PSO2 JP AC Scratch: Mystic Moon

Mystic Moon

Mystic Moon
(Until 10.8.2014)


Kagura Shizume

カグラシズメ Kagura Shizume
カグラシズメ雅 Kagura Shizume Elegant Purple
カグラシズメ空 Kagura Shizume Sky Blue
カグラシズメ桜 Kagura Shizume Sakura Pink
カグラシズメ鋼 Kagura Shizume Steel
カグラシズメ影 Kagura Shizume Black Shadow


Innocent One

イノセント・ワン Innocent One
イノセント・ワン夜 Innocent One Night Blue
イノセント・ワン紅 Innocent One Crimson Red
イノセント・ワン鋼 Innocent One Steel
イノセント・ワン雅 Innocent One Elegant Purple
イノセント・ワン影 Innocent One Black Shadow


Omi Shizume

オミシズメ Omi Shizume
オミシズメ紅 Omi Shizume Crimson Red
オミシズメ夜 Omi Shizume Night Blue
オミシズメ鋼 Omi Shizume Steel
オミシズメ雪 Omi Shizume White Snow
オミシズメ影 Omi Shizume Black Shadow


Void Recorder

ヴォイドレコーダー Void Recorder
ヴォイドレコーダー紅 Void Recorder Crimson Red
ヴォイドレコーダー夜 Void Recorder Night Blue
ヴォイドレコーダー雅 Void Recorder Elegant Purple
ヴォイドレコーダー鋼 Void Recorder Steel
ヴォイドレコーダー影 Void Recorder Black Shadow


Recolors and Color Variations

  • ミコトクラスタ紅 Mikoto Cluster Crimson Red
  • ミコトクラスタ玄 Mikoto Cluster Mysterious Black
  • ミコトクラスタ冬 Mikoto Cluster Winter White
  • ヴェルトラム雪 Weltraum White Snow
  • ヴェルトラム紅 Weltraum Crimson Red
  • カナギマイヒメ空 Kanagi Maihime Sky Blue
  • ヒメナギセイカイ空 Himenagi Seikai Sky Blue
  • バニースーツ茜 Bunny Suit Madder Red
  • カナギセイカイ空 Kanagi Seikai Sky Blue
  • カグヤヒラリ雅 Kaguya Hirari Elegant Purple
  • カグヤヒラリ葉 Kaguya Hirari Leaf Green
  • イリシアスタッフ玄 Irisia Staff Mysterious Black
  • ウィオラマギカ玄 Viola Magica Mysterious Black
  • カムイフウビ雅 Kamui Fubi Elegant Purple
  • カムイフウビ紅 Kamui Fubi Crimson Red
  • Rイノセンテ・ボディCV Reus Innocente Body CV
  • Rイノセンテ・アームCV Reus Innocente Arms CV
  • Rイノセンテ・レッグCV Reus Innocente Legs CV
  • Rイノセンテ・ヘッドCV Reus Innocente Head CV
  • ライザーF・ボディCV Riser Frame Body CV
  • ライザーF・アームCV Riser Frame Arms CV
  • ライザーF・レッグCV Riser Frame Legs CV
  • ライザーF・ヘッドCV Riser Frame Head CV


  • 立ちうさ耳バンド Standing Bunny Ear Band
  • 片たれうさ耳バンド Drooping Bunny Ear Band
  • ミコトクラスタ Mikoto Cluster
  • ヴェルトラム夜 Weltraum Night
  • カナギマイヒメ Kanagi Maihime
  • ヒメナギセイカイ紅 Himenagi Seikai Crimson
  • バニースーツ Bunny Suit
  • カナギセイカイ紅 Kanagi Seikai Crimson
  • ロングツインテール Long Twintails
  • ハイライトなし 大 No Highlights L
  • ハイライトなし 小 No Highlights S
  • うさ耳バンド Bunny Ear Band
  • ホワイトうさ耳バンド White Bunny Ear Band 
  • ブラックうさ耳バンド Black Bunny Ear Band 
  • ネコのひげ Cat Whiskers
  • きつね耳 Fox Ears
  • もふもふネコ耳 Fluffy Cat Ears
  • 白ネコのしっぽ White Cat's Tail
  • 黒ネコのしっぽ Black Cat's Tail
  • 追加ロビーアクション41 (/la clight3)
  • *ホワイトハーベスト White Harvest
  • *ヨッド・ザ・ヴァルゴ Yud the Virgo
  • クラス追加(ハンター) Class Addition (Hunter)
  • クラス追加(レンジャー) Class Addition (Ranger)
  • 属性変化(闇属性) Attribute Change (Dark)
  • 属性変化(氷属性) Attribute Change (Ice)
  • 属性変化(雷属性) Attribute Change (Lightning)
  • フードデバイス/法撃 Food Device / T-ATK

