロビーアクション119 (/la pose11) [Pose 11]
  • 追加ロビーアクション120 (/la banzai) [Banzai]
  • クラフト時限ビルダー Craft Timed Builder
  • シーナリーパス・地下坑道 Scenery Pass Sub. Tunnels

PSO2 JP: Extended Maintenance and Patch (7/16/2014)

July 16th Maintenance

July 16th Patch

Notice: The compensation for the temporary service interruption caused by the DDoS attacks will expire after July 16th’s maintenance if you haven’t picked it up from the Visiphone.


  • PSO2es is planned to resume on July 16th.
  • An update to the application will be required.

Characters made prior to June 19th:

※The items below are available for pickup by mail until July 30th's Maintenance.

  • 45 Rappy Medals for each character [Premium Sets active as of June 19th.]
  • 15 Rappy Medals for each character [Premium Sets inactive as of June 19th.]
  • 5 Singing Rappy Chips
  • 2000FUN

Users who played PSO2es and linked their accounts with PSO2 before June 19th:

※The items below are available for pickup in PSO2 after July 23rd's maintenance.

  • 4 Triboosters
  • 1 Free Salon Pass


New Crafting System

  • Timed Ability Installations (Craft Lv. 30 Cap)
  • Attach an item to a unit to add various effects for several days.
  • The Crafting level cap will rise in a future update.

New Enemy

Sorza Brahda small
Sorza Brahda

New Emergency Quest

  • 採掘基地防衛戦:絶望 (Mining Base Defense: Despair)

New Client Orders

New Partner Card

  • Theodore

New Story Quest

  • わたしがうまれたそのりゆう (The Reason Why I Was Born)

New Feature

  • Event Chronicle: Rewatch events from each chapter.
  • Available in My Room.

Potential Abilities

  • Added new potentials
  • Added potentials to some pre-existing weapons.
  • Fragile Assault, Crushing Blow, Discerning Eye, and Perfect Calamity's Potential Ability effects have improved!

AC Scratch Gold

  • Several items will appear together in a set for AC Scratch Gold. (This doesn't apply to Shining Heroes G scratch.)

Shop Updates

  • Added items to the Crafting Shop, EXCube Shop, and FUN Shop.
  • Updated the content listing for the My Room Shop


  • Added a team name changing function.
  • Team names can be changed once every 30 days.

 Stage Event Update

  • Players in the Arks Lobby, once the live event is over, will receive a [Rare Drop] [EXP] [Meseta] boost for 2 hours.
  • Players within the Beauty Salon are not covered by the boost.
  • This boost behaves differently from general boost items in that time is consumed even while the player has logged out.

Other Things

  • Added a setting in options to notify the player when logging in that the premium set is about to expire.
  • Io and Klotho's NPC partner equipment has changed to display the weapons from the General Election.
  • The Preannouncement messages and audio for Mining Base Defense has changed.
  • Toned down the explosion effects for the fighter aircraft / infected fighter aircraft.
  • Concerning Client Order Items and Craft Materials, the category's name has changed to say "Order Item / Craft Materials."
  • Hatsune Miku's hairstyle thumbnail is set to be the same color as hairstyles in other thumbnails.
  • When receiving a request to merge teams, the initial cursor position will default to "No"
  • Added an extra message to say that team client orders will be canceled once the team has been taken over.
  • Item trading passwords will be required to access the Team Storage Box.
  • The Victory Pose scene has changed to not display cut-in chats, symbol arts, and chat bubbles.

Changes for all Mining Base Defense Quest

  • Turrets will now have improved range. (Does not apply to turrets outside of these quests.)
  • Enemies defeated by turrets and photon particle guns will count towards your personal score.


PSO2es v1.4.0

  • Download (Uploaded by Synth)
  • Rappy Special Survey update: King Rappy!
  • Improved the number of items that drop per quest.
  • Added a drop animation when a Rare item drops.
  • Improved the amount of CP that recovers from wand and rod attacks.
  • Adjusted the animation as the player continues to fire a launcher.
  • Lowered the attack frequency and aggressiveness for some enemies.
  • Adjusted the CP and Cost for both Quna chips
  • Added a paste button to the secret password screen.
  • Inserted an Age Confirmation screen when purchasing AC/iAC.
  • Displayed the amount of exp required to level up at the class counter. *(Corrected Typo)
  • Removed class restrictions on the Fighter, Gunner, Techer license applications.


New Special Quest

Awaken Tranmizer

覚醒!トランマイザー Awaken! Tranmizer

  • A mano-a-mano fight against the Tranmizer
  • July 16th ~ July 23rd

Push Notifications

  • Emergency Quest push notifications 1 hour in advance for Premium Set users.

AC Age Confirmation
AC Purchasing Age Confirmation

When purchasing AC, you will be requested to enter your birth year and month. Certain ages are severly limited from purchasing large amounts of AC. After inputting the birth year and month, press the left blue button on the next screen to confirm.  



