PSO2 Episode 5: Story Preview

~ Available July 26th ~


Parallel World: Omega

Beyond the black-hole is Omega; a “dream” derived from the universe's memories(Akashic Record). Here, the ARKS are regarded as fabled saviors from another world.


Omega endures ceaseless wars wrought by Ephimera, the non-fruit bearing flower driving people to madness.


Switching Episodes

The character selection menu will offer the option of choosing either [Episode 1 ~ 3] or [Episode 4 ~ 5].


From the latter, by speaking to Xiera, you can switch between Episode 4 and 5.


Starting Story Quests

Story Quests can be initiated either through Xiera or the Quest Counter. This time your progress will be shared across all characters.


Story Presentation

Conversation events will be presented in a 2D style reminiscent of famous RPGs.


The episode also features a map that visualizes the current battle situation in the story.



Omnibus Quests

Omnibus Quests allows you to enjoy the contents of PSO2's first three episodes within Episode 5. These will be available from Alma, a mysterious new character that shows up at the Bridge.


Alma will provide commentary on the events that unfold, helping us gain a deeper understanding.


Progress through Omnibus Quests will also be shared to all your characters!


PSO2 Station #9 Recap

Warning! This post is updating in real time!
Please take note as the information below is subject to change.


July 8th Tidbits

Secret Phrase

  • Say しゃわこボイス爆誕 in chat for Sawako Hata's voice tickets. 

Hero Mag Skill

  • This skill is set up so that you don't have to create a new mag. It takes the mag's Total ATK (from S-ATK+R-ATK+T-ATK) and applies it to S-ATK, R-ATK, and T-ATK. Dex and Defense stats are not covered by this skill.

Hero Unit Recommendation

  • If you want to fight with several weapon types, a general purpose unit is recommended.  If you want to concentrate on just your favorite weapon, then you should use a specialized unit.

Hero Training Quest

  • Hero will indeed be getting a training quest.

Heroes and PA Disks

  • The whole PA disk concept doesn't exist for Heroes.

Buster Quest Grade

  • Grade 1 is equivalent to Lv. 20 enemies. On the player's end, the minimum and maximum values for stats will adjust to match Lv. 20. The maximum value will be set so that you'd be stronger than players who are normally at level 20.
  • Grade 2 is equivalent to Lv. 50 enemies, so the minimum and maximum values will adjust to match Lv. 50.
  • Grade 3 has a minimum value for stats, but no maximum value set.
  • All grades will have that damage cap you've been seeing recently.
  • The above features are called "Automatic Stat Adjustment."
  • Main Match and Main Match Advanced share the "play stamina."
  • (As an aside, I want to point out from viewing every released and unreleased trailer so far—Main Match has Grade 1, Grade 2, and Grade 3. However Main Match Advanced is the only one I've seen with Grade 3+.)

Demon Elemental Weakness

  • Each demon could have a different elemental weakness.
  • Generally you'll see Fire weakness, but for others, it might be Light.

Multi-Block Matching

  • This system lets you match up with players from all blocks on the same ship. Multi-Party quests (such as Buster Quests and Emergency Quests) will support this feature.
  • The Party Information Menu will give you the option as to whether or not you want to match with only the current block. Multi-Block Matching will become default.
  • You also have the option of matching up only with players in Expert Blocks. However, this option will not apply to [Free Match] Buster Quests. 

Quests with Subclass Requirements

  • Yes, Heroes can do quests with subclass requirements. For example, a level 80 Hero can play Gracia's 80/80 requirement.

Material Storage AC Rental

  • 30 Days = 1500 AC
  • 90 Days = 3600 AC

My Set Presets

  • You will now have 15 My Set Presets.

Episode 5 Story Quests

  • At the character selection screen, you can switch between [EP 1 ~ 3] and [EP 4 ~ 5] Mode. You can switch between EP 4 & 5 at the Bridge.
  • Story Quests can be accepted from Xiera or the Quest Counter. 
  • Story Progress is shared between all characters.