Yui Horie Female Voice #102

  • 女性追加ボイス102
  • 女性C追加ボイス102 (Cast Ver.)

Yui Horie Male Voice #82

  • 男性追加ボイス82
  • 男性C追加ボイス82 (Cast Ver.)

Lobby Action

  • 追加ロビーアクション134 (/la dance25) Dance 25


FUN Scratch


  • 白化粧 White Makeup
  • 猫ひげペイント黒 Cat Whiskers Paint Black
  • 猫ひげペイント赤 Cat Whiskers Paint Red
  • 麻呂まゆ Shaved Eyebrows
  • テングのおめん Tengu Mask
  • ひょうたん Gourd
  • ヴァルゴステッカーA Virgo Sticker A
  • ヴァルゴステッカーB Virgo Sticker B
  • ツキ・ミー Tsuki Mii
  • 炭☆坑☆節 (Maimai BGM)

Lobby Action

  • 追加ロビーアクション130 (/la console) Terminal

Music Disc

  • PSO2 キャラクタークリエイト PSO2 Character Create


PSO2 JP: Maintenance and Patch (9/10/2014)

Celebrate the viewing of the harvest moon by completing the Otsukimi Bingo and Xie's client orders. A new Emergency Quest on Harukotan, along with the Mystic Moon scratch and Wopal Time Attack Quest, await players after this maintenance.

September 10th Maintenance

PSO2es Maintenance

  • 9/10/2014 @ 10:55 ~ 17:30 JST
  • 9/9/2014 @ 9:55 PM ~ 4:30 AM EDT

September 10th Patch

  • Launcher: Version 03.00.00
  • Client: ver. 3.0001.2
  • Patch Size: 51 MB (PC) / 39 MB (Vita)

Sept 24th Ship Pairings

  • Red: Ship 2/4
  • Blue: Ship 1/6
  • Yellow: Ship 5/10
  • Green: Ship 3/9
  • White: Ship 7/8

Good luck! (Updated Sept 24th's Post)

otsukimi lobby
Otsukimi Lobby: 9/10 ~ 10/8

Otsukimi Xie
Xie (Otsukimi)
9/10 ~ 10/8

Otsukimi Bingo

  • 9/10 ~ 10/8

New Quests

  • Pitch Black Territory 黒に染まる領域 (Emergency Quest)
  • Marathon Practice: Wopal 走破演習:ウォパル (Time Attack Quest)

You must have cleared the Decol Maluda Arks Quest first to unlock the new time attack quest.

New Interrupt Event

New Client Orders

Shop Update

  • New items in the Spellstone Shop

Live Concert

  • Two New Songs: [終わりなき物語] and [Our Fighting ver.MIYABI]
  • Encore Feature: Say アンコール in chat several times to unlock a second live performance.

New Interrupt Ranking Reward

  • Added a lobby action reward to players who reach 1st place in Time Attack Ranking and Enemy Attack Ranking.

Campaign Rewards

  • Client Order Campaign #62 rewards have been delivered.
  • Buy AC Campaign #12 rewards have been delivered.
  • Daily Order and Daily Craft Campaign rewards have been delivered.
  • Timed Ability Campaign rewards have been delivered.
  • New Registration Campaign #10 rewards have been delivered.
  • OTP Campaign rewards have been delivered.
  • AC Scratch Ticket Campaign rewards have been delivered.

