Phantasy Star Nova: Base Customizations + Resonance of Fate Collaboration

Base Customizations

Costume Shop PSNova

Players will use the energy source known as "Gran" to awaken crew members in cryogenic stasis. As they spring to life, they can be entrusted with managing the operations of various facilities. Players can customize their base, and even transform it into a Japanese style town with a shrine gate and all.


PSNova Item Shop 2
Item Shop (Level 2)

Players must first collect materials after defeating enemies, and use them to produce items at the various facilities. Each of these facilities can be leveled up, increasing the kinds of products that can be created through them. Their designs can change as well, for example, level 1 shops are basically a stack of boxes. At level 2, they start to resemble an actual shop, with a sign overhead in the ARKS font.

The Weapon Shop is one such facility that can be used to produce weapons. These weapons can have different properties based on the "cores" used upon creation.

Armor Shop
The Armor Shop

You can reduce the impact of enemy attacks—through the power of Gran—by equipping "Shield Units." Just like weapons, the performance varies based on the items used as materials. Be on the lookout for powerful enemies, as they have a higher chance at dropping quality materials.


Awaken the Crew

cryogenic psnova
Cryogenic Stasis aka Cold Sleep

Most of the Delta Valiant's crew is in cryogenic stasis after the crash landing. After collecting some Gran, you can use it to awaken the crew members from cryogenic stasis. These crew members may accompany you as party members, or manage the various facilities around the base.


Cold Sleep Counter

From the "Cold Sleep Counter" you can awaken the following types of crew members:

  • Generalists
  • Soldiers
  • Support Crew
  • Humans
  • Newmans
  • Casts
  • Hunters
  • Rangers
  • Forces
  • Idols
  • And more…

This counter also contained an area to input a password, but details about it are unknown.



New Characters

Orcus And Sharon

Introducing Orcus and Sharon. Orcus, the hunky fella, serves as the combat squadron leader and instructor for the Delta Valiant. Orcus will be voiced by Akio Ōtsuka best known for his role as Solid Snake. Sharon, a calm and gentle cast, works as a research staff member of the Delta Valiant. Sharon is voiced by Kanae Itō known for her roles in To-Love-Ru and Rusty Hearts.


New Operators

Kisara Operator PSNov
Operator: Kisara

Operators are characters who relay status reports and give advice during a quest.  Phantasy Star Nova will introduce a new operator known as Kisara, voiced by Chiwa Saitō, Emilia Percival from Phantasy Star Portable 2! Though slightly outspoken, Kisara relays information with preciseness and speed; but at times she might come off as strict for the staff's safety.

But she's not the only operator, Rietheia, the person in charge of medical care, will also appear as an operator when certain conditions are met. She reports quite differently from Kisara, listen out for it.


Weapon Categories

Aside from Halos and Piles, here's a list of weapon categories and the classes that can equip them.

(Hunter + Buster)
(Hunter + Buster)
Double Saber
(Hunter + Buster)
(Hunter + Buster)
Assault Rifle
(Ranger + Buster)
Twin Machine Gun
(Ranger + Buster)
(Force + Buster)
(Force + Buster)
(Force + Buster)


Resonance of Fate

Vashyron and Leanne PSNova

Phantasy Star Nova will collaborate with Resonance of Fate to bring you costumes and weapons from the main protagonists. As both titles are developed by Tri-Ace it seems rather appropriate to have a collaboration of this caliber. Reanbell (Leanne), Vashyron, and Zephyr's weapons and costumes were confirmed so far as part of the collaboration.


PSO2 JP: Maintenance (9/17/2014)

September 17th Maintenance

  • 9/17/2014 @ 11:00 ~ 17:00 JST
  • 9/16/2014 @ 10:00 PM ~ 4:00 AM EDT

PSO2es Maintenance

  • 9/17/2014 @ 10:55 ~ 17:30 JST
  • 9/16/2014 @ 9:55 PM ~ 4:30 AM EDT

Future Balance Adjustments

After examining the game's current balance, the development team noted the following problems:

  • The combination of Meteor Cudgel's potential with the Double Saber Gear:
    • Lets it generate a high amount of whirlwinds.
    • Makes it easy to dish out high amounts of damage.
  • Performing too many of these whirlwinds also causes a bug where they display incorrectly.
  • In addition, Elysion's potential, "Innocent Appearance" appears to be really powerful.

Since this can affect the balancing of future updates, they have decided to nerf them in the following ways:

  • They will place a cap on the number of whirlwinds simultaneously occurring through the Double Saber Gear.
  • They are also going to nerf the values for "Innocent Appearance."

As a followup on the changes made towards customized technics, they plan to nerf them in the following ways.

  • They will reduce Ice Fang Na Barta's power.
  • They will reduce Umbral Na Megid's power.

In addition to distributing the All Skill Tree Reset Pass (mentioned in the Sep. 2nd article), they plan to release some form of compensation to all users in the future. More details will be announced in a future posting.


Phantasy Star @ The Tokyo Game Show

Phantasy Star will be streaming live from the Tokyo Game Show. Those who attend can receive various goodies from PSO2 and PSNova.

