PSO2 Collaborates with Persona 5: Dancing Star Night and Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night

Phantasy Star Online 2 has announced a collaboration with Persona 5: Dancing Star Night and Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night! PSO2 Players will gain access to avatar items, as well as, dancing lobby actions from the main cast. The collaboration also extends into a LIVE event, with details to be revealed at a later time.

The Persona Dancing Collaboration Releases This June


PSO2 Emergency Maintenance

Sega has announced an Emergency Maintenance at the following time:

  • April 13th @ 08:00 ~ 14:00 JST (Completed)
  • ※Click the above link to convert to your timezone.
  • PSO2es will also be offline during the maintenance.

Maintenance Contents

  • To correct a bug in which a low amount of drops appear after clearing [Incarnation of Knowledge]

Maintenance is expected to finish at 14:00 JST. However, depending on the situation, it could end earlier or later than scheduled. They are sorry for the inconvenience this has caused and will consider some form of compensation. Details will be provided in the future.

In addition, they apologize for not informing you in advance that the [Crimson Castle Crusher] scheduled at 7:00 JST was cancelled.

Rescheduled Emergency Quests

  • Crimson Castle Crusher -> April 14th, 9:00 JST / April 13th, 8PM EDT
  • Incarnation of Knowledge -> April 15th, 9:00 JST / April 14th, 8PM EDT
  • Magisterial Onslaught -> April 16th, 15:00 JST / April 16th, 2AM EDT

Added Emergency Quests

  • Incarnation of Knowledge -> April 13th, 15:00 JST / April 13th, 2AM EDT
  • Incarnation of Knowledge -> April 13th, 19:00 JST / April 13th, 6PM EDT
  • Incarnation of Knowledge -> April 14th, 18:00 JST / April 14th, 5PM EDT
  • Incarnation of Knowledge -> April 16th, 2:00 JST / April 15th, 1PM EDT


PSO2 JP AC Scratch: Start Over Zero

Start Over Zero
(Until 5.9.2018)



タイラー・レプカM[Ou] ║ Tylor Repca M [Ou]
(6 colors)

タイラー・レプカF[Ou] ║ Tylor Repca F [Ou]
(6 colors)


タイラー・レプカM[Ba] ║ Tylor Repca M [Ba]
タイラー・レプカM影[Ba] ║ Tylor Repca M Shadow [Ba]
タイラー・レプカM雪[Ba] ║ Tylor Repca M Snow [Ba]
タイラー・レプカM紅[Ba] ║ Tylor Repca M Crimson [Ba]
タイラー・レプカM夜[Ba] ║ Tylor Repca M Night [Ba]
タイラー・レプカM栗[Ba] ║ Tylor Repca M Chestnut [Ba]



ボルワイヤルセット[Ba] ║ Voloyal Set [Ba]
ボルワイヤルセット影[Ba] ║ Voloyal Set Shadow [Ba]
ボルワイヤルセット雪[Ba] ║ Voloyal Set Snow [Ba]
ボルワイヤルセット鋼[Ba] ║ Voloyal Set Steel [Ba]
ボルワイヤルセット桜[Ba] ║ Voloyal Set Sakura [Ba]
ボルワイヤルセット夜[Ba] ║ Voloyal Set Night [Ba]


スバルのジャージ[Ba] ║ Subaru Jersey [Ba]


エミリアの服 ║ Emilia Attire


ラムとレムのメイド服 ║ Ram & Rem Maid Attire


フェリスの普段着F ║ Ferris Casuals F

フェリスの普段着M ║ Ferris Casuals M


Female Recolors

  • ボア・ボワール鋼[Ou] ║ Boa Voir Steel [Ou]
  • ボア・ボワール玄[Ba] ║ Boa Voir Mysterious [Ba]
  • ボア・ボワール冬[Ba] ║ Boa Voir Winter [Ba]
  • 傾花恋詠 影[Ou] ║ Nanamebana R. Shadow [Ou]
  • 傾花恋詠 玄[Ba] ║ Nanamebana R. Mysterious [Ba]
  • 傾花恋詠 冬[Ba] ║ Nanamebana R. Winter [Ba]
  • ピュアグレース雪[Ba] ║ Pure Grace Snow [Ba]
  • ピュアグレース春[Ba] ║ Pure Grace Spring [Ba]
  • ピュアグレース夜[Ba] ║ Pure Grace Night [Ba]
  • テーパードパンツ茜[Ba] ║ Tapered Pants Madder [Ba]
  • テーパードパンツ玄[Ba] ║ Tapered Pants Mysterious [Ba]

Male Recolors

  • ビル・デ・ボンズ茜[Ba] ║ Bil De Bonez Madder [Ba]
  • ビル・デ・ボンズ雪[Ba] ║ Bil De Bonez Snow [Ba]