Omnibus Quests

  • A reconstruction of Episodes 1 ~ 3.
  • With Alma's thoughts, the story becomes easier to understand.
  • Can be accepted at the bridge or quest counter.

Lobby Update

  • The gate area will see some slight changes when Episode 5 hits.

Hero Palette Switching

  • Switches weapons to palettes in ascending order.
  • Let's say your palette was set up like this:
    • 1st = Sword
    • 2nd = TMG
    • 3rd = Sword
    • 4th = Sword
  • If you are using TMGs and you use a PA that switches to Swords, then the palette will switch to the sword set in the 3rd palette.
  • (From the player's viewpoint, it basically looks down the palette. )

More to be added…







June 25th Tidbits

The following is based on info collected through social media from people who attended the Phantasy Star Festa in Sapporo. Due to this, we are unfortunately unable to personally verify information. Some information may be incorrect, incomplete, or missing context.

The information below might be slightly incorrect, incomplete, or missing context.

Buster Quests

  • Has 3 types of quests:
    • [Main Match]
    • [Main Match Advanced]
    • [Free Match]
  • Main Matches can be played a limited number of times per day.
  • This will reset when the clock hits 5:00 AM in Japan.
  • Clearing [Free Match] will restore some of the play limit.
  • You can play Free Match an unlimited number of times.
  • You can match up with players from different blocks.

Buster Quest (Grade System)

  • Buster Quest's Grade System acts as the quest's difficulty.
  • The higher the grade, the more powerful the enemies.
  • Players will have their stats adjust according to grade.
  • Grade 3 is the equivalent to Extra Hard.
  • Grade also affects enemy spawn.

Buster Quest: Defense Weapons

  • Players will have the authority to select defense weapons for the tower they're assigned to.
  • Defense weapon categories include:
    • Balance Type
    • Defense Type
    • Attack Type
    • Special Type
  • Each of the defenses have their own list of abilities.
  • Example Abilities:
    • Photon Punisher: A Satellite Laser Cannon
    • Telipipe Canon: Place a telepipe
    • Barriers: Includes Freeze Barrier or Reject Barrier
    • Turrets: Shotgun, Gatling Gun
    • Etc…

Buster Quest: Defense Phase

  • Protect the towers from the demon's attacks.
  • Collect mana scattered across the field to increase the number of uses for the Defense Weapons. You can also use this to recover the tower's HP.

Buster Quest: Buster Phase

  • With enough mana, you can summon the Buster Pile
  • Only the Buster Piles can destroy the Demonic Barriers.
  • You'll need to keep them safe until they complete this task.
  • Destroying all the barriers will move you over to the next phase.
  • If not, you'll have to repeat the Defense Phase.

Buster Quest: Attack Phase

  • Here you'll fight the Demonic Castle
  • Destroying the core leads to a powerful counter attack.

Buster Quest: Final Defense Phase

  • This phase has even more violent attacks.
  • Enduring all the attacks will lead to the final phase.

Buster Quest: Final Attack Phase

  • You'll win by defeating the demonic castle in time.
  • Destroying the arms will allow you to attack the core.
  • You can still receive rewards even if you lose.
  • Of course the drop contents will be different
  • The drop rate will change based on the clear rank.


Other Stuff


  • Heroes can't use native PAs embedded on weapons. For example, embedded Over End is a no go.
  • Episode 5's story progress is shared across all characters.
  • You can accept story quests from Xiera or from the counter.
  • In Ep 4 ~ 5 mode, you can switch episodes at the bridge.
  • Several people have mentioned that Episode 5's conversation events will be in 2d like Phantasy Star Portable.
  • There will be a new feature called "Omnibus Quests," that lets you run through the contents of Ep 1 ~ 3. Some Matter Board items will be available for pickup. One person mentioned you can accept these quests from Alma or from the Quest Counter.


June 17th & 18th Tidbits

Hero Information

Better Note Takers Mean Better Notes!