Bug Fixes

  • Corrected the values for Infinity Fire.
  • Corrected the bug where Persona's voice clips weren't playing in The Reason I Was Born story quest.
  • Corrected a bug that rarely occurs where extra balls would appear when defeating an enemy in Mesetan Shooter.
  • Corrected a bug with Tiea's client orders where you were not able accept nor turn them in if you selected a certain matter board.
  • Corrected a bug where enemies in the Abduction event were appearing at the wrong levels in Super Hard difficulty.
  • Corrected a bug at the Casino Prize Counter that prevented the item cap number from resetting.

pso2es eq 2

PSO2es v1.5.2 (Episode 3 Update)

New Emergency Quest

  • Scarlet King

New Chips

  • Risa (Excellent) and Risa (S Excellent)
  • Risa (Excellent):  Provides bonus damage to Darkers

Emergency Quest Changes

  • Send up to 20 requests.
  • Adjusted the rewards for each battle.
  • Adjusted the rewards when defeating the enemy.
  • Increased the EXP rewards if you have yet to cross over the G-Line.

Otsukimi Bingo

Otsukimi Bingo 2014

Otsukimi Bingo Rewards
1+50% EXP Booster
2+50% Rare Drop Booster
3500 FUN Ticket
4Evo. Device / Tsukimi Rappy
5Photon Sphere
6+10% Grind Success
Complete+100% Tribooster

Otsukimi Bingo
A-1 Destroy a green container  
A-2 Use any drink  
A-3 Grind an item  
A-4 Send a Good Job  
A-5 Draw a FUN scratch  
B-1 Talk to Faina Daily Order Admin
B-2 ※Answer 3 Basic Knowledge
questions from Astarte
B-3 Clear Arks Quest
Stygian Soldier
B-4 Clear Arks Quest
Anjhadu-lili Demolition
B-5 Talk to Chip Casino Prize Counter
C-1 Defeat a Anushi-zagri Lv.1+
C-2 Defeat a Parata Picoda Lv.1+
C-4 Obtain Matter Board
Episode 3 – 1
C-5 Defeat a Leran-gam Lv.1+
D-1 Defeat a Paji-ghiry Lv.1+
D-2 Defeat an Iza-ogar Lv.1+
D-3 Defeat a Ganna-gam Lv.1+
D-4 Clear Xie's client order
「怪奇! 宵闇にうごめく影!」 
Weird Shadows Wriggling
in the Dusk!
D-5 Defeat a Pitta Wadda Lv.1+
E-1 Clear Io's client order
Just Attack Training I
E-2 Defeat a Gigur Gunne-gam Lv.1+
E-3 Defeat an Ado-ogar Lv.1+
E-4 Defeat a Bonta Bearadda Lv.1+
E-5 Clear Xie's client order
The Lunar Festival is Here!


※B-2 Guide:

Answer 3 Basic Knowledge questions from Astarte.


  • Answer 1: オラクル
  • Answer 2: アークス
  • Answer 3: ダーカー


Otsukimi Bingo Rewards (Reverse)
1+10% Ability Affixer Success (x3)
2Half Doll
3+250% Rare Drop Booster
4Tri-Dango (Dual Blade Camo)
5Grind Risk Reducer +2 (x2)
6+100% Tribooster (x2)
Complete+30% Grind Success

Otsukimi Bingo (Reverse)
A-1 Destroy a red container  
A-2 Clear Emergency Trial Follow the Runaway
A-3 Defeat a Parata Picoda Lv.21+
A-4 Defeat a Pitta Wadda Lv.41+
A-5 Talk to Farma Team Counter Attendant
B-1 Talk to Lachesis Title Counter Attendant
B-2 Clear Katori's client order
Heard of Dual Blades?
B-3 Defeat a Anushi-zagri Lv.21+
B-4 Talk to Bea Class Counter Attendant
B-5 Defeat a Paji-ghiry Lv.41+
C-1 Defeat Nyau Lv.21+
C-2 Defeat a Iza-ogar Lv.21+
C-4 Clear Emergency Quest The Pitch Black Province
(Hard difficulty or higher)
C-5 Clear Free Field Shironia Exploration
(Hard difficulty or higher)
D-1 Clear Time Attack Quest Marathon Training: Wopal
D-2 Clear Amelin's client order
Blossom Dance Survey
D-3 Defeat a Bonta Bearadda Lv.21+
D-4 Clear Saga's client order
Using Jet Boots
D-5 Defeat Gigur Gunne-gam Lv.41+
E-1 Clear Xie's client order
Dumplings for the Festival?
E-2 Clear Revelle's client order Demolition Ambition I
E-3 Defeat a Leran-gam Lv.21+
E-4 Defeat an Ado-ogar Lv.41+
E-5 Trigger a PSE Burst  



Xie Client Orders

Otsukimi Xie 2014

お月見開催します! / The Lunar Festival Is Here!