CAST Gradient Variations

  • Rイノセンテ・ヘッドGV ║ Reus Innocente Head GV
  • Rイノセンテ・ボディGV ║ Reus Innocente Body GV
  • Rイノセンテ・アームGV ║ Reus Innocente Arms GV
  • Rイノセンテ・レッグGV ║ Reus Innocente Legs GV
  • ライザーF・ヘッドGV ║ Riser Frame Head GV
  • ライザーF・ボディGV ║ Riser Frame Body GV
  • ライザーF・アームGV ║ Riser Frame Arms GV
  • ライザーF・レッグGV ║ Riser Frame Legs GV

Female Voice #167 (CV: Haruka Yoshimura)

  • 女性追加ボイス167
  • 女性C追加ボイス167

Male Voice #134 (CV: Tesshō Genda)

  • 男性追加ボイス134
  • 男性C追加ボイス134

Lobby Actions

  • 396「Re:ゼロ」 ║ Re:Zero
  • 395「術をかける」 ║ Magic Spell


  • 傾花結い ║ Nanamebana Updo

Mag Devices

  • フードデバイス/打撃 ║ Food Device / S-ATK

Grind Support

  • 属性変化(闇属性) ║ Attribute Change (Dark)
  • 属性変化(氷属性) ║ Attribute Change (Ice)
  • 属性変化(雷属性) ║ Attribute Change (Lightning)
  • 特殊能力追加(打撃&PP) ║ Add Special Ability (S-ATK & PP)


Scratch Bonus

Play this scratch a specific amount of times for exclusive bonus items!

(1) Draw the AC Scratch 5 times to receive:

  • Free Salon Pass

(2) Draw the AC Scratch 10 times to receive:

  • Tokyo Bonus Key [Silver]

(3) Draw the AC Scratch 15 times to receive:

  • +150% Tribooster

(4) Draw the AC Scratch 20 times to receive:

  • Female Beast Face

(5) Draw the AC Scratch 30 times to receive:

  • Star Over Zero Ticket

(6) Draw the AC Scratch 60 times to receive:

  • Star Over Zero Ticket

(7) Draw the AC Scratch 120 times to receive:

  • Star Over Zero Ticket

(8) Draw the AC Scratch Gold 2 times to receive:

  • Ragol Memory

(8) Draw the AC Scratch Gold 4 times to receive:

  • Magatsu Bonus Key [Silver]

(9) Draw the AC Scratch Gold 6 times to receive:

  • Rappy Bonus Key F

(10) Draw the AC Scratch Gold 8 times to receive:

  • Male Beast Face

(11) Draw the AC Scratch Gold 12 times to receive:

  • Star Over Zero Ticket

※Players can receive each item only once. All of these items are untradeable.
※Star Over Zero Ticket allows you to choose 1 item from this AC Scratch.


FUN Scratch

Lobby Actions

  • 398「けんけんぱ」 ║ Hopscotch

PSO2 The Animation Music Discs

  • Ping Pong!


  • 目隠しラージテール ║ Large Tail Bangs

Face Paint

  • 目尻紅 大 ║ Red Eyeshadow L
  • 目尻紅 小 ║ Red Eyeshadow S


  • 傾花まゆ ║ Nanamebana Eyebrows


  • 傾花まつげ 黒 ║ Black Nanamebana Lashes
  • 傾花まつげ 紺 ║ Blue Nanamebana Lashes
  • 傾花まつげ 茶 ║ Brown Nanamebana Lashes
  • 傾花まつげ 白 ║ White Nanamebana Lashes


  • サイドカノン ║ Side Cannons
  • コックスカーフ 青 ║ Blue Chef Scarf
  • コックスカーフ 黒 ║ Black Chef Scarf
  • ホワイトチェリーブレスL ║ White Cherry Bracelet L
  • ゴシックレースポーチ ║ Gothic Lace Pouch
  • ホワイトスパイダーネスト ║ White Spider Nest
  • バレットベルト ║ Bullet Belt
  • くわえさくらんぼ ║ Bitten Cherries
  • ガスボンベ ║ Gas Cylinders
  • レッグポーチ ║ Leg Pouch
  • ショルダーカバー ║ Shoulder Covers
  • グリーンパピヨンマスクB ║ Green Butterfly Mask B
  • 鼻メガネ ║ Groucho Glasses

Room Items

  • シティー・ストリートA ║ City Street A
  • シティー・ストリートB ║ City Street B
  • シティー・ビルディング ║ City Buildings
  • シティー・ドーム ║ City Dome
  • シティー・タワー ║ City Tower
  • トールツリー ║ Tall Tree