PSO2xPSO2es Original Clear Foil
(+3 Summer Rappy Chips)

psnova books
PSNova Reflector Keychain and Pamphlet

Phantasy Star Live Streams

Business Day

  • New information, collaboration, announcements, and special guests.
  • Live Stream: 9.19 @ 15:30 ~ 16:15 JST on Nico Nico Live

General Public Day

  • Future Update Information!
  • New Information, Collaboration, and Goodies!
  • PSNova information and announcements with Producer Suzuki and Director Yamashita.
  • Polls, keyword presents, as well as, real-life presents for the viewers.
  • Live Stream: 9.21 @ 12:30 ~ 14:00 JST on Nico Nico Live!


Otsukimi Bingo

Otsukimi Bingo 2014

Otsukimi Bingo Rewards
1+50% EXP Booster
2+50% Rare Drop Booster
3500 FUN Ticket
4Evo. Device / Tsukimi Rappy
5Photon Sphere
6+10% Grind Success
Complete+100% Tribooster

Otsukimi Bingo
A-1 Destroy a green container  
A-2 Use any drink  
A-3 Grind an item  
A-4 Send a Good Job  
A-5 Draw a FUN scratch  
B-1 Talk to Faina Daily Order Admin
B-2 ※Answer 3 Basic Knowledge
questions from Astarte
B-3 Clear Arks Quest
Stygian Soldier
B-4 Clear Arks Quest
Anjhadu-lili Demolition
B-5 Talk to Chip Casino Prize Counter
C-1 Defeat a Anushi-zagri Lv.1+
C-2 Defeat a Parata Picoda Lv.1+
C-4 Obtain Matter Board
Episode 3 – 1
C-5 Defeat a Leran-gam Lv.1+
D-1 Defeat a Paji-ghiry Lv.1+
D-2 Defeat an Iza-ogar Lv.1+
D-3 Defeat a Ganna-gam Lv.1+
D-4 Clear Xie's client order
「怪奇! 宵闇にうごめく影!」
Weird Shadows Wriggling
in the Dusk!
D-5 Defeat a Pitta Wadda Lv.1+
E-1 Clear Io's client order
Just Attack Training I
E-2 Defeat a Gigur Gunne-gam Lv.1+
E-3 Defeat an Ado-ogar Lv.1+
E-4 Defeat a Bonta Bearadda Lv.1+
E-5 Clear Xie's client order
The Lunar Festival is Here!


※B-2 Guide:

Answer 3 Basic Knowledge questions from Astarte.


  • Answer 1: オラクル
  • Answer 2: アークス
  • Answer 3: ダーカー


Otsukimi Bingo Rewards (Reverse)
1+10% Ability Affixer Success (x3)
2Half Doll
3+250% Rare Drop Booster
4Tri-Dango (Dual Blade Camo)
5Grind Risk Reducer +2 (x2)
6+100% Tribooster (x2)
Complete+30% Grind Success

Otsukimi Bingo (Reverse)
A-1 Destroy a red container  
A-2 Clear Emergency Trial Follow the Runaway
A-3 Defeat a Parata Picoda Lv.21+
A-4 Defeat a Pitta Wadda Lv.41+
A-5 Talk to Farma Team Counter Attendant
B-1 Talk to Lachesis Title Counter Attendant
B-2 Clear Katori's client order
Heard of Dual Blades?
B-3 Defeat a Anushi-zagri Lv.21+
B-4 Talk to Bea Class Counter Attendant
B-5 Defeat a Paji-ghiry Lv.41+
C-1 Defeat Nyau Lv.21+
C-2 Defeat a Iza-ogar Lv.21+
C-4 Clear Emergency Quest The Pitch Black Province
(Hard difficulty or higher)
C-5 Clear Free Field Shironia Exploration
(Hard difficulty or higher)
D-1 Clear Time Attack Quest Marathon Training: Wopal
D-2 Clear Amelin's client order
Blossom Dance Survey
D-3 Defeat a Bonta Bearadda Lv.21+
D-4 Clear Saga's client order
Using Jet Boots
D-5 Defeat Gigur Gunne-gam Lv.41+
E-1 Clear Xie's client order
Dumplings for the Festival?
E-2 Clear Revelle's client order Demolition Ambition I
E-3 Defeat a Leran-gam Lv.21+
E-4 Defeat an Ado-ogar Lv.41+
E-5 Trigger a PSE Burst  



Xie Client Orders

Otsukimi Xie 2014

お月見開催します! / The Lunar Festival Is Here!

  • Objective: Defeat Anushi-zagri (x2)

怪奇! 宵闇にうごめく影! / Weird Shadows Wriggling in the Dusk!

  • Objective: Defeat Pitta Wadda (x10)
  • Objective: Defeat Parata Picoda (x10)
  • Objective: Defeat Bonta Bearadda (x3)

お月見にはお団子が必要? / Dumplings for the Festival?

  • Objective: Deliver [お月見団子] Otsukimi Dangos (x15)

雷も嵐も怖くないっ! / I Ain't Afraid of no Storms!