Emergency Quest Schedule

Boost Event 49

▲▲ Eastern Daylight Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!

▲▲ Japanese Standard Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!

 Eastern / Central / Mountain / Pacific / Hawaii

São Paulo / London / Berlin / Moscow

Bangkok / Philippines / Sydney / Japan


Please Note:

  • The Emergency Quest schedule will update automatically during maintenance. Please wait until after maintenance has ended to see the current schedule.
  • If you are using a mobile device or an external application, please [sync] the calendar after maintenance has ended.
  • Boost Events that occur for 24 hours will appear in this calendar with their start and completion times as separate entries.
  • Boost Events that occur for several hours will use the "period" suffix in their titles. Please check the Google Calendar itself to view the event duration.

Hatsune Miku and Megurine Luka are Holding a Live Concert in PSO2!

Hatsune Miku Live Concert Event!

Hatsune Miku Live

To commemorate the 5th anniversary of the Project Diva series, Hatsune Miku and Megurine Luka will be holding concerts starting July 23rd, 2014! Together they will sing Phantasy Star Portable 2's main theme song, "Living Universe," live in the Arks Lobby!

Boost Effect

Those who attend the concert will be granted a [rare drop] [exp] [meseta] boost which will last two hours after the concert ends.

All content below will appear July 16th, 2014.

Timed Abilities

Data Drive PSO2

Timed Abilities could be thought of as potentials for your units; only that they last for a period of time. First, the player crafts a "Data Drive" which is then used to craft "Timed Ability Data Items." These items can be appended onto a unit for various effects.


Timed Data

When this update goes live, [Timed Ability Installations] will have a lv. 30 cap. As you increase your crafting levels, you can achieve additional bonuses. Some bonuses include increased chances of extending the effect's duration, decreased cooldown times, and more!


Timed Ability Features

Timed Abilities have several features:

  • Main Effect: HP Recovery, EXP Boosts, etc.
  • Sub Effects: HP/ATK/Parameter Boosts
  • Extra Effects: HP/ATK/Parameter Boosts
  • Effect Period: # of Days
  • Effect Conditions: Specific Fields/Quest Types
             ※The effect requires the above conditions to be satisfied.

Certainly, there will be new craft builders that can decrease cooldown times for this too.


Mining Base Defense: Despair

Darker Particle Gun

A new mining base defense mission will be arriving on Wednesday. This time, the stage takes place at a base that's starting to get infected. As infestation settles into the defense socket, the Darkers will have complete control releasing their Darker Particle Gun. Players should try purifying these sockets as quick as possible!


Darker Wall

The Darkers have a few more tricks up their sleeve. They can now divide the battlefield by placing a large wall made from a substance allowing only them to go through. In addition an infected airship—the menace from the skies—will rain down terror on the battlefield. The Arks should utilize long distance attacks to bring it down.

Sorza Brahda

Keep your eyes peeled for the Sorza Brahda. This enemy, who wields a staff in both hands, provides logistical support for the Darkers. Players should eradicate this threat immediately as not only can it strengthen the Darkers, it can also infect sockets nearby.


But not all hope is lost, once the ARKS unleash a powerful weapon….
But not all hope is lost, once the ARKS unleash a powerful weapon….

Arks Interception Silhouette

The Arks Interception Silhouette, nicknamed the A.I.S, is a robot here to assist us with eradicating the Darkers. It features high-mobility and powerful weapons. This robot is available at 200, 7,000, and 10,000 points, and can be activated 3 times during the quest.

New 11 stars that display a coat of arms are expected to appear. Weapon types will include a wand, bullet bow, twin machine gun, twin dagger, and wired lances.


Episode 2 Ch.6 and Event Chronicle

Ep2 Chapter 6

The year is AP 228. See the event that took place 10 years in the past. The birth of the second generation Clariskrays, and all the records before they vanished.


Event Chronicle

The Event Chronicle lets you recapture your moments in history for Phantasy Star Online 2. You can rewatch NPC conversations and scenes from the story in a neatly organized list.


Theodore's Partner Card

Theodore Card

In the newly released matterboard, watching a certain event in the shopping area will lead you to acquiring Theodore's partner card.

Other changes

  • The Team Name Changer is available to teams level 2+. After the initial change, they'll be locked out of editing the name again for 30 days.
  • A new setting in options will notify players if their Premium Sets are about to expire within 7 days.
  • Some AC Scratch Gold content will come with several items.
  • The turrets in all mining base defense quests will have improved range.
  • Enemies defeated by turrets and photon particle guns in all mining base defense quests will count towards the contribution score.


 Electronic Diva AC Scratch

Megurine Luka Repca
巡音ルカ ・レプカ Megurine Luka Repca


鏡音リン・レプカ Kagamine Rin Repca
鏡音リン・レプカ Kagamine Rin Repca


鏡音レン・レプカ Kagamine Len Repca
鏡音レン・レプカ Kagamine Len Repca


ユカタリュウスイ Yukata Ryūsui
ユカタリュウスイ Yukata Ryūsui