The following is based on info collected through social media from people who attended the Phantasy Star Festa in Sapporo. Due to this, we are unfortunately unable to personally verify information. Some information may be incorrect, incomplete, or missing context.

The information below might be slightly incorrect, incomplete, or missing context.


Heroes Information

  • Heroes can wield three weapon types: Swords, TMGs, and Talises. The class produces enough power to fight even with just one weapon type. However, it's recommended to utilize all three in battle.
  • Like all classes, heroes can optionally use Gunslashes too!
  • Heroes will have several level cap unlocking Orders to deal with.
  • Heroes also have a countering ability!

Hero Countering

Here is how an attendee described the process:

  • After using an evasive maneuver to evade an enemy's attack, by doing a step attack, it will be possible to activate the "Hero Counter."
  • They said the counter reminded them of Gurren Tessen's followup.



Hero Class Skills

The information below might be slightly incorrect, incomplete, or missing context.

[Hero Gear]:

  • The gear gauge rises with attacks.
  • The gauge will not decrease over time.
  • A skill called [Hero Time] will consume the Gear Gauge.

[Hero Time]:

  • Hero Time is similar to Katana Combat.
  • Can be activated at MAX gear.
  • The recast time is 2 minutes.
  • Similar to Katana Combat, you can also perform a finisher.

[Hero Finish]:

  • Sword: A Combo Attack
    • One person said it looked like Ignite Parrying
  • TMGs: A Wide Range Attack
    • One person said it looked like Shift Period.
  • Talis: An attack that deals sustained damage
    • A few people described it like a thrown version of Na Grants.

[Hero Boost]:

  • This is a skill where you gradually become more powerful.
    • Most people say you must continue attacking.
    • Others say it happens over time.
  • Will cancel if you receive certain damage within a short time.
    • Some people said it resets.

[First Blood]:

  • Gives the first attack the power of a Just Attack?


  • A skill for double jumping also exists.


Hero Sword Functionality

The information below might be slightly incorrect, incomplete or missing context.

A few stated that swords feel like high powered Katanas. Most say their Step Attacks are long. This weapon is intended for bosses.

[Spirit Bullet]: Weapon Action

  • This is a Striking-dependent ranged attack.
  • It has PP recovery ability.
  • You can charge it up to its 2nd stage by learning skills.

[Rising Slash]: PA

  • A PA that keeps attacking when the button is held long.

[Brightness End]: PA

  • A PA that can hurl slash attacks when charged.
  • This PA also has Guarding Points.

[Vapor of Bullets]: PA

  • A PA that leads into TMGs when the button is held long.

[Slash of Trick]: PA

  • A lot have mentioned that this is the "starting point of combos?"
  • (Based on the name, it might switch over to Talis?)


Hero TMG PAs

The information below might be slightly incorrect, incomplete, or missing context.

This weapon is supposed to be mainly used against mooks. Their normal attacks consume PP but you can recover it back by doing its weapon action.

[Reload]: Weapon Action

  • Reload allows you to recover PP.
  • You can also Reload in the air.
  • Do a [Just Reload] for faster PP recovery.

[Brand New Star]: PA

  • Not a lot of people were able to say how it worked.
  • A few people mentioned it was a wide range forward piercing attack.
  • Someone said it wasn't explained…

[Final Storm]: PA

  • Not a lot of people were able to say how it worked.
  • One mentioned it had high speed movement while your character attacked surrounding enemies.

[Second of Edge]: PA

  • A PA that leads into Swords when the button is held long.

[Moment of Trick]: PA

  • A PA that leads into Talises when the button is held long.
  • This can stun enemies.
  • One person said its power was low.



Hero Talis PAs

The information below might be slightly incorrect, incomplete, or missing context.

Talises have fast throwing speeds. One person mentioned that its effective in raising the gear gauge. The weapon is mainly used for continuous damage.

[Warp]: Weapon Action

  • You throw a marker and warp into that location.

