The 5th volume of Phantasy Star Online 2's Original Sound Track is out today! Purchasers will gain access to several item codes, including Tokyo, Battle Arena, and Ultimate Amduscia music discs. The soundtrack will cost 5,400 Yen and is available for ordering at Play-Asia.
Track List
Disc 1
Zero-G – The Earth – Original
Zero-G – Interlude –
Zero-G – Train Gidran –
MATTARI in Tokyo
Comedy Again
Embodied Nightmare
Maneuvers of Mother Cluster
The Origin – Phaleg –
Evoke the Virtuality
Cafe Au Lait – Franca’s Cafe –
Training! – Stand by –
Training! – Task –
Training! – Clear –
Disc 2
Realization – The Earth – Scenery
Realization – The Earth – Battle
Realization – Interlude –
Realization – Train Gidran –
Nobleness – Adam –
The Fighter – Phaleg –
Creepy Siren
Assaults of Mother Cluster
Blue Hawaii – Franca’s Cafe –
Battle Arena – Lobby –
Battle Arena – Stand by –
Battle Arena – Battle –
Battle Arena – Win –
Battle Arena – Draw –
Battle Arena – Lose –
Disc 3:
Borderless – 5th Opening –
Steel Gale Operation – Stand by –
Steel Gale Operation – Phantasical Battleship Yamato 1 –
Steel Gale Operation – Phantasical Battleship Yamato 2 –
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PSO2 Days
In celebration of the 5th Anniversary, Phantasy Star Online 2 is establishing a PSO2 Day! These events will occur every month to offer a boost to those who login on these specific days.
Phantasy Star Online 2 introduced the Hero class as part of its Episode 5 update. This class has the unique ability to fluidly switch between three weapon types in the heat of battle.
Heroes have swords, twin machine guns, and talises among their arsenal. Thanks to their unique Photon Arts and Weapon Actions, they'll utilize the weapons a bit differently than what we've seen so far.
In order to unlock the class, you'll need to acquire 1 Title. This client order unlocks upon heading to the Campship.
Title: まだ見ぬ境地へ
Have two classes at LV. 75+
Once you've acquired this Title, head to Koffie to clear the following:
ヒーロークラス解放許可試験 (Hero Class Unlocking Trial)
▲ ▲ Click Each Tab Above For More Information▲ ▲
Photon Arts and Weapon Actions
Heroes encompass a playstyle allowing you to change the action of your PA depending on how long you hold the button. In some cases you'll actually switch weapons from Sword to Talis, to Twin Machine Guns, and vice versa.
Hero Sword
Energy Blast 気弾
A striking-dependent long distance attack. Recovers PP upon hitting the enemy. its power increases when charged.
Rising Slash ライジングスラッシュ
Press to throw the sword upwards. Hold to jump and continuously slash. You'll keep slashing until you run out of PP.
Brightness End ブライトネスエンド
Contains Guard Points & slashes the surroundings. Hold to charge up the attack. Release for a forward wide-area slash.
Flash Trick フラッシュオブトリック
Charge forward and thrust the sword. Hold to switch to Talis.
Vapor Bullet ヴェイパーオブバレット
Fire energy blasts while moving. Hold to switch to TMGs.
Hero Twin Machine Guns
Twin Machine Guns perform powerful rapid fire attacks. Unlike the Gunner counterpart, their basic attacks consume PP.
Step Attack
Heroes can perform Step Attacks with TMGs.
This action, however, will consume PP.
Reload リロード
Hold the button down to recover PP. Perform a [Just Reload] for faster PP recovery. You can also [Reload] in the air for a few seconds.
Brand New Star ブランニュースター
A wide forward piercing attack.
Final Storm ファイナルストーム
Fancifully shoot the surroundings
while cartwheeling around.
Second Edge セカンドオブエッジ
Quickly approach the enemy
to perform a zero distance attack.
Hold to switch to Swords.
Moment Trick モーメントオブトリック
Performs a rapid-fire attack that stuns.
Hold to switch to Talis.
Hero Talis
Talises can be thrown pretty fast, but they unfortunately do not have the ability to remotely activate Technics.
Step Attack
Heroes can perform Step Attacks with Talises!