  • Objective: Defeat Ganna-gam (x1)
  • Objective: Defeat Laran-gam (x1)

武士の情けを頂戴す! / Delicious Warrior Tears!

  • Objective: Defeat Gigur Gunne-gam (x2)


Emergency Quest Schedule

Boost Event 49

▲▲ Eastern Daylight Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!

▲▲ Japanese Standard Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!

Eastern / Central / Mountain / Pacific / Hawaii

São Paulo / London / Berlin / Moscow

Bangkok / Philippines / Sydney / Japan


Please Note:

  • The Emergency Quest schedule will update automatically during maintenance. Please wait until after maintenance has ended to see the current schedule.
  • Please resync the calendar periodically to receive the latest updates, as the schedule may change at Sega's discretion.
  • Boost Events that occur for 24 hours will appear in this calendar with their start and completion times as separate entries.
  • Boost Events that occur for several hours will use the "period" suffix in their titles. Please check the Google Calendar itself to view the event duration.

PSO2 JP: Episode 3 Cup + Item Design Contest 2014 Results

The Arks Ship Competition "Episode 3 Cup" is set to begin on September 26th, 2014. Everyone can join in on the festivities earning stars and points by clearing the objectives in each round. Ship alliances will be different this time around, with some rule changes, and new objectives pertaining to Planet Harukotan. In addition, the Arks Ship Competition will be given its own special site containing detailed information and rule explanations.


Arks Ship Competition Changes

EQ Stars and points

In the first competition, the Ships were given a boost two rounds ahead based on their current standings. However, this time, the boosts apply to the next round. They also changed the way the boosts are calculated, giving ships a chance to make a comeback. In addition, they increased the cap on the amount of points players can contribute and added in some Emergency Quests related to the current round.



Final Prize Shop Lineup

arkuma final prize

The final prize lineup will see some changes. Ships in first place will still get to choose from exclusive prizes. However, Ships that place in 2nd ~ 5th place will now be able to choose from the same list of prizes. Once the entire event is over, Ships who place in 1st ~ 3rd place will earn more star rewards than the previous event.


Arkuma Prize Shop Update

New prizes are available at the Arkuma Prize Shop. Some of these prizes include Arkuma's headphones, tail, jet boots, cushion, and poster. Keep in mind that some prizes are available after the event is over, and among those, some are available only to Ships who reach in first place. Be sure to also link up the Lillipan and Rappy Race with your friends and aim for the finish line.


Emergency Quest Update

EQ Level Up

Balance adjustments are coming to Emergency Quest in the form of increased enemy levels. Enemies in super hard Emergency Quests will now appear at level 66 ~ 70! The benefits of this change gives players the chance to acquire items of high rarities.


Luxurious Performer

Hood Scarf A

September 24th's scratch features outfits from Arkuma and Quna, along with Braver themed costumes and parts!


アメノウタヒメ Ameno Utahime
アメノウタヒメ Ameno Utahime


アークマスーツ Arkuma Suit
アークマスーツ Arkuma Suit


ストアコレット Stoa Colette*
ストアコレット Stoa Colette


グランコレット Gran Colette
グランコレット Gran Colette


レクトアギル Rectagil
レクトアギル Rectagil


エクレピスト Eclepiste*
エクレピスト Eclepiste


スライトリトル M Slight Little M


slight little f
スライトリトル F Slight Little F 

※Please help suggest better item names.

Sega published the results of the 2nd Item Design Contest. The entries were selected from around 1,300 submissions. The selected works will have their designs transformed into in-game items; more details will be provided at the official site in the future.


Weapon Camos

Design Contest Weapon 1
First Prize
~ Kikoku-Hagun ~
Artist: Hound


Artist: 東雲Twin Dagger, Rod, Wand
Second Prize
~ Azure Papillon ~
(Twin Dagger, Rod, Wand)
Artist: 東雲


Artist: フェチ子Bullet Bow
Third Prize
~ Kokuyōyoku ~
(Bullet Bow)
Artist: フェチ子



Chosen Works



Design Contest Costume 1
First Prize
~ Variant Vixen ~
(All-Race Female)
Artist: ganesagi


Artist: zebulaFemale (All Races)
Second Prize
~ Chartelier Courante ~
(All-Race Female)
Artist: zebula


Artist: ketaruMale (All Races)
Third Prize
~ Fenrir Coat ~
(All-Race Male)
Artist: ketaru


Chosen Works



Design Contest Accessory 1
First Prize
~ Cat Ear Scarf with Io-chan ~
Artist: キャミ魂
※Io-chan not included.


Artist: わしの
Second Prize
~ Photon Ring ~
Artist: わしの

Artist: せっちゃん
3rd Prize
Artist: せっちゃん



Chosen Works



Design Contest Mag 1
First Prize
~ Honu Honu ~
Artist: みっく


Artist: 雑貨屋ももんが
Second Prize
~ Koume ~
Artist: 雑貨屋ももんが

NyandrionArtist: 草薙芳
Third Prize
~ Nyandrion ~
Artist: 草薙芳