[Jet Wheel]: PA

  • It's a placement type PA that's round.
  • Some have said that it's like Gi Grants.

[Wise Count]: PA

  • It's a marker style PA that deals sustained damage.
  • You can set up several of them.

[Dive of Bullets]: PA

  • A PA that leads into TMGs when the button is held long.
  • It can also Stun.
  • A few have stated you can stun while moving.

[Razor of Edge]: PA

  • A PA that leads into Swords when the button is held long.


The following is based on info collected through social media from people who attended the Phantasy Star Festa in Sapporo. Due to this, we are unfortunately unable to personally verify information. Some information may be incorrect, incomplete, or missing context.


Buster Quests

The information below might be slightly incorrect, incomplete, or missing context.

Buster Quests

  • Has two types of matches [Free Match] and [Main Match]
  • [Main Match] has a daily limit.
  • [Main] and [Free] have different drops.
  • (You can restore your [Main Match] daily limits by playing [Free Match]")?
  • Playing [Free Match] will apply a boost to your [Main Match]

Buster Quest Grade System

I'm not entirely sure how this section works.

  • You can play this quest without choosing a difficulty.
  • (Has an advance risk like Grade System)?
  • (Enemy Stats adjust based on Grade)?
  • (Earn Buster Points to increase the Grade)?
  • Free Match lets you play with people your grade and lower.

Buster Quest Setup

  • Select from a set of 4 defense armaments.
    • Available from Grade 2 (or higher)

Buster Quest: Defense Phase

  • The phase behaves like a typical MBD.
  • You must protect the [Buster Tower].
    • (We'll call it this for now because of the kanji similarities to Buster Pile)
  • Collect Mana (Crystals) to help restore stamina for the Buster Tower.
  • (Another person mentioned you use Mana to strengthen defense armaments?)

Buster Quest: Buster Phase

  • Enduring the Defense Phase makes you switch over to the Buster Phase.
  • Use mana to make the [Buster Pile] destroy enemy walls (barriers).
  • You'll also need to protect the Buster Pile.
  • Some have mentioned that you can summon multiple Buster Piles based on the mana value.

Buster Quest: Attack Phase

  • If you succeed, you'll switch over to the Attack Phase
  • The goal is to destroy the Demonic Castle core

Buster Quest: Defense Phase (2)

  • This phase makes the Demonic Castle enraged.

Buster Quest: Attack Phase (2)

  • You'll have to fight demons left and right
  • Here you'll do the final battle with the Demonic Castle

There's some inconsistencies with the way these phases were described among people. I tried to summarize it as best as I could, but things may not work out exactly as it's stated here.



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PSO2 JP AC Scratch: Tropical Summer Ocean

Tropical Summer Ocean
(Until 8.9.2017)



クランマリーヌ[Ou] ║ Clan Marine [Ou]
(6 colors)


クランマリーヌ[Ba] ║ Clan Marine [Ba]
クランマリーヌ紅[Ba] ║ Clan Marine Crimson Red [Ba]
クランマリーヌ海[Ba] ║ Clan Marine Blue Sea [Ba]
クランマリーヌ雅[Ba] ║ Clan Marine Elegant Purple [Ba]
クランマリーヌ桜[Ba] ║ Clan Marine Sakura Pink [Ba]
クランマリーヌ雪[Ba] ║ Clan Marine White Snow [Ba]


クランマリーヌ[In] ║ Clan Marine [In]
クランマリーヌ紅[In] ║ Clan Marine Crimson Red [In]
クランマリーヌ夜[In] ║ Clan Marine Night Blue [In]
クランマリーヌ雅[In] ║ Clan Marine Elegant Purple [In]
クランマリーヌ桜[In] ║ Clan Marine Sakura Pink [In]
クランマリーヌ雪[In] ║ Clan Marine White Snow [In]