Agile Shift 高速移動
Shoot a "Marker" and teleport to its location. You can also attach it on an enemy to travel towards them. You can shoot it in the air and warp to that location.
Jet Wheel ジェットホイール
A shuriken spins around for a limited time.
You can perform other actions as it spins.
Wise Hound ワイズハウンド
Throws shuriken towards the target(s). The shuriken can hit several parts of a single foe.
Dive Bullet ダイブオブバレット
Quickly hop in any direction and stun enemies.
Hold to switch to Twin Machine Guns.
Racer Edge レーサーオブエッジ
Another attack that can stun enemies. Throws a spinning talis towards the target. Hold to draw closer and switch to Sword.
Power steadily rises over time. Resets if you receive a certain % of damage within a short while. During Hero Time, it increases the power bonus rate / sec.
Hero Weapon Bonus 1 ヒーローウェポンボーナス1 (Max Lv: 10 )
威力 = Power
Increases power when a Sword, Twin Machine Gun, or Talis is equipped.
Hero Weapon Bonus 2 ヒーローウェポンボーナス2 (Max Lv: 10 )
威力 = Power
Increases power when a Sword, Twin Machine Gun, or Talis is equipped.
First Blood ファーストブラッド (Max Lv: 1 )
Treats the first attack as a Just Attack. Technics are not covered.
Hero Counter ヒーローカウンター (Max Lv: 5 )
威力 = Power
Increases the power of [Step Attack] after successfully using [Step] to evade an enemy's attack.
Performing a variety of attacks will help to increase the Gear Gauge. Once the gauge reaches MAX, you can activate Hero Time! During Hero Time, your ATK will rise based on the number of times you damage enemies.
Hero Time Finish ヒーロータイムフィニッシュ (Max Lv: 1 )
Reactivating Hero Time prior to the gauge depleting will trigger a finishing move unique to the weapon type.
Zero Range Gear Up ゼロレンジギアアップ (Max Lv: 5 )
ギア上昇率 = Gear Accum. rate
Increases the amount of gear that fills when attacking at close range.
Long Range Gear Up ロングレンジギアアップ (Max Lv: 5 )
ギア上昇率 = Gear Accum. rate
Increases the amount of gear that fills when attacking at long range.
Combo Gear Up (Max Lv: 5 )
Increases the amount of gear that fills if your combo starts with a PA/Technic and leads to a different PA.
Hero Gear Time Gain ヒーローギアタイムゲイン (Max Lv: 1 )
Hero Gear gradually rises after the start of a quest.
HT Counter Bonus HTカウンターボーナス (Max Lv: 1 )
Restores Gear when you evade attacks during Hero Time
HT Counter PP Gain HTカウンターPPゲイン (Max Lv: 1 )
Restores PP when you evade attacks during Hero Time.
H Attack Bonus Hアタックボーナス (Max Lv: 5 )
Increases the power of Weapon Actions and Basic Attacks when Swords, TMGs, and Talises are equipped.
Aura High Charge オーラハイチャージ (Max Lv: 5 )
Enables the Sword's weapon action to charge to its 2nd stage.
Combo Aura Short Charge コンボオーラショートチャージ (Max Lv: 1 )
Reduces the charging times of Sword's Weapon Action if used in a combo.
TMG Attack PP Save TMGアタックPPセイブ (Max Lv: 5 )
Reduces the PP consumption of TMG's basic attack.
H Talis Charge Keep Hタリスチャージキープ (Max Lv: 1 )
(Talis Only) Keeps the charging status of the technic/wpn action, if you interrupt it with an evasive action.
Come Again カムアゲイン (Max Lv: 1 )
Allows you to Agile Shift to the marker twice.
Hero Mag ヒーローマグ (Max Lv: 1 )
Converts the mag's total ATK (from S-ATK + R-ATK + T-ATK) and distributes it as S-ATK, R-ATK, T-ATK.
Next Jump ネクストジャンプ (Max Lv: 1 )
Enables the usage of a double jump with Swords, TMGs, and Talises.
Hero One More Jump ヒーローワンモアジャンプ (Max Lv: 1 )
Enables another jump if you step on an enemy with Next Jump.
H Flash Guard Hフラッシュガード (Max Lv: 10 )
被ダメージ率 = Taken damage %
Reduces damage received.
