Frame Arms Baselard and Gourai Costumes Arrive in PSO2

August 29th, 2018

Apprentice Dark Blast

The Dark Blast form of Apprentice arrives, buzzing into battle with the aid of two types of insect minions! Skills such as [Royal Scorpion] summons a large, scorpion-like insect that boasts high attack power. [Servant Hornet] on the other hand, summons a trio of small insects that can produce a suctioning field.

Photon Art, [Fortissimo Kick] delivers a devastating blow from above with a high speed heel drop. The second PA, [Graceful Dance], launches a linear slash attack, and is capable of deviating into a tornado attack.


To unlock the Apprentice Dark Blast form, players must clear a certain story quest or the [Underground Nightmare] Emergency Quest on Super Hard+.


New Class Skills

First Arts JA Addition

The first Normal Attack or Photon Art will be treated as a Just Attack.


Next Jump

Allows a second jump with all weapon types.

※Bouncer's [One More Jump] will be adjusted to also allow another jump on Normal Attacks and PAs.


New ★14 Pets

Melon and Maron are the latest pets to receive ★14 eggs! By finding their special rare egg, you'll be treated to a new color variation!


S-Class Ability Swapping

By spending Meseta, you will now be able to swap S-Class Abilities between two weapons.


King's Crest Exchange

The Demonia series and Erythron Dragon's ★14 will be available from the King's Crest Exchange Shop! In addition, the [Conqueror's Crest Campaign] will be replaced with the new [King's Crest Campaign].

King's Crest Exchange List

Item Name King's Crest Cost
Conqeuror's Crest (x2)
覇者の紋章 (2個)
Demonia Saber
Glide Girola
Gear Experience
Dual Bird
Demonia Blaster
Demonia Feather
Gilles Weihen


Battle Arena

Weapon Rotation

The Battle Arena weapon lineup will now include:

  • Knuckles | PA: Straight Charge
  • Twin Machinegun | PA: Satellite Aim
  • Rod | Techs: Foie, Zonde, Megid


Battle Scratch Expansion

The Battle Scratch will update to include weapon camos such as [*Coat Edge] and Mag Evolution Devices such as [Evolution Device / Petit Anga].


Powered Up Ultimate Amduscia

Ultimate Amduscia will undergo various adjustments, mainly in regards to its drops and enemies. The first major addition is the [Ares-NT] weapon series, now having the chance to drop within this quest. Other drop items include the elusive ★13 [Dia] weapon series, along with ★14 eggs and their color variants. The updated quest will also adjust enemy HP and attack power. Enemies will sometimes spawn at level 85, and once you reach the final area, a Lv. 85 Anga Fundarge will appear.


Ares-NT Weapon Category Change

Yet another new submenu has been added to Zieg's Emblem Exchange Shop. Convert one Ares-NT weapon category into another by supplying a plethora of crafting materials.


Trigger: Underground Nightmare

The trigger version of Underground Nightmare will release as a 4-Player Quest, playable only on [Extra Hard]. In this quest, you'll jump straight into battle with Omega Falz Apprentice, now with enhanced attack power and defense.

In order to participate, you'll need to acquire the Trigger. This will be available as a drop within the regular Underground Nightmare.

Those who complete this quest may acquire the new [*Wilksente] weapon camo. This camo is said to support 17 weapon categories.


EP5 Chapter 5

As Harriet and Margareta form the peace treaty between their two kingdoms, word arrives that an invasion has occurred within Es-Ars. What could be causing all the commotion within their nation?


Aurora meets Pietoro's pet Viola in a new sub-story!


Team Shop

Items purchased from the Team Shop will be sent to all Team Members! Depending on the current size of your team, a discount of up to 30% will be applied.


Freezing Lobby Action (Premium)

Premium Set users can use a chat command to freeze lobby actions in mid-animation. Use this opportunity to take even more intricate screenshots.


Quest Matching Improvement

If an Expert Player attempts to start a quest with non-expert members, the [Expert Matching Only] setting can be temporarily disabled.


Multiple Selection Cancelling

You can use the [Multiple Selection] operation to select or deselect several items.


Frame Arms Reload (AC Scratch)

A second collaboration with Kotobukiya's popular Frame Arms franchise adds CAST parts and costumes of their Gourai and Baselard models. The Megaslash Edge weapon camo supports eleven different weapon categories!