ラカサシャミール[Ba] ║ Raqasa Shamir [Ba]
ラカサシャミール紅[Ba] ║ Raqasa Shamir Crimson Red [Ba]
ラカサシャミール海[Ba] ║ Raqasa Shamir Blue Sea [Ba]
ラカサシャミール雅[Ba] ║ Raqasa Shamir Elegant Purple [Ba]
ラカサシャミール雪[Ba] ║ Raqasa Shamir White Snow [Ba]
ラカサシャミール影[Ba] ║ Raqasa Shamir Black Shadow [Ba]



シェリーロレッタ[Ba] ║ Sherry Loretta [Ba]
シェリーロレッタ影[Ba] ║ Sherry Loretta Black Shadow [Ba]
シェリーロレッタ紅[Ba] ║ Sherry Loretta Crimson Red [Ba]
シェリーロレッタ夜[Ba] ║ Sherry Loretta Night Blue [Ba]
シェリーロレッタ雅[Ba] ║ Sherry Loretta Elegant Purple [Ba]
シェリーロレッタ鋼[Ba] ║ Sherry Loretta Steel Gray [Ba]



レディサーフパンツ[Ba] ║ Lady Surf Pants [Ba]
レディサーフパンツ紅[Ba] ║ Lady Surf Pants Crimson Red [Ba]
レディサーフパンツ海[Ba] ║ Lady Surf Pants Blue Sea [Ba]
レディサーフパンツ月[Ba] ║ Lady Surf Pants Yellow Moon [Ba]
レディサーフパンツ雪[Ba] ║ Lady Surf Pants White Snow [Ba]
レディサーフパンツ影[Ba] ║ Lady Surf Pants Black Shadow [Ba]



クランマラッド[Ou] ║ Clan Maraud [Ou]
(6 colors)


クランマラッド[Ba] ║ Clan Maraud [Ba]
クランマラッド夜[Ba] ║ Clan Maraud Night Blue [Ba]
クランマラッド雅[Ba] ║ Clan Maraud Elegant Purple [Ba]
クランマラッド葉[Ba] ║ Clan Maraud Leaf Green [Ba]
クランマラッド雪[Ba] ║ Clan Maraud White Snow [Ba]
クランマラッド影[Ba] ║ Clan Maraud Black Shadow [Ba]


クランマラッド[In] ║ Clan Maraud [In]
クランマラッド夜[In] ║ Clan Maraud Night Blue [In]
クランマラッド紅[In] ║ Clan Maraud Elegant Purple [In]
クランマラッド葉[In] ║ Clan Maraud Leaf Green [In]
クランマラッド雪[In] ║ Clan Maraud White Snow [In]
クランマラッド影[In] ║ Clan Maraud Black Shadow [In]



トレーニングSウェア[Ba] ║ Training S Wear [Ba]
トレーニングSウェア紅[Ba] ║ Training S Wear Crimson Red [Ba]
トレーニングSウェア空[Ba] ║ Training S Wear Sky Blue [Ba]
トレーニングSウェア月[Ba] ║ Training S Wear Yellow Moon [Ba]
トレーニングSウェア雪[Ba] ║ Training S Wear White Snow [Ba]
トレーニングSウェア影[Ba] ║ Training S Wear Black Shadow [Ba]


Female Recolors

  • ゴールドSビキニ/F[Ba] ║ Gold S Bikini / F [Ba]
  • シルバーSビキニ/F[Ba] ║ Silver S Bikini / F [Ba]
  • マイクロミニパンツ雪[Ba] ║ Micro Mini Shorts White Snow [Ba]
  • マイクロミニパンツ玄[Ba] ║ Micro Mini Shorts Mysterious Black [Ba]
  • ジェンダーピラート夜 ║ Gender Pirate Night Blue

Male Recolors

  • ゴールドVパンツ/F[Ba] ║ Gold V Pants / F [Ba]
  • シルバーVパンツ/F[Ba] ║ Silver V Pants / F [Ba]
  • ラークバルバトス夜 ║ Lark Barbatos Night Blue