Hero Will ヒーローウィル (Max Lv: 5 )
発動率 = Activation Rate
Grants a one-time survival of a fatal blow if activated. Applies very short invincibility.
All Tech PP Save オールテックPPセイブ (Max Lv: 5 )
PP消費割合 = PP Cost %
Reduces PP consumption of all Technics.
Victory Shout (Max Lv: 5 )
Attracts the attention of enemies. Restores PP based on number of enemies.
Weak Attack Critical ウィークアタッククリティカル (Max Lv: 5 )
Increases the critical rate for attacks that hit a weak area, and Technics that match the elemental weakness.
HP Up HPアップ (Max Lv: 10 )
Increases MAX HP
PP Up PPアップ (Max Lv: 10 )
Increases Max PP.
All ATK Up 全攻撃力アップ (Max Lv: 10 )
Increases S-ATK/R-ATK/T-ATK.
All DEF UP全防御力アップ (Max Lv: 10 )
Increases S-DEF/R-DEF/T-DEF/DEX.
Hero Client Orders
Client Order
ヒーロークラス解放許可試験 Hero Class Unlocking Trial
Acquire Title: まだ見ぬ境地へ ※Title requires two Lv. 75 Classes.
ヒーロークラス適性審査試験・Ⅰ Hero Class Aptitude Test 1
Clear [Hero Basics] Training Quest. ※Reward: Hero Level Cap License I (Lv.40)
ヒーロークラス適性審査試験・Ⅱ Hero Class Aptitude Test 2
Clear the target quest on N+ difficulty. ※Target: Any Free/Arks/Ltd Quest as a Hero ※Reward: Hero Level Cap License 2 (Lv. 55)
Hero Class Aptitude Test 3
Defeat 50 enemies with Swords
Defeat 50 enemies with TMGs
Defeat 50 enemies with Talises ※Target: Any Lv. 1+ enemy.
※Defeat each enemy as a Hero. ※Reward: Hero Level Cap License 3 (Lv. 70)
Hero Class Aptitude Test 4
Defeat LV. 61+ Zeshrayda using Swords
Defeat LV. 61+ Blu Ringahda using TMGs
Defeat LV 61+ Guar Zigmorde using Talises ※Defeat each enemy without a party.
※Each enemy must be defeated as a Hero. ※Reward: Hero Level Cap License 4 (Lv. 75)
Hr Level 75 Cap Release
Acquire Title: Pioneer of Hero NT Upgrades ※Grind ★13 or higher NT weapon to +35 ※Only one Hero weapon type is needed.
Acquire Title: Seeker of Hero Perfection ※Clear Stratos CO: The Perfect Hero IV Reward: Hero Level Cap License 5 (Lv. 80)
Client Order
真のヒーローの戦い方を! Fight As A True Hero!
Defeat 30 Lv1+ Enemies as a Hero. ※Reward: Stratos Partner Card
ヒーローの発展のために! Developing Hero!
Defeat [Wolgahda] Lv21+
Defeat [Vardha Soma] Lv21+
Defeat [Anjhadu-lili] Lv21+ ※Hero Class Only ※Reward: +5 Hero Skill Points
ヒーローのさらなる発展のために! Developing A Better Hero!
Defeat [Dragon Ex] Lv41+
Defeat [Gigur Gunne-gam] Lv41+
Defeat [Train Ghidoran] Lv41+ ※Hero Class Only ※Reward: +5 Hero Skill Points
ヒーローの極致を追求・Ⅰ The Perfect Hero I
Deliver [Hr Excube] x3 ※Hit the cap repeatedly to earn Hr Excubes ※Reward: +1 Hero Skill Point
ヒーローの極致を追求・Ⅱ The Perfect Hero II
Deliver [Hr Excube] x6 ※Hit the cap repeatedly to earn Hr Excubes ※Reward: +1 Hero Skill Point
ヒーローの極致を追求・Ⅲ The Perfect Hero III
Deliver [Hr Excube] x6 ※Hit the cap repeatedly to earn Hr Excubes ※Reward: +1 Hero Skill Point
ヒーローの極致を追求・Ⅳ The Perfect Hero IV
Deliver [Hr Excube] x6 ※Hit the cap repeatedly to earn Hr Excubes ※Reward: +1 Hero Skill Point