  • Objective: Defeat Anushi-zagri (x2)

怪奇! 宵闇にうごめく影! / Weird Shadows Wriggling in the Dusk!

  • Objective: Defeat Pitta Wadda (x10)
  • Objective: Defeat Parata Picoda (x10)
  • Objective: Defeat Bonta Bearadda (x3)

お月見にはお団子が必要? / Dumplings for the Festival?

  • Objective: Deliver [お月見団子] Otsukimi Dangos (x15)

雷も嵐も怖くないっ! /  I Ain't Afraid of no Storms!

  • Objective: Defeat Ganna-gam (x1)
  • Objective: Defeat Laran-gam (x1)

武士の情けを頂戴す! / Delicious Warrior Tears!

  • Objective: Defeat Gigur Gunne-gam (x2)


Emergency Quest Schedule

Boost Event 49

▲▲ Eastern Daylight Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!

▲▲ Japanese Standard Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!

Eastern / Central / Mountain / Pacific / Hawaii

São Paulo / London / Berlin / Moscow

Bangkok / Philippines / Sydney / Japan


Please Note:

  • The Emergency Quest schedule will update automatically during maintenance. Please wait until after maintenance has ended to see the current schedule.
  • Please resync the calendar periodically to receive the latest updates, as the schedule may change at Sega's discretion.
  • Boost Events that occur for 24 hours will appear in this calendar with their start and completion times as separate entries.
  • Boost Events that occur for several hours will use the "period" suffix in their titles. Please check the Google Calendar itself to view the event duration.

Client Order Campaign #64

Co Campaign 64

Complete the qualifying client orders for Xie and Lubert during the campaign period to earn multiple prizes!

Campaign Period

  • September 10th through September 24th's Maintenance

Qualifying Client Orders

(1) Clear Xie's client order 「怪奇! 宵闇にうごめく影!」 Weird Shadows Wriggling in the Dusk to receive:

  • +50% EXP Booster (x2)
  • Casino Coin Pass (x2)

(2) Clear Lubert's client order 「ギグル・グンネガムの部位破壊を」 Destroy Gigre Gunnegam's Parts to receive:

  • +50% Rare Drop Booster (x2)
  • Grind Risk Reducer +1 (x2)

Prize Distribution Date

  • September 30th at the Visiphone after maintenance.



PSO2: Sept 24th Preview

Arkuma Boots (Jet Boots Camo)
Arkuma Boots (Jet Boots Camo)
Available at the Arkuma Prize Shop

The Arks Ship Competition (Episode 3 Cup) will be returning on September 24th, 2014. Not only will we have different ship alliances, but certain rules will be changing as well. Some of these changes include; boost periods applying to the next round and not the next day ahead, and adjustments to the way the boosts are calculated so that they aren't increasing too much.

Additionally, they increased the cap on the amount of points you can contribute to your group. You can also expect to see some pre-scheduled Emergency Quests, appropriate for the current event. Lastly, ships who place in 2nd ~ 5th place will now be allowed to purchase from the same prize lineup at the Arkuma Prize Shop.

Arks Ship Competition (Episode 3 Cup)
Red Rappy Ship 2 / 4
Blue Rappy Ship 1 / 6
Yellow Rappy Ship 5 / 10
Green Rappy Ship 3 / 9
White Rappy Ship 7 / 8

Prize Shop Listing Update

  • Arkuma Headphone
  • Arkuma Tail
  • Episode 3 Commemorative Sticker
  • Lillipan Race
  • Arkuma Boots
  • Arkuma Cushion

Some prizes are available only to ships who place in first.

Pre-existing Super Hard Emergency Quests will now have level 66 ~ 70 enemies. Here they'll have a chance to drop 11★ weapons as well. In addition, rares that were restricted to Advance Quests, will also appear in Emergency Quests.

Luxurious Performer AC Scratch
Luxurious Performer AC Scratch

September 24th's scratch will feature the Arkuma Suit, and Quna's heavenly songstress outfit Ameno Utahime. You can also obtain Afin's story quest outfit and Braver costumes and parts!

AC Scratch Sept 24

 Ac scratch accessories