YSX-24 バーゼラルド | YSX-24 Baselard
ゼルフィカール | Zelfikar Series
バーゼラルドガール | Baselard Girl
三二式一型 轟雷 | 32 Type 1 Gourai
轟雷ガール | Gourai Girl
轟雷改ガール | Gourai Kai Girl
*レールガン | Railgun
*メガスラッシュエッジ | Mega Slash Edge
*セグメントライフル | Segment Rifle
進化デバイス/バーゼラルドG | Baselard G
441「充電くん」 | Charger-Kun


IDOLA: Phantasy Star Saga Battle System and Mechanics

The Forces of Law & Chaos

In the world of [Idola: Phantasy Star Saga], are two forces that compete for dominance. Characters within this world follow one of these paths.


Characters who follow the rule of "Law" value order and justice. These characters typically hold skills in healing and protecting allies. 


Characters under "Chaos" value freedom from restraints. These characters have high attack power and posses status effect abilities.


Some characters have decided to remain in a "Neutral" position and are neither Law nor Chaos. These rare characters can join up with any party.


New Characters

Rosalinde (CV: Mikako Komatsu)

  • An imperial princess who manages the 'Law" side of the Aries Knight's commando unit.


Jasper (CV: Soma Saito)

  • The former leader of a group of bandits who now manages the "Chaos" side of the Aries Knight's commando unit.


Battle System

Phantasy Star Saga returns to the series roots by offering a command style battle system. When you choose a method of attack, the character will automatically target an enemy with an advantageous element. You can also perform a concentrated attack by specifying the target.

There are various settings you can choose from such as [2x Speed Battle], [Auto Battle], and [Skipping Elemental Blasts].


During battle, the elemental value will increase based on the various actions that characters perform and by the element of the defeated enemy. This will lead to advanced skills and even strengthen your normal attacks.


Consuming your Elemental Value allows you to release an [Elemental Blast], a special move inherent to the character.


Stella's Elemental Blast, [Aries Starlight], deals heavy damage while recovering the party's HP.


Uly's Elemental Blast, [Mark Star Riser], damages the enemy with a series of slashes.


Switching Parties

During battle you can switch between parties of Law and Chaos.


Switching between these parties can unleash an all out attack called [Reverse Rush]. Use this power to change the tides of battle!


Fate Divergence

Fate Divergence Idola Phantasy Star Saga

Fate Divergence is a special event that occurs once a character reaches their max [Bond level]. This allows the player to choose the path of either "Law" or "Chaos" for that character. If you're not happy with your selection, you can change their fate again by using certain items.


Whichever path you choose for them will not only change the character's appearance, but also their skills and elemental blast.


Fate Divergence can also change the tactics used in battle. For example, if a Chaos Wizard diverts to Law, then the attack power for Law will be strengthened. If a Lawful Knight diverts to Chaos, then they'll place themselves in the defensive role.


Fate Divergence also changes the conclusion to a character's story.


A Chaos Version of Stella!?


Idola Battle

Idola Battles are raids where you join forces with friends and players nationwide to defeat the Idola.


However, Phantasy Star Saga has one other trick up its sleeve. For the first time ever, you can become an Idola and battle other players.


Idola Battle

  • If you're [Battling the Idola], you'll earn a bonus if you defeat them.
  • If you're [Playing as the Idola], you'll earn bonuses as you defeat many players.

Even Idola vs Idola battles are possible within the story and other quests.


The Various Idola

Various kinds of Idola are available within the game.

  • Aries: Excels in Defense and Recovery
  • Leo: Has overwhelming destructive power.
  • Gemini: Has phantasmagoric dual-style attacks.


Some lower ranking Idola include:

  • Chamaileōn: An Element Changing Idola
  • Lupus: A quick witted and agile fighter.
  • Cetus: Attacks with devastating rays.

More Weaponoid Costumes Coming In September

Winners from last year's Weaponoid General Election will have their characters and outfits appear in the September 12th update. First place winners, Niren Kamui and Lightning Espada, will release male and female versions of their outfits in the AC Scratch.


Second place winners, Shooting Drive and Nox Cadina, along with third place winner, Lavis Blade, will all have their outfits included in the scratch lineup.


Bluesy Requiem and Yamigarasu will release lobby actions in the style of their PSO2es chip artwork.


The September 12th update also brings us Regiment of the Wicked 2018. Players can expect new drops like the ★14 Knuckle, "Powerful Blow," as well as the accessory supporting costume "Black Rappy Suit Mini."


Lastly, the "Regiment 2018" collection shall contain golden feather-like weapons known as the "Acht Series." Four weapon types will be included along with Viola, Synchro, and Jinga eggs.