Gradient Variations

  • アルビダ・ヘッドGV ║ Alvida Head GV
  • アルビダ・ボディGV ║ Alvida Body GV
  • アルビダ・アームGV ║ Alvida Arms GV
  • アルビダ・レッグGV ║ Alvida Legs GV
  • ドレーク・ヘッドGV ║ Drake Head GV
  • ドレーク・ボディGV ║ Drake Body GV
  • ドレーク・アームGV ║ Drake Arms GV
  • ドレーク・レッグGV ║ Drake Legs GV

Female Voice #66 (CV: Megumi Toyoguchi)

  • 女性追加ボイス66
  • 女性C追加ボイス66 (Cast ver.)

Male Voice #117 (CV: Kenichi Suzumura)

  • 男性追加ボイス117
  • 男性C追加ボイス117 (Cast ver.)

Lobby Action

  • 318「泳ぐ」 ║ Swim (/la swimming)

Female Layered Wear

  • フリルパーカー[Ou] ║ Frill Parka [Ou]

Body Paint

  • クロームタトゥーM ║ Chrome Tattoo M
  • クロームタトゥーF ║ Chrome Tattoo F


  • バルバトスハット ║ Barbatos Hat
  • ピラートハット ║ Pirate Hat

Mag Devices

  • フードデバイス/法撃 ║ Food Device / T-ATK

Grind Support

  • 属性変化(闇属性) ║ Attribute Change (Dark)
  • 属性変化(氷属性) ║ Attribute Change (Ice)
  • 属性変化(雷属性) ║ Attribute Change (Lightning)
  • 特殊能力追加(打撃&PP) ║ Add Special Ability (S-ATK & PP)


Bonus Scratch

Play this scratch a specific amount of times for exclusive bonus items!

(1) Draw the AC Scratch 5 times to receive:

  • Free Salon Pass

(2) Draw the AC Scratch 10 times to receive:

  • Shoulder Arm L (Accessory)

(3) Draw the AC Scratch 15 times to receive:

  • Full Face Helmet Shadow (Hairstyle)

(4) Draw the AC Scratch Gold 2 times to receive:

  • Free Salon Pass

(5) Draw the AC Scratch Gold 4 times to receive:

  • Shoulder Arm R (Accessory)

(6) Draw the AC Scratch Gold 6 times to receive:

  • Full Face Helmet Snow (Hairstyle)

※Players can receive each item only once. All of these items are untradeable.


FUN Scratch

PSPo2 Music Discs

  • Winners
  • Losers
  • Ruler


  • ストレートラージテール ║ Straight Large Tail


  • 多重まゆ ║ Multiple Eyebrows

Body Paint

  • パイレーツMタトゥーA ║ Pirates M Tattoo A
  • パイレーツFタトゥーA ║ Pirates F Tattoo A
  • パイレーツMタトゥーB ║ Pirates M Tattoo B
  • パイレーツFタトゥーB ║ Pirates F Tattoo B


  • カジュアルレッグポーチA ║ Casual Leg Pouch A
  • ツールバッグB ║ Tool Bag B
  • イエロースターカチューシャ ║ Yellow Star Headband
  • ピンクスターカチューシャ ║ Pink Star Headband
  • 金魚袋 ║ Goldfish Bag
  • ロングキャノンL ║ Long Cannon L
  • ロングキャノンR ║ Long Cannon R
  • リアバーニアB ║ Rear Vernier B
  • ブラックアームスカーフ ║ Black Arm Scarf
  • トートバッグ ║ Tote Bag
  • くわえトースト ║ Bitten Toast
  • 背負いカゴ ║ Back Basket

Lobby Actions

  • 190「ビーチバレー」 ║ Volleyball (/la volley)

Room Items

  • シャワーボックス ║ Shower Box
  • シーベイジングセットB ║ Sea Bathing Set B
  • プライベートプールB ║ Private Pool B
  • シャーベット ║ Sherbet


AC Scratch Directory